137 research outputs found

    Lentolaserkeilaukseen ja Trestima-menetelmään perustuvien puustotunnusten hyödyntäminen puutavaralaji- ja rungonosahinnoittelumenetelmien vertailussa

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    Rungonosahinnoittelu on uusi vaihtoehto puukauppamenetelmäksi perinteisen puutavaralajimenetelmän rinnalle. Rungonosahinnoittelussa puu jaetaan rungon läpimitan mukaan osiin, ja jokaiselle osalle on määritelty kuutiometriperusteinen yksikköhinta. Merkittävin ero puutavaralajimenetelmään on, että puun ostaja saa katkoa rungon vapaasti haluamiinsa pituuksiin, koska puun myyjä saa kantorahan rungonosien tilavuuksien ja yksikköhintojen tulon perusteella, eikä katkotun puutavaran mukaan. Puukauppaan liittyvä päätöksenteko perustuu nykyisin suurilta osin kaukokartoituksen avulla tuotettuun metsävaratietoon tai leimikolta tehtyihin ennakkomittauksiin. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin lentolaserkeilaukseen (Airborne laser scanning, ALS), sekä Trestima sovelluksen käyttökelpoisuutta puukauppatilanteen hakkuukertymien arviointiin puutavaralaji- ja rungonosahinnoittelumenetelmillä. Tutkimuksessa laskettiin kokonaiskantorahatulot seitsemälle leimikolle käyttäen ennakkomittaustietoina sekä ALS- että Trestima-aineistoihin perustuvia puustotulkintoja ja kauppamenetelminä rungonosahinnoittelua ja puutavaralajimenetelemää. Rungonosahinnoittelun yksikköhinnat pyrittiin määrittelemään siten, että leimikoiden keskimääräiset hinnat olisivat mahdollisimman lähellä puutavaralajihinnoittelua. Kaukokartoitus- ja ennakkomittausten epätarkkuudet erityisesti runsaspuustoisissa sekametsissä aiheuttivat virhearvioita kantorahatuloennusteisiin sekä ALS- että Trestima-aineistoihin perustuvia puustotulkintatietoja käytettäessä. Tässä tutkimuksessa käytettyjen rungonosa -ja puutavaralajihinnoittelumenetelmien ja niissä käytettyjen hintojen perusteella, ero kahden hinnoittelumenetelmien välillä oli noin kaksi prosenttia koko leimikkoaineistossa. Tulosten perusteella rungonosaluokkien hintojen onnistunut asettaminen onkin tärkeää, jotta teollisuuden puustamaksukyvyssä ei tapahdu vinoutumia, joissa jokin puunjalostuslaitos joutuu maksamaan puun käyttöarvoon nähden liian suurta hintaa. Puusta maksetaan toteutuneen hakkuun mukaan, joten ennakkomittausten virheet aiheuttavat enemmän ongelmia puun ostajalle, mikäli ennakkotiedon perusteella halutaan suunnitella tuotantoa. Tämän tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella suurin osa rungonosahinnoittelun riskeistä on metsäteollisuudella. Toisaalta puuta jalostavien yritysten elinvoimaisuuden kannalta olisi tärkeää, että puukauppa on jatkuvaa ja sekä myyjä että ostaja kokevat kantohinnat tasapuolisina, mikä tämän tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella on täysin mahdollista. Menetelmän läpinäkyvyys ja informaation jakaminen ovat avainasioita, mikäli rungonosahinnoittelua aiotaan käyttää laajemmin puukaupassa.201

    On the IRS Deployment in Smart Factories Considering Blockage Effects: Collocated or Distributed?

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    In this article, we study the collocated and distributed deployment of intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRS) for a fixed total number of IRS elements to support enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB) and ultra-reliable low-latency communication (URLLC) services inside a factory. We build a channel model that incorporates the line-of-sight (LOS) probability and power loss of each transmission path, and propose three metrics, namely, the expected received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), expected finite-blocklength (FB) capacity, and expected outage probability, where the expectation is taken over the probability distributions of interior blockages and channel fading. The expected received SNR and expected FB capacity for extremely high blockage densities are derived in closed-form as functions of the amount and height of IRSs and the density, size, and penetration loss of blockages, which are verified by Monte Carlo simulations. Results show that deploying IRSs vertically higher leads to higher expected received SNR and expected FB capacity. By analysing the average/minimum/maximum of the three metrics versus the number of IRSs, we find that for high blockage densities, both eMBB and URLLC services benefit from distributed deployment; and for low blockage densities, URLLC services benefit from distributed deployment while eMBB services see limited difference between collocated and distributed deployment

    HybridDeepRx: Deep Learning Receiver for High-EVM Signals

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    In this paper, we propose a machine learning (ML) based physical layer receiver solution for demodulating OFDM signals that are subject to a high level of nonlinear distortion. Specifically, a novel deep learning based convolutional neural network receiver is devised, containing layers in both time- and frequency domains, allowing to demodulate and decode the transmitted bits reliably despite the high error vector magnitude (EVM) in the transmit signal. Extensive set of numerical results is provided, in the context of 5G NR uplink incorporating also measured terminal power amplifier characteristics. The obtained results show that the proposed receiver system is able to clearly outperform classical linear receivers as well as existing ML receiver approaches, especially when the EVM is high in comparison with modulation order. The proposed ML receiver can thus facilitate pushing the terminal power amplifier (PA) systems deeper into saturation, and thereon improve the terminal power-efficiency, radiated power and network coverage.Comment: To be presented in the 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communication

    5G Spectrum: enabling the future mobile landscape

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    © 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The arrival of the fifth generation (5G) is expected to come together with three important enablers. First, the densification of access nodes will continue. Second, 5G networks must be highly flexible and adapt to the dynamism of the traffic location and patterns. For this, some of the radio access network (RAN) functionalities will run in large computer centers, able to dynamically assign more or fewer units of computation to the virtual cells distributed in the network. Finally, a complex landscape of spectrum availability and access will emerge where multiple frequency bands, subject to different regulations including various forms of shared spectrum, are expected to be available to wireless communication systems.Schotten, HD.; Uusitalo, MA.; Monserrat Del Río, JF.; Queseth, O. (2015). 5G Spectrum: enabling the future mobile landscape. IEEE Communications Magazine. 53(7):16-17. doi:10.1109/MCOM.2015.7158260S161753

    What are the effects of even-aged and uneven-aged forest management on boreal forest biodiversity in Fennoscandia and European Russia? A systematic review protocol

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    Biodiversity is vital for human well-being, but is threatened by human actions world-wide. In the boreal zone, harvesting and management of forests on an industrial scale is the most important factor driving habitat change and degradation. Over time different forest management regimes have been implemented but their impact on biodiversity at different spatial and temporal scales has not been systematically reviewed although non-systematic reviews on the topic exist. The aim of this article is to describe a protocol for a systematic review to synthesise and compare the impacts of two different forest management systems on biodiversity at different spatial and temporal scales. The topic for the systematic review arose from the discussions with the Finnish forestry sector and was further defined in a stakeholder workshop. Research questions addressed by the systematic review protocol are: (1) What are the stand-level effects of even-aged and uneven-aged forest management on boreal forest biodiversity in Fennoscandia and European Russia? (2) What is the effect of these same forest management systems on biodiversity at landscape level?Peer reviewe

    What are the effects of even-aged and uneven-aged forest management on boreal forest biodiversity in Fennoscandia and European Russia? A systematic review

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    Background: Forest harvesting changes forest habitat and impacts forest dependent species. Uneven-aged management is often considered better for biodiversity than even-aged management, but there is an ongoing discourse over the benefits and disadvantages of different silvicultural systems. This systematic review contributes to the public discussion and provides evidence for policy making by synthesising current evidence on impacts of even-aged and uneven-aged forest management on biodiversity in boreal forests of Fennoscandia and European Russia. In this review even-aged and uneven-aged forest management are compared directly to each other as well as to natural forest to provide a broad basis for public discussion. Methods: Both peer-reviewed and grey literature were searched in bibliographical databases, organizational webpages and internet search engines in English, Finnish, Swedish and Russian. Articles were screened for relevance by their title/abstract and again by full text. The inclusion of studies was assessed against pre-defined criteria published in an a priori protocol. A narrative synthesis and meta-analysis were conducted to describe the evidence base and to compare species richness and abundance between differently managed forests. The influence of habitat specialism, taxon, years since harvesting, deadwood availability and harvesting intensity on species richness and abundance were also tested. Review findings: Searching identified 43,621 articles of which 137 articles with 854 studies had independent data and were included in the narrative synthesis. Of those, 547 studies were included in the meta-analysis. The most studied taxa were arthropods, vascular plants, bryophytes, fungi, and lichens. Results showed that forests with less disturbance (uneven-aged and mature even-aged) host more forest dependent species than young even-aged forests ( 80 years old). Uneven-aged forest had similar number of species and individuals than natural forest whereas even-aged forest had less species than natural forest. Open habitat species and their individuals were more numerous in young even-aged forests and forests undergone retention harvest. Effect sizes found were mostly large indicating strong and uniform impact of forest management based on species' habitat preferences. In addition to habitat specialism, years since harvest explained some of the differences found in species richness and abundance due to increase of open habitat species in the early successional stages and forest dependent species in late successional stages. Taxon had limited explanatory power. Conclusions: Habitat preferences determine species' response to different harvesting methods and the magnitude of effect is large. Less disturbance from harvesting is better for forest dependent species whereas opposite is true for open habitat species. Uneven-aged and mature even-aged forests (> 80 years old) are important to maintain biodiversity in boreal forests. However, the results also highlight that natural forests are needed to ensure the future of forest dependent species in Fennoscandia and European Russia. Given that a broader set of biodiversity aspects are to be protected, best overall biodiversity impacts for a variety of species at landscape level can be achieved by ensuring that there is a mosaic of different forests within landscapes.Peer reviewe

    Are small protected habitat patches within boreal production forests effective in conserving species richness, abundance and community composition? A systematic review

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    Background: In boreal zone forest management is changing and degrading forest habitats, which has caused declines in biodiversity. To mitigate these harmful effects in production forests, small-scale habitats with high biodiversity values have been protected within them. These habitats include woodland key habitats, and other small habitat patches protected by voluntary conservation actions. In this systematic review we synthesize the evidence on the value of small protected habitat patches (SPHP) within production forest landscapes for biodiversity. Review question: Are small protected habitat patches within boreal production forests effective in conserving species richness, abundance, and community composition? Methods: Both peer-reviewed and grey literature were searched from bibliographical databases, organizational websites and internet search engines in English, Finnish, Swedish and Russian. Articles were screened at two stages (title/abstract and full text) and the validity of the included studies were assessed. Screening and validity assessment were based on predetermined criteria. After data extraction, narrative and quantitative syntheses were conducted. Influences of effect modifiers were tested, and sensitivity analyses were conducted. Review findings: During the searches 19,458 articles were found. After duplicate removal and title/abstract screening 336 articles remained. During full text screening 41 articles were included and 35 of them (174 studies) were included in narrative synthesis. 28 articles with 127 studies had suitable data for meta-analysis. SPHPs had significantly higher species richness compared to production forests. When compared to natural forests, there was no significant difference. Forest management in areas surrounding SPHPs did not have impact on species richness of these patches. Individual abundance was significantly higher in SPHPs compared to natural or production forests. There was significantly more dead wood in SPHPs compared to production forests, but when compared to natural forests there was no significant difference. Community composition was different between SPHPs and both production and natural forests. Conclusions: The findings of this review show that small protected patches within production forests are important part of biodiversity conservation. They cannot substitute larger protected areas but supplement the protected area network. However, there were gaps both in geographical distribution of the studies as well as in the selection of target species of the studies. Therefore, generalization of the results must be done carefully.Peer reviewe