28 research outputs found

    Development of the activity of gifted schoolchildren in mastering geometric con-cepts in figurative structures

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    Background: The relevance of developing mental activity for mastering geometric concepts relates to the change in paradigmatic foundations taking place in modern education. Such a change is associated with the recognition of a schoolchild as a subject of educational and cognitive activity, the initiator of own activity. Objective: The authors attempted to describe a model of a didactic system for developing active usage of geometric concepts in the process of teaching geometry to mathematically gifted schoolchildren in 10-11 grades. The authors also used the GeoGebra dynamic system as a component of the electronic educational environment (EEE). The objective is achieved by characterizing the architecture of the system model, which evokes active usage of geometric concepts within schoolchildren in learning situations; substantiating psychodidactic conditions for the effective development of this activity using the GeoGebra dynamic system; and defining levels, criteria, and indicators of development. Methods: A specially organized educational activity in EEE and a developed system of tasks within the framework of the elective course “Problems of solid geometry and computer graphics” for 10-11 graders represent a didactic means of developing the activities related to figurative-spatial methods of information coding. Findings: The authors described a didactic system model for mastering geometric concepts in figurative structures in the process of teaching geometry to 10-11 graders using the GeoGebra dynamic system. Conclusions: Fostering schoolchildren’ mastering geometric concepts in figurative structures occurs under the direct influence of teaching. However, this process is complex and internally contradictory. The structure of this kind of activity contains actions of different nature

    Development of the activity of gifted schoolchildren in mastering geometric con-cepts in figurative structures

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    Background: The relevance of developing mental activity for mastering geometric concepts relates to the change in paradigmatic foundations taking place in modern education. Such a change is associated with the recognition of a schoolchild as a subject of educational and cognitive activity, the initiator of own activity. Objective: The authors attempted to describe a model of a didactic system for developing active usage of geometric concepts in the process of teaching geometry to mathematically gifted schoolchildren in 10-11 grades. The authors also used the GeoGebra dynamic system as a component of the electronic educational environment (EEE). The objective is achieved by characterizing the architecture of the system model, which evokes active usage of geometric concepts within schoolchildren in learning situations; substantiating psychodidactic conditions for the effective development of this activity using the GeoGebra dynamic system; and defining levels, criteria, and indicators of development. Methods: A specially organized educational activity in EEE and a developed system of tasks within the framework of the elective course “Problems of solid geometry and computer graphics” for 10-11 graders represent a didactic means of developing the activities related to figurative-spatial methods of information coding. Findings: The authors described a didactic system model for mastering geometric concepts in figurative structures in the process of teaching geometry to 10-11 graders using the GeoGebra dynamic system. Conclusions: Fostering schoolchildren’ mastering geometric concepts in figurative structures occurs under the direct influence of teaching. However, this process is complex and internally contradictory. The structure of this kind of activity contains actions of different nature

    Cоциокультурный подход к формированию геометрических понятий у школьников

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    In line with the social and cultural approach, the problem of forming mathematical concepts among schoolchildren as the system of judgments is considered. Concepts at the verbal and logical level are formed through teaching to prove theorems and solve proof problems. Objective: To provide elements of the method of forming geometric concepts by means of specially organized learning activities of schoolchildren to develop the generalized ability to prove with the access to the value-oriented learning. Methods: Theoretical provisions on the laws of the concept formation process are developed. During the experiment forming stage the methodology to teach geometry to pupils of the 7th grade of secondary education institutions is developed. The basis is the activity to develop skills to prove. Relying on instrument-oriented, subject-oriented and value-oriented types of learning is assumed. Findings: During the quantitative and qualitative evaluation of results, the following independent characteristics have been taken into account: the form of action, the level of generalization, the level of expansion, the level of mastering, and the value relation. The results of analyzing the statistical data hav e confirmed the hypothesis about the significant influence of the following factors on the success of mastering geometric concepts by pupils: the mathematical training (significance level 0,003), the effect of electronic educational environment in combination with the evaluated method (significance level 0,001), the duration of training using the evaluated method (significance level 0,01). Conclusions: The hypothesis is substantiated and proved in practice: the process of forming concepts is regularly ensured by the following psychodidactic conditions: the formation of main components of conceptual psychic structures; the formation of declarative, procedural and evaluative knowledge; the gradual formation of the subjective image of the concept content; the gradual development of the entire psychic structure; the gradual development of the activity component of geometric concepts.En línea con el enfoque social y cultural, se considera el problema de formar conceptos matemáticos entre los escolares como el sistema de juicios. Los conceptos a nivel verbal y lógico se forman a través de la enseñanza para probar teoremas y resolver problemas de prueba. Objetivo: Proporcionar elementos del método de formación de conceptos geométricos por medio de actividades de aprendizaje especialmente organizadas de los escolares para desarrollar la capacidad generalizada de demostrar con el acceso al aprendizaje orientado a valores. Métodos: Se desarrollan disposiciones teóricas sobre las leyes del proceso de formación de conceptos. Durante la fase de formación del experimento, se desarrolla la metodología para enseñar geometría a alumnos de 7º grado de instituciones de educación secundaria. La base es la actividad para desarrollar habilidades para demostrar. Se supone que se depende de los tipos de aprendizaje orientados a instrumentos, orientados a la materia y orientados al valor. Resultados: Durante la evaluación cuantitativa y cualitativa de los resultados, se han tenido en cuenta las siguientes características independientes: la forma de acción, el nivel de generalización, el nivel de expansión, el nivel de dominio y la relación de valor. Los resultados del análisis de los datos estadísticos han confirmado la hipótesis sobre la influencia significativa de los siguientes factores en el éxito del dominio de los conceptos geométricos por parte de los alumnos: la formación matemática (nivel de significación 0,003), el efecto del entorno educativo electrónico en combinación con el método evaluado (nivel de significación 0,001), la duración de la capacitación utilizando el método evaluado (nivel de significación 0,01). Conclusiones: La hipótesis está fundamentada y demostrada en la práctica: el proceso de formación de conceptos se garantiza regularmente mediante las siguientes condiciones psicodidácticas: la formación de los componentes principales de las estructuras psíquicas conceptuales; la formación del conocimiento declarativo, procesal y evaluativo; la formación gradual de la imagen subjetiva del concepto de contenido; el desarrollo gradual de toda la estructura psíquica; El desarrollo gradual del componente de actividad de los conceptos geométricos.История вопроса. В русле социокультурного подхода рассматривается проблема формирования математических понятий у школьников как системы суждений. Формирование понятий на вербально-логическом уровне осуществляется через обучение доказательству теорем и решению задач на доказательства. Цель (Objective): Представить элементы технологии формирования геометрических понятий средствами специально организованной учебной деятельности школьников по освоению обобщенного умения доказывать с выходом в ценностно-ориентированное обучение. (Methods): Разработаны теоретические положения о закономерностях процесса формирования понятий. В ходе формирующего этапа эксперимента разработана методика обучения геометрии учащихся 7-х классов среднеобразовательных учреждений. В качестве основы выступала деятельность по освоению умений доказывать. Предполагалась опора на инструментально-ориентированный, предметно-ориентированный и ценностно-ориентированный типы обучения. Результаты (Findings): При проведении количественной и качественной оценки результатов учитывались независимые характеристики: форма действия, степень обобщения, мера развернутости, мера освоения и ценностное отношение. Результаты анализа статистических данных подтвердили гипотезу о значимом влиянии следующих факторов на успешность освоения обучающимся геометрических понятий: математическая подготовка (уровень значимости 0,003), влияние электронной образовательной среды в сочетании с апробируемой методикой (уровень значимости 0,001), продолжительность обучения с использованием апробируемой методики (уровень значимости 0,01). Выводы (Conclusions): Обоснована и на практике подтверждена гипотеза: процесс формирования понятий закономерно обеспечивается следующими психодидактическими условиями: формирование основных компонентов понятийных психических структур; формирование декларативных, процедурных и оценочных знаний; пофазовое формирование субъективного образа содержания понятия; поэтапное развитие целостной психической структуры; поэтапное развитие деятельностной компоненты геометрических понятий

    Development of the activity of gifted schoolchildren in mastering geometric con-cepts in figurative structures

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    Background: The relevance of developing mental activity for mastering geometric concepts relates to the change in paradigmatic foundations taking place in modern education. Such a change is associated with the recognition of a schoolchild as a subject of educational and cognitive activity, the initiator of own activity. Objective: The authors attempted to describe a model of a didactic system for developing active usage of geometric concepts in the process of teaching geometry to mathematically gifted schoolchildren in 10-11 grades. The authors also used the GeoGebra dynamic system as a component of the electronic educational environment (EEE). The objective is achieved by characterizing the architecture of the system model, which evokes active usage of geometric concepts within schoolchildren in learning situations; substantiating psychodidactic conditions for the effective development of this activity using the GeoGebra dynamic system; and defining levels, criteria, and indicators of development. Methods: A specially organized educational activity in EEE and a developed system of tasks within the framework of the elective course “Problems of solid geometry and computer graphics” for 10-11 graders represent a didactic means of developing the activities related to figurative-spatial methods of information coding. Findings: The authors described a didactic system model for mastering geometric concepts in figurative structures in the process of teaching geometry to 10-11 graders using the GeoGebra dynamic system. Conclusions: Fostering schoolchildren’ mastering geometric concepts in figurative structures occurs under the direct influence of teaching. However, this process is complex and internally contradictory. The structure of this kind of activity contains actions of different nature

    Magnetization Dynamics of Iron Garnet Crystals in Oscillating Magnetic Field

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    AbstractUsing direct observations via stroboscopic technique it is shown that in iron garnet crystals placed in an alternating magnetic field aligned perpendicular to the plane of the sample the dynamic magnetization reversal is carried out by the oscillations of the domain walls with their subsequent drift. For the first time the dependences of the maximum speed of domain walls motion during oscillations Vosc and of the domain walls oscillations amplitude Aosc in external oscillating magnetic field on amplitude of the external magnetic field H0 are obtained. It is shown that these dependences can be approximated by linear functions. Numerical simulations of domain walls motion in an alternating magnetic field were performed with parameters of the real sample. It is established that the experimental dependences Vosc(H0) and Aosc(H0) at different frequencies are in a qualitative agreement with the results of numerical simulations


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    SUBSTANCE: invention relates to metallurgy and can be used for facing various articles, for example hot deformation parts, e.g. hammers of radial forging machines etc. Proposed high-chromium steel wire comprises the following main alloying elements, in wt % carbon - 0.10-0.42: silicon - 0.8-1.2; manganese - 1.4-1.8; chromium 15-17; molybdenum - 0.8-1.2; vanadium - 0.3-0.5; boron - 0.006. EFFECT: optimum combination of hardness and heat resistance.Изобретение относится к области металлургии и может быть использовано для наплавки изделий различного назначения, в том числе инструмента горячего деформирования, например бойков радиально-ковочных машин, роликов МНЛЗ. Предложена проволока для наплавки стальная, высокохромистая, содержащая в качестве основных легирующих элементов, мас.%: углерод 0,10-0,42; кремний 0,8-1,2; марганец 1,4-1,8; хром 15-17; молибден 0,8-1,2; ванадий 0,3-0,5; бор 0,006. Проволока имеет оптимальное сочетание твердости и жаропрочности

    Regularities of Encapsulation of Tolfenamic Acid and Some Other Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs in Metal-Organic Framework Based on γ-Cyclodextrin

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    Metal-organic frameworks based on cyclodextrins (CDs) have been proposed as promising drug delivery systems due to their large surface area, variable pore size, and biocompatibility. In the current work, we investigated an incorporation of tolfenamic acid (TA), a representative of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), in a metal-organic framework based on γ-cyclodextrin and potassium cations (γCD-MOF). Composites γCD-MOF/TA obtained by absorption and co-crystallization methods were characterized using powder X-ray diffraction, low temperature nitrogen adsorption/desorption, scanning electron microscopy, and FTIR spectroscopy. It was demonstrated that TA loaded in γCD-MOF has an improved dissolution profile. However, the inclusion of TA in γ-CD reduces the membrane permeability of the drug. A comparative analysis of the encapsulation of different NSAIDs in γCD-MOF was performed. The impact of NSAID structure on the loading capacity was considered for the first time. It was revealed that the presence of heterocycles in the structure and drug lipophilicity influence the loading efficiency of NSAIDs in γCD-MOF

    Development of the activity of gifted schoolchildren in mastering geometric con-cepts in figurative structures

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    Background: The relevance of developing mental activity for mastering geometric concepts relates to the change in paradigmatic foundations taking place in modern education. Such a change is associated with the recognition of a schoolchild as a subject of educational and cognitive activity, the initiator of own activity. Objective: The authors attempted to describe a model of a didactic system for developing active usage of geometric concepts in the process of teaching geometry to mathematically gifted schoolchildren in 10-11 grades. The authors also used the GeoGebra dynamic system as a component of the electronic educational environment (EEE). The objective is achieved by characterizing the architecture of the system model, which evokes active usage of geometric concepts within schoolchildren in learning situations; substantiating psychodidactic conditions for the effective development of this activity using the GeoGebra dynamic system; and defining levels, criteria, and indicators of development. Methods: A specially organized educational activity in EEE and a developed system of tasks within the framework of the elective course “Problems of solid geometry and computer graphics” for 10-11 graders represent a didactic means of developing the activities related to figurative-spatial methods of information coding. Findings: The authors described a didactic system model for mastering geometric concepts in figurative structures in the process of teaching geometry to 10-11 graders using the GeoGebra dynamic system. Conclusions: Fostering schoolchildren’ mastering geometric concepts in figurative structures occurs under the direct influence of teaching. However, this process is complex and internally contradictory. The structure of this kind of activity contains actions of different nature.ANTECEDENTES: La relevancia de desarrollar la actividad mental para dominar los conceptos geométricos se relaciona con el cambio en las fundaciones paradigmáticas que tienen lugar en la educación moderna. Dicho cambio se asocia con el reconocimiento de un escolar como un tema de actividad educativa y cognitiva, el iniciador de la actividad propia. Objetivo: Los autores intentaron describir un modelo de un sistema didáctico para desarrollar el uso activo de los conceptos geométricos en el proceso de enseñar geometría a los escolares dotados matemáticamente en los grados 10-11. Los autores también utilizaron el sistema dinámico GEOGEBRA como un componente del entorno educativo electrónico (EEE). El objetivo se logra caracterizando la arquitectura del modelo del sistema, que evoca el uso activo de los conceptos geométricos dentro de los escolares en situaciones de aprendizaje; Condiciones psicodidácticas de sustanciación para el desarrollo efectivo de esta actividad utilizando el sistema dinámico GEOGEBRA; y definir niveles, criterios e indicadores de desarrollo. Métodos: una actividad educativa especialmente organizada en EEE y un sistema de tareas desarrollado en el marco del curso electivo "Problemas de geometría sólida y gráficos de computadora" para estudiantes de 10 a 11 estudiantes representan un medio didáctico para desarrollar las actividades relacionadas con los métodos figurativos-espaciales. de la codificación de la información. Hallazgos: Los autores describieron un modelo de sistema didáctico para dominar los conceptos geométricos en estructuras figurativas en el proceso de enseñanza de geometría a 10-11 estudiantes utilizando el sistema dinámico GEOGEBRA. CONCLUSIONES: Fomentar los conceptos geométricos de "dominar los escolares en las estructuras figurativas ocurre bajo la influencia directa de la enseñanza. Sin embargo, este proceso es complejo y contradictorio internamente. La estructura de este tipo de actividad contiene acciones de diferente naturaleza. Palabras clave: enseñanza de geometría orientada a socioculturales; actividad mental para dominar los conceptos geométricos; Entorno educativo electrónico (EEE); actitud intencional (evaluativa emocional); Unidades integrales de pensamiento; Avión de contenido del concepto

    Entropy Effects in Intermolecular Associations of Crown-Ethers and Cyclodextrins with Amino Acids in Aqueous and in Non-Aqueous Media

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    The analysis of the ratios of entropy and enthalpy characteristics and their contributions to the change in the Gibbs energy of intermolecular interactions of crown ethers and cyclodextrins with amino acids is carried out. Two different types of macrocycles were chosen for examination: crown ethers with a hydrophilic interior and cyclodextrins with a hydrophobic inner cavity and a hydrophilic exterior. The thermodynamics of complex formation of crown ethers and cyclodextrins with amino acids in water and aqueous-organic solvents of variable composition was examined. The contributions of the entropy solvation of complexes of 18-crown-6 with glycine, alanine, phenylalanine to the change in the entropy of complexation in water-ethanol and water-dimethyl sulfoxide solvents was calculated and analyzed. It was found that the ratios of the entropy and enthalpy solvation of the reagents for these systems have similar trends when moving from water to aqueous-organic mixtures. The relationship between the thermodynamic characteristics and structural features of the complexation processes between cyclodextrins and amino acids has been established. The thermodynamic enthalpy–entropy compensation effect was revealed, and its features for complexation of cyclodextrins and 18-crown-6 were considered. It was concluded that, based on the thermodynamic parameters of molecular complexation, one could judge the mode of the formation of complexes, the main driving forces of the interactions, and the degree of desolvation