44 research outputs found

    Bone mineral density, body composition, and metabolic health of very low birth weight infants fed in hospital following current macronutrient recommendations during the first 3 years of life

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    The present study longitudinally evaluated growth, bone mineral density, body composition, and metabolic health outcome in very low birth weight (VLBW) infants whose in-hospital target nutrient intake was within recent recommendations. From six months to three years, bone mineral density (dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, DXA), body composition, and metabolic health outcome were compared with a reference group of term infants. The aim was to test whether in-hospital achieved weight gain until 36 weeks of gestation (light or appropriate for term equivalent age; LTEA or ATEA) predicts later growth, bone mineral density (BMD), abdominal obesity, or metabolic health outcomes such as insulin resistance, relative to term infants, during the first three years of life. Target in-hospital energy and protein intake was not achieved. Growth in weight, length and head circumference, mid arm circumference, adiposity, fat free mass (FFM), and bone mineralization in VLBW infants was less than those in term infants and influenced by nutritional status at discharge. Preterm infants had poorer motor and cognitive outcomes. Post-discharge body composition patterns indicate FFM proportional to height but lower fat mass index in LTEA preterm infants than term infants, with no evidence of increased truncal fat in preterm infants. The hypothesis of early BMD catch-up in VLBW infants after discharge was not supported by the present data. The clinical significance of these findings is unclear. The data may suggest a reduced obesity risk but an increased osteoporosis risk. Since postnatal growth restriction may have permanent negative health effects, LTEA VLBW infants would especially appear to benefit from targeted preventive interventions. Further follow-up of the infants is required.This research was partially funded by the ‘Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria’ (grant number PI041631

    Promoting breastfeeding and interaction of pediatric associations with providers of nutritional products

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    Pediatric associations have been urged not to interact with and not to accept support from commercial providers of breast milk substitutes (BMSs), based on the assumption that such interaction would lead to diminished promotion and support of breastfeeding. The leadership of seven European pediatric learned societies reviewed the issue and share their position and policy conclusions here. We consider breastfeeding as the best way of infant feeding and strongly encourage its active promotion, protection, and support. We support the World Health Organization (WHO) Code of Marketing of BMSs. Infant formula and follow-on formula for older infants should not be advertised to families or the public, to avoid undermining breastfeeding. With consistently restricted marketing of BMSs, families need counseling on infant feeding choices by well-informed pediatricians. Current and trustworthy information is shared through congresses and other medical education directed and supervised by independent pediatric organizations or public bodies. Financial support from commercial organizations for congresses, educational, and scientific activities of pediatric organizations is an acceptable option if scientific, ethical, societal, and legal standards are followed; any influence of commercial organizations on the program is excluded, and transparency is ensured. Public–private research collaborations for improving and evaluating pharmaceuticals, vaccines, medical devices, dietetic products, and other products and services for children are actively encouraged, provided they are guided by the goal of enhancing child health and are performed following established high standards. We support increasing investment of public funding for research aiming at promoting child health, as well as for medical education.BK is the Else Kröner - Senior Professor of Paediatrics at LMU co-funded by Else Kröner-Fresenius Foundation and LM

    The Impact of Postnatal Systemic Steroids on the Growth of Preterm Infants: A Multicenter Cohort Study

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    Postnatal steroids, often used to prevent and treat bronchopulmonary dysplasia, may influence the growth of preterm infants, although data are scarce in the literature. This is a multicenter cohort study including surviving preterm infants <32 weeks at birth (n = 17,621) from the Spanish Neonatal Network SEN1500 database, without major congenital malformations. Linear regression models were adjusted for postnatal steroids, respiratory severity course (invasive mechanical ventilation at 28 days), progression to moderate-severe bronchopulmonary dysplasia (O2 at 36 weeks), length of stay, sex, gestational age and z-scores at birth. A subgroup analysis depending on the timing of administration, ventilation status at 28 days and moderate-severe BPD diagnosis was also performed. Overall, systemic postnatal steroids were not independently associated with poorer weight gain (0.1; 95% CI: -0.05 to 0.2 g/kg/day), linear growth (0; 95% CI: -0.03 to 0.01 cm/week) or head circumference growth (-0.01; 95% CI: -0.02 to 0 cm/week). Patients who received steroids after 28 days or who were not O2 dependent at 36 weeks after having received steroids gained more weight (0.22; 95% CI: 0.04 to 0.4 and 0.2; 95% CI: 0.004 to 0.5 g/kg/day, respectively). Globally, systemic postnatal steroids had no significant adjusted effect on postnatal growth

    Los primeros 1000 días: una oportunidad para reducir la carga de las enfermedades no transmisibles

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    El crecimiento y desarrollo de un individuo está determinado desde la etapa embrionaria por su genética y los factores ambientales con los que interactúa. Los riesgos para la salud infantil y adulta pueden programarse durante las etapas fetal-neonatal y esta programación metabólica precoz puede afectar al desarrollo posterior de enfermedades como la obesidad y otras enfermedades no transmisibles (ENT) asociadas. La vida temprana, por la gran plasticidad que la caracteriza, constituye el momento ideal para intervenir y prevenir el riesgo de ENT (ventana de oportunidad). Una nutrición óptima durante los primeros 1000 días, que comprende desde la concepción hasta los dos años, es clave para la salud a lo largo de la vida. El rápido crecimiento y desarrollo del organismo y sus funciones durante el embarazo, la lactancia y el niño de corta edad conlleva requisitos nutricionales específicos en cada una de estas etapas. La microbiota del tracto gastrointestinal desempeña una labor fundamental en la función y el desarrollo del sistema inmune. Las interacciones entre el hospedador y su microbiota intestinal se consideran factores potenciales en la programación temprana de las funciones intestinales, con una evidencia creciente de que las alteraciones de la colonización bacteriana en el neonato se asocian con un mayor riesgo de enfermedad, incluidas las enfermedades alérgicas. La evidencia científica acumulada muestra que los primeros 1000 días son cruciales para alcanzar el mejor desarrollo y salud a largo plazo, y constituyen un periodo estratégico en términos de prevención y salud pública.Growth and development are determined by genetic and environmental factors since the very early embryonic life. Long-term health risks, as obesity and other non-communicable diseases (NCD), could be programmed since these early stages. Early life, characterized by plasticity, is the ideal time to intervene and to prevent the risk of suffering a NCD (window of opportunity). Optimal nutrition during the first 1,000 days, since conception to the end of the second year of life, has a determinant role for long-term health. Pregnancy, infancy and toddler periods have specific nutritional requirements. Intestinal microbiota enhances maturation and functioning of the immune system. The interactions between host and intestinal microbiota are potential factors influencing early programming of the intestinal function. Alterations in intestinal colonization are associated to a higher risk of allergic diseases in childhood. Scientific evidence supports the fact that the first 1,000 days are crucial to achieve a better long-term health and represents a strategic period to intervene under the perspective of prevention and public health

    Efecto de la nutricion enteral minima sobre el territorio esplacnico en racien nacidos de muy bajo peso

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    Centro de Informacion y Documentacion Cientifica (CINDOC). C/Joaquin Costa, 22. 28002 Madrid. SPAIN / CINDOC - Centro de Informaciòn y Documentaciòn CientìficaSIGLEESSpai

    Bone Mineralization and Calcium Phosphorus Metabolism

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    The accretion of adequate mineral content is essential for normal bone mineralization [...

    Proteins and Amino Acids

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    Proteínas y aminoácidos

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    Gut Microbes and Health

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    El cuerpo humano está poblado por miríadas de microorganismos en toda su superficie y en las cavidades conectadas con el exterior. Los colonizadores microbianos del intestino (microbiota) son parte funcional y no prescindible del organismo humano: aportan genes (microbioma) y funciones adicionales a los recursos de nuestra especie, y participan en múltiples procesos fisiológicos (desarrollo somático, nutrición, inmunidad, etc.). Algunas enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles de la sociedad desarrollada (atopias, síndrome metabólico, enfermedades inflamatorias, cáncer y algunos trastornos de la conducta) se asocian a disbiosis: pérdida de riqueza de especies en la microbiota intestinal y desviación del entorno microbiano ancestral. Los cambios en la transmisión vertical del microbioma, el uso de antisépticos y antibióticos y los hábitos dietéticos de la sociedad industrializada parecen estar en el origen de la disbiosis. Generar y mantener diversidad en la microbiota es un nuevo objetivo clínico para la promoción de salud y la prevención de enfermedadesThe human body is populated by myriads of microorganisms throughout its surface and in the cavities connected to the outside. The microbial colonisers of the intestine (microbiota) are a functional and non-expendable part of the human organism: they provide genes (microbiome) and additional functions to the resources of our species and participate in multiple physiological processes (somatic development, nutrition, immunity, etc.). Some chronic non-communicable diseases of developed society (atopias, metabolic syndrome, inflammatory diseases, cancer and some behaviour disorders) are associated with dysbiosis: loss of species richness in the intestinal microbiota and deviation from the ancestral microbial environment. Changes in the vertical transmission of the microbiome, the use of antiseptics and antibiotics, and dietary habits in industrialised society appear to be at the origin of dysbiosis. Generating and maintaining diversity in the microbiota is a new clinical target for health promotion and disease preventionLa preparación del artículo ha sido financiada por el Instituto Danone (Barcelona)

    Exclusive Fish Oil Lipid Emulsion Rescue Strategy Improves Cholestasis in Neonates on Partially Fish Oil-Based Lipid Emulsion: A Pilot Study

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    Resolution of parenteral nutrition-associated liver disease has been identified in infants receiving SMOFlipid&trade; or a 100% fish oil lipid emulsion (FOLE). However, the effect of FOLE is unknown when the previous emulsion received is a mixed lipid emulsion containing fish oil. This observational pilot study reports data regarding the use of Omegaven&trade; after the diagnosis of cholestasis while receiving SMOFlipid&trade;. We conducted a retrospective review of medical charts of neonates in which a partially fish oil-based lipid emulsion was replaced by a fish oil lipid emulsion at 1 g/kg/day due to cholestasis. Thirty-eight infants (92.1% preterm, being 44.7% born below 28 weeks&rsquo; gestation), received FOLE. Birth weight was 1390 (743.0; 2298) grams. The age that cholestasis diagnosed was 15.0 (10.0; 24.8) days. The fish oil emulsion was administered for 38.5 (11.2; 51.8) days. In 73.7% (28/38) of the neonates, the cholestasis was resolved. In 34.2% (13/38), resolution happened before FOLE discontinuation. In addition, in the rest of the neonates (15) in whom cholestasis resolved, resolution occurred after FOLE discontinuation. Nine of the neonates died. In conclusion, the use of a 100% fish oil-based emulsion in neonates afflicted with cholestasis developed while on a partially fish oil-based emulsion is associated with a bilirubin decrease