305 research outputs found

    The use of ecosystem-based adaptation practices by smallholder farmers in Central America

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    There is growing interest in promoting the use of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) practices to help smallholder farmers adapt to climate change, however there is limited information on how commonly these practices are used by smallholder farmers and what factors influence their use. Using participatory mapping and field surveys, we examined the prevalence and characteristics of EbA practices on 300 smallholder coffee and maize farmers in six landscapes in Central America and explored the socioeconomic and biophysical factors associated with their use. The prevalence of individual EbA practices varied across smallholder farms. Common EbA practices included live fences, home gardens, shade trees in coffee plantations, and dispersed trees in maize fields. We found a mean of 3.8 EbA practices per farm. Factors that were correlated with the total number of EbA practices on farms included the mean area of coffee plantations, farmer age, farmer experience, the farm type and the landscape in which farms were located. Factors associated with the presence or characteristics of individual EbA practices included the size of coffee plantations, farmer experience, farmer education, land tenure, landscape and farm type. Our analysis suggests that many smallholder farmers in Central America are already using certain EbA practices, but there is still scope for greater implementation. Policy makers, donors and technicians can encourage the broader use of EbA by smallholder farmers by facilitating farmer-to-farmer exchanges to share knowledge on EbA implementation, assessing the effectiveness of EbA practices in delivering adaptation benefits, and tailoring EbA policies and programs for smallholder farmers in different socioeconomic and biophysical contexts. (Résumé d'auteur

    Assessment of ability of medical and obstetric students to achieve adequate positive pressure ventilation using basic neonatal resuscitation manikins

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    Introduction. The ability to perform adequate positive pressure ventilation is necessary for neonatal clinical practice. However, there are few studies on the achievements of undergraduate students on this task. It is necessary to assess health science students’ adequate positive pressure ventilation because it is vital at the beginning of their clinical activity. Objective. To evaluate the cognitive and procedural ability related to adequate positive pressure ventilation performed by 6th year medicine students and 4th year obstetrics students at a public university in Lima, Peru. Methods. We surveyed 78 medical and obstetric students in their last years of studies within six months of taking a course on neonatal resuscitation that included positive pressure ventilation theory and practice. Participants voluntarily agreed to participate in this study. Previously, we validated the survey by asking three experienced neonatologists for their expert judgments on improving the survey. The survey consists of three theoretical questions as a cognitive assessment and three practice assessment criteria qualified by observing performance using neonatal manikins. Results. Medicine students had a better practical ability (p <0.001) than obstetrics students, and obstetrics students presented better theoretical knowledge (p = 0.019). However, both groups achieved limited performance within six months of taking the neonatal clinical practice course as 21.8% of all students passed both the theoretical and practical parts of this study. Conclusion. Participants from both schools require further training alternatives to achieve adequate positive pressure ventilation performance.Introduction. The ability to perform adequate positive pressure ventilation is necessary for neonatal clinical practice. However, there are few studies on the achievements of undergraduate students on this task. It is necessary to assess health science students’ adequate positive pressure ventilation because it is vital at the beginning of their clinical activity. Objective. To evaluate the cognitive and procedural ability related to adequate positive pressure ventilation performed by 6th year medicine students and 4th year obstetrics students at a public university in Lima, Peru. Methods. We surveyed 78 medical and obstetric students in their last years of studies within six months of taking a course on neonatal resuscitation that included positive pressure ventilation theory and practice. Participants voluntarily agreed to participate in this study. Previously, we validated the survey by asking three experienced neonatologists for their expert judgments on improving the survey. The survey consists of three theoretical questions as a cognitive assessment and three practice assessment criteria qualified by observing performance using neonatal manikins. Results. Medicine students had a better practical ability (p <0.001) than obstetrics students, and obstetrics students presented better theoretical knowledge (p = 0.019). However, both groups achieved limited performance within six months of taking the neonatal clinical practice course as 21.8% of all students passed both the theoretical and practical parts of this study. Conclusion. Participants from both schools require further training alternatives to achieve adequate positive pressure ventilation performance

    Early feeding to modify digestive enzyme activity in broiler chickens

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    Objective. To evaluate the effect on digestive enzyme activity in broiler chickens by providing food in the first 48 hrs. after birth. Materials and methods. After incubating 300 fertile eggs from Hubbard breeding and immediately after hatching, the chicks were randomly assigned to treatments: fasting (from hatching to 48 hrs.); Hydrated Balanced Food (HBF) from birth to 48 hrs.; commercial hydrating supplement (CHS) from birth to 48 hrs. The diets were provided ad libitum. After 48 hrs. a commercial diet was fed. At birth and at 48 and 72 hrs. of age 30 chicks/treatment were sacrificed to determine the enzyme activity of maltase, sucrase, alkaline phosphatase, phytase, a-amylase, trypsin and lipase in samples of duodenal or pancreatic homogenate. Results. The supply of HBF or CHS during the first 48 hrs. of life increased the activity of maltase, sucrase and phytase in the first 3 days of life, with values between 1.2 and up to 4-fold compared to the control (p<0.05). Chickens that fasted for the first 48 hrs. had higher activity of the pancreatic enzymes a-amylase, trypsin, and lipase at 72 hrs. of life (p<0.05). Conclusions. The food supply in the first 48 hrs. after hatching increases the duodenal enzyme activity in the intestinal brush border during the first 3 days of age in broiler chickens

    The effectiveness of learning strategies such as summary writing, schemas and conceptual mapping asaids for the teaching of reading to first year students of the B. A. program and the technical career in english at Centro Regional Universitario de Veraguas

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    The research was undertaken in response to the dificulties yhat the students attending the School of English had, un both programs, the Licenciatura or Bachelor program in English and the technician with special tranng in English, at the time they need t oread for comprehension qhen taking the literatura couses, they also need t oread for understanding when they study for the test that they had to take in other suvjets More specifically, the students who enter the two careers offered by the School of English usually lack cognitive learning strategies even in theirs mother tongue, this fact makes it more dificult for hem t oread comprehensively in the second language. This reseacrh intends to present additional strategies to be incorporated to the Reading and writing class, in order to prepare first year students of the School if English to become betther readers

    One-carbon metabolism and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: The crosstalk between nutrients, microbiota, and genetics

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    The prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is increasing worldwide. Its etiology includes nutritional, genetic, and lifestyle factors. Several mechanisms may link onecarbon metabolism – the associated metabolic pathways of folate, methionine, and choline – to the onset of NAFLD. In this review, we attempted to assess how choline, folate, methionine, and betaine affect NAFLD development, mainly through their role in the secretion of very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) from the liver. We also reviewed recent articles that have described the relation between microbiota metabolism and NAFLD progression. Moreover, we describe the effect of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in genes related to one-carbon metabolism and disease prevalence. We additionally seek SNP identified by genome-wide associations that may increase the risk of this disease. Even though the evidence available is not entirely consistent, it seems that the concentrations of choline, methionine, folate, and betaine may affect the progression of NAFLD. Since there is no effective therapy for NAFLD, further investigations into the link between nutrition, gut microbiota, genetic factors, and NAFLD are still necessary, with a particular emphasis on methyl donors

    Estimation of the second ventilatory threshold through ventricular repolarization profile analysis

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    Under the hypothesis that sympathetic control of ventricular repolarization may change once the second ventilatory threshold (VT2) has been reached, a novel methodology for non-invasive VT2 estimation based on the analysis of the T wave from the electrocardiogram (ECG) is proposed, and potential underlying physiological mechanisms are suggested. 25 volunteers (33.4 ± 5.2 years) underwent an incremental power cycle ergometer test (25 W/minute). During the test, respiratory gas exchange and multi-lead ECG were acquired. The former was employed to determine VT2, used here as a reference, whereas the latter was used to compute the temporal profiles of an index of ventricular repolarization instability (dT) and its low-frequency (LF) oscillations (LFdT). The sudden increases observed in dT and LFdT profiles above an established heart rate threshold were employed to derive VT2 estimates, referred to as VT2dT and VT2LFdT, respectively. Estimation errors of -4.7 ± 25.2 W were obtained when considering VT2dT. Errors were lower than the one-minute power increment of 25 W in 68% of the subjects and lower than 50 W in 89.5% of them. When using VT2LFdT, estimation error was of 15.3 ± 32.4 W. Most of the subjects shared common characteristic dT and LFdT profiles, which could be reflecting changes in the autonomic control of ventricular repolarization before and after reaching VT2. The analysis of ventricular repolarization dynamics during exercise allows non-invasive ECG-based estimation of VT2, possibly in relation to changes in the autonomic control of ventricular electrical activity when VT2 is reached

    The Highest Energy Neutrinos

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    Measurements of the arrival directions of cosmic rays have not revealed their sources. High energy neutrino telescopes attempt to resolve the problem by detecting neutrinos whose directions are not scrambled by magnetic fields. The key issue is whether the neutrino flux produced in cosmic ray accelerators is detectable. It is believed that the answer is affirmative, both for the galactic and extragalactic sources, provided the detector has kilometer-scale dimensions. We revisit the case for kilometer-scale neutrino detectors in a model-independent way by focussing on the energetics of the sources. The real breakthrough though has not been on the theory but on the technology front: the considerable technical hurdles to build such detectors have been overcome. Where extragalactic cosmic rays are concerned an alternative method to probe the accelerators consists in studying the arrival directions of neutrinos produced in interactions with the microwave background near the source, i.e. within a GZK radius. Their flux is calculable within large ambiguities but, in any case, low. It is therefore likely that detectors that are larger yet by several orders of magnitudes are required. These exploit novel techniques, such as detecting the secondary radiation at radio wavelengths emitted by neutrino induced showers.Comment: 16 pages, pdflatex, 7 jpg figures, ICRC style files included. Highlight talk presented at the 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Merida, Mexico, 200

    proyecto Canaima como herramienta educativa para lograr un aprendizaje efectivo y significativo

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    This work presents of investigation had as purpose develop didactic activities based on the use of the Canaima as educational tool for the optimization of the significant learning in the students of the second degree section "B", of Basic School Bolivariana "Gladys Celina Lobo of Carnevalli", located in the Liberating municipality, of the condition Merida. The study there rests on an investigation action participant designed in five phases: I diagnose, Planning, Execution, Evaluation and Systematizing. The key informants were constituted by twenty-five (25) students and (1) teacher. For the compilation of the information they used as technology the observation; since instruments there was in use a comprising list of check of seven (7) indicators to observing and with a scale of response of two alternatives It Is Observed and Is not Observed, besides the record of the diary of the investigator. As for the validity and reliability of the instruments there was applied the method of the triangulation in which there was demonstrated that a correspondence exists between the information thrown by the key informants. The diagnosis threw, that the docents do not motivate to the students to use the portable Canaima, it applies few strategies for the education, which affects unfavorably in that the TIC'S do not join, with the intention of strengthening the significant learnings in the students. For this reason, they were planned, executed and evaluated didactic strategies using the Canaima for the strengthening of the education and the significant improvement of the learning of the involved students.Este trabajo de investigación tuvo como finalidad desarrollar actividades didácticas basadas en el uso de la Canaima como herramienta educativa&nbsp; para la optimización del aprendizaje&nbsp; significativo en los estudiantes de segundo grado sección “B”, de Escuela Básica Bolivariana “Gladys Celina Lobo de Carnevalli”, ubicada en el municipio Libertador, del estado Mérida. El estudio se apoya en una investigación acción participante diseñada en cinco fases: Diagnostico, Planificación, Ejecución, Evaluación y Sistematización. Los informantes claves fueron constituidos por veinticinco (25) estudiantes y (1) docente. Para la recolección de la información se utilizaron como técnica la observación; como instrumentos se utilizó una lista de cotejo contentiva de siete (7) indicadores&nbsp; a observar y con una escala de respuesta de dos alternativas Se Observa y No Se Observa, además del registro del diario de la investigadora. En cuanto a la validez y fiabilidad de los instrumentos se aplicó el método de la triangulación en el cual se evidenció que existe una correspondencia entre los datos arrojados por los informantes claves. El diagnóstico arrojó, que las docentes no motivan a los estudiantes para utilizar la portátil Canaima, aplica pocas estrategias para la enseñanza, lo que incide desfavorablemente en que no se incorporen las TIC´S, con el propósito de fortalecer los aprendizajes significativos en los estudiantes. Por esta razón, se planificaron, ejecutaron y evaluaron estrategias didácticas utilizando la Canaima para el fortalecimiento de la enseñanza y la mejora significativa del aprendizaje de los estudiantes involucrados

    High-fat diet feeding alters metabolic response to fasting/non fasting conditions. Effect on caveolin expression and insulin signalling.

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    BACKGROUND: The effect of food intake on caveolin expression in relation to insulin signalling was studied in skeletal muscle and adipocytes from retroperitoneal (RP) and subcutaneous (SC) adipose tissue, comparing fasted (F) to not fasted (NF) rats that had been fed a control or high-fat (HF) diet for 72 days. METHODS: Serum glucose was analysed enzymatically and insulin and leptin by ELISA. Caveolins and insulin signalling intermediaries (IR, IRS-1 and 2 and GLUT4) were determined by RT-PCR and western blotting. Caveolin and IR phosphorylation was measured by immunoprecipitation. Data were analysed with Mann-Whitney U test. RESULTS: High-fat fed animals showed metabolic alterations and developed obesity and insulin resistance. In skeletal muscle, food intake (NF) induced activation of IR and increased expression of IRS-2 in control animals with normal metabolic response. HF animals became overweight, hyperglycaemic, hyperinsulinemic, hyperleptinemic and showed insulin resistance. In skeletal muscle of these animals, food intake (NF) also induced IRS-2 expression together with IR, although this was not active. Caveolin 3 expression in this tissue was increased by food intake (NF) in animals fed either diet. In RP adipocytes of control animals, food intake (NF) decreased IR and IRS-2 expression but increased that of GLUT4. A similar but less intense response was found in SC adipocytes. Food intake (NF) did not change caveolin expression in RP adipocytes with either diet, but in SC adipocytes of HF animals a reduction was observed. Food intake (NF) decreased caveolin-1 phosphorylation in RP but increased it in SC adipocytes of control animals, whereas it increased caveolin-2 phosphorylation in both types of adipocytes independently of the diet. CONCLUSIONS: Animals fed a control-diet show a normal response to food intake (NF), with activation of the insulin signalling pathway but without appreciable changes in caveolin expression, except a small increase of caveolin-3 in muscle. Animals fed a high-fat diet develop metabolic changes that result in insulin signalling impairment. In these animals, caveolin expression in muscle and adipocytes seems to be regulated independently of insulin signalling