668 research outputs found
The EIU Student Life Survey: Explanations for Involvement
The research reported in this paper was designed to assist the EIU General Education Assessment Committee to understand the ways in which undergraduate students made use of their time on campus, both in-class and out-of-class. The results provided stakeholders with information to support student activities and student involvement. The survey instrument used for data collection is also attached
Clear-cuts are temporary habitats, not matrix, for endangered grassland burnet moths (Zygaena spp.)
Burnet moths (Zygaena spp.) are day-flying Lepidoptera considered indicative of species-rich grasslands. In the present study, our aim was to clarify whether clear-cuts are habitat, supporting habitat or matrix for three species of Zygaena. We did so by sampling these species with sex pheromones on 48 clear-cuts, varying in amount of host and nectar plants, in southern Sweden. To compare the efficiency of such sampling, we also conducted transect walks on these clearcuts. Overall, host-plants on clear-cuts best explained the abundance of Zygaena spp. recorded, better than nectar-plants or connectivity with nearby grasslands. These results indicate that clear-cuts with an abundance of host plants are used as a fully functional habitat, and not a supporting habitat in the sense of only providing nectar. There is no support in these results for considering clear-cuts as an inert matrix. With about half the work-effort, pheromone traps recorded 100 times more Zygaena spp. as transect walks. The poor correspondence between observations during transects walks and pheromone trap catches suggest Zygaena spp. being difficult to monitor by transect walks. In contrast to grasslands, clear-cuts are short-term in nature requiring repeated recolonization, indicating the importance of permanent grasslands. However, clear-cuts are important temporary insect habitats due to their great acreage, and suitable management can increase the time they remain a habitat
High-accuracy sampling of saproxylic diversity indicators at regional scales with pheromones: The case of "Elater ferrugineus" (Coleoptera, Elateridae)
The rare beetle Elater ferrugineus was sampled at 47 sites in the county of Östergötland, Sweden by means of pheromone-baited traps to assess its value as an indicator species for hollow oak stands rich in rare saproxylic beetle species. In addition, Osmoderma eremita was also sampled with pheromone baits. These data were then compared against species survey data collected at the same sites by pitfall and window traps. Both species co-occur with many Red Listed saproxylic beetles, with E. ferrugineus being a somewhat better indicator for the rarest species. The conservation value of a site (measured as Red List points or number of Red Listed species) increased with the number of specimens of E. ferrugineus and O. eremita caught. Accuracy of sampling by means of pheromone trapping turned out to be radically different for the two model species. E. ferrugineus traps put out during July obtained full accuracy after only 6 days, whereas O. eremita traps needed to be out from early July to mid-August in order to obtain full accuracy with one trap per site. By using E. ferrugineus, or preferably both species, as indicator species, accuracy would increase and costs decrease for saproxylic biodiversity sampling, monitoring and identification of hotspots
Collaborative Assessment and Survey Administration: A MISO Survey Case Study
The Managing Information Services Outcomes (MISO) Survey was originally developed in 2005 at Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania, USA by staff from a consortium of higher education institutions to assess library and technology services using a single instrument. Since then, the survey has grown and changed under the collaborative management of an all-volunteer team of library and IT professionals from various participating institutions throughout the United States. The survey has been implemented at 171 institutions. This chapter reviews the guiding principles, ongoing partnerships, and the value of working across departments, across campuses, and across cohorts of participating institutions to leverage local expertise, reduce costs, and create a culture of collaboration and assessment. In an environment where libraries are increasingly dependent on information technology, assessing library services in the context of IT brings layered intelligence to data-informed decision making. -- Chapter 9, p. 17
Fractal nature in fat crystal networks
The determination of the mechanical and rheological characteristics of several plastic fats requires a detailed
understanding of the microstructure of the fat crystal network aggregates. The fractal approach is useful for the characterization of this microstructure. This review begins with information on fractality and statistical self-similar structure. Estimations for fractal dimension by means
of equations relating the volume fraction of solid fat to shear elastic modulus G’ in linear region are described. The influence of interesterification on fractal dimension
decrease (from 2,46 to 2,15) for butterfat-canola oil blends is notable. This influence is not significant for fat blends without butterfat. The need for an increase in research concerning the relationship between fractality and rheology in plastic fats is emphasized.La determinación de las características mecánicas y reológicas de ciertas grasas plásticas requiere conocimientos detallados sobre las microestructuras de los agregados que forman la red de cristales grasos. El estudio de la naturaleza fractal de estas microestructuras resulta útil para su caracterización. Este artículo de información se inicia con descripciones de la dimensión fractal y de la "autosimilitud estadística". A continuación se describe el cálculo de la dimensión fractal mediante ecuaciones que relacionan la fracción en volumen de grasa sólida con el módulo de recuperación (G') dentro de un comportamiento viscoelástico lineal. Se destaca la influencia que la interesterificación ejerce sobre la dimensión fractal de una mezcla de grasa láctea y aceite de canola (que pasa de 2,64 a 2,15). Esta influencia no se presenta en mezclas sin grasa láctea. Se insiste sobre la necesidad de incrementar las investigaciones sobre la relación entre reología y estructura fractal en grasas plásticas.Peer reviewe
For Whom the Bell Tolls: Psychopathological and Neurobiological Correlates of the DNA Methylation Index of Time-To-Death
Psychopathology is a risk factor for accelerated biological aging and early mortality. We examined associations between broad underlying dimensions of psychopathology (reflecting internalizing and externalizing psychiatric symptoms), PTSD, and age-adjusted GrimAge (“GrimAge residuals”), a DNA methylation biomarker of mortality risk relative to age. We also examined neurobiological correlates of GrimAge residuals, including neurocognitive functioning, blood-based biomarkers (of inflammation, neuropathology, metabolic disease), and cortical thickness. Data from two independent trauma-exposed military cohorts (n = 647 [62.9% male, Mage = 52], n = 434 [90% male, Mage = 32]) were evaluated using linear regression models to test associations between GrimAge residuals, psychopathology, and health correlates. Externalizing psychopathology significantly predicted GrimAge residuals in both cohorts (ps \u3c 0.028). PTSD predicted GrimAge residuals in the younger (p = 0.001) but not the older cohort. GrimAge residuals were associated with several neurobiological variables available in the younger cohort, including cognitive disinhibition (padj = 0.021), poorer memory recall (padj = 0.023), cardiometabolic pathology (padj \u3c 0.001), oxidative stress (padj = 0.003), astrocyte damage (padj = 0.021), inflammation (C-reactive protein: padj \u3c 0.001; IL-6: padj \u3c 0.001), and immune functioning (padj \u3c 0.001). A subset of inflammatory and neuropathology analytes were available in the older cohort and showed associations with GrimAge residuals (IL-6: padj \u3c 0.001; TNF-α: padj \u3c 0.001). GrimAge residuals were also associated with reduced cortical thickness in right lateral orbitofrontal cortex (padj = 0.018) and left fusiform gyrus (padj = 0.030), which are related to emotion regulation and facial recognition, respectively. Psychopathology may be a common risk factor for elevated mortality risk. GrimAge could help identify those at risk for adverse health outcomes and allow for early disease identification and treatment
Экспериментальные исследования двухфазных течений в разгонных трубках струйных мельниц
Розроблено й виготовлена осесиметричну модель ежектора струминного млина для дослідження двофазних течій у розгінній трубці струминного млина. Схема даної моделі за-снована на класичній схемі ежектора. Відмінність від класичної схеми складається в наяв-ності каналу підведення додаткового потоку. Канал підведення має кільцеву форму й забез-печує подачу рівномірно розподіленого захисного потоку в розгінний канал через щілинний отвір.
Проведено дослідження на осесимметричной моделі ежектора, що складалися із декі-лькох етапів, перший з яких полягав у вивченні характеру плину основного потоку в розгінній трубці млина, другий – у виявленні впливу додаткового потоку газу на основний потік, тре-тій – у виявленні впливу додаткового потоку газу, направленого до розгінної трубки під ку-том 30.
Аналіз досліджень показав, що додатковий потік газу виконує захисну функцію й запо-бігає впливу основного потоку на стінки розгінного каналу. Знайдені переваги додаткового потоку газу ,підведеного під кутом, меншим 90.
Виявлено необхідність досліджувати оптимальний кут підведення додаткового пото-ку газу.Разработана и изготовлена осесимметричная модель эжектора струйной мельницы для исследования двухфазных течений в разгонной трубке струйной мельницы. Схема данной модели основана на классической схеме эжектора. Отличие от классической схемы состо-ит в наличии канала подвода дополнительного потока. Канал подвода имеет кольцевую форму и обеспечивает подачу равномерно распределенного защитного потока в разгонный канал через щелевое отверстие.
Проведены исследования на осесимметричной модели эжектора, состоящие из не-скольких этапов, первый из которых заключался в изучении характера течения основного потока в разгонной трубке мельницы, второй – в выявлении влияния дополнительного пер-пендикулярного потока газа на основной поток, третий – в выявлении влияния дополни-тельного потока газа, направленного в разгонную трубку под углом 30.
Анализ исследований показал, что дополнительный поток газа выполняет защитную функцию и предотвращает влияние основного потока на стенки разгонного канала. Обна-ружены преимущества дополнительного потока газа, подведенного под углом, меньшим 90.
Выявлена необходимость исследовать оптимальный угол подвода дополнительного потока газа.Axisymmetric model of the jet mill ejector are designed and manufactured for studing two-phase flows in jet mill accelerating tube. The scheme of this model is based on the classical scheme of the ejector. Unlike the classical scheme is the inlet channel of an additional flow presence. A channel for supplying has an annular shape and provides the protective uniformly distributed flow in acceler-ating channel through the slotted inlet.
The researches on the axisymmetric ejector model are examined. They consisted of several stages, the first of which was to examine the main flow pattern in the mill accelerating tube, the sec-ond was to identify the additional gas flow impact on the main flow, the third – to identify the impact of the additional gas flow directed at an angle of 30 degrees into the accelerating tube.
Analyses of studies have shown that the additional gas flow has a protecting function and pre-vents the main flow effect on the accelerating channel walls. The benefits of the additional gas flow fed at an angle of less than 90 degrees are discovered.
The need of investigating the optimum angle of the additional gas flow feed is identified
Unified traction and battery charging systems for electric vehicles: a sustainability perspective
This paper presents an analysis of unified traction and battery charging systems for electric vehicles (EVs), both in terms of operation modes and in terms of implementation cost, when compared to dedicated solutions that perform the same operation modes. Regarding the connection of the EV battery charging system with the power grid, four operation modes are analyzed: (1) Grid–to–Vehicle (G2V); (2) Vehicle–to–Grid (V2G); (3) Vehicle–to–Home (V2H); and (4) Vehicle–for–Grid (V4G). With an EV unified system, each of these operation modes can be used in single–phase and three–phase power grids. Furthermore, a cost estimation is performed for an EV unified system and for dedicated systems that can perform the same functionalities, in order to prove the benefits of the EV unified approach. The cost estimation comprises two power levels, namely 6 kW, single–phase, related to domestic installations, and 50 kW, three–phase, related to industrial installations. The relevance of unified traction and battery charging systems for EVs is proven for single–phase and three–phase power grids.This work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2019. This work has been supported by the FCT Project DAIPESEV PTDC/EEI-EEE/30382/2017, and by the FCT Project new ERA4GRIDs PTDC/EEI-EEE/30283/2017
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