185 research outputs found


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    Energetics has been and remained the key factor of economic changes and economic development to date. If the energy sector is stable, modern, and organized in a quality manner, it also implies welfare for the economy as a whole. Changes in the significance and use of energy in the economy require the professional management of energy development. Irrespective of modern technology and the key discoveries in energy transformation and concentration, it has not declined in significance. On the contrary, energy is the basis of the human activity. On the other hand, the present structure of the primary sources of energy at the global level cannot follow the trend of increasing demand for energy. The limited reserves of the non-renewable sources of energy, especially of crude oil, require our turning towards the renewable sources of energy. The energy crisis of today is not only an expression of the bad condition of natural sources, but a consequence of the global policy for the exploitation of the existing sources of energy. The current condition of energy resources is a consequence of a monopolistic policy for big business and the New World Order founded on it. According to the assessments of the International Energy Agency (IEA), a further increase in primary energy consumption is expected in the period to come. Because of that, it is necessary to strategically plan the development of the energy sector both from the general developmental, technological-economic, and social-ecological points of view. The fact that Serbia has a relatively high energy consumption growth rate, that it is poorer in primary energy reserves in comparison with the world average, refers us yet more to the rational use of the existing reserves of energy and also to the production of energy from renewable sources: solar, the energy of the wind, geothermal, biomass, the energy of the tide and the waves of seas and oceans, and so on. The paper addresses the issues in the field of the sustainable development of energetics, safety and energy efficiency, as well as a future development of energetics in Serbia based on the renewable sources of energy. The economic effects of the production of energy from renewable sources have also been analyzed

    Models of regression of the scope of sown areas and purchase prices of oil crops in Serbia

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    This paper examines the interdependency between the movements of the level of market (purchase) prices and sowed areas under sunflower, soya, and oilseed rape, i.e. between the relative prices of these oil crops and predominant crop-husbandry products (wheat and/or corn), on the one hand, and the areas to be allocated for oil crops cultures. The models of the regression of the scope of sowed areas and purchase prices of oil crops, i.e. the interdependency of these phenomena, are determined by means of reliable statistical methods (the standard error of regression, the coefficient of the trend variation and the determination coefficient). At the same time, the testing of the series has been carried out by means of the mathematical models of functions, whereas the significance of the generated regression dependencies has been estimated by means of the t-test


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    Človekove pravice so postale skupna vrednota družb, ki temeljijo na konceptu ustavne ureditve. Tudi v Republiki Sloveniji so človekove pravice varovane z ustavo in z mednarodnimi konvencijami, ki jih je Republika Slovenija ratificirala. Na podlagi prevladujočih stališč je bila Republika Slovenija zgrajena na demokratičnih temeljih, zato je dala velik poudarek tudi sodelovanju javnosti pri nadzoru organov, ki s svojim delom posegajo v človekove pravice in svoboščine. Namen zakonodajalca je bil urediti takšen nadzorni postopek zoper delo policistov, v katerem bo o utemeljenosti pritožb zoper policiste odločala tudi javnost. S tem se je prav gotovo v veliki meri izoblikoval način izvajanja državljanskega nadzora nad ravnanjem policije. V magistrski nalogi je prikazana organiziranost policijeza tem so prikazani nekateri mehanizmi državljanskega nadzora nad policijo. Podrobneje je predstavljena veljavna pravna podlaga za nadzor nad spoštovanjem človekovih pravic s strani policije v Sloveniji. Predvsem se nam je zdelo pomembno opisati in pojasniti trenutno veljaven postopek reševanja pritožb na prvi in drugi stopnji ter vzporedne postopke, ko pogoji za reševanje pritožbe po Zakonu o nalogah in pooblastilih policije niso izpolnjeni. V zvezi s tem sledi natančen opis aktualnega pritožbenega postopka z osvetlitvijo pravnih problemov. Tu so opisane tudi vse druge oblike reševanja »pritožb« nad delom policistov. Predstavljeni so tudi nadzor in obravnavanje pritožb v nekaterih tujih državah ter poročilo Ministrstva za notranje zadeve o reševanju pritožb za leta 2010-2013. Iz končnih ugotovitev magistrskega dela izhaja, da je trenutno veljavni sistem nadzora in reševanja pritožb sicer zadovoljiv, vendar potreben nekaterih sprememb.Human rights have become a common value of the society based on the concept of constitutional order. In the Republic of Slovenia, the human rights are protected by the Constitution and international conventions, which the Republic of Slovenia ratified. The Republic of Slovenia was built on democratic foundations, and gave great emphasis on public participation in the control bodies that interfere with their work in human rights and freedoms. The legislator\u27s intention was to arrange such an oversight proceedings against police officers, which will be decided by the public on the merits of complaints against police officers. This is how the method of implementation of civilian oversight of police conduct was undoubtedly developed to great extent. This master thesis shows the organization of the police, for this shows some mechanisms of civilian oversight of the police. Valid legal basis for the control of respect for human rights by the police in Slovenia is presented in detail. Above all, we felt it was important to describe and explain the currently valid procedure for dealing with complaints in the first and second stage, and parallel proceedings, when the conditions for resolving complaints under the Act on the duties are not met. Followed by a detailed description of the current complaints procedure, legal problems are presented. Here all other forms of dispute "complaints" over the work of police officers are described. The control and handling of complaints in some foreign countries, and the report of the Ministry of the police on resolving complaints for the years 2010-2013 are also presented. From the final conclusions of the master\u27s thesis we can conclude that the current system of monitoring and resolving complaints is satisfactory, but it needs some changes

    Испитивање аутентичних облика провере знања у тестирању говорних вештина на енглеском језику струке

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    This doctoral dissertation has attempted to investigate authentic forms of assessment in testing ESP speaking skills. To achieve this objective, specific purpose target language use speaking tasks were identified in collaboration with subject specialist informants and by the means of context-based qualitative research, helping the researcher extract speaking task characteristics in the real life domain. The identified domain is that of a labor market in which Business English is used as a language of communication in companies registered at the territory of Kragujevac (Sumadija and Pomoravlje County, Serbia). The researcher analyzed English language speaking tasks by the means of Task characteristics framework, which enabled him to emulate the characteristics of the speaking tasks, embedding them into the characteristics of speaking test tasks. By utilizing the Task characteristics framework, the researcher developed speaking test tasks which claim enhanced situational and interactional authenticity compared to less contextualized speaking tasks, developed by following a syllabus-based model of construct definition...Аутор ове докторске дисертације узео је за предмет истраживања тестирање говорних вештина на енглеском као језику струке, настојећи да истражи аутентичне облике задатака којима се овај језик тестира. Како би остварио постављене циљеве, аутор је сарађивао са стручњацима из посматране области да би идентификовао говорне задатке који се односе на употребу енглеског, као језика струке. Посредством контекстуализованог квалитативног истраживања, аутор докторске дисертације екстраховао је задатке са којима се говорници суочавају у тзв. „домену стварног живота“ и пренео их у образовни домен, сачувавши њихове најважније карактеристике. За домен „стварног живота“ узет је домен тржишта рада, који је додатно сужен на компаније у којима се пословни енглески језик користи као језик пословне комуникације, на територији Крагујевца (у оквиру шумадијско-поморавског региона у Републици Србији). Говорни задаци који се решавају посредством енглеског језика анализирани су употребом Оквира карактеристика задатака, захваљујући коме се карактеристике говорних задатака ван образовног домена преносе у тај домен са минималним осипањем основних обележја задатака из домена стварног живота. На тај начин, новонастали тестовни задаци претпостављају виши степен ситуационе и интеракцијске аутентичности него што је то случај код тестовних задатака са слабијом контекстуализацијом, односно оних који су изведени на основу дефиниције конструкта настале на основу силабуса..

    Einfluss des programmierten Trainings auf Veränderungen der funktionellen Fähigkeiten von jungen Basketballspielern

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    The functional abilities of young basketball players were tested in three time points by means of a 7-test battery. The sample consisted of 15 junior top basketball players, aged 17-19 years, members of the junior Croatian national team that was preparing for the World Junior Basketball Championship in Greece in 1995. The results of the canonical discriminant analysis show the improvement of test results - these being the effects of the training process during the preparation period. Although the obtained differences are statistically significant in only one variable (T200), it can be said that, at the end of the preparation period, one of the basic objectives of the training process, ie. the highest results in the given tests, was accomplished.Funktionelle Fähigkeiten der jungen Basketballspieler wurden in drei Zeitpunkten mittels 7 Tests geprüft. Das Prüfmuster umfasste 15 junge Spitzenbasketballspieler, 17-19 Jahre alt, Mitglieder der Juniormannschaft Kroatiens, die sich auf die Juniorweltmeisterschaft 1995 in Griechenland vorbereitet hat. Die Ergebnisse der kanonischen Diskriminanzanalyse zeigen, da die verbesserte Testergebnisse aus der Wirkung des Trainings in der Vorbereitungszeit erfolgt haben. Obwohl die Ergebnisunterschiede nur in einer Variable (T200) statistisch bedeutend sind, kann beschlossen werden, dass eins der Hauptziele des Trainingsprozesses – die besten Testergebnisse am Ende der Vorbereitungsperiode - erreicht worden ist


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    Adaptive and innovative application of classical data mining principles and techniques in time series analysis has resulted in development of a concept known as time series data mining. Since the time series are present in all areas of business and scientific research, attractiveness of mining of time series datasets should not be seen only in the context of the research challenges in the scientific community, but also in terms of usefulness of the research results, as a support to the process of business decision-making. A fundamental component in the mining process of time series data is time series segmentation. As a data mining research problem, segmentation is focused on the discovery of rules in movements of observed phenomena in a form of interpretable, novel, and useful temporal patterns. In this Paper, a comprehensive review of the conceptual determinations, including the elements of comparative analysis, of the most commonly used algorithms for segmentation of time series, is being considered

    Regionalna obeležja tržišne proizvodnje šećerne repe i suncokreta u Srbiji

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    The paper analyzes the trends in the development of industrial crop production in the case of sugar beet and sunflower in Serbia from 1976 to 2013. Grouping of regions (4 regions without Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija) and districts (25 districts) in Serbia in 2013, according to the characteristics of land capacity, production of sugar beet and sunflower and level of development, was carried out by cluster analysis. Based on the median value of the important characteristics of available land capacity, production volume and economic development in municipalities, I-distance method were ranked districts in Serbia from 1 to 25. Similarities between the sugar beet and sunflower production regions in Serbia were determined by the method of complete-linkage clustering, and the results were presented in the dendrogram. According to data for 2013 it was found that 99.8% of sugar beet production and 93.9% of sunflower production in Serbia comes from the Vojvodina region. The average yields per hectare for analyzed crops in the areas of the Vojvodina region, on average, were by up to 10% higher compared to the yields in Serbia. According to the characteristics of land capacity and production, areas of the Vojvodina region belong to the highest rank 1-7, while according to the characteristics of the development level, these areas belong to rank 2-13.U radu su analizirane tendencije u razvoju proizvodnje industrijskog bilja, na primeru šećerne repe i suncokreta u Srbiji od 1976. do 2013. godine. Grupisanje regiona (4 regiona, bez KiM) i oblasti (25 oblasti) u Srbiji za 2013. godinu, prema obeležjima zemljišnih kapaciteta, proizvodnje šećerne repe i suncokreta i nivoa razvijenosti, izvršeno je primenom klaster analize. Na osnovu medijalne vrednosti važnijih obeležja raspoloživih zemljišnih kapaciteta, obima proizvodnje i privredne razvijenosti po opštinama, metodom I-odstojanja izvršeno je rangiranje oblasti u Srbiji od 1-25. Sličnosti oblasti proizvodnje šećerne repe i suncokreta u Srbiji predstavljene su metodom kompletnog povezivanja hijarhijske klaster analize, a rezultati su predstavljeni dendrogramom. Prema podacima za 2013. godinu, utvrđeno je da 99,8% proizvodnje šećerne repe i 93,9% proizvodnje suncokreta Srbije potiče iz Regiona Vojvidine. Prosečni prinosi po ha analiziranih biljnih kultura u oblastima Regiona Vojvodine u proseku su veći do 10% u odnosu na prinose u Srbiji. Prema obeležijima zemljišnih kapaciteta i proizvodnje, oblasti Regiona Vojvodine pripadaju najvišem rangu 1-7, dok prema obeležijima nivoa razvijenosti ove oblasti pripadaju rangu 2-13

    Agrarni potencijali u reindustrijalizaciji Srbije - potrebe i mogućnosti revitalizacije industrije agrarnih inputa

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    After transitional debacles and failures, structural degradation and recession, reindustrialization is imposed as a crucial stage in the economic development of Serbia. The production-market potentials of the agro-complex (as a complex economic subsystem of pre-farm, farm and post-farm activities) and its place in the national economy open the significant possibilities of the revitalization of the industries of agrarian inputs (agricultural machines and equipment, mineral fertilizers and pesticides). Considering the structural significance of the pre-farm agrarian sector in the Serbian economy, this paper analyzes the fundamental features of production and the foreign-trade exchange, especially the dynamics and changes in the volume and structure of production and the import of agrarian inputs. On that basis, through a target comparative analysis of multi-year data series (1986-2011), the paper explores the trends of production and employment, identifies transitional distortions and the growing import dependence of the Serbian economy and the agro-complex in particular, considers the agrarian potentials in a possible reindustrialization primarily via the revitalization of the industry of agrarian inputs, and highlights a special phenomenon of the opportunity costs of the Serbian agrarian development.Nakon tranzicionih neuspeha i promašaja, strukturne degradacije i recesije, reindustrijalizacija se nameće kao nužna etapa u privrednom razvoju Srbije. Proizvodno- tržišni potencijali agrokompleksa (kao složenog privrednog subsistema predfarmskih, farmskih i postfarmskih delatnosti) i njegovo mesto u nacionalnoj ekonomiji, otvara značajne mogućnosti revitalizacije industrija agrarnih inputa (poljoprivrednih mašina i opreme, mineralnih đubriva i pesticida). Sagledavajući strukturni značajpredfarmskog agrarnog sektora u srpskoj ekonomiji, u radu se analiziraju osnovna obeležja proizvodnje i spoljnotrgovinske razmene, posebno dinamika ipromene obima i strukture proizvodnje i uvoza agrarnih inputa. Na toj osnovi se, ciljnom komparativnom analizom višegodišnjih serija podataka (1986-2011), u radu se istražuju trendovi proizvodnje i zaposlenosti, identifikuje uvozna zavisnost, sagledavaju agrarni potencijali u mogućoj reindustrijalizaciji i ukazuje na poseban fenomen oportunitetnih troškova agrarnog razvoja Srbije

    Impact of Covid-19 pandemic on economic performance of European Countries

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    Polazeći od činjenice da su brzo širenje virusa SARS-CoV-2 i provedba strategija socijalnog distanciranja dramatično utjecali na sve aspekte života ljudi na globalnoj, nacionalnoj i mikro razini, ovaj rad se fokusira na ispitivanje utjecaja pandemije COVID-19 na gospodarski učinak odabranih europskih zemalja. Kako bi se uočio i razumio ovaj utjecaj, korištena je složena metodologija istraživanja koja se temelji na kombiniranoj primjeni prikladnih univarijatnih i multivarijatnih metoda statističke analize. Klasifikacija 40 europskih zemalja u različite grupe u pogledu odabranog seta COVID-19 pokazatelja u 2020. godini izvršena je primjenom hijerarhijske aglomerativne klaster analize, dok je za statističku ocjenu kvalitete dobivenog rješenja korišten ne-hijerarhijski postupak baziran na k-means metodi. Klasifikacija koja se sastoji od četiri klastera zemalja identificirana je kao “optimalno” rješenje. Analiza i usporedba profila formiranih klastera zemalja s obzirom na njihove prosječne stope rasta BDP-a u 2020. godini provodi se statističkim metodama deskriptivne analize i testiranja hipoteza. Provedeno istraživanje otkriva da je klaster zemalja s relativno “manjom” ozbiljnošću COVID-19 zdravstvenih posljedica zabilježio višu prosječnu stopu rasta BDP-a u usporedbi s klasterima zemalja koje su pretrpjele teže posljedice, i obratno. Dobiveni rezultati koji upućuju na povezanost veličine negativnih zdravstvenih i gospodarskih posljedica COVID-19 pandemije mogu poslužiti kao dodatna potpora kreatorima politike u donošenju odluka usmjerenih na ublažavanje posljedica pandemije i suzbijanje krize.Starting from the fact that the rapid spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the implementation of social distancing strategies have dramatically affected all aspects of human lives at global, national, and micro levels, this paper focuses on examining the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economic performance of selected European countries. To perceive and understand this impact, the authors applied a complex research methodology based on the combined application of suitable univariate and multivariate methods of statistical analysis. The classification of 40 European countries into different groups, in terms of the selected set of COVID-19 indicators in 2020, was performed through hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis, while statistical evaluation of the quality of the obtained solution of a non-hierarchical procedure, based on the k-means method, was implemented. The classification consists of four clusters of countries identified as the “optimal” clustering solution. The authors conducted the analysis and comparison of profiles of the formed clusters of countries in terms of their average GDP growth rates in 2020 using the statistical methods of descriptive analysis and hypothesis testing. This study reveals that a cluster of countries with a relatively “lower” severity of the COVID-19 health consequences recorded a higher average GDP growth rate compared to groups of countries that suffered more serious consequences and vice versa. The obtained results, which indicate the connection between the magnitude of the negative health and economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, can serve as additional support to policymakers in making decisions aimed at mitigating pandemic impacts and crisis management

    Uticaj hronične promene vrednosti hematokrita na krvni pritisak i glomerulsku filtraciju kod pacova sa urođenom hipertenzijom

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    Many studies in hypertensive humans and animals have shown that increased blood viscosity is in direct relation with essential hypertension. The aim of our studies was to investigate the effects of chronic hematocrit value changes on arterial blood pressure and kidney function in genetically induced hypertension. To this end, we studied the effects of several interventions, designed to increase/decrease hematocrit, on hemodynamic parameters, vascular reactivity, glomerular filtration and renal function curve in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Results of our study show that chronic hematocrit value elevation increases blood pressure and peripheral vascular resistance in SHR. On the other hand, chronic hematocrit lowering elucidates blood pressure and peripheral vascular resistance decrease followed by cardiac output rising. Both hematocrit value changes significantly reduce vasodilatory vascular response. Hematocrit lowering induces acute renal failure. Sodium excretion is shifted to higher blood pressure values in high hematocrit value animals and opposite - lower blood pressure values in low hematocrit value animals. Repeated transfusions develop salt sensitive malignant hypertension in SHR. Further studies are necessary to evaluate the degree of kidney damage after chronic hematocrit value changes in SHR.Brojna ispitivanja izvedena na životinjama i ljudima su ukazala da je povećanje viskoznosti krvi u direktnoj vezi sa hipertenzijom. Cilj naše studije je bio da se istraži uticaj promene vrednosti hematokrita (Hct) na krvni pritisak i funkciju bubrega u urođenoj hipertenziji. U tom cilju, istraživan je uticaj hroničnog povećanja ili smanjenja vrednosti Hct na hemodinamske parametre, vaskularnu reaktivnost, glomerulsku filtraciju i krivu bubrežne funkcije kod pacova sa urođenom hipertenzijom (SHR). Rezultati naše studije su ukazali da hronično povećanje vrednosti Hct dovodi do povećanja arterijskog krvnog pritiska (AKP) i perifernog vaskularnog otpora (PVO) kod SHR . Nasuprot tome, hronično smanjenje vrednosti Hct dovodi do smanjenja AKP i PVO, praćenih povećanjem minutnog volumena srca. Obe promene vrednosti Hct dovode do smanjenja vaskularne reaktivnosti. Hronično smanjenje vrednosti Hct izaziva nastanak akutne bubrežne insuficijencije. Ekskrecija natrijuma je pomerena ka većim vrednostima krvnog pritiska kod pacova sa povećanim vrednostima Hct, a ka nižim kod pacova sa sniženim vrednostima Hct. Hronično povećanje vrednosti Hct dovodi do razvoja maligne hipertenzije kod SHR. Potrebne su dalje studije da bi se utvrdio tačan stepen i priroda oštećenja bubrega nakon hronične promene vrednosti Hct