247 research outputs found

    The stabilisation of receptor structure in low cross-linked MIPs by an immobilised template

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    In molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) a high level of cross-linking is usually important for preserving the receptor structure. We propose here an alternative approach for stabilising binding sites, which involves the use of an immobilised template. The idea is based on the assumption that an immobilised template will ‘‘hold’’ polymeric chains and complementary functionalities together, preventing the collapsing of the binding sites. To test this postulate, a range of polymers was prepared using polymerisable (2,4-diamino-6- (methacryloyloxy)ethyl-1,3,5-triazine) and non-polymerisable (or extractable) (2,4-diamino-6-methyl-1,3,5-triazine) templates, methacrylic acid as functional monomer and ethylene glycol dimethacrylate as cross-linker. The level of cross- linking was varied from 12 to 80%. Polymerisations were performed in acetonitrile using UV initiation. Binding properties of the synthesised materials were characterised both by HPLC and equilibrium batch binding experiments followed by HPLC-MS or UV-visible detection. The adsorption isotherms of polymers were obtained and fitted to the Langmuir model to calculate dissociation constant, Kd, and concentration of binding sites for each material. The results strongly indicate that the presence of an immobilised template improves the affinity of MIPs containing low percentages of cross- linker. The low cross-linked MIPs synthesised with a polymerisable template also retain a reasonable degree of selectivity. Low crosslinked MIPs with such binding characteristics would be useful for the creation of new types of optical and electrochemical sensors, where induced fit or the ‘‘gate effect’’ could be used more effectively for generating and enhancin

    Forest edge herbaceous vegetation (Trifolio-Geranietea) of northern Spain

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    A survey of the vegetation of forest (and hedge) fringes, classified within the Trifolio-Geranietea, in the Basque Country and the western and central Pyrenees (northern Spain) is presented. Three plant associations can be distinguished: the Centaureo nemoralis-Origanetum vulgaris, the Agrimonio-Trifolietum medii (both on limerich substrates) and the Hyperico androsaemi-Teucrietum scorodoniae (typical of siliceous soils). The Centaureo nemoralis-Origanetum vulgaris has already been known from the Atlantic zone of France. The Agrimonio-Trifolietum medii was described for Central Europe and it was also found to be widespread in the Pyrenees. The Hyperico androsaemi-Teucrietum scorodoniae is a new syntaxon (described in this paper) and occurs in coastal regions of the Atlantic Basque Country (Santanderino-Vizcaino Subsector)

    Fragmentation by major dams and implications for the future viability of platypus populations

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    The evolutionarily unique platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) has experienced major declines and extinctions from a range of historical and recent interacting human-mediated threats. Although spending most of their time in the water, platypuses can move over land. Nevertheless, uncertainties remain whether dams are barriers to movement, thus limiting gene flow and dispersal, essential to evolution and ecology. Here we examined disruption of gene flow between platypus groups below and above five major dams, matched to four adjacent rivers without major dams. Genetic differentiation (FST) across dams was 4- to 20-fold higher than along similar stretches of adjacent undammed rivers; FST across dams was similar to differentiation between adjacent river systems. This indicates that major dams represent major barriers for platypus movements. Furthermore, FST between groups was correlated with the year in which the dam was built, increasing by 0.011 every generation, reflecting the effects of these barriers on platypus genetics. This study provides evidence of gene flow restriction, which jeopardises the long-term viability of platypus populations when groups are fragmented by major dams. Mitigation strategies, such as building of by-pass structures and translocation between upstream and downstream of the dam, should be considered in conservation and management planning

    Ejercicio físico de alta intensidad como método de tratamiento para mejorar los niveles glucémicos en el paciente diabético

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    Introducción: la diabetes mellitus tipo II es un problema mundial, que afecta completamente la salud y calidad de vida de quien la padece, así como también aumenta el riesgo de mortalidad. Materiales y métodos: se realizó una revisión sistemática con un análisis descriptivo de cronología retrospectiva, que tuvo en cuenta ensayos de asignación aleatoria enfocados al ejercicio en pacientes diabéticos y publicados entre los años 2014 y 2019. Los estudios se identificaron y seleccionaron mediante las recomendaciones de la declaración PRISMA y la Colaboración Cochrane. Además, se evaluó la calidad metodológica de los estudios incluidos mediante la Escala de PEDro. Resultados: se incluyeron 20 estudios experimentales, de los que se rescató la información sobre: autores, años, muestras, intervenciones, frecuencias y duraciones, así como los niveles glucémicos. El entrenamiento de estos estudios se basó en ejercicios aeróbicos intensivos o moderados tres veces por semana, que generaron resultados como el aumento del volumen máximo de oxígeno (VO2 máx), capacidad aeróbica y reducción de los niveles de hemoglobina glucosilada. La revisión demostró que el entrenamiento de alta intensidad (HIIT, por sus siglas en inglés: high intensity interval training) mejora la composición de la oxidación de los lípidos, mejora la disfunción cardíaca, aumenta la sensibilidad a la insulina y disminuye, así, los niveles de triglicéridos. Conclusiones: el ejercicio de alta intensidad mejora los niveles de glucemia en pacientes diabéticos, lo que resulta beneficioso en cuanto a riesgos cardiovasculares y metabólicos, donde las pautas y dosificaciones se determinan por cada paciente, pero se mantienen continuas y duraderas


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    This paper presents results from the research project named “Identification of theTraditional Alimentary Culture in the Stateof Tabasco”, SIGOLFO 97-06-007-T. Basedon questionnaires distributed in communities about 100 and 500 inhabitants, at leastone of them in each community being anindigenous speaker, it was found that theirinhabitants, for ancestral and cultural customs, are devoted to gathering plant species for supplying supplementary sustenance. The most important alternative vegetable source being gathered is inflorescences of species like Erythrinaamericana Mill., Calathea macrosepala(Aubl.) Lindl., Spathiphyllum phryniifolium Schott, Astrocaryum mexicanumLiebm., Chamaedora sp. aff. pinnatifronsLiebm. ex Mart. y Chamaedora cataractarum (Mart.). It was found that the consumption of inflorescences prevails in these communities as a nutrition base during periodsof food shortage or special celebrationssuch as Holy Week when Catholics do noteat meat.La presente información es parte de los resultados encontrados en el proyecto de investigación “Identificación de la CulturaAlimentaria Tradicional en el Estado deTabasco”, SIGOLFO 97-06-007-T. Con baseen la aplicación de cuestionarios en comunidades comprendidas entre 100 y 500 habitantes con al menos uno de ellos conhabla indígena, se encontró que por costumbres ancestrales y culturales se dedican a la recolección de especies vegetalespara suplementar su fuente de alimentación, con especies vegetales alternativas,siendo de gran importancia la recolecciónde inflorescencias de especies como:Erythrina americana Mill, Calatheamacrosepala (Aulb.) Lindl., Spathiphyllum phryniifolium Schoot,Astrocaryum mexicanum Liebmann,Chamaedora sp. aff. pinnatifrons Liebm.ex Mart y Chamaedora cataractarum(Mart). Se pudo constatar que prevaleceen las comunidades un gran arraigo delconsumo de especies con inflorescenciacomo una base de la alimentación durantelos periodos de escasez de alimentos o durante festividades como la Semana Santa,época en la cual de manera tradicional no se consume carne de ninguna especie yrara vez pescado o pollo

    Análisis bibliométrico de la literatura publicada sobre SIDA en el Sur de África

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    The purpose of this work is to present the results of a bibliometric research conducted on AIDS in Africa, Southern. The literature production and communication patterns were analysed in an attempt to obtain indicators so as to support the decision making processes related to the prevention and control of AIDS. An Internet MEDLINE bibliographic search was conducted on AIDS and Africa, Southern for the period 1980-2001. The research was limited to studies conducted on humans; and indicators related to productivity, geographic distribution by country, language and subject content were identified.A total of 1.820 postings were retrieved and analysed. Main production was distributed among South Africa (42.36%), Zimbabwe (20.44%) and Zambia (19.90%). Most of the documents corresponded to articles published in scientific journals (55.33%). English was the main language used (97.75%); and the production in collaboration of two or more authors was significant (55.61%). The subject content of the research was related mainly to Health Education, Infant, and Sex Behaviour. A high production at the national level —mainly local universities— and the influence of USA and United Kingdom academic institutions was also found. A comparison with other geographic regions as well as the lines for further research actions are described.El propósito de este trabajo es el de presentar los resultados de un proyecto de investigación bibliométrica realizado sobre SIDA en la región del Sur de África. El estudio pretende identificar los mecanismos de producción y comunicación de la literatura existentes, en un esfuerzo por apoyar a los procesos de toma de decisiones relacionados con la prevención y el control del SIDA. Se realizó una investigación bibliográfica en MEDLINE sobre SIDA (AIDS) y el Sur de África (Africa Southern), para el período 1980-2001. La investigación se limitó a estudios realizados en seres humanos; y se buscaron indicadores relacionados con el tipo de producción, periodicidad anual, distribución geográfica por país, cobertura de idioma y temática.Se encontró un total de 1.820 registros. La producción mayor se registró para South Africa (42,36%), Zimbabwe (20,44%) y Zambia (19,90%). En su mayoría, la producción correspondió a artículos publicados en revistas científicas (55,33%); en idioma inglés (97,75%) y derivada de la colaboración de dos o más autores (55,61%). La cobertura temática se orientó a estudios sobre educación para la salud, investigaciones sobre infantes, y la conducta sexual. Se encontró un alto índice de producción nacional, principalmente de universidades locales; además de la influencia en la región de instituciones académicas de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica y el Reino Unido. Se presentan comparaciones con los resultados obtenidos de otras regiones geográficas y se describen algunas líneas de investigación necesarias para continuar este tipo de análisis

    Nitrogen hydrides in interstellar gas II. Analysis of Herschel/HIFI observations towards W49N and G10.6-0.4 (W31C)

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    We have used the Herschel-HIFI instrument to observe interstellar nitrogen hydrides along the sight-lines towards W49N and G10.6-0.4 in order to elucidate the production pathways leading to nitrogen-bearing species in diffuse gas. All detections show absorption by foreground material over a wide range of velocities, as well as absorption associated directly with the hot-core source itself. As in the previously published observations towards G10.6-0.4, the NH, NH2 and NH3 spectra towards W49N show strikingly similar and non-saturated absorption features. We decompose the absorption of the foreground material towards W49N into different velocity components in order to investigate whether the relative abundances vary among the velocity components, and, in addition, we re-analyse the absorption lines towards G10.6-0.4 in the same manner. Abundances, with respect to molecular hydrogen, in each velocity component are estimated using CH. The analysis points to a co-existence of the nitrogen hydrides in diffuse or translucent interstellar gas with a high molecular fraction. Towards both sources, we find that NH is always at least as abundant as both o-NH2 and o-NH3, in sharp contrast to previous results for dark clouds. We find relatively constant N(NH)/N(o-NH3) and N(o-NH2)/N(o-NH3) ratios with mean values of 3.2 and 1.9 towards W49N, and 5.4 and 2.2 towards G10.6-0.4, respectively. The mean abundance of o-NH3 is ~2x10^-9 towards both sources. The nitrogen hydrides also show linear correlations with CN and HNC towards both sources, and looser correlations with CH. The upper limits on the NH+ abundance indicate column densities < 2 - 14 % of N(NH). Surprisingly low values of the ammonia ortho-to-para ratio are found in both sources, ~0.5 - 0.7 +- 0.1. This result cannot be explained by current models as we had expected to find a value of unity or higher.Comment: 35 pages, 74 figure