301 research outputs found

    Ensuring the Alignment of Genetic/Epigenetic Designed Swarms.

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    . One of the major concerns of AI researchers and implementers is how to ensure that the systems stay aligned with the aspirations of the humans they interact with. This problem becomes even more complex for systems that develop their own operational rules and where multiple agents are involved. The paper addresses some of the implications of using genetic/epigenetic design techniques where the control structure is developed without direct human involvement. This presents particular difficulties in ensuring that the control protocols stay aligned with the desires of the instigators and do not cause unpredicted harm. It also explores how this problem is further complicated when the AI system has many agents. Modern control systems are often decentralized which provides a more robust solution than using a central controller. A specific example of this approach is Self-Organising Swarms where the agents act independently of the central control. From an alignment point of view, it generates particular problems. Not only must the individual agents act in the best human interest but the swarm as a collective must do it as well. This is difficult for a homogeneous swarm and no proposal for a heterogeneous one has yet been made. There have been and continue to be considerable research and discussions on how to create and what form a global AI ethics might take, but any progress has been slow. This is partly because even the 4 ISSN 1028-9763. Математичні машини і системи. 2022. № 1 Universal Declaration of Human Rights has difficulties. All the nations that have signed up to the UN Human Rights Declaration believe they are at least trying to implement it. The problem is in the interpretation where many signatories believe others are in breach. The same would apply to any universal AI ethics agreement. This paper proposes a solution where the AI systems’ basic ethics are individual but have to comply where they interface with either other AI entities or humans. Keywords: genetic/epigenetic algorithms, AI alignment, AI ethics

    Foraging Behavior of Red-Winged Blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) on Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) with Varying Coverage of Anthraquinone-Based Repellent

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    Animals attempt to maximize foraging efforts by making strategic foraging decisions. Foraging efforts can be influenced by chemically defended food. Food resources that are chemically defended force foragers to balance the nutritional gain with the toxic costs of foraging on a defended food resource. Chemical defense, in this case sunflower treated with chemical repellent, may be capable of deterring birds from foraging on treated crops. Blackbirds (Icteridae) cause significant damage to sunflower (Helianthus annuus) with damage estimates of $3.5 million annually in the Prairie Pothole Region of North Dakota, the largest sunflower producing state. Chemical repellents may be a cost-effective method for reducing bird damage if application strategies can be optimized for sunflowers. Anthraquinone-based repellents have been shown to reduce feeding on sunflower achenes by more than 80% in lab studies, but results in the field are inconclusive due to application issues where floral components of sunflower result in low repellent contact with achenes. Ground rigs equipped with drop-nozzles have shown promise in depositing repellent directly on the sunflower face but coverage is variable. We propose to evaluate the feeding behavior of red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) and the efficacy of an anthraquinone-based avian repellent when applied directly to the sunflower face in a lab-based experiment. Our main objectives are to 1) evaluate the coverage needed on the face of the sunflower to establish repellency, 2) evaluate achene removal rates over time to understand time to aversion at varying repellent coverages, and 3) evaluate the feeding behavior and activity budgets of red-winged blackbirds on treated and untreated sunflower. The results of this study will inform repellent coverage needed at the scale of the sunflower plant to deter feeding or alter time budgets of foraging red-winged blackbirds to ultimately reduce sunflower damage

    Foraging behavior of red-winged blackbirds (\u3ci\u3eAgelaius phoeniceus\u3c/i\u3e) on sunflower (\u3ci\u3eHelianthus annuus\u3c/i\u3e) with varying coverage of anthraquinone-based repellent

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    Animals attempt to maximize foraging efforts by making strategic foraging decisions. Foraging efforts can be influenced by chemically defended food. Food resources that are chemically defended force foragers to balance the nutritional gain with the toxic costs of foraging on a defended food resource. Chemical defense, in this case sunflower treated with chemical repellent, may be capable of deterring birds from foraging on treated crops. Blackbirds (Icteridae) cause significant damage to sunflower (Helianthus annuus) with damage estimates of $3.5 million annually in the Prairie Pothole Region of North Dakota, the largest sunflower producing state. Chemical repellents may be a cost-effective method for reducing bird damage if application strategies can be optimized for sunflowers. Anthraquinone-based repellents have been shown to reduce feeding on sunflower achenes by more than 80% in lab studies, but results in the field are inconclusive due to application issues where floral components of sunflower result in low repellent contact with achenes. Ground rigs equipped with drop-nozzles have shown promise in depositing repellent directly on the sunflower face but coverage is variable. We propose to evaluate the feeding behavior of red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) and the efficacy of an anthraquinone-based avian repellent when applied directly to the sunflower face in a lab-based experiment. Our main objectives are to 1) evaluate the coverage needed on the face of the sunflower to establish repellency, 2) evaluate achene removal rates over time to understand time to aversion at varying repellent coverages, and 3) evaluate the feeding behavior and activity budgets of red-winged blackbirds on treated and untreated sunflower. The results of this study will inform repellent coverage needed at the scale of the sunflower plant to deter feeding or alter time budgets of foraging red-winged blackbirds to ultimately reduce sunflower damage

    The development of BBC on-demand strategy 2003-2007: the Public Value Test and the iPlayer

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    This is a study of strategy development and implementation based upon interviews with senior BBC executives. It explores how and why the BBC became the first major UK broadcaster to pioneer on-demand and to devise a Public Value Test for all new services. It does so through three case studies: a regulatory mechanism, the Public Value Test, and two examples of digital innovation: the iPlayer on-demand service, and the BBC Creative Archive. The research questions are: how and why did the BBC develop and implement an on-demand strategy during its Charter renewal process between 2002 and 2007; what was the process; what factors affected the decision-makers, what issues and dilemmas did they confront; and how effective have they been? This research investigates how the BBC responded to a two-fold crisis that threatened both the relevance and legitimacy of public service broadcasting. It builds upon an institutionalist perspective to examine how changes in the dynamics of UK broadcasting, in particular growing tensions between the institutional logics of public service and marketisation, affected the Corporation’s incumbent position within its organisational field, and undermined its ability to launch innovative digital services such as the iPlayer, because of difficulties in establishing a clear distinction between what was legitimate public service online and what should be left to commercial competitors to provide. The findings illuminate the complex relationship between organisational legitimacy and institutional culture, and ask why the BBC devised the Public Value Test, first applied to its proposals for the iPlayer and on-demand provision, how successful this was in enabling the BBC to redefine its own remit, and what the consequences were. It finds that BBC strategy development combined elements of rational long-range planning with improvisation and opportunism, and suggests a dysfunctional relationship between its proactive approach to long-term planning and its process of digital innovation. This finding of a culture of innovation at the BBC challenges the argument that attributes “disruptive innovation” to private sector insurgents rather than incumbents, especially those in the public sector

    SoC It to EM:ElectroMagnetic Side-Channel Attacks on a Complex System-on-Chip

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    Increased complexity in modern embedded systems has presented various important challenges with regard to side-channel attacks. In particular, it is common to deploy SoC-based target devices with high clock frequencies in security-critical scenarios; understanding how such features align with techniques more often deployed against simpler devices is vital from both destructive (i.e., attack) and constructive (i.e., evaluation and/or countermeasure) perspectives. In this paper, we investigate electromagnetic-based leakage from three different means of executing cryptographic workloads (including the general purpose ARM core, an on-chip co-processor, and the NEON core) on the AM335x SoC. Our conclusion is that addressing challenges of the type above {\em is} feasible, and that key recovery attacks can be conducted with modest resources

    The influence of ascorbate on anthocyanin accumulation during high light acclimation in Arabidopsis thaliana: further evidence for redox control of anthocyanin synthesis

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    PublishedArticleThis is the peer reviewed version of the following article: AGE, M., SULTANA, N., PASZKIEWICZ, K., FLORANCE, H. and SMIRNOFF, N. (2012), The influence of ascorbate on anthocyanin accumulation during high light acclimation in Arabidopsis thaliana: further evidence for redox control of anthocyanin synthesis. Plant, Cell & Environment, 35: 388–404. , which has been published in final form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-3040.2011.02369. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.Ascorbate and anthocyanins act as photoprotectants during exposure to high light (HL). They accumulate in Arabidopsis leaves in response to HL on a similar time-scale, suggesting a potential relationship between them. Flavonoids and related metabolites were identified and profiled by LC-MS/MS. The ascorbate deficient mutants vtc1, vtc2 and vtc3 accumulated less anthocyanin than wild-type during HL acclimation. In contrast, kaempferol glycoside accumulation was less affected by light and not decreased by ascorbate deficiency, while sinapoyl malate levels decreased during HL acclimation. Comparison of six Arabidopsis ecotypes showed a positive correlation between ascorbate and anthocyanin accumulation in HL. mRNA-Seq analysis showed that all flavonoid biosynthesis transcripts were increased by HL acclimation in wild-type. RT-PCR analysis showed that vtc1 and vtc2 were impaired in HL induction of transcripts of anthocyanin biosynthesis enzymes, and the transcription factors PAP1, GL3 and EGL3 that activate the pathway. Abscisic acid and jasmonic acid, hormones that could affect anthocyanin accumulation, were unaffected in vtc mutants. It is concluded that HL induction of anthocyanin synthesis involves a redox-sensitive process upstream of the known transcription factors. Because anthocyanins accumulate in preference to kaempferol glycosides and sinapoyl malate in HL, they might have specific properties that make them useful in high light acclimation.Biotechnology and Biological SciencesResearch Council (BBSRC)Exeter University ScienceStrategy FundHazara UniversityMansehra (NWFP) PakistanHigher Education Commission (Pakistan

    Singlet oxygen initiates a plastid signal controlling photosynthetic gene expression.

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    Retrograde signals from the plastid regulate photosynthesis-associated nuclear genes and are essential to successful chloroplast biogenesis. One model is that a positive haem-related signal promotes photosynthetic gene expression in a pathway that is abolished by the herbicide norflurazon. Far-red light (FR) pretreatment and transfer to white light also results in plastid damage and loss of photosynthetic gene expression. Here, we investigated whether norflurazon and FR pretreatment affect the same retrograde signal. We used transcriptome analysis and real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) to analyse the effects of these treatments on nuclear gene expression in various Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) retrograde signalling mutants. Results showed that the two treatments inhibited largely different nuclear gene sets, suggesting that they affected different retrograde signals. Moreover, FR pretreatment resulted in singlet oxygen (1 O2 ) production and a rapid inhibition of photosynthetic gene expression. This inhibition was partially blocked in the executer1executer2 mutant, which is impaired in 1 O2 signalling. Our data support a new model in which a 1 O2 retrograde signal, generated by chlorophyll precursors, inhibits expression of key photosynthetic and chlorophyll synthesis genes to prevent photo-oxidative damage during de-etiolation. Such a signal would provide a counterbalance to the positive haem-related signal to fine tune regulation of chloroplast biogenesis.This work was funded by BBSRC grants 51/P17214 and BB/ J018139/1 to M.J.T. and BB/J018694/1 to A.G.S

    Overexpression of chloroplast-targeted ferrochelatase 1 results in a genomes uncoupled chloroplast-to-nucleus retrograde signalling phenotype.

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    Chloroplast development requires communication between the progenitor plastids and the nucleus, where most of the genes encoding chloroplast proteins reside. Retrograde signals from the chloroplast to the nucleus control the expression of many of these genes, but the signalling pathway is poorly understood. Tetrapyrroles have been strongly implicated as mediators of this signal with the current hypothesis being that haem produced by the activity of ferrochelatase 1 (FC1) is required to promote nuclear gene expression. We have tested this hypothesis by overexpressing FC1 and specifically targeting it to either chloroplasts or mitochondria, two possible locations for this enzyme. Our results show that targeting of FC1 to chloroplasts results in increased expression of the nuclear-encoded chloroplast genes GUN4, CA1, HEMA1, LHCB2.1, CHLH after treatment with Norflurazon (NF) and that this increase correlates to FC1 gene expression and haem production measured by feedback inhibition of protochlorophyllide synthesis. Targeting FC1 to mitochondria did not enhance the expression of nuclear-encoded chloroplast genes after NF treatment. The overexpression of FC1 also increased nuclear gene expression in the absence of NF treatment, demonstrating that this pathway is operational in the absence of a stress treatment. Our results therefore support the hypothesis that haem synthesis is a promotive chloroplast-to-nucleus retrograde signal. However, not all FC1 overexpression lines enhanced nuclear gene expression, suggesting there is still a lot we do not understand about the role of FC1 in this signalling pathway. This article is part of the theme issue 'Retrograde signalling from endosymbiotic organelles'.BBRS

    Increased susceptibility to proactive interference in adults with dyslexia?

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    Recent findings show that people with dyslexia have an impairment in serial-order memory. Based on these findings, the present study aimed to test the hypothesis that people with dyslexia have difficulties dealing with proactive interference (PI) in recognition memory. A group of 25 adults with dyslexia and a group of matched controls were subjected to a 2-back recognition task, which required participants to indicate whether an item (mis)matched the item that had been presented 2 trials before. PI was elicited using lure trials in which the item matched the item in the 3-back position instead of the targeted 2-back position. Our results demonstrate that the introduction of lure trials affected 2-back recognition performance more severely in the dyslexic group than in the control group, suggesting greater difficulty in resisting PI in dyslexia.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Performance, Politics and Media: How the 2010 British General Election leadership debates generated ‘talk’ amongst the electorate.

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    During the British General Election 2010 a major innovation was introduced in part to improve engagement: a series of three live televised leadership debates took place where the leader of each of the three main parties, Labour, Liberal Democrat and Conservative, answered questions posed by members of the public and subsequently debated issues pertinent to the questions. In this study we consider these potentially ground breaking debates as the kind of event that was likely to generate discussion. We investigate various aspects of the ‘talk’ that emerged as a result of watching the debates. As an exploratory study concerned with situated accounts of the participants experiences we take an interpretive perspective. In this paper we outline the meta-narratives (of talk) associated with the viewing of the leadership debates that were identified, concluding our analysis by suggesting that putting a live debate on television and promoting and positioning it as a major innovation is likely to mean that is how the audience will make sense of it – as a media event