9 research outputs found

    Monitoring of Dilation Cracks and Vibrations Caused by Blasting Works at the Quarry of Mokra on Surrounding Construction Objects

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    The quarry of Mokra, whose locality comprises administrative area of three communities, has cooperated with our Institute for a longer time, communicating with the authorities and people, as regards environmental safety and quality of living in the area. Monitoring of the conditions by continual measurements of dilation cracking and blasting works seismic effects has been an indispensable part of the collaboration.The measurement equipment was developed especially for the needs and condition of the quarry of Mokra, but can be used universally. This paper reports on technicalities of its development and experience of using it in practice

    New Methods of Designing the Balanced Scorecard Method for Management in Industrial Companies

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    The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is a strategic performance measurement system for enterprises, which allows managers of industrial corporations to measure variables that are based on strategic goals of a company. The issue while creating and implementing the BSC system could lay in a mere copying of its traditional forms without incorporating specific needs of a particular enterprise. This article aims to present the research results of a team of authors that was, in cooperation with managers of selected companies in the Moravian-Silesian region, searching for an answer to a question, whether it is possible to simplify the creation process of the BSC without losing the information value of the whole method or of its individual parts. At the same time it was examined whether, in the case of heavy industry, there are different priorities against others

    Price of Electricity vs Different Heating Technologies in Czech Republic

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    This paper analyses both individual components of the price of electricity and the electricity rates as related to individual modes of heating. The price development has been monitored and assessed since July 1, 2001, i.e. the date on which the 'Price Decree of the Energy Regulation Office, No. 5/2001' entered into force concerning introduction of new rates and prices of electricity for households and businesses. Primarily, the rate, D 02d, was chosen for assessment. This rate is used by the majority of households as they use gas or solid fuels for heating. Further, the rate, D45 d, for direct electric heating, and rates, D55 d and D 56 d, for heating by thermal pumps were also subject of assessment. Both the development trends and the comparison of the investigated rates of electricity make it obvious that prices of electricity will continue to be rising in the long-term perspective

    Transport routes on technological lines and following problems

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    The article points out problems occurring on transport routes within the transfer of mind materials on technological lines for processing of raw materials, find possible solutions in increasing the lifetime of individual parts and in the area of maintenance and serviceability helps to Protect the health of employees of mining organizations and their suppliers. It conceives the problem of running a technology line as one big unit that combines innovative solutions with the use of modern materials. Increasing service life, reducing repair costs and reducing the frequency of repairs especially those cyclically recurring. All of this helps to eliminate the number of accidents and this is why it protects the operator of the technology line. Ultimately maintenance costs are streamlined despite the relatively higher initial cost

    Mining processes of brick products in the Czech Republic

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    First technological process, which ceramic producers of ceramic products use for their future ceramic product is mining process. Mining methods, Transport methods and processing methods are basic technological processes. The process of drying, firing and shaping of brick products are specific. Babylonian gardens, Hagia Sofia, are one of the most beautiful churches that has ever been built. The great Wall of China, medieval castle Malbork from northern Poland not far from Gdansk`s bay which resembles small town, Skyscraper Chrysler Building in New York are the outstanding brick creations in the world. All of these buildings have one thing in common and that is material from which they were built. The material is brick, one of the simplest, the most beautiful, the most universal and the oldest building product which is known for moreover than 10 000 years [1]. Brick association of Czech and Moravia, nowadays unites 6 regular members with 19 plants where are created fired building materials. Furthermore it unites 7 associated members who ensure various services for brickmakers and 7 honorary members. Producers, members of brick association represent 92 % of Mason material capacity in the Czech Republic and 100 % of fired roofing tile capacity

    Porter's Analysis as a Standardized Process Applicable in Industrial Companies

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    Reliability and safety of energy, drinking water deliveries and draining wastewater from built- up areas in cities and villages have many proportions and technical-operational conditions. Among basic requirements of the use of all types of residential or manufacturing objects in the 21st century is reliable delivery of drinking water, draining and cleaning of urban and industrial sewage. Disturbance or putting out of service of this type of infrastructure has always a domino effect. Gradually growing reliance of user base of all types of drinking water consumers leads especially in the section of the public or private infrastructure to restriction or complete stoppage of their operation. The following article defines in basic range the ways and means how to lower the danger that an emergency situation in operational systems of drinking water will be unmanageable and how to prevent natural or anthropogenic threats at the particular type of technical infrastructure

    Rehabilitation of Post-Mining Areas in the Bohumin City Area (Czech Republic). Case Study

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    Rehabilitation of post-industrial areas involves many areas. The area after hard coal mines, requires many specific actions and funds in order to eliminate any remnants of the former infrastructure that is located in this area. The area of Upper Silesia, which includes areas on both the Polish and Czech borders, belongs to the area where the process of underground hard coal mining is being extinguished. As a result of the completion of mining works, the mine areas and adjacent sites begin to undergo transformations. Thus, the landscape of this area changes, various types of land, residential buildings and roads are destroyed. The activities related to restoring the utility value to degraded areas should be carried out consistently, primarily from their inhabitants’ perspective. The rehabilitation of post-mining area and its proper management can bring great benefits to the city and its inhabitants in the future. The publication presents a proposal for land development solutions for the former hard coal mine in Bohumin, Vrbice district in the Czech Republic