30 research outputs found

    Imaging material functionality through 3D nanoscale tracking of energy flow

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    The ability of energy carriers to move between atoms and molecules underlies biochemical and material function. Understanding and controlling energy flow, however, requires observing it on ultrasmall and ultrafast spatiotemporal scales, where energetic and structural roadblocks dictate the fate of energy carriers. Here we developed a non-invasive optical scheme that leverages non-resonant interferometric scattering to track tiny changes in material polarizability created by energy carriers. We thus map evolving energy carrier distributions in four dimensions of spacetime with few-nanometer lateral precision and directly correlate to material morphology. We visualize exciton, charge, and heat transport in polyacene, silicon and perovskite semiconductors and elucidate how disorder affects energy flow in 3D. For example, we show that morphological boundaries in polycrystalline metal halide perovskites possess lateral- and depth-dependent resistivities, blocking lateral transport for surface but not bulk carriers. We furthermore reveal strategies to interpret energy transport in disordered environments that will direct the design of defect-tolerant materials for the semiconductor industry of tomorrow

    (13)C or Not (13)C: Selective Synthesis of Asymmetric Carbon-13-Labeled Platinum(II) cis-Acetylides.

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    Asymmetric isotopic labeling of parallel and identical electron- or energy-transfer pathways in symmetrical molecular assemblies is an extremely challenging task owing to the inherent lack of isotopic selectivity in conventional synthetic methods. Yet, it would be a highly valuable tool in the study and control of complex light-matter interactions in molecular systems by exclusively and nonintrusively labeling one of otherwise identical reaction pathways, potentially directing charge and energy transport along a chosen path. Here we describe the first selective synthetic route to asymmetrically labeled organometallic compounds, on the example of charge-transfer platinum(II) cis-acetylide complexes. We demonstrate the selective (13)C labeling of one of two acetylide groups. We further show that such isotopic labeling successfully decouples the two ν(C≡C) in the mid-IR region, permitting independent spectroscopic monitoring of two otherwise identical electron-transfer pathways, along the (12)C≡(12)C and (13)C≡(13)C coordinates. Quantum-mechanical mixing leads to intriguing complex features in the vibrational spectra of such species, which we successfully model by full-dimensional anharmonically corrected DFT calculations, despite the large size of these systems. The synthetic route developed and demonstrated herein should lead to a great diversity of asymmetric organometallic complexes inaccessible otherwise, opening up a plethora of opportunities to advance the fundamental understanding and control of light-matter interactions in molecular systems

    Exploring excited states of Pt(ii) diimine catecholates for photoinduced charge separation

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    The intense absorption in the red part of the visible range, and the presence of a lowest charge-transfer excited state, render Platinum(II) diimine catecholates potentially promising candidates for light-driven applications. Here, we test their potential as sensitisers in dye-sensitised solar cells and apply, for the first time, the sensitive method of photoacoustic calorimetry (PAC) to determine the efficiency of electron injection in the semiconductor from a photoexcited Pt(II) complex. Pt(II) catecholates containing 2,2′-bipyridine-4,4′-di-carboxylic acid (dcbpy) have been prepared from their parent iso-propyl ester derivatives, complexes of 2,2′-bipyridine-4,4′-di-C(O)OiPr, (COOiPr)2bpy, and their photophysical and electrochemical properties studied. Modifying diimine Pt(II) catecholates with carboxylic acid functionality has allowed for the anchoring of these complexes to thin film TiO2, where steric bulk of the complexes (3,5-ditBu-catechol vs. catechol) has been found to significantly influence the extent of monolayer surface coverage. Dye-sensitised solar cells using Pt(dcbpy)(tBu2Cat), 1a, and Pt(dcbpy)(pCat), 2a, as sensitisers, have been assembled, and photovoltaic measurements performed. The observed low, 0.02–0.07%, device efficiency of such DSSCs is attributed at least in part to the short excited state lifetime of the sensitisers, inherent to this class of complexes. The lifetime of the charge-transfer ML/LLCT excited state in Pt((COOiPr)2bpy)(3,5-di-tBu-catechol) was determined as 250 ps by picosecond time-resolved infrared spectroscopy, TRIR. The measured increase in device efficiency for 2a over 1a is consistent with a similar increase in the quantum yield of charge separation (where the complex acts as a donor and the semiconductor as an acceptor) determined by PAC, and is also proportional to the increased surface loading achieved with 2a. It is concluded that the relative efficiency of devices sensitised with these particular Pt(II) species is governed by the degree of surface coverage. Overall, this work demonstrates the use of Pt(diimine)(catecholate) complexes as potential photosensitizers in solar cells, and the first application of photoacoustic calorimetry to Pt(II) complexes in general

    Quasi-phase-matched up- and down-conversion in periodically poled layered semiconductors

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    Nonlinear optics lies at the heart of classical and quantum light generation. The invention of periodic poling revolutionized nonlinear optics and its commercial applications by enabling robust quasi-phase-matching in crystals such as lithium niobate. However, reaching useful frequency conversion efficiencies requires macroscopic dimensions, limiting further technology development and integration. Here we realize a periodically poled van der Waals semiconductor (3R-MoS2_2). Due to its exceptional nonlinearity, we achieve macroscopic frequency conversion efficiency over a microscopic thickness of only 1.2μ{\mu}m, 10100×10-100\times thinner than current systems with similar performances. Due to unique intrinsic cavity effects, the thickness-dependent quasi-phase-matched second harmonic signal surpasses the usual quadratic enhancement by 50%50\%. Further, we report the broadband generation of photon pairs at telecom wavelengths via quasi-phase-matched spontaneous parametric down-conversion. This work opens the new and unexplored field of phase-matched nonlinear optics with microscopic van der Waals crystals, unlocking applications that require simple, ultra-compact technologies such as on-chip entangled photon-pair sources for integrated quantum circuitry and sensing

    Electronic interactions in Dirac fluids visualized by nano-terahertz spacetime mapping

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    Ultraclean graphene at charge neutrality hosts a quantum critical Dirac fluid of interacting electrons and holes. Interactions profoundly affect the charge dynamics of graphene, which is encoded in the properties of its collective modes: surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs). The group velocity and lifetime of SPPs have a direct correspondence with the reactive and dissipative parts of the tera-Hertz (THz) conductivity of the Dirac fluid. We succeeded in tracking the propagation of SPPs over sub-micron distances at femto-second (fs) time scales. Our experiments uncovered prominent departures from the predictions of the conventional Fermi-liquid theory. The deviations are particularly strong when the densities of electrons and holes are approximately equal. Our imaging methodology can be used to probe the electromagnetics of quantum materials other than graphene in order to provide fs-scale diagnostics under near-equilibrium conditions

    The Role of Vibrations in Photoinduced Electron Transfer in Molecular Systems

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