778 research outputs found
Problematising Adult Basic and Secondary Education in a Globalised World: From second chance to school recovery
The article problematises the role Adult Basic and Secondary Education (ABSE) plays in response to global challenges, under the influence of global policy. Drawing on a three-year study that assumed a social realism perspective and employed situational analysis, it discusses three dimensions of policy making in adult education: the scales of political mobilisation, the environments for policy-making, and the meanings conveyed. In doing so, it argues that although the perceptions and reception of as well as influence on international policy vary across countries, ABSE has turned today into a school-recovery opportunity for the younger generations who failed in school and people whose educational achievements in a given country are not recognised when migrating to a new one. This calls into question both the way policy in ABSE sees the social problem at stake and how policy solutions in this area of public intervention impinge on broader issues of (in)equality in education
The Storied Yugoslavia: A Dialogue of Mythistory, Power and Storied Yugoslav National Context in Ivo AndriÄ's The Bridge on the Drina (1945/1959) and Emir Kustruica's Underground (1995)
This thesis examines a dialogue between two texts meant to contribute to the mythistory (AleksiÄ, 2007) and what I term the storied context of the second Yugoslav Experiment (1945-1995). From within the lens of my own diasporic context, I juxtapose Ivo AndriÄās novel The Bridge on the Drina (1945/1959), published at the nationās outset, against Emir Kusturicaās film Underground (1995), produced at Yugoslaviaās failing end. I analyze the thematic connections and ideological constraints to the conversation between these two texts by establishing the parameters of both Kusturicaās successful and unsuccessful attempts to engage AndriÄās novel. A template for the continued overlaying of ādiscrepant voicesā (Said, 1993) is revealed for further examination both backward into the mythistories of the Southwest Slavs of the Balkans and forward into the construction of storied contexts in the former Yugoslav states. Finally, a discussion of the influence of the Westās own imaginary of the former Yugoslavia and its influence of contextualizing stories of the same is also examined
Uji Efektifitas Atraktan pada Lethal Ovitrap terhadap Jumlah dan Daya Tetas Telur Nyamuk Aedes Aegypti
Control of Aedes aegypti mosquito as dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) vector can be conducted by using the ovitrap modified into a lethal ovitrap. The addition of attractant substances to the ovitrap can attract more mosquitoes to come in to the trap, and prevent the mosquitoes to lay eggs in other places. The aim of this research was to compare the percentage of the number of eggs trapped, the number of eggs that hatched and the percentage of larval mortality in lethal ovitrap modified with the addition of two types of attractant. This research was an experiment research with a complete random design. The samples used were female bloodfed Ae. aegypti mosquito. The insecticide used was water extract of Annona squamosa seed, and the attractants used were hay infus at water with concentration of 20% and larval rearing water of the Ae. aegypti. Aquades used as control. The results showed that hay infusion was more effective than larval rearing water in attracting female Ae. aegypti mosquito to lay eggs. The highest mortality was found in the combination of lethal ovitrap and hay infusion. The combination could be an alternative controlling strategy for DHF management program in order to reduce the density of Ae. aegypti mosquito and minimize the dengue transmission in a region.Keywords : Lethal Ovitrap, attractant, Aedes aegyptiAbstrakPengendalian nyamuk Aedes aegypti sebagai vektor demam berdarah dengue (DBD) dapat dilakukan dengan menggunaan ovitrap yang dimodifikasi menjadi lethal ovitrap. Penambahan zat atraktanpada ovitrap dapat menarik lebih banyak nyamuk untuk datang ke perangkap yang dipasang dan mencegah nyamuk bertelur di tempat lain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan persentase jumlah telur terperangkap, jumlah telur menetas dan mortalitas larva pada lethal ovitrap yang diberi tambahan dua jenis atraktan. Insektisida yang digunakan adalah ekstrak air biji srikaya (Annona squamosa), sedangkan atraktan yang digunakan adalah air rendaman jerami dengan konsentrasi 20% dan air bekas kolonisasi larva Ae. aegypti. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen dengan rancangan acak lengkap. Sampel yang digunakan adalah nyamuk Ae. aegypti betina yang Kenyang darah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa air rendaman jerami merupakan atraktan yang lebih berpengaruh dibandingkan air bekas kolonisasi Ae. aegypti dalam menarik nyamuk Ae. aegypti untuk bertelur. Mortalitas larva tertinggi terdapat pada kombinasi lethal ovitrap dengan air rendaman jerami.Kombinasi lethal ovitrap dengan atraktan air rendaman jerami dapat menjadi strategi pengendalian alternatif bagi pengelola program DBD untuk mengurangi kepadatan nyamuk Ae. aegypti dan meminimalisasi transmisi penyakit demam berdarah dengue di suatu wilayah.Kata kunci : Lethal Ovitrap, atraktan, Aedes aegypt
Deteksi Brugia Malayi Pada Armigeres Subalbatus Dan Culex Quinquefasciatusyang Diinfeksikan Darah Penderita Filariasis Dengan Metode PCR
. Pemayungdistricts, Batanghari regency of Jambi province classified as filariasis endemic areas in Jambi province since the Mf rate reached 1.5% in 2011. A study was conducted to identify Brugia malayi on experimentally infected Ar. subalbatus and Cx. quinquefasciatus. An experimental study was performed with completely randomized design and six repetitions. Standard of treatment in this study was time (hours) that selected for mosquitoes to bite the patients with filariasis (experimental infection). Selected time is at 9.00 a.m, 5.00 p.m, 9.00 p.m, and at 1.00 a.m. The results showed that filarial L3 larvae did not found on Ar. subalbatus and Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes during surgery at day 11th to 13th after infection. Density of microfilariae in the blood of humans as a source of infection was 17 microfilariae per 20 micro liter blood. Otherwise, after detection by PCR, our study found positive B.malayi on Cx. quinquefasciatus thorax and proboscis. It indicates that Cx. quinquefasciatusas potential vector of B.malayi filariasis compared to Ar. subalbatus
El trabajo de la UNESCO sobre la educaci\uf3n de personas adultas y la educaci\uf3n como bien com\ufan: Aportes y reflexiones
La educaci\uf3n de personas adultas se ha desarrollado en el tiempo como un \ue1rea particular de investigaci\uf3n, reflexi\uf3n y acci\uf3n educativa; un \ue1rea que favorece una visi\uf3n de la educaci\uf3n como acci\uf3n social. A la luz de las m\ufaltiples crisis del mundo contempor\ue1neo, este articulo reflexiona sobre el papel complementario que la educaci\uf3n de personas adultas aporta para reforzar el valor educativo de la acci\uf3n social para el desarrollo de las sociedades contempor\ue1neas a partir de las aportaciones que nos ofrece la labor normativa as\ued como el trabajo conceptual sobre la educaci\uf3n de personas adultas y la educaci\uf3n como bien com\ufan, que ha realizado la Organizaci\uf3n de las Naciones Unidas para la Educaci\uf3n, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO)
Penentuan Jenis Nyamuk Mansoniasebagai Tersangka Vektor Filariasis Brugia Malayi dan Hewan Zoonosis di Kabupaten Muaro Jambi
Filariasis merupakan penyakit yang tidak mudah menular. Filariasis adalah penyakit yang ditularkan oleh nyamuk sebagai vector. Jenis nyamuk yang dapat berperan sebagai vector filariasis dipengaruhi oleh jenis cacing penyebab filaria. Brugia spp. umumnya ditularkan oleh nyamuk Mansonia spp dan Anopheles spp. Vektor dan hewan zoonosis merupakan salah satu factor yang dapat perlu mendapat perhatian dalam pengendalian filariasis. Penelitian terhadap vector dan hewan zoonosis telah dilakukan di Kabupaten Muaro Jambi untuk mengidentifikasi bionomik vektor dan kemungkinan adanya hewan zoonosis yang berperan sebagai penular filariasis. Desain penelitian adalah observasi, yaitu dengan melakukan penangkapan nyamuk dan pemeriksaan darah terhadap kucing. Jumlah kucing yang diperiksa sebanyak 18 ekor. Kucing yang positif microfilaria sebanyak 1 ekor. Jumlah nyamuk Mansonia spp. tertangkap sebanyak 1,167 ekor yang terdiri dari 6 species. Spesies nyamuk tertangkap paling banyak adalah Mansonia uniformis sebanyak 1.010 ekor dengan angka kekerapan 1,0. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, maka diperlukan peran serta masyarakat untuk mengurangi kepadatan nyamuk dengan membersihkan genangan air dan mencegah gigitan nyamuk. Selain itu diperlukan juga penanganan terhadap hewan yang bertindak sebagai zoonosis dengan memberikan pengobatan terhadap kucing agar tidak menjadi sumber infeksi.Keywords : filariasis, Mansonia, vektor, zoonosis, Muaro Jambi.AbstractFilariasisis noteasily transmitted diseases. Filariasisis transmitted by mosquito vectors. Various types of mosquitoes can act as vectors of filariasis, depending on the type of microfilaria. Brugia spp. are generally transmitted by Mansonia spp and Anopheles spp. Vector and zoonotic animal are the factors that can transmit filariasis and need to have attention for controlling filariasis. Research on vector and zoonotic had been done in Muaro Jambi to determine bionomic vector and the possibility of animals can transmit filariasis. The study design was observational survey, that cought mosquitoes and inspection activities zoonotic. Cats that examined were 18. Cat with positive microfilaria was 1 cat. Number of Mansonia spp. captured was 1,167 which consisted of 6 species consisting of 6 species. Mansonia uniformis was the largest species cought numbering 1.010 with 1.00 frequency rate with 1,010 mosquitoes that frequency rate of 1,00. Based on these results, it is necessery for community participation for mosquito control activities and further investigation to cats and cats carried on a positive treatment.Keywords : filariasis, Mansonia, vectors, zoonotic, Muaro Jambi
Genetic transformation of Centaury (Centaurium erythraea Rafn.) using AtCKX1 and AtCKX2 genes
Biljna vrsta Centaurium erythraea Rafn., u naÅ”em narodu poznata kao kiÄica, od davnina se
upotrebljava kao lek za sniženje temperature i nivoa Å”eÄera u krvi, leÄenje anemije, žutice i
gihta, za jaÄanje apetita i poveÄanje stomaÄne sekrecije. Zbog poznatih lekovitih svojstava,
kiÄica se nalazi u mnogim farmakopejama. Kao poÄetni materijal za uspostavljanje kulture
korenova in vitro koriÅ”Äeni su vrhovi adventivnih korenova proseÄne dužine ~10 mm koji
su izolovani od sterilno dobijenih klijanaca kiÄice i dalje su gajeni na Ävrstoj MS hranljivoj
podlozi bez regulatora rastenja. Proces organogeneze u kulturi korenova kiÄice je spontan.
Posle sedam dana gajenja u kulturi na bazalnom delu poÄetnog eksplantata uoÄavaju se
prve promene. Koren zadebljava i tkivo poÄinje da puca celom dužinom bazalnog dela.
Tokom Äetvoronedeljnog pasaža, duž razraslog dela eksplantata, formira se veliki broj
adventivnih pupoljaka. U cilju dobijanja transgenih biljaka sa sniženim nivoom endogenih
citokinina, za transformaciju su koriÅ”Äena dva bakterijska soja Agrobacterium tumefaciens
GV3101 koji nose pBinHTX plazmid sa dva razliÄita gena, AtCKX1 odnosno AtCKX2, koji
kodiraju enzim citokinin oksidazu/dehidrogenazu (CKX). Efikasna integracija AtCKX1
gena (30% ) i AtCKX2 gena (28.2% ) odreÄena je PCR analizom genomske DNK. U cilju
Å”to boljeg odreÄivanja nivoa ekspresije AtCKX gena kiÄice prvo je bilo neophodno uraÄena
je optimizacija PCR protokola sa prajmerima za qPCR. Ovaj postupak sastojao se u
pronalaženju optimalne temperature vezivanja prajmera uz istovremenu primenu razliÄitih
aditiva odnosno pojaÄivaÄa PCR reakcije. Dodavanje 5% DMSO-a u qPCR reakcije
znaÄajno je poboljÅ”alo specifiÄnost amplifikacije AtCKX1 i AtCKX2 gena kiÄice. qRT-PCR
analizom potvrÄena je ekspresija AtCKX1 i AtCKX2 gena kod 50% odnosno 64%
analiziranih linija. U ovom radu uspeŔno je pokazano da ekspresija AtCKX gena u
transgenim biljkama kiÄice znaÄajno utiÄe na metabolizam citokinina. KljuÄni faktor u
kontroli nivoa citokinina u biljnim tkivima predstavlja CKX enzim, jedini do sada poznati
enzim koji uÄestvuje u katabolizmu citokinina. SpecifiÄna aktivnost CKX enzima
odreÄivana je u izdancima i korenovima svih transgenih AtCKX linija. Analiza koliÄine i
sadržaja ukupnih kao i pojedinaÄnih grupa endogenih citokinina netransfromisanih biljaka
kiÄice omoguÄila je, po prvi put, odreÄivanje citokiniskog profila kiÄice in vitro...Plant species Centaurium erythraea Rafn., commonly known as common centaury, has
been used for centuries to cure febrile conditions, regulate blood sugar, treat anemia,
jaundice and gout and to increase appetite and stimulate digestion. Because of its numerous
therapeutic properties centaurii herba is officially recognized as a drug in a number of
pharmacopoeias. Root tips of .10 mm average length, isolated from seedlings obtained
under sterile conditions, were used as initial explants in this work. The in vitro culture of
non-transformed centaury roots was established on solid half-strength MS nutrient medium
without growth regulators. Organogenesis is a spontaneous process in centaury root culture.
The first changes were noticeable on the basal part of the initial explants, after seven days
of growth on MS medium. The root explants thickened and began to burst over the entire
length of the basal part. During four weeks of subculture, a large number of adventitious
buds were observed on initial explants. In order to obtain transgenic centaury plants with
lowered endogenous cytokinin levels, in vitro cultivated root explants were transformed
with Agrobacterium tumefaciens GV3101 bearing a pBinHTX plasmid with either AtCKX1
or AtCKX2 genes encoding isoforms of cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase (CKX). PCR
analysis of genomic DNA confirmed the effecient integration of both AtCKX1 (30%) and
AtCKX2 (28.2%) genes. In order to investigate the expression of AtCKX genes in transgenic
centaury plants, an optimization of PCR protocol with qPCR primers was necessary.
Optimization of PCR protocol implicated finding the optimal annealing temperature and
simultaneous application of different PCR additives and enhancers. Addition of 5% DMSO
significantly improved the specificity of qPCR amplification of AtCKX1 and AtCKX2
genes. qRT-PCR analysis indicated that AtCKX1 and AtCKX2 genes were expressed in 50%
and 64% of the analyzed transgenic lines, respectively. In this work we clearly demonstrate
a significant effect of AtCKX genes on cytokinin metabolism in transgenic centaury plants.
Since CKX is the only known enzyme involved in cytokinin catabolism, it is considered a
key factor in controlling the cytokinin levels in plant tissues. CKX enzyme activity was
determined in shoots and in roots of all AtCKX transgenic lines. The analysis of the content
of total cytokinins and individual groups of endogenous cytokinins in non-transformed
centaury plants enabled, for the first time, a determination of cytokinin profile of this
species in vitro..
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