112 research outputs found
Optimization of electron beam parameters of LIA-10M accelerator
A numerical simulation of the LIA-10M accelerator was carried out. It is shown that at the existing configuration
of the diode unit and maximal for LIA-10M injection parameters (3 MeV, 50 kA) significant (up to 40%) beam losses
in the accelerating channel are possible. As a result of calculations the injector cathode geometry was optimized
what permitted to avoid beam electron leakage onto the walls of accelerating channel and to improve significantly
output parameters of the LIA-10M accelerator.Проведено численное моделирование ускорителя ЛИУ-10М. Показано, что при существующей конфигурации диодного узла и максимальных для ЛИУ-10М параметрах инжекции (3 МэВ, 50 кА) возможны значительные (до 40%) потери пучка в ускорительном тракте. В результате расчетов оптимизирована геометрия катода инжектора, что позволило избежать утечки электронов пучка на стенки ускорительного тракта и существенно улучшить выходные параметры ускорителя.Проведено чисельне моделювання прискорювача ЛІП-10М. Показано, що при існуючій конфігурації діодного вузла і максимальних для ЛІП-10М параметрах інжекції (3 МеВ, 50 кА) можливі значyі (до 40%) втрати пучка в прискорюючому тракті. У результаті розрахунків оптимізована геометрія катода інжектора, що дозволило уникнути витоку електронів пучка на стінки прискорюючого тракту і суттєво поліпшити вихідні параметри прискорювача
On high behavior of the pion form factor for transitions and within the nonlocal quark-pion model
The behavior of the transition pion form factor for processes \gamma^*\gamma
-> \pi^0 and \gamma^* \gamma^* -> \pi^0 at large values of space-like photon
momenta is estimated within the nonlocal covariant quark-pion model. It is
shown that, in general, the coefficient of the leading asymptotic term depends
dynamically on the ratio of the constituent quark mass and the average
virtuality of quarks in the vacuum and kinematically on the ratio of photon
virtualities. The kinematic dependence of the transition form factor allows us
to obtain the relation between the pion light-cone distribution amplitude and
the quark-pion vertex function. The dynamic dependence indicates that the
transition form factor \gamma^* \gamma -> \pi^0 at high momentum transfers is
very sensitive to the nonlocality size of nonperturbative fluctuations in the
QCD vacuum.Comment: LaTex file with 3 ps-figure
Off-diagonal quark distribution functions of the pion within an effective single instanton approximation
We develop a relativistic quark model for pion structure, which incorporates
the non-trivial structure of the vacuum of Quantum Chromodynamics as modelled
by instantons. Pions are boundstates of quarks and the strong quark-pion vertex
is determined from an instanton induced effective lagrangian. The interaction
of the constituents of the pion with the external electromagnetic field is
introduced in gauge invariant form. The parameters of the model, i.e.,
effective instanton radius and constituent quark masses, are obtained from the
vacuum expectation values of the lowest dimensional quark and gluon operators
and the low-energy observables of the pion. We apply the formalism to the
calculation of the pion form factor by means of the isovector nonforward parton
distributions and find agreement with the experimental data.Comment: LaTeX; altered version; references and figures added. Published:
paper has been accepted for publication in Nucl. Phys.
Low-Energy Photodisintegration of the Deuteron and Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis
The photon analyzing power for the photodisintegration of the deuteron was
measured for seven gamma-ray energies between 2.39 and 4.05 MeV using the
linearly polarized gamma-ray beam of the High-Intensity Gamma-ray Source at the
Duke Free-Electron Laser Laboratory. The data provide a stringent test of
theoretical calculations for the inverse reaction, the neutron-proton radiative
capture reaction at energies important for Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis. Our data
are in excellent agreement with potential model and effective field theory
calculations. Therefore, the uncertainty in the baryon density obtained from
Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis can be reduced at least by 20%.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure
Pion light-cone wave function and pion distribution amplitude in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model
We compute the pion light-cone wave function and the pion quark distribution
amplitude in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. We use the Pauli-Villars
regularization method and as a result the distribution amplitude satisfies
proper normalization and crossing properties. In the chiral limit we obtain the
simple results, namely phi_pi(x)=1 for the pion distribution amplitude, and
= -M / f_pi^2 for the second moment of the pion light-cone
wave function, where M is the constituent quark mass and f_pi is the pion decay
constant. After the QCD Gegenbauer evolution of the pion distribution amplitude
good end-point behavior is recovered, and a satisfactory agreement with the
analysis of the experimental data from CLEO is achieved. This allows us to
determine the momentum scale corresponding to our model calculation, which is
close to the value Q_0 = 313 MeV obtained earlier from the analogous analysis
of the pion parton distribution function. The value of is, after the
QCD evolution, around (400 MeV)^2. In addition, the model predicts a linear
integral relation between the pion distribution amplitude and the parton
distribution function of the pion, which holds at the leading-order QCD
evolution.Comment: mistake in Eq.(38) correcte
Development of gradient diffusion strips to identify the potentiating effect of antimicrobial compounds against multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae strains
The aim of the study was to develop gradient diffusion strips with substances capable of potentiating the action of antibiotics for the treatment of infections caused by multidrug-resistant strains of K. pneumoniae.
Materials and Methods.
The substances azidothymidine and baicalin were used to evaluate the joint action of combinations of antibiotics with substances that potentiate their action. Determination of susceptibility to combinations of antibiotics (gentamicin, cefotaxime, ciprofloxacin and chloramphenicol) with the listed substances was carried out by a modified gradient-diffusion method (cross-test). We used gradient diffusion strips, which was made in the Saint-Petersburg Pasteur Institute. We investigated clinical multidrug-resistant K. pneumoniae strains (n = 20). The result of the joint action of a combination of two compounds was assessed by calculating the fractional inhibitory concentrations ΣFIC.
The values of MIC decreased eightfold when azidothymidine was combined with gentamicin and two times when combined with ciprofloxacin. MIC values were not reduced by the combination of azidothymidine with cefotaxime or chloramphenicol. It has been established that azidothymidine has antibacterial activity against strains of K. pneumoniae: MIC50 – 1 μg/ml and MIC90 – 2 μg/ml. The MIC50 and MIC90 values for baicalin were > 256 μg/ml. A synergistic antibacterial effect was detected when azidothymidine was combined with gentamicin (ΣFIC 0.33–0.50). An additive effect (ΣFIC 0.65–0.84) was detected when azidothymidine was combined with ciprofloxacin. Baikalin reduced the MIC value of cefotaxime by half, and the MIC50 values for gentamicin also decreased by half. Baicalin did not affect the susceptibility of multidrug-resistant K. pneumoniae strains to ciprofloxacin and chloramphenicol. Synergism was detected in the combination of baicalin and cefotaxime (ΣFIC 0.52 – 0.75 – additive effect).
The development of gradient diffusion strips with azidothymidine and baicalin makes it possible to simplify methods for assessing the joint action of combinations of these substances with antibiotics and to avoid time-consuming preparatory steps. Our study demonstrated that azidothymidine exhibits synergistic activity in combination with gentamicin and ciprofloxacin and baicalin – in combination with cefotaxime. Further studies are needed to evaluate the potential use of these combinations in practical healthcare
The Growth of CdTe Layer on GaAs Substrate by MBE
We present the results of growth of CdTe layer on (013)GaAs substrate. The sequence processes include the preparation of GaAs surface by chemical etching and annealing in ultra-high vacuum, the growth of ZnTe layer on atomically clean GaAs surface and then the growth of CdTe layer on ZnTe/GaAs. All processes were carried out without removing GaAs substrate from MBE set. The processes were controlled by RHEED and single wavelength ellipsometry. We found that the evaporation of arsenic oxides and gallium oxides from the (001)GaAs surface were observed at over 400 and 500°C, respectively. The growth of CdTe on (001)GaAs leads to appearance of mixture orientations because of large mismatch of lattice parameters. We study the growth of ZnTe on (001)GaAs and (013)GaAs substrates to prevent the growth of mixture orientations. We study the influence of cadmium and tellurium ratio in molecular fluxes and temperature on the growth mechanism of ZnTe and CdTe, crystal perfection, surface roughness and defects density. The optimal condition for growth of high quality thick CdTe on GaAs substrate were found
This text is the abstract of the report to the III Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation "Psychiatry, Narcology, Clinical Psychology and General Medical Practice: Interdisciplinary Issues of the Present", March 22-23, 2024, Kyiv - online.Даний текст є тезами доповіді до ІІІ Науково-практичної конференції з міжнародною участю «Психіатрія, наркологія, клінічна психологія та загальна медична практика: міждисциплінарні питання сучасності», 22 – 23 березня 2024 р., м. Київ – online
Asymptotically exact dispersion relations for collective modes in a confined charged Fermi liquid
Using general local conservations laws we derive dispersion relations for
edge modes in a slab of electron liquid confined by a symmetric potential. The
dispersion relations are exact up to , where is a wave
vector and is an effective screening length. For a harmonic external
potential the dispersion relations are expressed in terms of the {\em exact}
static pressure and dynamic shear modulus of a homogeneous liquid with the
density taken at the slab core. We also derive a simple expression for the
frequency shift of the dipole (Kohn) modes in nearly parabolic quantum dots in
a magnetic field.Comment: RevTeX4, 4 pages. Revised version with new results on quantum qots
and wires. Published in Phys.Rev.
Gauge invariance, causality and gluonic poles
We explore the electromagnetic gauge invariance of the hadron tensor of the
Drell-Yan process with one transversely polarized hadron. The special role is
played by the contour gauge for gluon fields. The prescription for the gluonic
pole in the twist 3 correlator is related to causality property and compared
with the prescriptions for exclusive hard processes. As a result of we get the
extra contributions, which naively do not have an imaginary phase. The single
spin asymmetry for the Drell-Yan process is enhanced by the factor of two.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures; References and acknowledgements added
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