979 research outputs found

    Mathematical model of fluid flow in an osteon influence of cardiac system

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    Numerical simulations of the behavior of the osteonal structure are more and more acute and an important parameter is the pressure of the bony fluid. Haversian and Volkmann canals contain blood vessels that transport oxygen and nutrients necessary for the cellular activity. The pressure in these vessels must be taken into account. While it is possible to estimate the value of this pressure, there is no information on the effect of the vessel wall that may have in the transmission of pressure


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    Anggi Miladi Shulhiyyah 14121320232. PATTERN OF PHONOLOGY IN CHILDREN’S NURSERY RHYME The study of phonological pattern is a crucial system in pronunciation English language, especially for young EFL Learners. Phonological patterns in each language will have differences. It creates various intonation related to meaning inside. This present study are interested to conduct the research of intonation pattern and meaning is created in five children’s nursery rhymes, are: Humpty Dumpty, Hey Diddle Diddle, Jack and Jill, One Two Three Four and Five I Caught a Fish Alive, and Finger Family. Nursery rhyme has been widely used as a media of language learning. Especialy, in English language learning of young EFL learners. Children who are familiar with a variety of nursery rhymes when they are between the age of three and six years old have increased literacy abilities in the three years that follow. Besides that, a nursery rhyme appear to help children; learn the intonations patterns of a language, learn new words and concepts, understand the basic of learning to read and write, gain appreciation of poetry. Thus, young children’s nursery rhyme knowledge is a powerful predictor of their growing skills in phonological awareness. This research also takes a qualitative method in analyzing data where the data is taken from you-tube. There are some steps to analyze the data. The researcher analyzed the clause construction that consists of dependent and independent clause. Then, analyzed the tonality system that consists of tone group, markedness of tonality (neutral and marked). Then, the researcher analyzed the tonicity system that markedness (neutral and marked) of tonicity. Further, the researcher analyzed the tone system based on Speech Analyzer that will be connected to the interpersonal meaning based on three primary system of intonation. The result of this analysis shows that In five nursery rhymes there are total 76 clauses. In tonality, 76 clauses chunked into 113 tone unit. There are 50 marked tonality and 26 neutral tonality. In five nursery rhymes the researcher found 71 marked tonicity and 42 neutral tonicity. There are four types of tone that found in the show; fall, rise, fall-rise, and rise-fall. The biggest percentage goes with rise-fall tone that placed 39 tone unit or 34, 5% from all tone units. Rise tone has percentage 32%. Then, falling tone presents 22%. The lowest tone is fall-rise tone, that is only has 11, 5% from 100% tone. The researcher had seen the interpersonal meaning from pattern of intonation choices that uses by the singer in five nursery rhymes. It can be clearly concluded that the intonation patterns interrelated with the three primary system of intonation. Key words: Nursery Rhyme, Tonality, Tonicity, Tone, Interpesonal Meaning

    Analysis of Factor Affecting Customer Purchase Shopping Live Shop

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    The rise of online shopping, particularly through e-commerce platforms, has given rise to a new phenomenon called live shopping. Live shopping involves sellers creating virtual shopping experiences that are directly accessible to potential buyers. This study aims to identify the factors that influence buyers when making purchases in live shopping marketplaces, utilizing a basic model derived from the Technology Acceptance Model. The research employs a quantitative research method and utilizes the SmartPLS software. The findings of this study demonstrate that all indicators significantly impact Customer Purchase Shopping Live Shop. These factors include Information Quality, Intention to Use, Perceived Ease of Use, and Perceived Usefulness. The main implication of this research is that stakeholders in the live shopping industry should focus on providing comprehensive product information, ensuring seamless transactions, creating an engaging atmosphere with product tips, offering promotions to attract customers, and prioritizing product quality. This is due to the significant role of complete and honest information in making purchases on social media platforms


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    Education is a container inherit and develop the knowledge, skills and expertise. Throught education most human can develop the potential and improve the level of live of them. Islam education is one of the siences that is always present in the education curriculum in Indonesia. Education of Islam aims to prepare students to believe, understand and practice the teaching of Islam throught the activities of learning, guidance or training. The reasearch is aimed to describe the character of discipline, motivation and interest in learning the students throught the subjects of aqidah akhlaq in MTs. Raudlatul Ulum Koarangploso Malang. In addition it is also to describe the obstacles thet experience by teachers in foster discipline, motivation and interest learning aqidah akhlaq along with the solution in MTs. Raudlatul Ulum Karangploso Malang. Research is using approach qualitative to perform retrieval of data throught observation, interviews0and0documentation.0The research0was conducted on students in MTs. Raudlatul Ulum Karangploso Malang. Results of the research were obtained by exposure to a resource, the efforts of teachers PAI in foster character discipline, motivation and interest in learning the students throught of subjects aqidah akhlaq in MTs. Raudlatul Ulum Karangploso Malang by way of peparing a plan of learning, creating an atmosphere that is pleasant in activity learning teaching, using the method of teaching that is not boring or varied, giving assigments to students, provide asseement or evaluation and give praise. The constraints are understood better by the teachers to foster an attitude of discipline, motivation and interest in learning is the lack of support from the parents of students to spur the spirit of0learning., the influence0of environment ot the0association of students at home, the influence of the gadgetor handphone and are not too interest with lessons of aqidah akhlaq.Key words : Character discipline, motivation, interest in learning

    The Methodology of Using Value Engineering in Construction Projects Management

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    Construction projects are implemented in different countries with heavy costs and some of the projects have been relatively or absolutely unsuccessful and even faced with irreversible losses after construction. Maybe, it is due to complexities related to projects or other social-economic phenomenon. The present study revealed that value engineering can be used as a helpful tool from the beginning of studies to the end of designing, constructing, exploiting, and maintaining processes and overcome civil designs’ challenges and complexities. Value engineering is a method experienced in management that has an organized approach. Value engineering has a systematic and cooperative mechanism to analyze function and systems with the aim of achieving desirable function with the least costs. This study has attempted to briefly introduce concepts and executive process of value engineering in construction projects. Also, the study has attempted to investigate conventional methods of evaluating projects function and compare them convergence with value engineering to improve projects. Based on the research findings, it can be found that if we can expect to achieve projects objectives by spending the least cost and ensure the efficacy of investment in construction projects management sector as a main challenge of development plans in the third world countries through using engineering in appropriate time periods and in different phases.  

    Fast and Accurate Structure Probability Estimation for Simultaneous Alignment and Folding of RNAs

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    Motivation: Simultaneous alignment and folding (SA&F) of RNAs is the indispensable gold standard for inferring the structure of non-coding RNAs and their general analysis. The original algorithm, proposed by Sankoff, solves the theoretical problem exactly with a complexity of O(n^6) in the full energy model. Over the last two decades, several variants and improvements of the Sankoff algorithm have been proposed to reduce its extreme complexity by proposing simplified energy models or imposing restrictions on the predicted alignments. Results: Here we introduce a novel variant of Sankoff\u27s algorithm that reconciles the simplifications of PMcomp, namely moving from the full energy model to a simpler base pair-based model, with the accuracy of the loop-based full energy model. Instead of estimating pseudo-energies from unconditional base pair probabilities, our model calculates energies from conditional base pair probabilities that allow to accurately capture structure probabilities, which obey a conditional dependency. Supporting modifications with surgical precision, this model gives rise to the fast and highly accurate novel algorithm Pankov (Probabilistic Sankoff-like simultaneous alignment and folding of RNAs inspired by Markov chains). Pankov benefits from the speed-up of excluding unreliable base-pairing without compromising the loop-based free energy model of the Sankoff\u27s algorithm. We show that Pankov outperforms its predecessors LocARNA and SPARSE in folding quality and is faster than LocARNA. Pankov is developed as a branch of the LocARNA package and available at https://github.com/mmiladi/Pankov


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    In the existence of people with disabilities, there is still minimal attention from the community because they are often looked down upon or underestimated so their deficiencies often result in discrimination or bullying. On the other hand, people with disabilities also need to meet the needs of their lives. This researcher uses a qualitative method, this researcher uses various techniques, namely collecting data in the form of conducting interviews to obtain clear and accurate information regarding the focus of the existing problems. The purpose of this study was to find out the role of the Social Service in the Implementation of the Social Rehabilitation Program for Persons with Disabilities in Sidoarjo Regency. The conclusion obtained from this research is the distribution of social rehabilitation programs for the Sidoarjo Regency Social Service in fulfilling the rights of persons with disabilities with facilities and also allowances for people with disabilities. hard to create persons with disabilities who are dignified and able to live like society in general


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    *ABSTRAK* ---- Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan kelincahan terhadap kemampuan dribbling pada pemain sepakbola SSB Garuda Putra U-15 Jenis penelitian ini adalah korelasi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah SSB Garuda Putra U-15 yang berjumlah 30 orang Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah sampling jenuh sehingga jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini ada 30 orang, Instrumen tes yang digunakan adalah tes kelincahan dodging run, dan tes menggiring bola (dribbling) Teknik analisa data yang digunakan adalah uji r. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan maka dapat diketahui bahwa. terdapat hubungan kelincahan terhadap kemampuan menggiring bola (dribbling) pada pemain SSB Garuda Putra U-15 dengan nilai rtabel 0,361 dengan nilai koefisien determinan sebesar 31,4%. *ABSTRAK* ------ The purpose of this study is (1) to find out the relationship of agility to dribbling ability in SSB Garuda Putra U-15 This type of research is correlationThe population in this study was SSB Garuda Putra U-15 which amounted to 30 peopleThe sampling technique used is total sampling so that the number of samples in this study there are 30 peopleThe test instruments used are the dodging run agility test, and the dribbling test. The data analysis technique used is test r. Based on the results of the calculation, it can be known that (1) There is a relationship of agility to dribbling ability in SSB Garuda Putra U-15 with rhitung value = 0.361 with a coefficient determinant value of 31,4%.
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