1,043 research outputs found

    El menor como objeto de las diferentes diligencias policiales

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    [ES] Los menores son una población con unos problemas específicos, los cuales son tratados por la Psicología Jurídica del Menor. Desde esta perspectiva interesa centrarse en dos cuestiones fundamentales: la cantidad de ley que la policía aplica en su actuación y la forma en que actúa. Junto a esto, aparecen otros temas de especial relevancia: la obtención de testimonios mediante la entrevista, la competencia y responsabilidad del menor como los dos polos, positivo y negativo, de un misma realidad.[EU] Adingabekoak arazo bereziak dituzten hiritarrak dira; arazo horiek Adingabekoaren Psikologia Juridikoak aztertzen ditu. Ikuspegi horretatik interesgarria da abiaburutzat funtsezko bi alderdi hartzea: poliziak bere jarduketan aplikatzen duen legearen kopurua eta nola jarduten duen. Horrekin batera, oso garrantzitsuak diren beste gai batzuk azaltzen dira, hala nola, errealitate beraren polo positiboa eta negatiboa diren elkarrikuskaketaren bidez lekukotzak eskuratzea eta adingabekoaren eskumena eta erantzukizuna.[FR] Les mineurs présentent des problèmes spécifiques qui sont traités par la Psychologie Juridique du Mineur. Depuis cette perspective, il convient de préciser deux questions fondamentales: la quantité de loi que la police applique dans ses interventions et la forme sous laquelle elle agit. A ce propos deux autres thèmes d’importance, qui sont un peu le pôle possitif et le pôle négatif d’une même realité, font leur apparition: obtention de témoignage à travers l’entretien et la compétence et responsabilité du mineur.[EN] Minors are a population with some specific problems, which are treated by the Juridical Psychology of the Minor. From this perspective, is interesting to center in two fundamental questions: the amount of law that the police applies when acting and the manner they act. Likewise, other subjects appear with a special importance, as the obtention of evidences, by means of an interview, the competence and responsability of minors as the two poles, positive and negative, of a same reality

    El concepto del cuerpo, de la vida y de la violencia en las nuevas tribus urbanas

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    [ES] El análisis de la cultura de los jóvenes implica el estudio de la denominada “cibercultura”, y dentro de ésta es importante la noción del cuerpo para así determinar el sentido de la agresión física. Los jóvenes dentro de esta cultura juegan con sus cuerpos y con sus vidas, exhibiendo la posibilidad de que su cuerpo no es nada, de que entre vivir y morir no hay demasiada diferencia. Es posible que la existencia de dichos valores esté creando una nueva juventud para la que la violencia se ha convertido en algo cotidiano.[EU] Kulturari buruzko gazteen analisiak, “ziberkultura” deritzan fenomenoaren azterketa bat suposatzen du, haren barruan berriz, garrantzitsua da gorpuaren kontzeptua, eraso fisikoen zentzua zehazteko. Gazteek, kultura horren barruan beren gorpuekin jolasean aritzen dira, baita beren biziekin ere, gorpua ezer ez dela adierazten dute, eta heriotza eta bizitzaren artean ez dagoela ezberdintasun handirik. Posible da balore horien egonak biolentzia normaltzat hartzen duen gazteri berri bat sortzen aritzea.[FR] L’analyse de la culture des jeunes implique l’étude de la “cyberculture”, et dans celle-ci est importante la notion du corps pour ainsi déterminer le sens de l’agression physique. Les jeunes dans cette culture jouent avec leurs corps et avec leurs vies, en exhibant la possibilité que son corps ne soit rien, et convaincus qu’il n’y a aucune différence entre vivre et mourir. Il est possible que l’existence de ces valeurs puisse créer une nouvelle jeunesse pour laquelle la violence est quelque chose de quotidien.[EN] The analysis of young people’s culture implies the study of the “cyberculture”, and is specifically important the notion of body to determine the sense of the physical aggression. Young people belonging to this culture play with their bodies and their lives, exhibiting the possibility that the body is nothing, and believing that there’s not much difference between living and dying. It is possible that the existence of these values creates a new youth for which the violence has become something daily

    Beyond the Pale: Dark Traits and Close Relations Influence Attitudes toward COVID-19 and the Rejection of Quarantine Rules

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    [Abstract] Dark personality traits are predictors of detrimental behavior (e.g., selfishness or violating norms). This research examined the influence dark personality traits on attitudes toward the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine rules. We determined whether specific dark traits could predict non-compliance, beyond the global measure of dark personality traits. Additionally, previous research suggests that people are more likely to violate rules for the benefits of close relations, rather than for their own self-interests. We examined how this tendency interacts with dark traits. The 823 participants in the study completed measures of the dark triad, moral disengagement, and attitudes toward COVID-19 rules, and responded to vignettes about themselves or close relations escaping quarantine. Using a bifactor model approach, results showed that a general dark factor predicted non-compliance to COVID-19 rules, but that some moral disengagement mechanisms contributed to non-compliance beyond this factor. Vignette results showed that participants were more willing to break quarantine rules for a close relation than for themselves, except for those high in moral disengagement, who broke rules more—regardless of who was involved. These findings have important implications for intervention programs and policies, since individuals with dark traits tend to “selfishly” trespass norms, but anyone can “go beyond the pale, i.e., go outside the limits of acceptable behavior, for a loved one.Xunta de Galicia; EDC431C2019/18This research was funded by Xunta de Galicia, grant number EDC431C2019/18, and Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades grant number DER2017-82390-

    Dark Personality and Intimate Partner Relationships in Young Adults

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    [Abstract] People with dark personality traits tend to be unsympathetic, manipulative, and violent, and this can affect their intimate partner relationships. The objective of this research is to analyze how the presence of the dark personality traits affects young people's intimate couple relationships. Sociodemographic variables, sexual practices, and tendencies towards the partner, moral disengagement (PMD), and the dark personality traits were assessed in 308 participants, all of them aged between 18 and 25, of whom 78.3% were women and 21.2% were men. Men obtained higher scores than women both in moral disengagement and dark personality traits, as did people who were unfaithful or who consumed pornographic content, which conditions the quality of couple relationships. Consistent with this, men with higher levels of dark personality traits and higher use of a moral disengagement mechanism also presented a greater tendency towards infidelity, especially repeated infidelity. Infidelity is highly related to the presence of dark personality traits, unrestricted socio-sexuality, and having more sexual partners. These results aid in the design of interventions to prevent sexual harassment and abuse in young people and their intimate partner relationships

    Revenge in Couple Relationships and Their Relation to the Dark Triad

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    [Abstract] Background: This research examines how, when a romantic partner commits a perceived transgression that leads to couple break up, vengeful reactions are predicted by the type of transgression and the Dark Triad of personality. Methods: An incidental sample of 2142 participants, half male and half female aged 18 to 70, completed a questionnaire developed by the authors to assess how they had reacted after being the perceived victims of a transgression committed by their partner and a measure of the Dark Triad. Results: Results show half of the people who feel as though they are victims of a partner transgression show revenge reactions. These reactions are more emotional than rational and do not usually anticipate their consequences or success. Moreover, revenge is related primarily to psychopathy and to a lesser extent to Machiavellianism. Psychopathy is the best predictor for revenge thoughts and actions, whereas narcissism does not predict revenge when controlling for other dark traits. Conclusions: This study contributes to the explanation of revenge reactions in couple relationships in relation to the type of transgression perceived and the Dark Triad. Conflicts that arise out of revenge may have long-lasting consequences for both the perceived aggressor and victim, and our results may be useful for assessing risks, monitoring, and preventing negative consequences for partners or ex-partnersXunta de Galicia; EDC431C2019/1

    Desenvolvimento de um modelo pormenorizado das veias meníngeas

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    Traumatic brain injury is one of the major causes of death and disability in the world. One of the most frequent and deadly injury resulted from a head trauma is acute subdural hematoma (ASDH), which consists on the rupture of a bridging vein (BV). Given the importance of this type of injury, it is necessary to set thresholds and damage criteria. To access this thresholds and damage criteria, experimental tests performed on human cadavers, animals or dummies are required. However due to ethical and economical issues, more and more the finite element (FE) models are becoming a very good cost-effective alternative. Once properly validated, the finite element head model (FEHM) is a valuable tool, that can be used in the development of head protective gear as a design tool and in the reconstruction of head traumas by predicting brain injuries under impact conditions. The YEt Another Head Model (YEAHM) is the example of a FE model that can be used to assist/replace the experimental tests. The YEAHM already has a bridging veins FE model to help on the prediction of ASDH. However, this model presents unrealistic geometry and lacks validation. In this study the bridging veins FE model was improved and validated. The validation consists on the calculation of the model prediction success rate. At the end, it was obtained a 3D bridging veins FE model with tubular shape that takes in consideration the blood pressure. Results showed that this model presents a maximum success rate of 90% and, in comparison with FE models already developed, presents equal or even better prediction results. In summary, it can be stated that the model developed in this work is a big step in eld of bridging veins FE modelsO traumatismo cranioencefálico é uma das maiores causas de morte e incapacidade no mundo. Uma das lesões mais frequentes e com maior taxa de mortalidade, resultante de um traumatismo craniano, é o hematoma subdural agudo. Dada a importância deste tipo de lesões é necessário criar limites e critérios de dano. Para obter estes limites e critérios de dano, é necessário efectuar testes experimentais em cadáveres humanos, animais ou dummies. No entanto, devido a problemas éticos e económicos, cada vez mais os modelos de elementos finitos são uma boa alternativa. Uma vez vali dado, o modelo de elemetos finitos da cabeça é uma mais valia, que pode ser utilizado como ferramenta de design no desenvolvimento de equipamentos para proteção da cabeça e na reconstrução de lesões como o traumatismo craniano. O YEt Another Head Model (YEAHM) é exemplo de um desses modelos que pode ser utilizado para substituir ou auxiliar os testes experimentais. O YEAHM já tem incorporado um modelo de veias meníngeas que ajuda na detecção de hematomas subdurais agudos, no entanto este modelo apresenta geometria irrealista e falhas na validação. No estudo realizado neste trabalho esse modelo foi melhorado e validado. A validação consiste no cálculo da taxa de sucesso que o modelo consegue obter na detecção de rupturas das veias meníngeas. No fim, foi obtido um modelo 3D de elementos finitos das veias meníngeas que tem em consideração a pressão sanguínea. Os resultados mostram que o modelo obteve uma taxa de sucesso máxima de 90%, e em comparação com outros modelos já desenvolvidos consegue resultados iguais ou melhores. Para concluir, é possível afirmar que o modelo desenvolvido neste trabalho é um grande passo nos modelos de elementos finitos das veias meníngeas.Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânic

    Central bank independence and economic growth

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    This research aims to estimate the relationship between Central Bank independence and economic growth. Adopting the Arellano-Bover (1995)/Blundell-Bond (1998) two-stage estimation method for dynamic panel models, we analyse a sample of 186 countries from 1970 to 2018. After controlling for the standard economic growth determinants, we consider the legal and the actual independence of Central Banks (measured by an irregular turnover dummy for the Central Bank Governor) as our variables of interest. We find that when an irregular turnover occurs it harms growth and that the legal independence framework is not statistically significant. Furthermore, we conclude that these results are robust for middle-income countries, in countries which had experienced a crisis (among banking, currency and sovereign debt), in countries that do not adopt quantitative easing policy measures and in countries that are not part of monetary unions. The legal independence is a positive factor for growth when restricting to countries belonging to monetary unions. We also find that growth is not affected by Central Bank independence when countries are divided by continents.Esta investigação pretende estimar a relação entre a independência dos Bancos Centrais e o crescimento económico de cada país. Recorrendo ao método de estimação de dois estágios de Arellano-Bover (1995)/Blundell-Bond (1998), analisamos uma amostra de 186 países entre 1970 e 2018. Após controlar o crescimento económico com os seus determinantes standard, adotamos um índice de independência legal e uma medida de independência real (expressa através de uma variável binária de rotatividade irregular do Governador do Banco Central) como variáveis de interesse. Os resultados revelam que o crescimento económico é afetado negativamente apenas quando existe rotatividade irregular e que a independência legal não é estatisticamente significativa. Para além disso, conclui-se que estes resultados são robustos em países de rendimento médio, em países que já experienciaram crises (nomeadamente de banca, moeda ou dívida soberana), em países que nunca adotaram medidas de quantitative easing e em países que não fazem parte de uniões monetárias. A independência legal contribui de forma positiva para o crescimento económico apenas nos países que pertencem a uniões monetárias. Também se conclui que o crescimento da economia não é afetado pela independência dos Bancos Centrais quando se dividem os países por continentes

    Análisis de la Ley de prevención de riesgos laborales, desde los puntos de vista de la prevención y de la psicología de las organizaciones

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    [Resumen] Los accidentes de trabajo se han convertido en uno de los fenómenos más disfuncionales del mundo laboral, por sus consecuencias, su constante aumento y sus dificultades para poder establecer programas de prevención eficaces y duraderos. Las consecuencias de la accidentalidad son negativas para todas las partes implicadas: para los accidentados y su familia, pero también para el buen funcionamiento laboral y económico de las empresas y para la administración. Por otro lado, existe una ausencia de cultura preventiva, atribuible a la creencia generalizada por parte de empresarios y directivos de que los recursos asignados en este campo suponen desembolsos ajenos al fin productivo y, por tanto, disminuyen la competitividad y rentabilidad de la empresa. La Administración ha ido regulando las actividades de la industria en general y, en particular, de aquellos sectores o actividades que puedan presentar un mayor riesgo o que concentran índices de siniestralidad elevados.[Abstract] The accidents of work have turned into one of the most disfunctional phenomena of the labour world, for his consequences, his constant increase and his difficulties to be able to establish effective and lasting programs of prevention. The consequences of the accident are negative for all the implied parts: for the rough ones and his family, but also for the good labour and economic functioning of the companies and for the administration. There exists an absence of preventive culture, attributable to the belief generalized on the part of businessmen and executives of whom the resources assigned in this field suppose disbursements foreign to the productive purpose and, therefore, they diminish the competitiveness and profitability of the company. The Administration has been regulating the activities of the industry in general and, especially, of those sectors or activities that could present a major risk or that concentrated high accident rates

    Seguridad y salud laboral desde la psicología social y de las organizaciones

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    [Resumen] Los accidentes de trabajo se han convertido en uno de los fenómenos más disfuncionales del mundo laboral, por sus consecuencias, su constante aumento y sus dificultades para poder establecer programas de prevención eficaces y duraderos. Los factores psicosociales no pueden considerarse como elementos secundarios o complementarios dentro del concepto de la seguridad y la salud laboral. Son factores sustantivos y, probablemente, cada vez lo sean más debido a la creciente importancia de los factores organizacionales en la estructura actual del trabajo. Por otro lado, existe una ausencia de cultura preventiva, atribuible a la creencia generalizada por parte de empresarios y directivos de que los recursos asignados en este campo suponen desembolsos ajenos al fin productivo y, por tanto, disminuyen la competitividad y rentabilidad de la empresa.[Abstract] The accidents of work have turned into one of the most disfunctional phenomena of the labour world, for his consequences, his constant increase and his difficulties to be able to establish effective and lasting programs of prevention. Psychosocial factors cannot be considered to be secondary or complementary security and occupational health, are sustantive factors and, probably increasing as more due to the importance of the organizational factors in the current structure of work. There exists an absence of preventive culture, attributable to the belief generalized on the part of businessmen and executives of whom the resources assigned in this field suppose disbursements foreign to the productive purpose and, therefore, they diminish the competitiveness and profitability of the company

    Influence of intrafamilial abuse in children's change of values towards their parents

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    The socialization that parents and society exercise on children instills in them a set of values towards parents. Some of these values are not lying, feeling affection for the parents, and wanting to have contact with them. In this work, we attempt to determine whether these values change in the face of intrafamilial abuse. To that end, an incidental sample was used, consisting of 2730 minors aged between 6 to 18 years, who had never suffered abuse. They were asked to put themselves in the place of the main character of a story. The story varied depending on the conditions to be studied: observation and direct suffering or account of the abuse by another, type of abuse (physical or psychological), who perpetrated the abuse (custodian or non-custodial), and who received it (the other custodian or the minor). The results show that, as a rule, children lie to conceal both parents' abusive behavior; they love their parents and want to have contact with them, even in the presence of abuse. Notwithstanding that in the presence of abuse by one of their parents, children still love them and want to have contact with both parents, a significant number of children, however, stop loving them or want to have contact with the abusive parent. These results undermine what is defended by theories like PAS with no scientific evidence, and underline the need to use scientific procedures to test the reliability of minors’ testimony based on the idea that children tell the truth.Die von Eltern und Gesellschaft initiierten Sozialisationsprozesse erziehen Kindern eine Reihe von Werten im Umgang mit ihren Eltern an. Einige dieser Werte sind beispielsweise: nicht zu lügen, eine Zuneigung zu den Eltern zu verspüren und Kontakt zu ihnen haben zu wollen. In dieser wissenschaftlichen Arbeit wird versucht zu untersuchen, ob sich diese Werte bei innerfamilialem Missbrauch verändern. Zu diesem Zweck wurde eine Stichprobe von 2730 Minderjährigen im Alter zwischen 6 und 18 Jahren, die noch nie missbraucht wurden, herangezogen. Sie wurden gebeten, sich in die Hauptfigur einer Geschichte hineinzuversetzen. Die Geschichte variierte je nach den zu untersuchenden Bedingungen: Beobachtung und direktes Erleiden oder Erzählung des Missbrauchs durch andere, Art des Missbrauchs (physisch oder psychisch), wer den Missbrauch begangen hat (erziehungsberechtigter oder nicht erziehungsberechtigter Elternteil) und wer dem Missbrauch ausgesetzt war (der andere Elternteil oder das Kind). Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Kinder in der Regel lügen, wenn es darum geht das missbräuchliche Verhalten von einem der beiden Elternteile zu verbergen. Sie lieben ihre Eltern und möchten Kontakt zu ihnen haben, selbst im Falle von Missbrauch. Ungeachtet dessen, das einige Kinder bei Misshandlung durch einen ihrer Elternteile, beide Eltern immer noch lieben und Kontakt zu ihnen haben wollen, hört eine signifikante Anzahl von Kinder auf, den missbrauchenden Elternteil zu lieben oder Kontakt zu ihm haben zu wollen. Diese Ergebnisse falsifizieren, was von Theorien wie PAS ohne wissenschaftliche Beweise behauptet wird und unterstreichen die Notwendigkeit der Verwendung wissenschaftlicher Verfahren, die auf der Idee fußen, dass Kinder die Wahrheit sagen, zur zuverlässigen Untersuchung der Zeugenaussagen von Kindern