1,943 research outputs found

    Activity of the right cardiac ventricle and metabolism in healthy persons during an orthostatic test after short term immobilization

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    A 15 minute orthostatic test was performed on healthy male volunteers under conditions of catheterization of the right ventricle of the heart and the radial (or brachial) artery before and after 5 day bedrest in an antiorthostatic position of the body (with the foot of the bed raised 4.5 degrees). The change to a vertical position after immobilization was attended by a more marked increase in the rate of cardiac contractions, an increase of max dp/dt pressure in the right ventricle, and a decrease of cardiac and stroke indices. The decrease of the cardiac index was compensated for, to a certain measure, by a further increase in the extraction and utilization of O2 by the tissues. The arterial blood pH did not change essentially, while the decrease in pCO2 and content of standard bicarbonate was more marked

    Exact computation of one-loop correction to energy of pulsating strings in AdS_5 x S^5

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    In the present paper, which is a sequel to arXiv:1001:4018, we compute the one-loop correction to the energy of pulsating string solutions in AdS_5 x S^5. We show that, as for rigid spinning string elliptic solutions, the fluctuation operators for pulsating solutions can be also put into the single-gap Lame' form. A novel aspect of pulsating solutions is that the one-loop correction to their energy is expressed in terms of the stability angles of the quadratic fluctuation operators. We explicitly study the "short string" limit of the corresponding one-loop energies, demonstrating a certain universality of the form of the energy of "small" semiclassical strings. Our results may help to shed light on the structure of strong-coupling expansion of anomalous dimensions of dual gauge theory operators.Comment: 49 pages; v2: appendix F and note about antiperiodic fermions added, typos corrected, references adde


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    Рассмотрена возможная модель изменения дилатометрических эффектов литейного инварного сплава Fe–Ni(38)–C(2,5) с участием представлений о гибридизации электронных орбиталей атомов углерода.The possible model changes dilatometric effects cast Invar alloy Fe–Ni(38)–C(2,5) with representations of the hybridization of the electron orbitals of carbon atoms


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    Spatial computing in structured spiking neural networks with a robotic embodiment

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    One of the challenges of modern neuroscience is creating a "living computer" based on neural networks grown in vitro. Such an artificial device is supposed to perform neurocomputational tasks and interact with the environment when embodied in a robot. Recent studies have identified the most critical challenge, the search for a neural network architecture to implement associative learning. This work proposes a model of modular architecture with spiking neural networks connected by unidirectional couplings. We show that the model enables training a neuro-robot according to Pavlovian conditioning. The robot's performance in obstacle avoidance depends on the ratio of the weights in inter-network couplings. We show that besides STDP, critical factors for successful learning are synaptic and neuronal competitions. We use the recently discovered shortest path rule to implement the synaptic competition. This method is ready for experimental testing. Strong inhibitory couplings implement the neuronal competition in the subnetwork responsible for the unconditional response. Empirical testing of this approach requires a technique for growing neural networks with a given ratio of excitatory and inhibitory neurons not available yet. An alternative is building a hybrid system with in vitro neural networks coupled through hardware memristive connections

    Эпидемическая ситуация по ВИЧ-инфекции в пенитенциарной системе Российской Федерации

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    The objective: to identify promising directions for prevention of HIV incidence mortality on the basis of analysis of changes in HIV situation assessing the effectiveness of interventions in penitentiary units.HIV infection has traditionally been a critical issue for the penitentiary system worldwide and in Russia particularly. Recently, Russia has managed to achieve positive changes in the epidemic situation: by 2020, HIV incidence reduced to 852.8 per 100,000 (including 2,433.6 in remand prisons and 122.8 in correctional institutions); HIV prevalence was 10,512.8 per 100,000; HIV mortality was 98.3 per 100,000; HIV lethality was 0.9 per 100,000 people living with HIV.The proportion of HIV infection as a cause of death decreased from 32.0 in 2016 to 20.5 in 2020. The positive changes developed faster compared to civilian health care and occurred during the growing coverage with antiretroviral therapy which increased from 21.7% in 2014 to 89.6% in 2020. The following problems persist: high prevalence of HIV infection among female inmates (19,275.0 versus 9,769.2 among male inmates per 100,000), the high proportion of HIV/hepatitis C co-infection (49.0%; 95% CI 48.6-49.5), and the low coverage with hepatitis C treatment (0.5% of the total number of persons with co-infection). Promising directions for the prevention of HIV incidence and mortality are related to stable supply of antiretroviral drugs, improved patient adherence to treatment, and expanding treatment for HIV/hepatitis C co-infection.Цель исследования: определить перспективные направления по профилактике заболеваемости и предотвращению смертности от ВИЧ-инфекции на основании анализа эпидемической ситуации по ВИЧ-инфекции в динамике, оценивая результативность проведенных вмешательств в пенитенциарных учреждениях.ВИЧ-инфекция традиционно представляет проблему для пенитенциарной системы во всем мире в целом и в России в частности. В последние годы в России удалось добиться позитивной динамики эпидемической ситуации: заболеваемость ВИЧ-инфекцией к 2020 г. снизилась до 852,8 на 100 тыс. (в том числе в следственных изоляторах – до 2 433,6, в исправительных учреждениях – до 122,8), распространенность – до 10 512,8 на 100 тыс., смертность – до 98,3 на 100 тыс., летальность – до 0,9 на 100 среднесписочных лиц, живущих с ВИЧ. Доля ВИЧ-инфекции в структуре причин смерти снизилась с 32,0 в 2016 г. до 20,5 в 2020 г. Позитивная динамика, опережающая таковую в гражданском здравоохранении, происходила на фоне роста охвата антиретровирусной терапией с 21,7% в 2014 г. до 89,6% в 2020 г. Проблему представляет высокая распространенность ВИЧ-инфекции у осужденных женщин (19 275,0 по сравнению с 9 769,2 у мужчин на 100 тыс.), высокая доля коинфекции ВИЧ + гепатит C (49,0%; 95%-ный ДИ 48,6-49,5) при низком охвате лечением по поводу гепатита C (0,5% от общего числа лиц с коинфекцией). Перспективные направления по профилактике заболеваемости и предотвращению смертности от ВИЧ-инфекции связаны с обеспечением непрерывного снабжения антиретровирусными препаратами, повышением приверженности пациентов к лечению и расширением помощи при сочетании ВИЧ-инфекция + гепатит C

    Review of AdS/CFT Integrability, Chapter II.2: Quantum Strings in AdS5xS5

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    We review the semiclassical analysis of strings in AdS5xS5 with a focus on the relationship to the underlying integrable structures. We discuss the perturbative calculation of energies for strings with large charges, using the folded string spinning in an AdS3 subset of AdS5 as our main example. Furthermore, we review the perturbative light-cone quantization of the string theory and the calculation of the worldsheet S-matrix.Comment: 20 pages, see also overview article arXiv:1012.3982, v2: references to other chapters update

    Роль ПЭТ/КТ с 18F-фтордезоксиглюкозой в выявлении прогрессирования колоректального рака у асимптоматических пациентов с повышенным уровнем раково-эмбрионального антигена (обзор литературы)

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    Positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET/CT) with 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose in colorectal cancer is a highly sensitive imaging technique that detects malignant foci characterized by increased glucose metabolism. Currently, an increasing number of studies indicate the added value of PET/CT for the diagnosis and preoperative restaging of recurrent colorectal cancer. A special problem is a group of patients suffering from colorectal cancer, with negative or ambiguous results of radiology methods, but with an elevated level of сarcinoembryonic antigen. Many studies confirm the opinion that early use of PET/CT with 18F- fluorodeoxyglucose may have predictive value in the treatment of such patients.Совмещенная с компьютерной томографией позитронно-эмиссионная томография (ПЭТ/КТ) с использованием 18F-фтор-дезоксиглюкозы при колоректальном раке представляет собой высокочувствительный метод визуализации, позволяющий выявлять злокачественные очаги, характеризующиеся повышенным метаболизмом глюкозы. В настоящее время все большее количество исследований показывают дополнительную ценность ПЭТ/КТ для диагностики прогрессирования колоректального рака. Особую проблему представляет группа пациентов, страдающих колоректальным раком, с отрицательными или неоднозначными результатами лучевых методов диагностики, но с повышенным уровнем раково-эмбрионального антигена. Многие исследования подтверждают мнение о том, что раннее использование ПЭТ/КТ с 18F-фтордезоксиглюкозой может иметь прогностическую ценность в лечении таких пациентов