2,448 research outputs found

    NLP Analysis of Email Interactions to find automation opportunities

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    Finding automatization opportunities for email interactions can have positive effects for several industries, especially in tasks such as reading, receiving, writing and responding emails, categorizing emails or even to prevent loss of productivity and financial loses by dealing with spam, or improve users' satisfaction; even improving automatic categorization systems can mitigate negative impacts on personal and organization performance. Furthermore, people who work in companies spend around 28 % of their time reading and answering emails. In this project we proposed a methodology based on NLP and Unsupervised Machine Learning to look for opportunities of automation arising from recurrent email patterns found in email texts. We intent to facilitate the linguistic analysis in order to retrieve interaction patterns that can trigger automation actions. We proposed CRISP-DM methodology that lays the groundwork for detection of automatization opportunities in tasks relates. We compared the unsupervised machine learning methods K-Means, DBSCAN, and HDBSCAN with four clustering metrics applied to the Enron e-mails dataset transformed into paragraph vectors and performed several experiments with Word Mover's Distance, Euclidean Distance, L2-Norm and Cosine Similarity. Although our process yielded limited results in the detection of email interactions, we found that DBSCAN combined with Euclidean Distance was the best method among all scores. This project also contributes to the parameterization literature of said clustering algorithms as well as showing which methods, distances and scores settings are relevant for unsupervised email mining

    Diversity mdir receiver for space-time dispersive channels

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    A particular property of the cellebrated MDIR receiver is introduced in this communication, namely, the fact that full exploitation of the diversity is obtained with multiple beamformers when the channel is spatially and timely dispersive. Therefore a new structure is developped which provides better performance. The hardware need for this new receiver may be obtained through reconfigurability of the RAKE architectures available at the base station. It will be tested in the FDD mode of UTRA.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Influence of boron content on the fracture toughness and fatigue crack propagation kinetics of bainitic steels

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    The relatively good combination of high strength and ductility makes bainitic steels a candidate to replace many other steels in industrial applications. However, in service, ductility and strength are not up to standard requirements. In many industrial components, toughness and fatigue performance are also very relevant. In the present study, bainitic steels with varying content of boron were fabricated, with the aim of analyzing the fracture toughness and changes in the fatigue life. The results show that a relatively small change in the boron content can cause a notable variation in the fracture toughness of bainitic steels. The maximum value obtained in fracture toughness was for the steel with the highest boron content. It was observed that the amount of interlath martensite constituents decreases in steels with the addition of boron, leading to the promotion of the presence of void coalescence and a remarkable rise in the toughness of bainitic steels. An increase on the fatigue life of the bainitic steels with an increase in the boron content was also observed, through analysis by means of Paris’ law. A comprehensive micrographic study was carried out in order to examine the mechanics of fatigue crack growth in the bainitic steels, revealing small longitudinal cracks in bainitic steels that lack boron. These cracks tend to disappear in bainitic steels that contain boron. To elucidate this behavior, micrographs of the surfaces generated by the crack growth process were taken, showing that several nano-cracks appeared between the bainite laths. It is finally argued that this high-energy consumption process of nano-crack nucleation and growth is the reason for the improved toughness and fatigue life observed in bainitic steels.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Multi-satellite cycle-slip detection and exclusion using the noise subspace of residual dynamics

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    Real-time detection of cycle-slips on undifferenced carrier-phase measurements is an important task to properly exclude wrong phase trackers from precise positioning algorithms. The detection is especially challenging in high-dynamic mobile scenarios, where traditional approaches (as those based on single-channel polynomial fitting) may easily lead to false positives. Using a multi-channel formulation of the problem, the proposed technique takes benefit of the available data redundancy (high number of tracked satellites) in order to ameliorate the false positives. This robustness is accomplished by adaptively estimating the orthogonal subspace spanned by the polynomial time-varying residuals obtained from all available channels (treated as a vector process), and using that subspace to form efficient channel combinations with cancelled satellite-receiver dynamics. The main advantage of the multi-channel approach is that wrong measurements can be discarded without needing any positioning estimate nor phase-ambiguity solver, thus improving the accuracy, reliability and integrity of positioning. The performance improvement is shown by means of theoretical analysis and computer simulations.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    El desafiament pel coneixement. És l'LHC segur?

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    The Quest for Knowledge. Is the LHC safe?Experimental Particle Physics using accelerators has currently reached an exciting moment, with the upcoming launch of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN). Nonetheless, public opinion has welcomed the news of this research tool with interest but at the same time with reservations

    Características de la práctica físico-deportiva del alumnado con discapacidad de la Universitat de València

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    En la actualidad, la actividad físico-deportiva es fundamental para las personas con discapacidad debido a los múltiples beneficios físicos, psicológicos y sociales que aporta (Patel y Greydanus, 2010; Slater y Meade, 2004). Estudiar las características de la práctica físico-deportiva de este colectivo puede ser útil para poder desarrollar estrategias y programas que mejoren y aumenten dicha práctica (Bragaru,van Wilgen, Geertzen, Ruijs, Dijsktra y Dekker, 2013). Pese a ello, apenas existen estudios de carácter cuantitativo sobre el tema. De acuerdo con las carencias señaladas, el objetivo de este trabajo es identificar la cuantía de la práctica físico-deportiva del alumnado con discapacidad de la Universitat de València (UV), así como algunas características y pautas relacionadas con la misma. La muestra se compuso de 138 alumnos y alumnas con discapacidad de la UV (64 hombres y 74 mujeres), lo que supone un 13,3% de la presencia de este colectivo en la UV. Podemos decir que el nivel de práctica físico-deportiva del alumnado con discapacidad de la UV es elevado. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que predomina la práctica recreativa frente a la competitiva y la práctica individual sobre la práctica en equipo. Por lo que respecta a la frecuencia, encontramos que un alto porcentaje del alumnado practica actividad físico-deportiva con mucha regularidad. Como se observa en la tabla 2, casi el 50% de los estudiantes practican tres veces o más por semana, siendo el grupo más numeroso, seguido de un 37,8% que practican entre una y dos veces por semana

    Enhanced MDIR receiver for space-time dispersive channels

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    A particular property of the matched desired impulse response receiver is introduced in this paper, namely, the fact that full exploitation of the diversity is obtained with multiple beamformers when the channel is spatially and timely dispersive. This particularity makes the receiver specially suitable for mobile and underwater communications. The new structure provides better performance than conventional and weighted VRAKE receivers, and a diversity gain with no needs of additional radio frequency equipment. The baseband hardware needed for this new receiver may be obtained through reconfigurability of the RAKE architectures available at the base station. The proposed receiver is tested through simulations assuming UTRA frequency-division-duplexing mode.Peer Reviewe

    El riu Girona, risc d'inundació i mobilització social

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    La inundació provocada per la revinguda d'aigua al mes d'octubre de l'any 2007, desencadenà la mobilització social dels veïns de la conca del riu Girona mitjançant el sorgiment de la Plataforma Ciutadana Riu Girona, formada per un grup de persones que realitzà tota una tasca de control, seguiment territorial i polític, a favor d'una òptima gestió d'aquest riu

    Balanç final i estratègies d'actuació per a la comarca de la Marina Alta

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    En aquest capítol presentem les principals conclusions dels casos estudiats . S'exposen unes línies estratègiques d'actuació amb diversos enfocaments i visions de comarca, amb la incorporació de polítiques locals de transparència i participació ciutadan