114 research outputs found

    Protection of rights of children under international and Russian legislation

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    This study was aimed at discussing the main aspects regarding the protection of rights of children under international and Russian law. An analysis of the norms regarding the protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of children from the point of view of international and Russian legislation was presented. The main directions of the state policy on the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of children were also covere

    Humanitarian context of the principles of the judiciary in the constitutions of the countries of Eastern Europe

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    The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of norms of the constitutions of the countries of Eastern Europe in connection with the identification in them of the principles of the judiciary, enshrined in the special sections on the rights and freedoms of man and citize

    Constitutional and Legal Regulation of State Authority Interaction on Citizen Appeals: Foreign Experience

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    The purpose of this article is to identify the foreign experience of constitutional legalization of the basic foundations of interaction between government bodies regarding citizens' appeals. The study was built based on a dialectical approach to the disclosure of legal phenomena and processes using general scientific (systemic, logical, analysis and synthesis) and private scientific methods. The claimed interaction becomes relevant in modern conditions because that there is the coordination of the interests between an individual and the state in this process that is demanded to strengthen democratic values. Systematization of foreign constitutional experience, which appears in the comparative legal aspect as part of the general human rights theory

    Educating the Principles of Judiciary in Eastern Europe

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    The study subject in this article is aims to educate the concepts of judiciary principles in Eastern eroup. We substantiated the conclusion on constitutional structuring of the formalization of judiciary principles in the sections devoted to the state foundations (constitutional system); human and civil rights and freedoms; judiciary; higher judicial authorities (usually the constitutional court). A comparative legal study of the norms of special sections on judiciary contained in the constitutions of Eastern European countries allowed the author forming a list of principles that organize and constitute the basis of activity of this kind of judiciary; identify the specific nature of their consolidation; present quantitative and qualitative features of the declared fundamental principles

    Educar los principios del poder judicial en Europa del Este

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    The study subject in this article is aims to educate the concepts of judiciary principles in Eastern eroup. We substantiated the conclusion on constitutional structuring of the formalization of judiciary principles in the sections devoted to the state foundations (constitutional system); human and civil rights and freedoms; judiciary; higher judicial authorities (usually the constitutional court). A comparative legal study of the norms of special sections on judiciary contained in the constitutions of Eastern European countries allowed the author forming a list of principles that organize and constitute the basis of activity of this kind of judiciary; identify the specific nature of their consolidation; present quantitative and qualitative features of the declared fundamental principles.El tema de estudio en este artículo tiene como objetivo educar los conceptos de los principios judiciales en el grupo oriental. Verificamos la conclusión sobre la estructuración constitucional de la formalización de los principios judiciales en las secciones dedicadas a las fundaciones estatales (sistema constitucional); derechos y libertades humanos y civiles; judicial; autoridades judiciales superiores (generalmente el tribunal constitucional). Un estudio jurídico comparativo de las normas de secciones especiales sobre el poder judicial contenidas en las constituciones de los países de Europa del Este permitió al autor formar una lista de principios que organizan y constituyen la base de la actividad de este tipo de poder judicial; identificar la naturaleza específica de su consolidación; Presentar características cuantitativas y cualitativas de los principios fundamentales declarados

    Digital Transformation of Additional Professional Education: Features of the LK-14 Educational Platform

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    This article substantiates the relevance of the transformation of the educational environment of additional professional education (APE) in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). This study aims to justify the transformation of the educational environment of APE in the context of digitalization and to consider the prospects for targeted professional development of teachers in the republic according to their needs. The authors chose this scientific topic due to the pressing needs of Russian continuing professional education (CPE) and current problems such as the lack of unified approaches and mechanisms for regulating the professional development of teachers in the digital educational environment and the lack of methods for monitoring the effectiveness and efficiency of CPE distance learning programs. Creating an innovative and dynamic CPE system requires the intensive introduction of information technologies into education. These technologies ensure that the learning process is open and of high quality, as well as provide access to global educational resources. This helps learners create “their own individual educational environment” reflecting their needs and requirements. The research methods used to explore this problem were a pedagogical experiment, the analysis of the organization of CPE of teachers in the region, designing a regional model of targeted personalized training of educators and administration. The research results include the specifics of APE modernization in the region and the model of targeted personalized training of teachers of the republic. The qualitative novelty of this model stems from the fact that developing teachers’ competencies involves identifying gaps in their professional knowledge and building individual learning paths

    State guarantees of the right to education as an element of a social state: a constitutional-comparative analysis

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    This article presents a comparative constitutional analysis of guaranteeing the right to education in various states. The authors intend to consider various approaches in different states, the constitutional consolidation of the right to education. The corresponding approach corresponds to the idea of the social state as a modern tendency of the state developmen

    Constitutional and legal regulation of state authority interaction on citizen appeals: foreign experience

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    The purpose of this article is to identify the foreign experience of constitutional legalization of the basic foundations of interaction between government bodies regarding citizens' appeals. The study was built based on a dialectical approach to the disclosure of legal phenomena and processes using general scientific (systemic, logical, analysis and synthesis) and private scientific method

    К вопросу о судебной практике в целях восстановления нарушенных объектов окружающей среды

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    A year ago the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation issued its Plenum Decree No. 49 «On some issues of applying legislation regulating environmental damage remediation». The paper examines several sections of the decree, including Section 13 (on damage compensation by recovery of costs and (or) making the defendant liable for site remediation), Section 14 (on the court’s use of fees and environmental damage assessment methodologies) and Section 18 (on the possibility of making the defendant liable for environmental remediation if a remedial action plan is already in place), as well as forensic practices involved in their enforcement. The authors conclude that substantive remediation of  environmental damage requires the assessment of potential costs of remedial action by means of forensic environmental investigation and preparation of recultivation and other remedial project plans.Год назад Пленум Верховного Суда Российской Федерации принял Постановление № 49 «О некоторых вопросах применения законодательства о возмещении вреда, причиненного окружающей среде». В статье рассмотрены пункт 13 (о возмещении вреда путем взыскания причиненных убытков и (или) путем возложения на ответчика обязанности по восстановлению нарушенного состояния окружающей среды), пункт 14 (о применении судами такс и методик исчисления размера вреда, причиненного окружающей среде) и пункт 18 (о возможности возложения на ответчика обязанности по восстановлению нарушенного состояния окружающей среды при наличии проекта восстановительных работ) указанного постановления пленума и судебная практика, связанная с их применением. Сделан вывод о том, что для реального восстановления нарушенных объектов окружающей среды следует устанавливать стоимость восстановления таких объектов путем проведения судебной экологической экспертизы определения стоимости восстановления и готовить проекты рекультивационных и иных восстановительных работ

    Rare lichens, mosses, liverworts and fungi from the Republic Sakha (Yakutia), Russia

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    The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is situated in the north-east of Siberia. The area of Yakutia (3 103 200 km2) occupies one-fifth of the Russian Federation’s territory. In total 1984 species of vascular plants, 523 of mosses, 199 of liverworts, 703 of lichens, 911 of fungi and 2476 of algae are known in Yakutia. Among them 19 species of vascular plants, 6 of mosses, 8 of liverworts, 2 of lichens, and 2 species of fungi are included in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation (2008). In this study all currently available information about locations of red-listed mosses, hepatics, lichens, and fungi on the territory of the Sakha Republic, is provided. Diverse climatic and edaphic conditions of Yakutia provide a wide range of ecological niches for the growth of species of different ecological requirements. Most of the rare species included in the Red Data Book of Russian Federation have narrow ecological amplitude. Majority of the species was recorded in mountain ecosystems on rocky outcrops, especially on limestone, at the banks of rivers and streams, and in old-growth boreal forests