919 research outputs found

    Model Based Development of Quality-Aware Software Services

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    Modelling languages and development frameworks give support for functional and structural description of software architectures. But quality-aware applications require languages which allow expressing QoS as a first-class concept during architecture design and service composition, and to extend existing tools and infrastructures adding support for modelling, evaluating, managing and monitoring QoS aspects. In addition to its functional behaviour and internal structure, the developer of each service must consider the fulfilment of its quality requirements. If the service is flexible, the output quality depends both on input quality and available resources (e.g., amounts of CPU execution time and memory). From the software engineering point of view, modelling of quality-aware requirements and architectures require modelling support for the description of quality concepts, support for the analysis of quality properties (e.g. model checking and consistencies of quality constraints, assembly of quality), tool support for the transition from quality requirements to quality-aware architectures, and from quality-aware architecture to service run-time infrastructures. Quality management in run-time service infrastructures must give support for handling quality concepts dynamically. QoS-aware modeling frameworks and QoS-aware runtime management infrastructures require a common evolution to get their integration

    Model-Driven Development of a Web Service-Oriented Architecture and Security Policies.

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    Applying model-driven development methodologies provide inherent benefits such as increased productivity, greater reuse, and better maintainability, to name a few. Efforts on achieving model-driven development of web services already exist. However, there is currently no complete solution that addresses non-functional aspects of these services as well. This paper presents an ongoing work which seeks to integrate these non-functional aspects in the development of web services, with a clear emphasis on security

    Conjunto de metales procedente del poblado de la Edad del Bronce de L’arbocer (Font de la Figuera, Valencia)

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    [email protected]; [email protected] un conjunto de piezas de metal, de cobre y bronce, halladas de manera casual en el poblado de la Edad del Bronce de L’Arbocer, en la Font de la Figuera, Valencia. Su descripción constituye, junto con los resultados del análisis por Fluorescencia de rayos X, el motivo central de este trabajo pero, además, la realización de una corta campaña de excavación en el yacimiento ha permitido contextualizar el hallazgo y ponerlo en relación con una posible área de actividad metalúrgica. La situación del poblado de L’Arbocer, en el límite de las actuales provincias de Valencia, Alicante y Albacete, es de gran interés a la hora de valorar la presencia de este posible taller metalúrgico y su cronología.In this paper, we present a study of a group of cooper and bronze objects that were found by chance in the Bronze Age village of L’Arbocer (Font de la Figuera, Valencia). The main aims are the description of the objects and the results of the X Ray Fluorescence analyses. Moreover; a short fieldwork season has been carried out, which has allowed us to determine the archaeological context of the metals and to establish their connection with a possible area of metallurgical activity. The village of L’Arbocer is located on the border of the provinces of Valencia, Alicante and Albacete. This is very interesting in helping us to evaluate the presence of a possible metallurgy workshop and its chronology

    Evaluating non-functional properties globally

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    Real-time systems are usually dependable systems which, besides timing constraints, have to meet some other quality criteria in order to provide certain reliance on its operation. For this reason, a key issue in the development of this kind of system is to trade off the different non-functional aspects involved in the system e.g., time, performance, safety, power, or memory. The success of the development process is often determined by how earlier we can make thorough assumptions and estimations, and hence, take careful decisions about non-functional aspects. Our approach to support this decision activity is based on treating non-functional properties and requirements uniformly, and still supporting specific evaluation and analysi

    Multi Domain-Specific Modeling of the Security Concerns of Service-Oriented Architectures

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    Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA), and Web Services (WS), the technology generally used to implement them, achieve the integration of heterogeneous technologies, providing interoperability, and yielding the reutilization of pre-existent systems. Model-driven development methodologies provide inherent benefits such as increased productivity, greater reuse, and better maintainability, to name a few. Efforts on achieving model-driven development of SOAs already exist, but there is currently no standard solution that addresses non-functional aspects of these services as well. This paper presents an approach to integrate these non-functional aspects in the development of web services, with an emphasis on security

    Integration of Safety Analysis in Model-Driven Software Development

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    I Safety critical software requires integrating verification techniques in software development methods. Software architectures must guarantee that developed systems will meet safety requirements and safety analyses are frequently used in the assessment. Safety engineers and software architects must reach a common understanding on an optimal architecture from both perspectives. Currently both groups of engineers apply different modelling techniques and languages: safety analysis models and software modelling languages. The solutions proposed seek to integrate both domains coupling the languages of each domain. It constitutes a sound example of the use of language engineering to improve efficiency in a software-related domain. A model-driven development approach and the use of a platform-independent language are used to bridge the gap between safety analyses (failure mode effects and criticality analysis and fault tree analysis) and software development languages (e.g. unified modelling language). Language abstract syntaxes (metamodels), profiles, language mappings (model transformations) and language refinements, support the direct application of safety analysis to software architectures for the verification of safety requirements. Model consistency and the possibility of automation are found among the benefits

    Analysis of Quality Dependencies in the Composition of Software Architectures

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    A dependable system has to meet some quality criteria in order to provide certain reliance on its operation. The quality of a system depends on the complex composition of the quality of its subsystems. Specications of non-functional properties are commonly used to describe provided quality, required quality, resource usage and resource availability. Enclosing these specifications along with architectural models allows performing preliminary quality assessments (design-phase analysis). We allow configuration choices for quality specifications to represent design choices, deployment choices, or component adaptability. We focus on a composition study that answers to: is it possible to meet system and subsystem requirements given provided qualities? and, which configuration allows satisfying the requirements? The contributions of this work are: i) to formalize the composition based on quality levels and constraints, ii) to analyze existing quality dependencies in such a composition, iii) to show how we represent and evaluate dependencies in a model driven environment

    Similarities between recent seismic activity and paleoseismites during the late miocene in the external Betic Chain (Spain): relationship by ‘b’ value and the fractal dimension

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    A paleoseismic data set derived from the relationship between the thickness of seismites, ‘mixed layers’ in lacustrine Miocene deposits and the magnitude of the earthquakes is presented. The relationship between both parameters was calibrated by the threshold of fluidification limits in the interval of magnitude 5 and 5.5. The mixed layers (deformational sediment structures due to seismic activity) were observed in varved sediments from three Neogene lacustrine basins near Hellín (Albacete, Spain), El Cenajo, Elche de la Sierra and Híjar, and are interpreted as liquefaction features due to seismic phenomena. These paleoseismic structures were dated (relative values) by measurements of cyclic annual sedimentation in the varved sediments. From these observations, we are able to establish a recurrence interval of 130 years with events for magnitude bigger than or equal to four. Both paleoseismicity and instrumental seismicity data sets obey the Gutenberg–Richter law and the ‘b’ value is close to 0.86. The fractal dimension (dimension of capacity) of spatial distribution of potentially active faults (faults oriented according to the stress tensor regime in the area) was measured by the box-counting technique (D0 = 1.73). According to the Aki empirical relation (D0 = 2b ) for the instrumental seismicity and paleoseismic data sets in the area, the fractal dimension is close to 1.72. The similar value of the fractal dimension obtained by both techniques shows homogeneous seismic dynamics during the studied time interval. Moreover, the better stablished ‘b’ value of the paleoseismic data sets (0.86) compared with the ‘b’ value for the incomplete historic seismicity (<0.5) in the area increases the seismic series beyond the historic seismic record

    Serempathy: A New Approach To Innovation. An Application To Forty-Six Regions Of Atlantic Arc Countries

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    This research provides a new theoretical approach to innovation called Serempathy: Serendipity (which is achieved by chance) + Empathy (putting your self in the other). Serempathy relies on collaborative relationships between: University, private companies and public administration. In this theoretical approach adds chance to scientific discovery and an environment of empathy. Ideas aren't self-contained things; they're more like ecosystems and networks. The work also provides data processed in recent years (2004-2006) for forty six Atlantic Arc Regions (the forty regions of countries: United Kindong, France, Portugal and Spain), overall and in different clusters, providing relevant empirical evidence on the relationship between Human Capital, Technological Platform, Innovation, Serempathy and Output. In the econometric and statistical modeling is considered especially for forty regions of the Atlantic Arc.“This research has been supported financially by the project titled "Dissemination of Knowledge and Networks in Atlantic Area ". INTERREG-IV-c, European Commission

    Physiology and Pathology of Immune Dysregulation: Regulatory T Cells and Anergy

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    The immune system is responsible for the defense of the organism. It controls what is introduced into it and identifies it as self from non-self. The defensive mechanisms activated by the immune system are directed against pathological microbes and toxic or allergenic proteins, and it must avoid responses that produce excessive damage of self-tissues, inducing tolerance to avoid autoimmunity and other immunopathologies. Regulatory T cells play an essential role in these active processes, using several distinct suppressive mechanisms. The immune dysregulatory diseases result from defects affecting regulatory T cell development and/or function, including the impact of essential genes mutations for T regulatory cell functions and the associated autoimmune syndromes