1,354 research outputs found

    Competencia emocional y percepción de toma de decisiones en jugadores de voleibol

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    El propósito de este estudio fue analizar las relaciones existentes entre la dimensión percibida de la toma de decisiones y la competencia emocional de jugadores de voleibol de diferentes niveles de pericia. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación se emplearon el Cuestionario de Estilos de Toma de Decisión en el deporte (CETD) (Ruiz, Graupera y Sánchez, 2000) para evaluar la dimensión percibida de la toma de decisiones y La Escala de Competencia Emocional en el Deporte (ECE-D) (Arruza, Arribas, González, Balagué, Romero y Ruiz, 2005). Participaron un total de 122 jugadores de voleibol de ambos sexos (76 mujeres y 46 hombres) y niveles de pericia (local y autonómico, nacional e internacional). Los resultados obtenidos mostraron diferencias significativas en función del nivel de pericia en la competencia decisional y la competencia emocional. No ocurrió lo mismo en función del sexo. En cuanto a las relaciones existentes entre las variables de ambos cuestionarios, destacamos las existentes entre la Competencia Decisional Percibida y el Reconocimiento Emocional (r=.311) y entre esta última y la Ansiedad y el Agobio al Decidir (r=.-405)

    Classification of Special Days in Short-Term Load Forecasting: The Spanish Case Study

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    Short-Term Load Forecasting is a very relevant aspect in managing, operating or participating an electric system. From system operators to energy producers and retailers knowing the electric demand in advance with high accuracy is a key feature for their business. The load series of a given system presents highly repetitive daily, weekly and yearly patterns. However, other factors like temperature or social events cause abnormalities in this otherwise periodic behavior. In order to develop an effective load forecasting system, it is necessary to understand and model these abnormalities because, in many cases, the higher forecasting error typical of these special days is linked to the larger part of the losses related to load forecasting. This paper focuses on the effect that several types of special days have on the load curve and how important it is to model these behaviors in detail. The paper analyzes the Spanish national system and it uses linear regression to model the effect that social events like holidays or festive periods have on the load curve. The results presented in this paper show that a large classification of events is needed in order to accurately model all the events that may occur in a 7-year period

    Use of Available Daylight to Improve Short-Term Load Forecasting Accuracy

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    This paper introduces a new methodology to include daylight information in short-term load forecasting (STLF) models. The relation between daylight and power consumption is obvious due to the use of electricity in lighting in general. Nevertheless, very few STLF systems include this variable as an input. In addition, an analysis of one of the current STLF models at the Spanish Transmission System Operator (TSO), shows two humps in its error profile, occurring at sunrise and sunset times. The new methodology includes properly treated daylight information in STLF models in order to reduce the forecasting error during sunrise and sunset, especially when daylight savings time (DST) one-hour time shifts occur. This paper describes the raw information and the linearization method needed. The forecasting model used as the benchmark is currently used at the TSO’s headquarters and it uses both autoregressive (AR) and neural network (NN) components. The method has been designed with data from the Spanish electric system from 2011 to 2017 and tested over 2018 data. The results include a justification to use the proposed linearization over other techniques as well as a thorough analysis of the forecast results yielding an error reduction in sunset hours from 1.56% to 1.38% for the AR model and from 1.37% to 1.30% for the combined forecast. In addition, during the weeks in which DST shifts are implemented, sunset error drops from 2.53% to 2.09%

    Distal probing depth and attachment level of lower second molars following surgical extraction of lower third molars : a literature review

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    A review of the literature is made to evaluate factors that influence probing depth and attachment level on the distal aspect of the lower second molar (L2M) following extraction of a lower third molar (L3M). The PubMed database was searched for studies published between 1997 and March 2009 using the following keywords: mandibular third molar, distal periodontal defect, distal probing depth, distal attachment level, flap design. Randomized prospective studies, with a minimum follow-up of three months for which the full text could be obtained, and that indicated the attachment level and/or probing depth on the distal surface of the L2M in both the preoperative and postoperative periods were included. In the studies obtained, flap design had no influence on distal probing depth or distal attachment level of the L2M following extraction of an L3M. Curettage of the distal radicular surface of the L2M, together with oral hygiene control by the dentist, reduced probing depth values. Various authors recommend bone regeneration techniques in patients with a distal periodontal defect prior to extraction. The placing of membranes (resorbable or nonresorbable) is not justified; however, the use of demineralized bone powder or platelet-rich plasma gel reduces the distal probing depth and attachment level of the L2M

    Pain and swelling in periapical surgery : a literature update

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    In recent years, periapical surgery (PS) has evolved thanks to the incorporation of technical and diagnostic advances. In PS, secondary effects such as pain and swelling occur as with all surgical procedures. The objective of the present study is to review the literature of articles published on pain and swelling during the postoperative period in periapical surgery. For this review, a search was made in Medline and of literature published in Spanish odontological journals. In the reviewed literature the maximum pain was produced during the first 24 postoperative hours and maximum swelling between the first and second day. Recent studies propose the use of corticoids and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) during the pre-and post-operative period, in order to reduce pain perception during the first postoperative week after surgery. Likewise, low-level laser therapy has been used; although with no statistically significant results being observed for the control of pain. In the majority of published studies there was no statistically significant relationship between age and sex and the postoperative symptoms. However, greater pain and swelling is observed in patients with poor oral hygiene before surgery, and higher pain in patients who smoke, and in those with pain before surgery. Surgery of anterior teeth and molars is associated with greater pain

    The influence of unpleasant emotional arousal on military performance: An experimental study using auditory stimuli during a shooting task

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    Due to the intrinsic difficulties associated with simulating extreme events, it remains unclear how unpleasant emotional arousal might affect shooting performance among well-trained high-risk operators. To address this issue, an infantry rifle squad performed two simulated shooting exercises of different complexity (low vs. high) while exposed to unpleasant emotionally charged sound clips. A control group underwent the same experimental procedure without the presence of any sound clips. To externally validate our method of emotional arousal inoculation, we collected infantrymen’s salivary cortisol and perceived arousal and valence levels over the experimental phases (i.e., baseline, shooting, and recovery). The dependent variables were their shooting performance (shot-to-hit ratio and instructor’s evaluation) and the perceived degree of task complexity. Furthermore, we explored the variations of participants’ nasal skin temperature during the shooting exercises. Salivary cortisol concentrations varied over time only for the squad exposed to emotionally charged stimuli. While emotional arousal had an effect on overall infantrymen performance (e.g., precision of movements while shooting), shooting accuracy was not affected. Emotional arousal did not influence nasal skin temperature. Overall, our results suggest that arousal inoculation based on emotionally charged sound clips could serve as a complementary (reliable and ethically appropriate) method to train high-risk operators to deal with emotional arousal. These findings may also contribute to a better understanding of the role of emotional arousal in operational effectiveness.Santander Bank - CEMIX UGR-MADOC grant PINS 2018-15 PIN 5/2/20 F2FGerman Research Foundation (DFG) RYC-2015-1748

    Creando un perfil de jovenes pertenecientes a bandas latinas

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    Este documento presente iniciar un analisis sobre las caracteristicas sociales, educativas, familiares y socioeconomicas, entre otras de menores y jovenes que pertenecen a bandas latinas en la ciudad de Zaragoza. Basado en informacion recogida a traves de tecnicas cuantitativas y cualitativas se presenta un perfil de estos menores y jovenes que pertenecen a bandas latinas en la ciudad de Zaragoza

    Distributed System for Cognitive Stimulation Over Interactive TV.

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    Descripción y evaluación de sistema de estimulación cognitiva a través de la TDT orientada a personas con enfermedad de Parkinson, con supervisión por parte de sus terapeutas de forma remota. Abstract: This paper details the full design, implementation, and validation of an e-health service in order to improve the community health care services for patients with cognitive disorders. Specifically, the new service allows Parkinson’s disease patients benefit from the possibility of doing cognitive stimulation therapy (CST) at home by using a familiar device such as a TV set. Its use instead of a PC could be a major advantage for some patients whose lack of familiarity with the use of a PC means that they can do therapy only in the presence of a therapist. For these patients this solution could bring about a great improvement in their autonomy. At the same time, this service provides therapists with the ability to conduct follow-up of therapy sessions via the web,benefiting from greater and easier control of the therapy exercises performed by patients and allowing them to customize new exercises in accordance with the particular needs of each patient. As a result, this kind of CST is considered to be a complement of other therapies oriented to the Parkinson patients. Furthermore, with small changes, the system could be useful for patients with a different cognitive disease such as Alzheimer’s or mild cognitive impairment