8 research outputs found

    Analysis of key factors of improvement of operations and competitiveness of comapnies

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    U ovom radu izvršena je analiza kljuĉnih faktora unapređenja poslovanja i konkurentnosti domaćih preduzeća i na osnovu dobijenih rezultata kreiran model ĉijom bi primenom domaća preduzeća unapredila svoj konkurentski položaj na međunarodnom tržištu. U radu je potvrđen znaĉaj znanja u razvoju aspekata kvaliteta, kao i uticaj znanja i kvaliteta na unapređenje poslovnih performansi preduzeća.In this paper conducted an analysis of the key factors of business improvement and competitiveness of domestic enterprises and on the basis of the results created a model whose application for domestic enterprises to improve their competitive position in the international market. The paper confirmed the importance of knowledge in the development of quality aspects and the impact of quality and knowledge on improving the business performance of companies

    MLP ANN Condition Assessment Model of the Turbogenerator Shaft A6 HPP Đerdap 2

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    This paper describes a model for estimating the condition of the shafts of turbines of the current generator in Hydropower plant Đerdap 2. For this purpose, an integral diagnostic approach was used. Based on the diagnostics of the condition of the shaft and the estimated lifetime, a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) based artificial neural network (ANN) is built, which is able to estimate the remaining lifespan of the turbine shaft. The MLP ANN model has not been made in this way on turbogenerators of hydroelectric power plant Đerdap 2 until now. The significance of this approach is that experiment brings about topology of ML ANN (number of neurons and layers) which is optimal for this model, training and testing. Results obtained from the neural network can be further used for decision-making about the moment of diagnosis or maintenance actions, as well as reducing stagnation and production losses

    Influence of knowledge and quality on business performance of companies in Serbia

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    U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja o utjecaju znanja i kvalitete na poslovne performanse poduzeća. Podaci su prikupljeni anketiranjem 296 menadžera iz 140 poduzeća u Srbiji. Znanje i kvaliteta su pokazali jak i pozitivan utjecaj na poslovne performanse poduzeća u Srbiji. Varijable "Skupno znanje" i "Sistemski pristup kvaliteti" pokazale su da imaju najveći utjecaj na varijable "Mogućnosti zaposlenih" i "Razvojne performanse". Radno iskustvo kao moderator pokazalo je da ima značajan učinak na relacije između dimenzija znanja i kvalitete i dimenzija poslovnih performansi. Faktorskom analizom dobiveno je dvokomponentno rješenje, gdje prva komponenta okuplja varijable znanja i kvalitete, a druga varijable poslovnih performansi, i utvrđena je jaka korelaciona veza između ove dvije komponente. Ovim istraživanjem je potvrđen značaj znanja i kvalitete u unapređenju poslovanja i konkurentnosti, gdje se fokus stavlja na radnika, sa svojim znanjem, iskustvom i spremnošću da se prilagođava promjenama u poslovanju.The paper presents results of research on the impact of knowledge and quality on business performance of companies. Data was collected by interviewing 296 managers from 140 companies in Serbia. Knowledge and quality showed a strong and positive impact on the business performance of companies in Serbia. Variables "Group knowledge" and "Systematic approach to quality" proved to have the greatest impact on variables "Employee performance" and "Development performance". Work experience as a moderator has shown to have a significant effect on relations between dimensions of knowledge and quality and dimensions of business performance. Factor analysis has shown two-component solution, where the first component gathers variables of knowledge and quality, and the second one variable of business performance, and a strong correlation was established between these two components. This study confirmed the importance of knowledge and quality in business improvement and competitiveness, where the focus is placed on the workers, with their knowledge, experience and readiness to adapt to changes in the business

    Bioinformatics online support for bioactive substances cytotoxicity testing and their statistical analysis

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    Preclinical in vitro/in vivo testing is the first step in discovery of anticancer medicines, among others evaluation of cytotoxic activity of bioactive substances (BAS) on various human normal and cancer cell lines. Cytotoxicity expressed as IC50 value (a dose that inhibits 50% of cell growth) is one of the most commonly used parameter for comparable analysis of activity between different substances. This study includes examination of number of BAS and their results for cytotoxic activity obtained in the Laboratory for cell and molecular biology (LCMB) that require various statistical and computational techniques for proper effective analysis. In order to improve experimental data analysis, make it faster, more effective, error proof with secure online data repository, a Web application with LCMB IC50 database was developed as a useful research tool acting as a leverage for scientific data processing requirements. Analysis includes cytotoxic effects of chemical and natural BAS (IC50 values) on HCT-116, SW-480, MDA-MB-231, and MRC-5 cell lines. Generally, it can be concluded that BAS of different origin, chemical or natural, have various cytotoxic effects and cause different cell line sensitivity, which is presented and discussed. This paper presents developed SQL database-centric Web application with remote user-friendly data management for a biology researcher user type profile. Data processing in this article can be useful for a further overlook and testing of cytotoxic substances.Publishe

    Knowledge and quality as the factors of the business operations and competitiveness promotion - Research results from Serbia

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    The paper deals with the analysis of knowledge and quality as key factors of the promotion of business operations and competitiveness promotion. The objective of this paper is to establish the relations between the quality and the level of business operation and competitiveness, and the relations between the investment in knowledge, training and professional development and the promotion of business operations quality. The paper presents the research conducted among the company managers in Serbia, where their attitudes and opinions were used for assessing the level of business operations and competitiveness, the company's readiness to invest in knowledge, training and professional development and quality promotion. The correlation analysis established the importance of the impacts of the given variables, where it was ascertained that promotion of the quality aspects has the greatest significance for the improvement of the competitive capacities of the Serbian companies. The importance of the research is evidenced in the results that can serve to Serbian company managers as the guidelines for the promotion of the business operations and competitiveness promotion

    Analysis of key factors of improvement of operations and competitiveness of comapnies

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    U ovom radu izvršena je analiza kljuĉnih faktora unapređenja poslovanja i konkurentnosti domaćih preduzeća i na osnovu dobijenih rezultata kreiran model ĉijom bi primenom domaća preduzeća unapredila svoj konkurentski položaj na međunarodnom tržištu. U radu je potvrđen znaĉaj znanja u razvoju aspekata kvaliteta, kao i uticaj znanja i kvaliteta na unapređenje poslovnih performansi preduzeća.In this paper conducted an analysis of the key factors of business improvement and competitiveness of domestic enterprises and on the basis of the results created a model whose application for domestic enterprises to improve their competitive position in the international market. The paper confirmed the importance of knowledge in the development of quality aspects and the impact of quality and knowledge on improving the business performance of companies

    The new hybrid value at risk approach based on the extreme value theory

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    In this paper the authors introduce a new hybrid approach based on the Extreme Value Theory (EVT) to joint estimation of Value at Risk (VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ES) for high quantiles of return distributions. The approach is suitable for measuring market risk in the emerging markets. It is designed to capture the empirical features of returns with emerging markets, such as leptokurtosis, asymmetry, autocorrelation and heteroscedasticity.Este trabajo introduce un nuevo enfoque híbrido basado en la teoría de valores extremos para la estimación conjunta de valor al riesgo (Value at Risk, VaR) y expectativa de caída (Expected Shortfall, ES) para cuantiles superiores de la distribución de retornos. Este enfoque es apropiado para medir el riesgo de mercádo en mercados emergentes y esta diseñado para capturar sus regularidades empíricas: leptokurtosis, asimetría, autocorrelación y heteroscedasticidad

    El nuevo enfoque híbrido de value at risk basado en la teoría de valores extremos

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    In this paper the authors introduce a new hybrid approach based on the Extreme Value Theory (EVT) to joint estimation of Value at Risk (VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ES) for high quantiles of return distributions. The approach is suitable for measuring market risk in the emerging markets. It is designed to capture the empirical features of returns with emerging markets, such as leptokurtosis, asymmetry, autocorrelation and heteroscedasticity.Este trabajo introduce un nuevo enfoque híbrido basado en la teoría de valores extremos para la estimación conjunta de valor al riesgo (Value at Risk, VaR) y expectativa de caída (Expected Shortfall, ES) para cuantiles superiores de la distribución de retornos. Este enfoque es apropiado para medir el riesgo de mercado en mercados emergentes y está diseñado para capturar sus regularidades empíricas: leptokurtosis, asimetría, autocorrelación y heteroscedasticidad