6,271 research outputs found

    Problemática del diseño institucional para la defensa de la competencia. Ley 25.156

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    La investigación buscó explorar el diseño normativo institucional para la defensa de la competencia,y su incidencia en el fortalecimiento o debilitamiento de la calidad y eficiencia de la política de defensa de la competencia en Argentina. Para ello se analizaron los antecedentes normativos y ciertos precedentes principales dictados por la Comisión Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia (CNDC), autoridad de aplicación de la Ley 25.156. El espacio temporal objeto de la investigación se ha circunscripto al período que va desde la entrada en vigencia de dicha ley, hasta el 31/12/2014. También se han evaluado los resultados de la revisión judicial de las decisiones de dicha agencia. Se compulsó literatura específica sobre defensa de la competencia y la opinión de diferentes efectores del sistema, miembros y funcionarios de la CNDC y profesionales que han participado en casos ante dicha agencia durante el período en cuestión. El diseño institucional de la agencia de defensa de la competencia es un asunto central para el desarrollo de una práctica de defensa de la competencia sólida, técnicamente robusta y eficaz. Para el logro de tales objetivos es necesario contar con una agencia de competencia colegiada, interdisciplinaria y autónoma. El subsumir las funciones de la agencia de competencia con otra secretaría de estado (como la Secretaría de Comercio) tiene efectos nocivos, como la propia evidencia empírica de experiencias anteriores en nuestro país lo demuestra. En efecto, con esta decisión: (a) se concentra en una misma agencia administrativa la resolución de intereses de política pública del gobierno de turno, con cuestiones de trasparencia y competitividad de los mercados de usuales efectos mediatos sobre productores y consumidores; (b) se favorece la discrecionalidad de una única agencia de gobierno, que entienda en una multiplicidad de cuestiones y resuelva cuestiones de competencia en base a oportunidad o conveniencia de temas ajenos al correcto funcionamiento del mercado; (c) se elimina el elemento de balances y contrapesos en el sistema, que organiza la existencia de un órgano administrativo independiente como el Tribunal Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia (el cual actúa en un marco reglado y con la posible presencia de una agencia o fiscal de competencia en el proceso) que distinga a quien presenta e impulsa denuncias de quien las juzga y resuelve; y (d) se maximiza el riesgo de captura por parte de los grupos de interés.The research explores the institutional regulatory design for the competition defence and its impact on the strengthening or weakening of the quality and efficiency of the policy of antirust in Argentina. For this, the regulatory background analyzed and certain major precedents issued by the National Commission for Defence of Competition (CNDC), enforcement authority of Law 25,156. The time frame under investigation has been circumscribed to the period from the effective date ofthis law, until 31/12/2014. We have also evaluated the results of judicial review of decisions of the agency. Specific literature on competition and the opinion of different effectors system members and officials of the CNDC, professionals involved in cases before the agency during the period in question were consulted. The institutional design agency competition is a central issue for the development of a practice of defending technically robust and effective solid competition. To achieve these objectives it is necessary to have a collegial agency, interdisciplinary and autonomous. The subsuming of the functions of the competition agency with another Secretary of State (as the Ministry of Commerce) has harmful effects and empirical evidence from previous experiences in our country proves it own. Indeed, with this decision (a) it is concentrated in a single administrative agency resolutionon public policy interests of the current government with issues of transparency and competitive markets usually consequential effects on producers and consumers, (b) is favored the discretion of a single government agency understanding in a multitude of issues and resolving competition issues based on opportunity or convenience of issues outside the proper functioning of the market,(c) the element of checks and balances in the system that organizes removed the existence of an independent administrative body such as the National Tribunal for the Defense of competition,which acts in a regulated framework and the possible presence of an agency or tax competition in the process, distinguishing between who presents and promotes allegations of who judges andresolved, and (d) the risk of capture is maximized by the stakeholders

    COVID-19, the Immune System, and Organic Disability

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    Despite the availability of safe vaccines against SARS-CoV-2, some people will remain vulnerable because they will not be vaccinated. Who are these non-vaccinated people? We can distinguish two groups: (i) persons who cannot be vaccinated for clinical reasons and who, despite having been vaccinated, have not achieved immunity; (ii) persons who voluntarily refuse to get vaccinated. These groups have in common an immune system that will make them vulnerable to COVID-19. The reasons for their vulnerability and the ethical judgment they deserve are diferent; the solutions ofered to them are also diferent. In the case of those who voluntarily avoid vaccination, States are not compromised to introduce new protective policies. In the case of people who remain involuntarily vulnerable, instead, the response should be articulated on the same rules and principles that inform the social model of disability because they will live with an organic disability

    Relaciones económicas entre la Monarquía Hispánica y el Islam en la época de Cervantes

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    Durante la vida de Miguel de Cervantes, el mundo mediterráneo va a sufrir una transformación en cuanto al reparto de poder, tanto político como económico. Aunque se produce una victoria militar sobre la flota otomana, que establece los límites del dominio de ambos imperios, no se puede impedir la entrada en este espacio de las nuevas potencias comerciales del norte de Europa, que van a transformar el comercio en el Mediterráneo. En este artículo se intenta fijar una síntesis de este proceso del que Cervantes es testigo directo, tanto en su trayectoria personal como en las obras que nos ha legado.During Miguel de Cervantes’ lifetime, the Mediterranean World was suffering a transformation in the internal distribution of power, both political and economic. Although the Ottoman fleet was defeated, which established the limits of dominance between the two empires, this did not prevent the entry in this space of the new commercial powers from northern Europe, which changed the trade in the Mediterranean. This article tries to provide a synthesis of this process, of which Cervantes was a direct witness both in his personal life and through the works which have survived to our time.Publicad

    Net Neutrality: Smart Cables or Dumb Pipes? An overview on the regulatory debate about how to govern the network. Research Paper in Law 03/2016

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    From the Introduction. On 30th April 2016 the provisions of the new Regulation on Open Internet Access1 will enter into force in the EU. This will be yet another chapter of the long debate –some would call it saga- on net neutrality and the desirable architecture of the internet. It is undeniable that the internet has become in a very short time a fundamental element of most people’s professional and personal lives. High speed access to the net is now considered as an indispensable tool for innovation, productivity and development in modern societies. What is more, the internet has proven during the last decade that it is a potentially limitless technology whose disruptive effects can alter almost every industry, even its own one

    Carlos V, Venecia y la sublime puerta: la embajada de Diego Hurtado de Mendoza en Venecia

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    Between turkish, moors, berbers and repudiates: loyal and necessity face-off

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    En el presente artículo se intenta analizar la doble lealtad en la época de Felipe III. La diferencia de intereses entre España y Roma son más frecuentes de lo que parece en estos años. Para analizar esta cuestión se ha buscado un hombre que vive este problema en sí mismo, como es Jerónimo Gracián de la Madre de Dios. Por medio de su obra Tratado de Redención de Cautivos y de su trayectoria personal se trata de mirar este tema en los primeros años del siglo XVIIThis article attempts to analyze the double loyalty at the time of Felipe III. The difference in interests between Spain and Rome are more frequent than it looks in these years. A man who lives this problem in itself, as it is Jerome Gracián of the mother of God has sought to analyze this issue. Through his Tratado de Redención de Cautivos and of his personal career work is looking at this issue in the first years of the 17TH centur

    Prensa y democracia: una reflexión

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