44 research outputs found

    Breakdown of universality in transitions to spatiotemporal chaos

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    We show that the transition from laminar to active behavior in extended chaotic systems can vary from a continuous transition in the universality class of directed percolation with infinitely many absorbing states to what appears as a first-order transition. The latter occurs when finite lifetime nonchaotic structures, called "solitons," dominate the dynamics. We illustrate this scenario in an extension of the deterministic Chaté-Manneville coupled map lattice model and in a soliton including variant of the stochastic Domany-Kinzel cellular automaton

    Retrospective evaluation of whole exome and genome mutation calls in 746 cancer samples

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    Funder: NCI U24CA211006Abstract: The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) curated consensus somatic mutation calls using whole exome sequencing (WES) and whole genome sequencing (WGS), respectively. Here, as part of the ICGC/TCGA Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes (PCAWG) Consortium, which aggregated whole genome sequencing data from 2,658 cancers across 38 tumour types, we compare WES and WGS side-by-side from 746 TCGA samples, finding that ~80% of mutations overlap in covered exonic regions. We estimate that low variant allele fraction (VAF < 15%) and clonal heterogeneity contribute up to 68% of private WGS mutations and 71% of private WES mutations. We observe that ~30% of private WGS mutations trace to mutations identified by a single variant caller in WES consensus efforts. WGS captures both ~50% more variation in exonic regions and un-observed mutations in loci with variable GC-content. Together, our analysis highlights technological divergences between two reproducible somatic variant detection efforts

    Conditions for High Civic Knowledge and Participation in Norwegian Schools

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    The Norwegian students in the Civic Education study are doing very well in civic knowledge, skills, attitudes and concepts. Despite this documented democratic awareness the student's score is below international average on interest in politics and conventional participation. On the other hand the 14 year olds carry an important willingness to vote as adults, they have a high level of trust in their government and they want to participate in the school society. The paper discusses the question how these Norwegian findings can be explained, and wheather or not are the school system and school activities are part of the explanation. The paper illustrates the strategies for teaching an learning democracy in Norwegian Schools. The "about-perspective" means to teach the students about democracy und die "through-perspective" means teaching and learning through democracy. Using examples this paper shows, that school is one of the institutions who most explicit prepare young people for their role as citizens, that is as participators in democratic political activity. The comparison between Norwegian 14 year olds and 18 year olds shows improvements closely connected to student's years in school. The about-perspective seems well taken care of by schools, teachers and students. This integrative school-system in connection with the open classroom climate seems to be a condition for attractive democratic attitudes

    Sol vinkel estimator. Solpanel rig med dobbel akse orientering

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    Denne rapporten presenterer design og simuleringer av en toakset solcellerigg. Denne bestpunktsporingen riggen fungerer utelukkende basert på utgangseffekten til solcellepanelet montert til det. Det bruker ikke noen solsensor til å orientere solcellepanelet. Posisjonen til solen er beregnet basert på tid og stedsinformasjon. Siden dette solpanelet vil bli montert her på UiT, Norges Arktiske Universitet, Narvik. Så det er breddegrad og lengdegrad er alltid løst. Teoretisk sett bør solcellepanelet plasseres slik den er vinkelrett på solen. Men den optimale posisjonen til solcellepanelet kan være litt annerledes fra den astronomiske posisjonen (vendt vinkelrett mot solen) på grunn av refleksjon av snø og andre faktorer. Så for å spore den optimale posisjonen må panelet flyttes først i en retning. Og vinkelen økes med en viss trinnstørrelse og utgangseffekten sammenlignes i hver tilt vinkel. Da tilt vinkel som gir maksimal effekt er satt som optimal tilt vinkel. Skal solcellepanelet holdes ved denne optimale tilt vinkelen og deretter gjentas den samme prosessen til finn den andre vinkelen. For bevegelse av solcellepanelet har en svingstasjon blitt valgt av andre studentgrupper. Resten av rapporten omhandler valg og begrunnelse av elektriske komponenter, altså valg av PLS og tilhørende moduler. Rapporten inneholder også design av en effekt måler som skal brukes til å måle effekten fra solcellepanelene og sende signalet direkte til en PLS. Rapporten inneholder også simulering av perturber og observer, samt en PLS kode som er implementer med en perturber og observer algoritme. Det er brukt en WAGO PLS som programmeres med E!cockpit og simuleringen gjøres i simulink i matlab

    Sol vinkel estimator. Solpanel rig med dobbel akse orientering

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    Denne rapporten presenterer design og simuleringer av en toakset solcellerigg. Denne bestpunktsporingen riggen fungerer utelukkende basert på utgangseffekten til solcellepanelet montert til det. Det bruker ikke noen solsensor til å orientere solcellepanelet. Posisjonen til solen er beregnet basert på tid og stedsinformasjon. Siden dette solpanelet vil bli montert her på UiT, Norges Arktiske Universitet, Narvik. Så det er breddegrad og lengdegrad er alltid løst. Teoretisk sett bør solcellepanelet plasseres slik den er vinkelrett på solen. Men den optimale posisjonen til solcellepanelet kan være litt annerledes fra den astronomiske posisjonen (vendt vinkelrett mot solen) på grunn av refleksjon av snø og andre faktorer. Så for å spore den optimale posisjonen må panelet flyttes først i en retning. Og vinkelen økes med en viss trinnstørrelse og utgangseffekten sammenlignes i hver tilt vinkel. Da tilt vinkel som gir maksimal effekt er satt som optimal tilt vinkel. Skal solcellepanelet holdes ved denne optimale tilt vinkelen og deretter gjentas den samme prosessen til finn den andre vinkelen. For bevegelse av solcellepanelet har en svingstasjon blitt valgt av andre studentgrupper. Resten av rapporten omhandler valg og begrunnelse av elektriske komponenter, altså valg av PLS og tilhørende moduler. Rapporten inneholder også design av en effekt måler som skal brukes til å måle effekten fra solcellepanelene og sende signalet direkte til en PLS. Rapporten inneholder også simulering av perturber og observer, samt en PLS kode som er implementer med en perturber og observer algoritme. Det er brukt en WAGO PLS som programmeres med E!cockpit og simuleringen gjøres i simulink i matlab

    To lose a friend: the relationship between professional help and grief among close bereaved friends after the terror attack, 22 July 2011

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    ABSTRACTBackground: Close friends are often an overlooked group of bereaved people. This study is based on a sub-project on young adults who experienced the loss of a close friend in the terrorist attack on Utøya, Norway, on 22 July 2011.Objective: The aim of this longitudinal study was to explore the relationship between complicated grief reactions, the need for help, and help received after losing a close friend to a traumatic death.Method: In total, data from 89 people (with a mean age of 21 years, 76.4% female) were collected at one or more of the four time-points: 18, 28, 40, and 102 months after the incident. Latent growth modelling was used to analyse levels of grief reactions and change over time, experienced need for help, and help received.Results: According to the results, the bereaved friends in our study were profoundly impacted by the loss and experienced level of reactions indicating complicated grief (mean scores on the Inventory of Complicated Grief varied from 36.2 to 23.7). A need for help was related to a decrease in grief symptoms, whereas a prolonged need for help was related to no reduction or an increase in grief. Received help was not related to decrease in grief symptoms.Conclusions: These findings underscore the need for continuous professional help, and demonstrate that the present help measures used after traumatic events may not adequately meet the needs of close bereaved friends. This emphasizes the importance of acknowledging friends as bereaved and that follow-up measures should also include this group. Finally, the study highlights the need to learn more about how professional can help bereaved friends

    F8/F9 variants in the population-based PedNet Registry cohort compared with locus-specific genetic databases of the European Association for Haemophilia and Allied Disorders and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Hemophilia A or Hemophilia B Mutation Project.

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    BACKGROUND Hemophilia A and B are caused by variants in the factor (F) VIII or FIX gene. Selective reporting may influence the distribution of variants reported in genetic databases. OBJECTIVES To compare the spectrum of F8 and F9 variants in an international population-based pediatric cohort (PedNet Registry) with the spectrum found in the European Association for Haemophilia and Allied Disorders (EAHAD) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Hemophilia A or Hemophilia B Mutation Project (CHAMP/CHBMP) databases. METHODS All patients registered in the PedNet Registry on January 1, 2021 were included in this study. As comparators, data from patients with severe hemophilia included in the CHAMP/CHBMP registry (US center data) and EAHAD were used. RESULTS Genetic information was available for 1941 patients. Intron 22 inversion was present in 52% of patients with severe hemophilia A; frameshift (36%), missense (28%), and nonsense (20%) were the most frequent variants in patients with severe hemophilia A who were inversion-negative. The most frequent variants in severe hemophilia B were missense (48%). In nonsevere disease, most variants were missense variants (moderate hemophilia A: 91%; mild hemophilia A: 95%, moderate and mild hemophilia B: 86% each). Comparison with the databases demonstrated a higher proportion of missense variants associated with severe hemophilia B in EAHAD (68%) than in PedNet (48%) and CHBMP (46%). CONCLUSION The PedNet population-based cohort provides an alternative to the established databases, which collect data by selective reporting, as it is a well-maintained database covering the full spectrum of pathogenic F8 and F9 variants, and indicates the number of patients affected by each particular variant