10 research outputs found

    A multicomponent approach to using waste-derived biochar in biofiltration : A case study based on dissimilar types of waste

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    The environmental legislation and strict enforcement of environmental regulations are the tools effectively used for developing the market of materials for environmental protection technologies. Sustain ability criteria shift environmental engineering systems to more sustainable-material-based technologies. For carbon-based medium materials in biofiltration, this trend results in attempts to use biochar for biofiltration purposes. The paper presents the analysis of biochar properties based on the main criteria for biofiltration medium integrating the environmental quality properties of biochar, following the European Biochar Certificate guidelines. Three types of biochar produced from feedstock of highly popular and abundant types of waste are analysed. A multi component approach was applied to summarize the results. The lignocellulosic type of biochar was found to be more competitive for use as a biofiltration medium than the types of biochar with high ash or lignin content. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Unexpectedly High Prevalence of Common Variable Immunodeficiency in Finland

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    Background: Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) is the most common primary immunodeficiency. Prevalence varies greatly between countries and studies. Most diagnostic criteria include hypogammaglobulinemia and impaired vaccine response. Aim: To evaluate the minimum prevalence as well as the clinical and immunological phenotypes of CVID in Southern Finland. Methods: We performed a cross-sectional study to assess all adult CVID patients followed up in three hospital districts in Southern and South-Eastern Finland between April 2007 and August 2015. CVID diagnosis was based, with a minor modification, on the ESID/PAGID criteria for primary CVID. Antipolysaccharide responses to Pneumovax (R) were defined as impaired only if 50% or more of the serotypes did not reach a level of 0.35 mu g/mL after vaccination. We further characterized the patients' B cell phenotypes and complications associated with CVID. Results: In total, 9 patients were excluded due to potential secondary causes before diagnosis. ESID/PAGID criteria were met by 132 patients (males 52%), of whom, 106 had "probable" and 26 "possible CVID." Based on the population statistics in the three hospital districts, the minimum adult prevalence per 100,000 inhabitants in Finland for all CVID ("probable CVID," respectively) patients was 6.9 (5.5). In the highest prevalence district (Helsinki and Uusimaa), the prevalence was 7.7 (6.1). CVID patients suffer from frequent complications. Ten patients died during follow-up. Of probable CVID patients, 73% had more than one clinical phenotype. Intriguingly, gradual B cell loss from peripheral blood during follow-up was seen in as many as 16% of "Xprobable CVID" patients. Patients with possible CVID displayed somewhat milder clinical and laboratory phenotypes than probable CVID patients. We also confirm that large granular lymphocyte lymphoproliferation is a CVID-associated complication. Conclusion: The prevalence of CVID in Finland appears the highest recorded, likely reflecting the genetic isolation and potential founder effects in the Finnish population. Studies to discover potential gene variants responsible for the high prevalence in Finland thus seem warranted. Increased awareness of CVID among physicians would likely lead to earlier diagnosis and improved quality of care.Peer reviewe

    Hyönteisruuan merkitys suomalaisten ravintotottumusten uudistamisessa ja keinoja suosion lisäämiseen

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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli osoittaa, että kasvava lihankulutus tulee saada pysäytetyksi ja selvittää, olisiko hyönteisruuasta varteenotettavaksi korvaajaksi perinteisille proteiininlähteille. Teoriaosassa aiheeseen paneuduttiin kirjallisuutta sekä sähköisiä lähteitä, kuten aiempia tutkimuksia ja opinnäytetöitä hyödyntäen. Tutkimusosan tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa, olisivatko suomalaiset valmiita korvaamaan ruokavaliossaan perinteisiä proteiininlähteitä hyönteisillä, mitkä asiat vaikuttavat ostopäätökseen, millaisia hyönteisruokatuotteita kuluttajat haluaisivat kauppoihin ja sitä, miten kuluttajien mielestä voitaisiin edistää hyönteisruuan näkyvyyttä ja tunnettavuutta. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli tuottaa tietoa siitä, millä keinoilla hyönteisruuan suosiota saadaan lisättyä ja kuinka perinteisiä proteiininlähteitä saataisiin tuotekehityksen kautta vähitellen korvattua hyönteisruualla. Tutkimusta varten laadittiin kyselylomake, jonka avulla vastauksia kerättiin sekä Internetissä että paperilomakkeella. Havaintoyksiköiden määrä kyselytutkimuksessa oli 100 kappaletta. Kyselytutkimukseen vastanneista lihansyöjistä 74% oli valmis korvaamaan lihansyöntiään osittain hyönteisravinnolla. Kasvissyöjistä ja vegaaneista puolestaan 45% oli valmis hyväksymään hyönteiset osaksi ruokavaliotaan. Kyselytutkimukseen vastanneista suurin osa piti ruuan makua tärkeimpänä ostopäätökseen vaikuttavana tekijänä ja hieman yllättäen ruuan terveellisyyttä pidettiin hintaa tärkeämpänä elintarvikkeen ominaisuutena, mikä viittaa siihen, että kuluttajat ovat valmiita maksamaan terveellisemmästä ruuasta. Kyselytutkimuksessa kävi myös ilmi, että kuluttajista valtaosa hyväksyisi hyönteiset ravinnokseen mieluummin jauhetussa muodossa kuin kokonaisina. Vastaajilla oli myös runsaasti ehdotuksia, millaisia hyönteiselintarvikkeita he kauppoihin toivoisivat. Tuote-ehdotuksia löytyi niin lihansukuisista tuotteista, leipätuotteista, leivoksista, kuivaelintarvikkeista, eineksistä, välipaloista, makeista kuin snackseistäkin. Myös kokonaisia hyönteisiä toivottiin. Kyselyyn vastanneilla oli myös runsaasti näkemyksiä siitä, kuinka hyönteisruuan näkyvyyttä ja tunnettavuutta voitaisiin edistää. Eniten tarpeellisiksi toimenpiteiksi nähtiin aktiivinen ja pitkäjänteinen kuluttajavalistus sekä maistatukset. Hyönteisravintoon liittyy runsaasti etuja verrattuna perinteiseen lihantuotantoon. Tutkimuksen perusteella kuluttajat ovat pääosin valmiita ottamaan hyönteiset osaksi ruokavaliotaan. Hyönteisruuan omaksuminen osaksi suomalaista ruokavaliota vie kuitenkin aikaa ja vaatii pitkäjänteistä kuluttajavalistusta. Hyönteisten laajamittainen hyödyntäminen ravintona vaatii myös hyönteisten teollisen massatuotannon kehitystä sekä elintarvikealan yritysten ennakkoluulotonta hyönteisruokatuotantoon mukaan lähtemistä.The purpose of this thesis was to prove that increasing meat consumption should be stopped. The purpose was also to clarify whether the insect food could be a potential alternative to traditional protein sources. The purpose of the empirical part was to clarify if the Finns are ready to substitute insects for traditional protein sources, what affects purchasing decisions, what kinds of insect food products consumers would like and how customers think that coverage and awareness of insect food could be promoted. The objective of this thesis was to gather information with a questionnaire about how to increase the popularity of insect food and how to substitute insect food for traditional protein sources step by step with the help of product development. The results of the study suggest that the most of the respondents of the survey were ready to take insect food as part of their diet to some extent. The results also suggest that most of the consumers would accept insects in the food rather in the ground form than whole. The most necessary measures to promote coverage and awareness of insect food were seen active and persevering consumer information and tastings. The findings of the study indicate that adopting insect food in the Finnsʼ diet takes a long time because Finns are not accustomed to insect food. Moreover, the large-scale invocation of insects as food requires the development of industrial insect mass production and the food businesses open-mindedly coming along into insect food production

    Antimicrobial Activity of Slow Pyrolysis Distillates from Pine Wood Biomass against Three Pathogens

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of wood distillates obtained from Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) sawdust in order to explore new alternatives for the utilization of wood industry by-products. The distillates were produced by slow pyrolysis thermal conversion in three process phases with increasing temperatures, namely drying, torrefaction and pyrolysis, and three cooling units with different temperatures to condensate the distillates. This yielded nine different liquid fractions. The food-related pathogens, Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes and Candida albicans, were evaluated for their susceptibility to the distillate fractions using an agar diffusion test. The antimicrobial activity was estimated by measuring the formed inhibition zones after the incubation period. In addition, the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and microbicidic concentration were assayed for a selected fraction (T2) from the torrefaction phase with Bio-screen C. The results indicated that the distillates from the torrefaction and pyrolysis phases had antimicrobial activity against the tested microbes. The MIC value of the T2 fraction for all tested microbes was 0.83% (v/v). Furthermore, the T2 fraction was microbicidic for Salmonella and Listeria strains in 0.83% (v/v) solution and Candida strain in 1.67% (v/v) solution. In conclusion, Scots pine wood distillates obtained from slow pyrolysis have the potential to be developed as antimicrobial agents against pathogenic microbes. Next, research is needed to investigate the chemical composition of the distillates and to assess their safe use

    Antimicrobial Activity of Slow Pyrolysis Distillates from Pine Wood Biomass against Three Pathogens

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of wood distillates obtained from Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) sawdust in order to explore new alternatives for the utilization of wood industry by-products. The distillates were produced by slow pyrolysis thermal conversion in three process phases with increasing temperatures, namely drying, torrefaction and pyrolysis, and three cooling units with different temperatures to condensate the distillates. This yielded nine different liquid fractions. The food-related pathogens, Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes and Candida albicans, were evaluated for their susceptibility to the distillate fractions using an agar diffusion test. The antimicrobial activity was estimated by measuring the formed inhibition zones after the incubation period. In addition, the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and microbicidic concentration were assayed for a selected fraction (T2) from the torrefaction phase with Bio-screen C. The results indicated that the distillates from the torrefaction and pyrolysis phases had antimicrobial activity against the tested microbes. The MIC value of the T2 fraction for all tested microbes was 0.83% (v/v). Furthermore, the T2 fraction was microbicidic for Salmonella and Listeria strains in 0.83% (v/v) solution and Candida strain in 1.67% (v/v) solution. In conclusion, Scots pine wood distillates obtained from slow pyrolysis have the potential to be developed as antimicrobial agents against pathogenic microbes. Next, research is needed to investigate the chemical composition of the distillates and to assess their safe use

    Unexpectedly High Prevalence of Common Variable Immunodeficiency in Finland

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    BackgroundCommon variable immunodeficiency (CVID) is the most common primary immunodeficiency. Prevalence varies greatly between countries and studies. Most diagnostic criteria include hypogammaglobulinemia and impaired vaccine response.AimTo evaluate the minimum prevalence as well as the clinical and immunological phenotypes of CVID in Southern Finland.MethodsWe performed a cross-sectional study to assess all adult CVID patients followed up in three hospital districts in Southern and South-Eastern Finland between April 2007 and August 2015. CVID diagnosis was based, with a minor modification, on the ESID/PAGID criteria for primary CVID. Antipolysaccharide responses to Pneumovax® were defined as impaired only if 50% or more of the serotypes did not reach a level of 0.35 µg/mL after vaccination. We further characterized the patients’ B cell phenotypes and complications associated with CVID.ResultsIn total, 9 patients were excluded due to potential secondary causes before diagnosis. ESID/PAGID criteria were met by 132 patients (males 52%), of whom, 106 had “probable” and 26 “possible CVID.” Based on the population statistics in the three hospital districts, the minimum adult prevalence per 100,000 inhabitants in Finland for all CVID (“probable CVID,” respectively) patients was 6.9 (5.5). In the highest prevalence district (Helsinki and Uusimaa), the prevalence was 7.7 (6.1). CVID patients suffer from frequent complications. Ten patients died during follow-up. Of probable CVID patients, 73% had more than one clinical phenotype. Intriguingly, gradual B cell loss from peripheral blood during follow-up was seen in as many as 16% of “probable CVID” patients. Patients with possible CVID displayed somewhat milder clinical and laboratory phenotypes than probable CVID patients. We also confirm that large granular lymphocyte lymphoproliferation is a CVID-associated complication.ConclusionThe prevalence of CVID in Finland appears the highest recorded, likely reflecting the genetic isolation and potential founder effects in the Finnish population. Studies to discover potential gene variants responsible for the high prevalence in Finland thus seem warranted. Increased awareness of CVID among physicians would likely lead to earlier diagnosis and improved quality of care