197 research outputs found

    Interviewing Polish migrant women in the United Kingdom and Poland

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    Migration from the ‘new’ European Union Member States to the United Kingdom has been identified as one of the most significant social phenomena of recent times. Evidence shows that migrant women constitute a large proportion of international migrants. When considering migration within the European context, migrant women outnumber their male counterparts. Even though gendered studies of migration are now attaining recognition, there is limited literature in relation to Polish migrant women. Drawing on preliminary findings from new fieldwork research undertaken in Poland and the United Kingdom in 2012, this case study focuses on research undertaken to explore how Polish migrant women exercise their rights as European Union citizens to better their own and their families' well-being. This is a qualitative research study conducted with the use of in-depth semi-structured interviews. This case study focuses on sampling, recruitment issues and challenges encountered in the data collection process. The benefits of studying depth, of the active involvement of the researcher and the researcher's relationship with the participants and the data are explored. This case study showcases issues relating to reflexivity as the research was conducted from a gendered perspective. The data gathered was analysed using thematic analysis

    Rupe / Igra / Autoportret

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    Na kolegiju slikarstva bavim se slobodnom interpretacijom obiteljskih fotografija i uspomena. Poništavanjem prizora s fotografija, aludiram na nemogućnost njihovog točnog prikaza i na rupe u vlastitome sjećanju. Na kiparstvu se bavim pojmom igre i konceptom imaginacije koji su kontrastni manualnom i plaćenom radu, osjećaj slobode naspram osjećaja odgovornosti. Igru povezujem sa djetinjstvom i u nekim aspektima sa umjetničkim stvaranjem. Na kolegiju grafike, u sklopu zadanog autoportreta, osvrćem se na stvaranje individualnog doživljaja pojedinca, nastalog jedinstvenom kombinacijom svijesti i podsvijesti

    Cybercrime and Criminal Protection and Role of Telecom Providers

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    Razvojem računalne tehnologije, uz tradicionalne vrste kriminalnih radnji, pojavio se i novi oblik kriminaliteta koji uključuje uporabu računalnih tehnologija. Ta nova vrsta kriminala nazvana je ''kibernetički kriminal'', i obzirom na karakter tih radnji, došlo je do potrebe potpuno novog pristupa u borbi sa tom vrstom kriminala. Osnovane su razne globalne, regijske i nacionalne institucije čiji je zadatak donesti nove preporuke i odredbe koje bi se trebale implementirati u nacionalne kaznenopravne okvire. Pretpostavka za uspjeh protiv ovakve vrste kriminala je i globalna suradnja svih zemalja, pa će se u ovome radu analizirati uspješnost i izazovi pravne borbe koji se pojavljuju na raznim nacionalnim, ili pak međunarodnim nivoima. Također, poseban osvrt napraviti će se na utjecaj kibernetičkih prijetnji na davatelje telekom usluga i internetske platforme.With the development of computer technology, along with the traditional types of criminal activities, a new form of criminality has emerged that involves the use of computer technologies. This new kind of crime was called "cybercrime", and given the character of these actions, there was a need for a completely new approach to fighting this type of crime. Various global, regional and national institutions have been set up, whose task is to make new recommendations and directives that should be implemented in national criminal justice frameworks. The prerequisite for success against this kind of crime is the global co-operation of all countries, so in this paper there will be analyzed the success and challenges of legal struggle that occur at various national or international levels. Also, special attention will be given to the impact of cyber threats on providers of telecom services and the Internet platforms

    Cybercrime and Criminal Protection and Role of Telecom Providers

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    Razvojem računalne tehnologije, uz tradicionalne vrste kriminalnih radnji, pojavio se i novi oblik kriminaliteta koji uključuje uporabu računalnih tehnologija. Ta nova vrsta kriminala nazvana je ''kibernetički kriminal'', i obzirom na karakter tih radnji, došlo je do potrebe potpuno novog pristupa u borbi sa tom vrstom kriminala. Osnovane su razne globalne, regijske i nacionalne institucije čiji je zadatak donesti nove preporuke i odredbe koje bi se trebale implementirati u nacionalne kaznenopravne okvire. Pretpostavka za uspjeh protiv ovakve vrste kriminala je i globalna suradnja svih zemalja, pa će se u ovome radu analizirati uspješnost i izazovi pravne borbe koji se pojavljuju na raznim nacionalnim, ili pak međunarodnim nivoima. Također, poseban osvrt napraviti će se na utjecaj kibernetičkih prijetnji na davatelje telekom usluga i internetske platforme.With the development of computer technology, along with the traditional types of criminal activities, a new form of criminality has emerged that involves the use of computer technologies. This new kind of crime was called "cybercrime", and given the character of these actions, there was a need for a completely new approach to fighting this type of crime. Various global, regional and national institutions have been set up, whose task is to make new recommendations and directives that should be implemented in national criminal justice frameworks. The prerequisite for success against this kind of crime is the global co-operation of all countries, so in this paper there will be analyzed the success and challenges of legal struggle that occur at various national or international levels. Also, special attention will be given to the impact of cyber threats on providers of telecom services and the Internet platforms

    Rupe / Igra / Autoportret

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    Na kolegiju slikarstva bavim se slobodnom interpretacijom obiteljskih fotografija i uspomena. Poništavanjem prizora s fotografija, aludiram na nemogućnost njihovog točnog prikaza i na rupe u vlastitome sjećanju. Na kiparstvu se bavim pojmom igre i konceptom imaginacije koji su kontrastni manualnom i plaćenom radu, osjećaj slobode naspram osjećaja odgovornosti. Igru povezujem sa djetinjstvom i u nekim aspektima sa umjetničkim stvaranjem. Na kolegiju grafike, u sklopu zadanog autoportreta, osvrćem se na stvaranje individualnog doživljaja pojedinca, nastalog jedinstvenom kombinacijom svijesti i podsvijesti

    Biological nutrient removal - effect of organic load

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    U ovom radu istražen je učinak raspoloživog biorazgradivog organskog opterećenja (KPK) na uklanjanje nutrijenata, dušika i fosfata. Pokusi su provedeni pri aerobnim uvjetima, uz početnu koncentraciju 10,7–18,2 mg PO43--P L-1 i 48±1,3 mg NH4+-N L-1 i pri omjeru C/N 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 i 7. Kao izvor ugljika korišten je natrijev acetat. Rezultati pokazuju da aktivni mulj ima aktivnost za istovremeno uklanjanje N i fosfata. S povećanjem omjera C/N proporcionalno je veće uklanjanje N, koje pri C/N 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 i 7 iznosi 14,3%, 33,3%, 41,9%, 35,4%, 77,6% i 89,7%. Povećanjem omjera C/N povećava se uklanjanje ukupnog dušika, i pri C/N 1 iznosi 14,3%, a pri C/N 7 iznosi 89,7%. Najveće uklanjanje fosfata od 60,7% je postignuto pri omjeru C/N 4. Profili pH i otopljenog kisika neizravni su pokazatelji mikrobnih reakcija tijekom uklanjanja N i P.The effect of organic load (biodegradable COD) on biological nutrient removal (nitrogen and phosphate) was investigated. The experiments were conducted at aerobic conditions, at an initial concentration of 10.7–18.2 mg PO43--P L-1 and 48±1.3 mg NH4+-N L-1 at a C/N ratio of 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Sodium acetate was used as a carbon source. The results show that activated sludge has the ability to simultaneously remove nitrogen and phosphate. By increasing the C/N ratio, nitrogen removal increased as well. The nitrogen removal at C/N 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 was 14.3%, 33.3%, 41.9%, 35.4%, 77.6% i 89.7%. Also, an increased C/N ratio resulted in an increased total nitrogen removal, and at a C/N 1 and C/N 7, the total nitrogen removal was 14.3% and 89.7%, respectively. The biggest phosphate removal of 60.7 % was achieved at C/N 4. DO and pH profiles are indirect indicators of microbial reactions during N and P removal

    Методика выбора математической модели экологического процесса

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    У ХХІ ст. пошук підходів до вирішення екологічних проблем зумовлений загрозами існування навколишнього середовища внаслідок провадження різноманітних видів діяльності та бездіяльності людини. Більшу половину земної поверхні змінено людиною. Ця модифікація називається зміною в землекористуванні. Нелінійності у змінах у землекористуванні можна вивчати за допомогою інструментів інтелектуального аналізу даних. Запропоновано розглядати більш детально три моделі для зміни землекористування: штучні нейронні мережі, методи класифікації і регресії за допомогою побудови дерева рішень і багатовимірні адаптивні регресійні сплайни. Порівнюються результати трьох інструментів інтелектуального аналізу даних.In the twenty-first century, the search for approaches to solving environmental problems is caused by the threat to the environment as a result of a variety of human activities, or lack thereof. More than half of the Earth's surface has been altered by people. This modification is called the change of land use. The nonlinearities in changes of land use can be studied with the help of data mining tools. It is proposed to consider the three models for the change of land use: artificial neural networks, methods for solving problems of classification and regression method of building decision trees, and multidimensional adaptive regression splines. Further studies compared the results of three data mining tools.В XXI ст. поиск подходов к решению экологических проблем обусловлен угрозами существования окружающей среды в результате осуществления различных видов деятельности и бездеятельности человека. Более половины земной поверхности изменено человеком. Эта модификация называется изменением в землепользовании. Нелинейности в изменениях в землепользовании можно изучать с помощью инструментов интеллектуального анализа данных. Предложено рассматривать более подробно три модели для изменений землепользования: искусственные нейронные сети, методы классификации и регрессии с помощью построения дерева решений и многомерные адаптивные регрессионные сплайны. Сравниваются результаты трех инструментов интеллектуального анализа данных