4,014 research outputs found

    Brucellosis – Granulomatous Spine Infection

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    Brucellosis mainly affects the musculoskeletal system, with the spine as the most common location. Diagnosis is based on clinical symptoms, but in some cases, they may be lacking. Laboratory diagnosis is mainly made on the combination of high erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) together with high levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) and leukocytosis. Blood culture is a very cost-effective investigation; plain radiographs may be useful, but magnetic resonance images (MRI) with gadolinium enhancement is the choice for diagnosing osteoarticular and spinal complications of human brucellosis. MRI diffusion-weighted imaging fast sequence is the most sensitive for differentiating acute and chronic forms of spondylodiscitis. The basis for treatment is usually the medical management. The indications for surgical treatment (endoscopy or open) are when: no microorganism has been isolated, spinal cord or dural compression is seen in MRI, or there\u27s spinal instability or severe deformity. Open surgery is the standard: the anterior approach allows for anterior disc and bone debridement. If there is an epidural abscess or posterior elements are involved it\u27s indicated as a posterior approach. To prevent relapses and reduce the rate of sequelae, it\u27s necessary to have an appropriate duration of antimicrobial therapy and a timely indication to perform surgery

    The coffee diterpene kahweol is an antitumoral compound for human estrogen receptor-negative breast cancer cells

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    Although epidemiological studies indicate that coffee consumption is associated with a low incidence of several kinds of cancer, there are still few studies on the anti-tumoral effects of pure bioactive compounds isolated from coffee. The present study aims to identify the modulatory effects of kahweol, an antioxidant diterpene contained in unfiltered coffee, on a panel of human tumor cell lines. Kahweol inhibits tumor cell proliferation and clonogenicity and induces apoptosis in several kinds of human tumor cells, with a special incidence on the estrogen receptor-negative MDA-MB231 human breast cancer cells. In these breast cancer cells, the mentioned effects are accompanied by caspases 3/7 and 9 activation and cytochrome c release, both consistent with an activation of the intrinsic pathway of apoptosis. Kahweol also increases the phosphorylation levels of protein kinase B (AKT) and extracellular-signal-regulated kinase (ERK) observed in MDA-MB-231 cells. We also demonstrate the inhibitory effect of kahweol on the MDA-MB231 cell potential to migrate and to remodel extracellular matrix by targeting matrix metalloproteinase-9 and urokinase-type plasminogen activator, two key molecules involved in this process. Taken together, our data suggest that, indeed, kahweol behaves as an antitumor compound, especially against MDA-MB231 breast cancer cells.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The enzymatic determination of glucose in carbonated beverages: a useful tool for the undergraduate students to learn the basis of enzymatic analysis and the comparison of two analytical methods

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    The importance of enzymatic analysis in biochemistry, clinical chemistry and food chemistry is undoubted. The course "Applied Biochemistry" in our Faculty is aimed to undergraduate students of Chemistry and Biochemistry. In this subject, the principles and applications of enzymatic analysis are presented to the students, who receive a theoretical introductory lecture in the classroom before they carry out an experiment that should be feasible to be solved in a short laboratory period. The experimental protocol here presented, based on the enzymatic determination of glucose in carbonated beverages, has been implemented at the University of Málaga and it has been optimized according to the students’ results and commentaries along the last years. It aims to illustrate basic issues relating enzymatic analysis, including its potential application to food chemistry. Although there are several enzymatic methods that can be used for the determination of glucose, we selected the one based on the coupled reactions of glucose oxidase (GOD; EC and peroxidase (POD; EC because the kinetic constants of glucose oxidase allow the mentioned enzymatic reactions to be used in both, the end point and the kinetic enzymatic analysis methods. In this way, data for two different protocols for the determination of glucose concentration are obtained by the students from a single reaction mixture. Students construct a calibration curve for each method using a glucose standard solution, and use them to determine the glucose concentration in the problem solutions. The inclusion of replicate samples in the determination of the glucose concentration of an “ideal problem” (glucose in purified water) is used to illustrate the principles of statistics in the lab, and comparison with the “real value” allows an estimation of the accuracy of each method. The evaluation of glucose concentration in four carbonated beverages: coloured coke and uncoloured tonic sodas (regular or sugarless in both cases) makes student to recognise the appearance of interferences that should be either avoided or eliminated. Since all samples are analysed by means of end-point and kinetic methods, students can discuss the applicability of each method to these specific analytical problems. They are also encouraged to compare both analytical methods in terms of sensitivity, selectivity, accuracy, and time consumed. Chemistry and Biochemistry undergraduate students having performed this experiment in our laboratories have found it formative, interesting and challenging.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    A practice project to prevent the cookbook model as modus operandi for biochemistry laboratory learning

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    Laboratory learning is a crucial component of chemistry and biochemistry instruction and should be conceived as a way to develop students’ reasoning, technical or practical skills, introducing them into the scientific method principles. Nevertheless, the heavily criticized “expository instruction style”, characterized by a cookbook nature, is still the most widespread style of laboratory instruction in our universities. Alternative learning styles based in the inquiry, discovery and problem-based pedagogical approaches, have been reported to promote students’ problem solving skills, critical thought and self-confidence development. We are currently involved in the Educative Innovation Project PIE17-065, funded by University of Malaga, aimed to improve the teaching practice of Biochemistry laboratory to undergraduate students. Based on an enzymatic analysis of glucose in soft-drinks we have developed a laboratory protocol as a part of a full practice project where students must work before and after the lab session, in order to prevent the cookbook model as modus operandi, therefore preventing the situation where the students get a first glimpse of the experiment protocol whereas they put on their lab coat. The learning activities have been designed to move our students from the passive role that characterizes the step-by-step procedures, to an active and critical attitude that starts before and remains after their laboratory session, also minimizing time, space, and equipment resources. Our results have shown that this experiment has improved the learning of both, future biochemists and chemists, which showed a very positive perception of the whole practical project.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. PIE 17-06

    Evaluation of the anti-angiogenic potential of hydroxytyrosol derivatives

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    Angiogenesis, a process which allows the formation of new vessels from pre-existing ones, is an essential phenomenon for tumor survival since it allows cancer cells to obtain nutrients and oxygen. This explains the increasing interest showed by many groups of research and pharmaceutical companies to find compounds with potential to disrupt at least one of the steps within the angiogenic process. Hydroxytyrosol (3,4-dihydroxyphenyl ethanol) has been identified as the most important health-related phenolic compound of virgin olive oil because of its pleiotropic effects on multiple targets. In 2012, our group identified hydroxytyrosol as an anti-angiogenic compound able to inhibit several key steps in the angiogenic process. In the present study, the potential effects of six hydroxytyrosol derivatives are tested and compared with those exhibited by hydroxytyrosol by making use of several in vitro and in vivo assays. Results indicate that these are candidate new anti-angiogenic compounds with potential utility in anti-tumor and anti-angiogenic therapies.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech [Our experimental work is supported by grants BIO2014-56092-R (MINECO and FEDER) and P12-CTS-1507 (Andalusian Government and FEDER) and funds from group BIO-267 (Andalusian Government). The "CIBER de Enfermedades Raras" is an initiative from the ISCIII (Spain)]. This communication has the support of a travel grant

    ACAULIS5 Is Required for Cytokinin Accumulation and Function During Secondary Growth of Populus Trees

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    [EN] In the primary root and young hypocotyl of Arabidopsis, ACAULIS5 promotes translation of SUPPRESSOR OF ACAULIS51 (SAC51) and thereby inhibits cytokinin biosynthesis and vascular cell division. In this study, the relationships between ACAULIS5, SAC51 and cytokinin biosynthesis were investigated during secondary growth of Populus stems. Overexpression of ACAULIS5 from the constitutive 35S promoter in hybrid aspen (Populus tremula x Populus tremuloides) trees suppressed the expression level of ACAULIS5, which resulted in low levels of the physiologically active cytokinin bases as well as their direct riboside precursors in the transgenic lines. Low ACAULIS5 expression and low cytokinin levels of the transgenic trees coincided with low cambial activity of the stem. ACAULIS5 therefore, contrary to its function in young seedlings in Arabidopsis, stimulates cytokinin accumulation and cambial activity during secondary growth of the stem. This function is not derived from maturing secondary xylem tissues as transgenic suppression of ACAULIS5 levels in these tissues did not influence secondary growth. Interestingly, evidence was obtained for increased activity of the anticlinal division of the cambial initials under conditions of low ACAULIS5 expression and low cytokinin accumulation. We propose that ACAULIS5 integrates auxin and cytokinin signaling to promote extensive secondary growth of tree stems.This research was supported by the Swedish Research Council Formas (grant no. 232-2009-1698), the Swedish Research Council VR (grant no. 621-2013-4949), Vinnova (grant no. 201600504), Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (grant no. 2016-0341), Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT), through CEEC/IND/00175/2017 contract to AM, FCT R&D Unit grants to GREEN-IT -Bioresources for Sustainability (grant no. UIDB/04551/2020), BioISI (grants nos. UIDB/04046/2020 and UIDP/04046/2020), the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Innovation (grant no. BFU2016-80621-P), and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Czech Republic through the European Regional Development Fund-Project "Plants as a Tool for Sustainable Global Development" (grant no. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000827).Milhinhos, A.; Bollhoner, B.; Blazquez Rodriguez, MA.; Novak, O.; Miguel, CM.; Tuominen, H. (2020). ACAULIS5 Is Required for Cytokinin Accumulation and Function During Secondary Growth of Populus Trees. Frontiers in Plant Science. 11:1-11. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2020.601858S11111Agusti, J., Herold, S., Schwarz, M., Sanchez, P., Ljung, K., Dun, E. A., … Greb, T. (2011). Strigolactone signaling is required for auxin-dependent stimulation of secondary growth in plants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(50), 20242-20247. doi:10.1073/pnas.1111902108Antoniadi, I., Plačková, L., Simonovik, B., Doležal, K., Turnbull, C., Ljung, K., & Novák, O. (2015). Cell-Type-Specific Cytokinin Distribution within the Arabidopsis Primary Root Apex. The Plant Cell, 27(7), 1955-1967. doi:10.1105/tpc.15.00176Baima, S., Forte, V., Possenti, M., Peñalosa, A., Leoni, G., Salvi, S., … Morelli, G. (2014). Negative Feedback Regulation of Auxin Signaling by ATHB8/ACL5–BUD2 Transcription Module. Molecular Plant, 7(6), 1006-1025. doi:10.1093/mp/ssu051Bollhöner, B., Jokipii-Lukkari, S., Bygdell, J., Stael, S., Adriasola, M., Muñiz, L., … Tuominen, H. (2017). The function of two type II metacaspases in woody tissues of Populus trees. New Phytologist, 217(4), 1551-1565. doi:10.1111/nph.14945Chang, S., Puryear, J., & Cairney, J. (1993). A simple and efficient method for isolating RNA from pine trees. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 11(2), 113-116. doi:10.1007/bf02670468Clay, N. K., & Nelson, T. (2005). Arabidopsis thickvein Mutation Affects Vein Thickness and Organ Vascularization, and Resides in a Provascular Cell-Specific Spermine Synthase Involved in Vein Definition and in Polar Auxin Transport. Plant Physiology, 138(2), 767-777. doi:10.1104/pp.104.055756De Rybel, B., Adibi, M., Breda, A. S., Wendrich, J. R., Smit, M. E., Novák, O., … Weijers, D. (2014). Integration of growth and patterning during vascular tissue formation in Arabidopsis. Science, 345(6197). doi:10.1126/science.1255215Endo, S., Iwamoto, K., & Fukuda, H. (2017). Overexpression and cosuppression of xylem-related genes in an early xylem differentiation stage-specific manner by the AtTED4 promoter. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 16(2), 451-458. doi:10.1111/pbi.12784Etchells, J. P., Provost, C. M., & Turner, S. R. (2012). 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    Developmental Sex Differences in the Metabolism of Cardiolipin in Mouse Cerebral Cortex Mitochondria

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    Cardiolipin (CL) is a mitochondrial-specific phospholipid. CL content and acyl chain composition are crucial for energy production. Given that estradiol induces CL synthesis in neurons, we aimed to assess CL metabolism in the cerebral cortex (CC) of male and female mice during early postnatal life, when sex steroids induce sex-dimorphic maturation of the brain. Despite the fact that total amount of CL was similar, its fatty acid composition differed between males and females at birth. In males, CL was more mature (lower saturation ratio) and the expression of the enzymes involved in synthetic and remodeling pathways was higher, compared to females. Importantly, the sex differences found in CL metabolism were due to the testosterone peak that male mice experience perinatally. These changes were associated with a higher expression of UCP-2 and its activators in the CC of males. Overall, our results suggest that the perinatal testosterone surge in male mice regulates CL biosynthesis and remodeling in the CC, inducing a sex-dimorphic fatty acid composition. In male’s CC, CL is more susceptible to peroxidation, likely explaining the testosterone-dependent induction of neuroprotective molecules such as UCP-2. These differences may account for the sex-dependent mitochondrial susceptibility after perinatal hypoxia/ischemia

    Isolation and analysis of phospholipids in dairy foods

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    The lipid fraction of milk is one of the most complex matrixes in foodstuffs due to the presence of a high number of moieties with different physical and chemical properties. Glycerolipids include glycerol and two fatty acids esterified in positions sn-1 and sn-2 with higher concentration of unsaturated fatty acids than in the triglyceride fraction of milk. Sphingolipids consist of a sphingoid base linked to a fatty acid across an amide bond.Their amphiphilic nature makes them suitable to be added into a variety of foods and recent investigations showthat phospholipids,mainly phosphatidylserine and sphingomyelin, can exert antimicrobial, antiviral, and anticancer activities as well as positive effects in Alzheimer’s disease, stress, and memory decline. Polar lipids can be found as natural constituents in the membranes of all living organisms with soybean and eggs as the principal industrial sources, yet they have low contents in phosphatidylserine and sphingomyelin. Animal products are rich sources of these compounds but since there are legal restrictions to avoid transmission of prions,milk and dairy products are gaining interest as alternative sources.This review summarizes the analysis of polar lipids in dairy products including sample preparation (extraction and fractionation/isolation) and analysis by GC or HPLC and the latest research works using ELSD, CAD, and MS detectors.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Atractividad del mercado japones para la exportacion de arandanos chilenos

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    111 p.El propósito de la investigación es entregar información oportuna a quienes se encuentren evaluando la posibilidad de exportar arándanos congelados al mercado japonés. Se realizó una investigación que determinó la atractividad del mercado japonés para la exportación de arándanos congelados chilenos. Para ello se describieron las características de la industria del arándano congelado en Chile, así como también las del macroentorno e industria del arándano en el mercado japonés, junto con esto, se detalla claramente el proceso de logística que debe recorrer el fruto para llegar a dicho destino. Como una forma de incitar futuras inversiones en el rubro, se analizó el impacto que tendrá la reciente firma del Tratado de Libre Comercio con el país nipón. La aplicación de los tres modelos detectó la baja participación de Chile en Japón y el sostenido crecimiento de las ventas chilenas en el país nipón, por lo que la investigación concluyó que el mercado japonés es atractivo dependiendo de las variables que considere más relevantes el interesado. Junto con esto, se entregan recomendaciones que permiten aprovechar las actuales condiciones en las que compite Chile, así como también estrategias que permitan potenciar las fortalezas como país productor de arándano