586 research outputs found

    Caloric vestibular stimulation in aphasic syndrome

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    Caloric vestibular stimulation (CVS) is commonly used to diagnose brainstem disorder but its therapeutic application is much less established. Based on the finding that CVS increases blood flow to brain structures associated with language and communication, we assessed whether the procedure has potential to relieve symptoms of post-stroke aphasia. Three participants, each presenting with chronic, unilateral lesions to the left hemisphere, were administered daily CVS for 4 consecutive weeks. Relative to their pre-treatment baseline scores, two of the three participants showed significant improvement on both picture and responsive naming at immediate and one-week follow-up. One of these participants also showed improved sentence repetition, and another showed improved auditory word discrimination. No adverse reactions were reported. These data provide the first, albeit tentative, evidence that CVS may relieve expressive and receptive symptoms of aphasia. A larger, sham-controlled study is now needed to further assess efficacy

    Clear-cuts are temporary habitats, not matrix, for endangered grassland burnet moths (Zygaena spp.)

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    Burnet moths (Zygaena spp.) are day-flying Lepidoptera considered indicative of species-rich grasslands. In the present study, our aim was to clarify whether clear-cuts are habitat, supporting habitat or matrix for three species of Zygaena. We did so by sampling these species with sex pheromones on 48 clear-cuts, varying in amount of host and nectar plants, in southern Sweden. To compare the efficiency of such sampling, we also conducted transect walks on these clearcuts. Overall, host-plants on clear-cuts best explained the abundance of Zygaena spp. recorded, better than nectar-plants or connectivity with nearby grasslands. These results indicate that clear-cuts with an abundance of host plants are used as a fully functional habitat, and not a supporting habitat in the sense of only providing nectar. There is no support in these results for considering clear-cuts as an inert matrix. With about half the work-effort, pheromone traps recorded 100 times more Zygaena spp. as transect walks. The poor correspondence between observations during transects walks and pheromone trap catches suggest Zygaena spp. being difficult to monitor by transect walks. In contrast to grasslands, clear-cuts are short-term in nature requiring repeated recolonization, indicating the importance of permanent grasslands. However, clear-cuts are important temporary insect habitats due to their great acreage, and suitable management can increase the time they remain a habitat

    Effects of OEF/OIF-Related Physical and Emotional Co-Morbidities on Associative Learning: Concurrent Delay and Trace Eyeblink Classical Conditioning

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    This study examined the performance of veterans and active duty personnel who served in Operation Enduring Freedom and/or Operation Iraqi Freedom (OEF/OIF) on a basic associative learning task. Eighty-eight individuals participated in this study. All received a comprehensive clinical evaluation to determine the presence and severity of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injury (TBI). The eyeblink conditioning task was composed of randomly intermixed delay and trace conditioned stimulus (CS) and unconditioned stimulus (US) pairs (acquisition) followed by a series of CS only trials (extinction). Results revealed that those with a clinical diagnosis of PTSD or a diagnosis of PTSD with comorbid mTBI acquired delay and trace conditioned responses (CRs) to levels and at rates similar to a deployed control group, thus suggesting intact basic associative learning. Differential extinction impairment was observed in the two clinical groups. Acquisition of CRs for both delay and trace conditioning, as well as extinction of trace CRs, was associated with alcoholic behavior across all participants. These findings help characterize the learning and memory function of individuals with PTSD and mTBI from OEF/OIF and raise the alarming possibility that the use of alcohol in this group may lead to more significant cognitive dysfunction

    Reduced cortical thickness with increased lifetime burden of PTSD in OEF/OIF Veterans and the impact of comorbid TBI☆

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    Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) in military personnel is increasing dramatically following the OEF/OIF conflicts and is associated with alterations to brain structure. The present study examined the relationship between PTSD and cortical thickness, and its possible modification by mTBI, in a 104-subject OEF/OIF veteran cohort ranging in age from 20 to 62 years. For each participant, two T1-weighted scans were averaged to create high-resolution images for calculation of regional cortical thickness. PTSD symptoms were assessed using the Clinician Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS) and scores were derived based on the previous month's symptoms (“current”) and a Cumulative Lifetime Burden of PTSD (CLB-P) reflecting the integral of CAPS scores across the lifetime. Mild TBI was diagnosed using the Boston Assessment of TBI-Lifetime (BAT-L). Results demonstrated a clear negative relationship between current PTSD severity and thickness in both postcentral gyri and middle temporal gyri. This relationship was stronger and more extensive when considering lifetime burden (CLB-P), demonstrating the importance of looking at trauma in the context of an individual's lifetime, rather than only at their current symptoms. Finally, interactions with current PTSD only and comorbid current PTSD and mTBI were found in several regions, implying an additive effect of lifetime PTSD and mTBI on cortical thickness

    High-accuracy sampling of saproxylic diversity indicators at regional scales with pheromones: The case of "Elater ferrugineus" (Coleoptera, Elateridae)

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    The rare beetle Elater ferrugineus was sampled at 47 sites in the county of Östergötland, Sweden by means of pheromone-baited traps to assess its value as an indicator species for hollow oak stands rich in rare saproxylic beetle species. In addition, Osmoderma eremita was also sampled with pheromone baits. These data were then compared against species survey data collected at the same sites by pitfall and window traps. Both species co-occur with many Red Listed saproxylic beetles, with E. ferrugineus being a somewhat better indicator for the rarest species. The conservation value of a site (measured as Red List points or number of Red Listed species) increased with the number of specimens of E. ferrugineus and O. eremita caught. Accuracy of sampling by means of pheromone trapping turned out to be radically different for the two model species. E. ferrugineus traps put out during July obtained full accuracy after only 6 days, whereas O. eremita traps needed to be out from early July to mid-August in order to obtain full accuracy with one trap per site. By using E. ferrugineus, or preferably both species, as indicator species, accuracy would increase and costs decrease for saproxylic biodiversity sampling, monitoring and identification of hotspots

    Экспериментальные исследования двухфазных течений в разгонных трубках струйных мельниц

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    Розроблено й виготовлена осесиметричну модель ежектора струминного млина для дослідження двофазних течій у розгінній трубці струминного млина. Схема даної моделі за-снована на класичній схемі ежектора. Відмінність від класичної схеми складається в наяв-ності каналу підведення додаткового потоку. Канал підведення має кільцеву форму й забез-печує подачу рівномірно розподіленого захисного потоку в розгінний канал через щілинний отвір. Проведено дослідження на осесимметричной моделі ежектора, що складалися із декі-лькох етапів, перший з яких полягав у вивченні характеру плину основного потоку в розгінній трубці млина, другий – у виявленні впливу додаткового потоку газу на основний потік, тре-тій – у виявленні впливу додаткового потоку газу, направленого до розгінної трубки під ку-том 30. Аналіз досліджень показав, що додатковий потік газу виконує захисну функцію й запо-бігає впливу основного потоку на стінки розгінного каналу. Знайдені переваги додаткового потоку газу ,підведеного під кутом, меншим 90. Виявлено необхідність досліджувати оптимальний кут підведення додаткового пото-ку газу.Разработана и изготовлена осесимметричная модель эжектора струйной мельницы для исследования двухфазных течений в разгонной трубке струйной мельницы. Схема данной модели основана на классической схеме эжектора. Отличие от классической схемы состо-ит в наличии канала подвода дополнительного потока. Канал подвода имеет кольцевую форму и обеспечивает подачу равномерно распределенного защитного потока в разгонный канал через щелевое отверстие. Проведены исследования на осесимметричной модели эжектора, состоящие из не-скольких этапов, первый из которых заключался в изучении характера течения основного потока в разгонной трубке мельницы, второй – в выявлении влияния дополнительного пер-пендикулярного потока газа на основной поток, третий – в выявлении влияния дополни-тельного потока газа, направленного в разгонную трубку под углом 30. Анализ исследований показал, что дополнительный поток газа выполняет защитную функцию и предотвращает влияние основного потока на стенки разгонного канала. Обна-ружены преимущества дополнительного потока газа, подведенного под углом, меньшим 90. Выявлена необходимость исследовать оптимальный угол подвода дополнительного потока газа.Axisymmetric model of the jet mill ejector are designed and manufactured for studing two-phase flows in jet mill accelerating tube. The scheme of this model is based on the classical scheme of the ejector. Unlike the classical scheme is the inlet channel of an additional flow presence. A channel for supplying has an annular shape and provides the protective uniformly distributed flow in acceler-ating channel through the slotted inlet. The researches on the axisymmetric ejector model are examined. They consisted of several stages, the first of which was to examine the main flow pattern in the mill accelerating tube, the sec-ond was to identify the additional gas flow impact on the main flow, the third – to identify the impact of the additional gas flow directed at an angle of 30 degrees into the accelerating tube. Analyses of studies have shown that the additional gas flow has a protecting function and pre-vents the main flow effect on the accelerating channel walls. The benefits of the additional gas flow fed at an angle of less than 90 degrees are discovered. The need of investigating the optimum angle of the additional gas flow feed is identified