22 research outputs found

    The negative social function of property in constitutional political systems and the popular affirmation of human rights

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    Con base en el método de derecho comparado, el presente artículo se detiene en el debate de la función social de la propiedad y en su falta de efectividad en dos realidades constitucionales singulares. Teniendo en consideración el caso de desalojo de Pinheirinho, en la ciudad brasileña de São José dos Campos; y el caso español en Tarragona, Cataluña, sobre las cláusulas abusivas en los contratos de propiedad, materias de derechos humanos parecen delimitar cada vez más el escenario legal en defensa de garantías y principios sociales constitucionales. Distintas constituciones revisadas a lo largo del presente trabajo revelan la idea de función social de la propiedad como una experiencia histórica que no se circunscribe solamente a Brasil y España. Para la superación de la inefectiva aplicabilidad de la categoría jurídica debatida sobre propietarios irresponsables, movimientos sociales y acciones afirmativas populares han hecho un esfuerzo para evitar violaciones de derechos humanos en materia de vivienda, aun cuando sus demandas evocan preguntas del debido procedimiento y derecho del consumidor.According to comparative law method, the present article delves into the social function of property question regarding its ineffectiveness in two different constitutional realities. Taking into consideration the case of eviction, in the Brazilian city of São José dos Campos, area of Pinheirinho; and the Spanish case in Tarragona, Catalonia, about abusive clauses in property contracts, human rights matters are setting the hard law stage for social constitutional principles and guarantees. Different constitutions along the present work emphasise the idea of social function of property as a historical experience not only circumscribed by Spain and Brazil cases. For the ineffectiveness overcoming in the debate about irresponsible proprietors, social movements and popular affirmative actions have made an effort to avoid human rights violations in housing matters, although their demands evoke questions of legal proceeding and consumer protection

    From the effectiveness of the right to housing to the right to the city: a three-dimensional rationality for Brazil and Spain

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    [eng] The conflict between property system and the right to housing has evolved into a more complex inquiry since the beginning of the present research. Our initial analysis on the effectiveness of the social function in ownership discovered in tribunal decisions how restricted was the understanding of property concept. The liberal perception of non-interference in the economy of real estate market reduced the legal debate about the internal limits of property to a financial binary relation, for instance, individuals affected by mortgages and credit institutions, tenants and non-residential landlords, families living in vulnerable socioeconomic conditions and investors. However, the housing problem causes yet a certain legal inquietude since the number of non-occupied properties and the cost of rents are still increasing in Brazil and Spain. Examining the data available for both countries, we found a macroeconomic variable in urban development and housing access intimately linked to stock exchange markets. In addition, the absolute notion of property right is an obstacle inherited from the civil law tradition that impedes the openness of the ownership system to its social dimension. The aim of our thesis is the effective defence of the right to housing as a legal instrument associated with the social function of property and as a connecting factor to other rights in urban context. Our hypothesis requires a three- dimensional rationality for adequate judgments beyond the task of tribunals. A set of reasons of how both societies can limit the transnational real estate speculation, overcome the civil law tradition in an inert tension with democratic sovereignties and use the social function like a legal category so that the effectiveness of the right to housing serves as a turning point for the right to city.[spa] El conflicto entre el sistema de propiedad y el derecho a la vivienda se ha convertido en una investigación más compleja desde el comienzo del presente trabajo. Nuestro análisis inicial sobre la efectividad de la función social de la propiedad identificó en decisiones de tribunales un ejercicio de comprensión muy estricto del concepto de propiedad. La percepción liberal de la no injerencia en la economía del mercado inmobiliario redujo el debate legal sobre los límites internos de la propiedad a una relación binaria financiera, por ejemplo, individuos afectados por hipotecas e instituciones de crédito, inquilinos y propietarios no residenciales, familias que viven en condiciones de vulnerabilidad socioeconómica e inversores. Sin embargo, la vivienda causa todavía cierta inquietud jurídica, ya que el número de propiedades no ocupadas y el costo de los alquileres siguen aumentando en Brasil y España. Examinando los datos disponibles para ambos países, encontramos una variable macroeconómica en el desarrollo urbano y el acceso a la vivienda íntimamente vinculados a los mercados bursátiles. Además, la noción absoluta de derecho de propiedad sigue siendo un obstáculo heredado de la civil law que impide la apertura del sistema de propiedad en su dimensión social. El objetivo de nuestra tesis es contribuir a la defensa efectiva del derecho a la vivienda como instrumento jurídico asociado a la función social de la propiedad y como factor de conexión con otros derechos en el contexto urbano. Nuestra hipótesis requiere una racionalidad tridimensional para juicios adecuados más allá de la tarea de los tribunales. Un conjunto de razones de cómo las dos sociedades pueden limitar la especulación inmobiliaria transnacional, superar la tradición del civil law en tensión inerte con las soberanías democráticas y utilizar la función social como categoría jurídica para que la efectividad del derecho a la vivienda sirva de punto de inflexión para el derecho a la ciudad.[por] O conflito entre o sistema de propriedade e o direito à moradia tornou-se uma indagação mais complexa desde o início da presente pesquisa. Nossa análise inicial sobre a eficácia da função social da propriedade identificou em decisões judiciais um exercício de compreensão muito estreita sobre o conceito de propriedade. A percepção liberal da não interferência na economia do mercado imobiliário reduziu o debate jurídico sobre os limites internos da propriedade para vínculos financeiros binários, por exemplo, pessoas afetadas por inadimplência de suas hipotecas versus instituições de crédito, inquilinos contra propriedades de pessoas jurídicas, famílias em condições de vulnerabilidade socioeconômica contra investidores. No entanto, a habitação ainda causa alguma inquietude legal, já que o número de imóveis desocupados e o custo de aluguéis continuam a aumentar no Brasil e na Espanha. Com base em análise de dados disponíveis para ambas realidades, encontramos uma variável macroeconômica no desenvolvimento urbano e o acesso a moradias intimamente ligados aos mercados de ações. Além disso, a noção absoluta sobre o direito de propriedade continua a ser um obstáculo herdado da tradição do direito civil que impede a abertura do sistema de propriedade a dimensões sociais. O objetivo da nossa tese é contribuir para a defesa efetiva do direito à moradia como instrumento jurídico associado à função social da propriedade e como fator de conexão para outros direitos em contexto urbano. Nossa hipótese requer uma racionalidade tridimensional para julgamentos adequados além da tarefa dos tribunais. Um conjunto de razões sobre como as duas sociedades podem limitar a especulação imobiliária transnacional, superar a tradição do direito civil em tensão inerte com soberanias democráticas e usar a função social como uma categoria legal para que a efetividade do direito à habitação sirva enquanto ponto de inflexão para o direito à cidade

    Social Dimensions and Social Function Born in Latin America: Property Limits in the U.S. and the European Union Legal Systems

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    This article is a comparative analysis of property systems and their social dimensions between the United States (U.S.) and the European Union (EU). Throughout the article, we show how the fees and development taxes applied in the U.S. refer to an ex ante rationale assumed by private owners to compensate communities for land transformation or environmental impacts, while inside the EU, the political consensus is responsible for the imposition of limits in ex post abuses of ownership. Either in public administrations, or in the Council of Ministers of the EU, the social function of property is better understood as a sensitive matter of national governments that may affect the harmony of the organisation (Trstenjak, 2017). First, we point out the importance of the social function of property in historical terms with the intellectual debate introduced by Léon Duguit on the internal limits of ownership. Second, we apply an interpretative methodology to distinguish the meaning, use and totality of law from experience (Ferrajoli, 2008). Third, leading U.S. and EU case laws about disputes involving impact fees, development taxes and the juridical category of social dimension are discussed. Our study concludes that the U.S. legal system is mostly linked to the notion of fees and taxes to tackle abuses in urban development against the environment. The American federalist pact provides public administrations, local, and state courts with robust discretionary power. In contrast, we observed that the EU tends to be more anarchical in mechanisms of enforcement when compared to its institutional legal organisms with supranational binding decisions (Muir, 2015; Wendt, 1992)

    Derecho Constitucional Comparado, Urbanismo y Derecho a la Vivienda

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    According to comparative law method, the present article delves into the urban ques- tion regarding the right to housing in conflict with the private property system in two dif- ferent constitutional realities under strong singular interpretations (ACKERMAN, 1977, p. 168-169; MACPHERSON, 2012, p. 125-126). Taking into consideration the justice of São Paulo State in Brazil defending a property lacking its social function and the Spanish executive power in approving local decrees to sell protected state houses, we compare the cases of Pinheirinho eviction and Madrid government negotiating dwellings with some relevant legal aspects. The city should be for those who live in it and construct it (BREN- NER; MARCUSE; MAYER, 2012). There are two judges and two different sentences that are pointed out observing contrasts for the same dispute. The decisions for the cases invol- ve vulnerable homeless collectives that should be defended by all means with constitutio- nal interpretations and with the help of international treaties ratified by both countries.De acuerdo con el método de derecho comparado, el presente artículo profundiza la cuestión urbana sobre el derecho a la vivienda en conflicto con el sistema de propiedad privada en dos realidades constitucionales distintas bajo fuertes y singulares interpretaciones (ACKERMAN, 1977, p. 168-169; MACPHERSON, 2012, p. 125-126). Teniendo en cuenta que la justicia del Estado de São Paulo en Brasil defendió una propiedad sin cumplir con el requisito de su función social y el poder ejecutivo español en la aprobación de decretos locales para vender viviendas protegidas, se comparan los casos de desalojo de Pinheirinho y viviendas negociadas por el gobierno de Madrid en ciertos aspectos legales. La ciudad debería ser para los que en ella viven y la construyen (BRENNER; MARCUSE; MAYER, 2012) Hay dos jueces y dos sentencias distintas que nos invitan a observar contrastes entre las mismas controversias. Las decisiones de los casos afectan a colectivos vulnerables sin hogar que deben ser defendidos, en base a interpretaciones constitucionales y ante tratados internacionales ratificados por ambos países

    Real estate investments and housing market: a persistent crisis in the European Union?

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    Treballs finals del Màster "Estudios Internacionales: organizaciones internacionales y cooperación – Colección Memorias MEI", Facultat de Dret, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2016-2017. Tutors: Laura Huici i Germà Bel[eng] The present work is devoted to the analysis of the real estate investments in the European Union context as a factor of making vulnerable the right to housing. However, in order to set the stage for the legal debate, we delve into a property market comparison between Spain and Sweden making explicit the dependent variables for the speculative model followed by the real estate investment trusts and how progressive taxes may discourage risky portfolios in ownership. The aim of our dissertation is an alternative proposition to avoid the financialisation of the property market that has permitted in EU the formation of dwelling stocks without residential immediate purposes, but exorbitant rental income and capital gains for the REITs. Using official data, statistics and other documents, we show how REITs can oscillate their supply between lettings and sales of assets relying on the dynamics of the aggregate demand, unemployment rates and the concentration of wealth. For the Swedish reality, we found that similar practices are discouraged by municipalities and the income tax system.[spa] El presente trabajo hace un análisis de las inversiones inmobiliarias en el contexto de la Unión Europea como un factor que ha contribuido para la vulneración del derecho a la vivienda. Sin embargo, el debate legal es antecedido por la comparación con el mercado de propiedades español y sueco. Explicitamos cuales son las variables dependientes para el modelo especulativo de estas sociedades de inversiones inmobiliarias y cómo los impuestos progresivos pueden desestimular tales carteras de riesgo. El objetivo de nuestra investigación es una propuesta alternativa para evitar la transformación del mercado inmobiliario en un sector financiero que ha permitido en la UE la formación de acciones de vivienda sin fines residenciales inmediatos, pero rentabilidad exorbitante y ganancias de capital de alquileres y venda de inmuebles. Utilizando datos oficiales, estadísticas y otros documentos, mostramos cómo las sociedades anónimas cotizadas de inversiones inmobiliarias pueden oscilar su tipo de oferta entre alquilar y vender sus activos basándose en la dinámica de la demanda agregada, las tasas de desempleo y la concentración de la riqueza. Para la realidad sueca, encontramos que las municipalidades y el sistema de impuesto a las ganancias no fomentan prácticas similares

    Notas sobre o perigo

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    This article is devoted to an analysis of the “Proposta Curricular do Estado de São Paulo – Ensino Fundamental II e Ensino Médio” for Portuguese. Not only have we tried to point out the negative elements of a State project concerning literature, but also the denial of the literary learning as a possible emancipation experience. An introduction to numbers and statistics showing the failure of learning architected by the educational public system in the state of São Paulo seems to be really illustrative, as well. After a brief critical discussion involving literature and experience, we try to think about some of Tzvetan Todorov’s ideas and the question of literary form in Literatura em perigo. Even in a different culture and reality, the presumption of the critic may permit us to denounce a negative process underlying the present educational values in the “Proposta Curricular”. We can also advance in the topic of literary education making some considerations about labour class and work, respectively, symbols of alienation and social positive construction.O presente artigo procura analisar a “Proposta Curricular do Estado de São Paulo – Ensino Fundamental II e Ensino Médio” para Língua Portuguesa. Não apenas procuramos evidenciar os elementos negativos do projeto estadual sobre literatura, mas, sobretudo, a negação da possibilidade de aprendizado da disciplina como experiência emancipatória. Em um primeiro momento, alguns números e estatísticas ilustram uma espécie de falha intencional arquitetada pelo sistema de ensino público do Estado de São Paulo. Após um breve debate crítico sobre literatura e experiência, procuramos refletir sobre algumas das ideias discutidas por Tzvetan Todorov e a questão da forma em Literatura em perigo. Mesmo em cultura e realidade diversas, os pressupostos do crítico nos permitem denunciar um processo negativo subjacente aos valores educacionais presentes na “Proposta Curricular”. Podemos ainda avançar sobre o tema do ensino da literatura ao fazermos algumas considerações em relação ao trabalhador e ao trabalho, respectivamente, símbolos da alienação e construção social positiva do trabalho. 

    Constitucionalismo Comparado Sobre a Função Social da Propriedade, o Direito Humano à Moradia e os Movimentos Sociais Urbanos Supranacionais

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    Con base en el método del derecho comparado, el presente artículo se detiene en el debate de la función social de la propiedad y en su falta de efectividad en dos realidades constitucionales singulares. El desahucio de Pinheirinho, ciudad brasileña de São José dos Campos; y el litigio español en Martorell, Cataluña, sobre las cláusulas abusivas en los contratos hipotecarios con desalojos masivos. Esos dos casos ponen de relieve cuestiones de derechos humanos en regímenes democráticos post-periodos autoritarios y delimitan cada vez más la disputa político-jurídica constitucional en defensa de garantías y principios sociales a partir de movimientos urbanos supranacionales.A partir do método do direito comparado, o presente artigo debate a função social da propriedade e sua ineficácia em duas realidades constitucionais singulares. A reintegração de posse da área coletiva de Pinheirinho, na cidade brasileira de São José dos Campos; e o litígio espanhol em Martorell, Catalunha, em relação às cláusulas abusivas nos contratos de hipoteca com despejos massivos. Esses dois casos destacam temas de direitos humanos em regimes democráticos pós-períodos autoritários e delimitam cada vez mais a disputa político- jurídica constitucional quanto às garantias e aos princípios sociais a partir de movimentos urbanos supranacionais.

    The Making of Urban Applied Statistics with Four of Juergensmeyer\u27s Theoretical Insights

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    The present article delves deeper into four academic contributions written by the emeritus professor Julian Conrad Juergensmeyer, Ben F. Johnson Jr. Chair in Law and Director, Center for the Comparative Study of Metropolitan Growth. Co-authoring relevant publications on spatial issues from different perspectives, we identify four valuable insights accumulated along four decades dedicated to industrial co-operation, planning costs, land use and infrastructure development. All of them combined can make what we denominate an urban developmental mind. It is a strategic sequence of ideas involving urban planning, economics and law as a complex yet inevitable amalgamation of knowledge for human development. That debate is updated by concepts related to urban inequality, wealth distribution and the knowledge economy

    New Forms of Inequality in Cape Town: A Comparative Economic and Legal Study to Defend the Right to Housing

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    Inequality has been a topic in the core of many studies about urban development. Different theories contributed enormously to innovative reflections on the 2008 global financial crisis. However, the perverse economic practices on city construction and the housing issues remain. The aim of the present article is to show how far the right to housing in Cape Town has been affected by risky real estate investments. Unemployment rates, public money being involved in the property market and mortgage system for speculative purposes are some of the dependent variables that can shed light on these new urban forms of inequality in South Africa. The usufruct of the right to property in Brasília and Terrassa, two models of spatial development in Brazil and Spain, respectively, leads us in the debate

    La función social negativa del derecho de propiedad en sistemas políticos constitucionales y la afirmación popular de los derechos humanos

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    According to comparative law method, the present article delves into the social function of property question regarding its ineffectiveness in two different constitutional realities. Taking into consideration the case of eviction, in the Brazilian city of São José dos Campos, area of Pinheirinho; and the Spanish case in Tarragona, Catalonia, about abusive clauses in property contracts, human rights matters are setting the hard law stage for social constitutional principles and guarantees. Different constitutions along the present work emphasise the idea of social function of property as a historical experience not only circumscribed by Spain and Brazil cases. For the ineffectiveness overcoming in the debate about irresponsible proprietors, social movements and popular affirmative actions have made an effort to avoid human rights violations in housing matters, although their demands evoke questions of legal proceeding and consumer protection.Con base en el método de derecho comparado, el presente artículo se detiene en el debate de la función social de la propiedad y en su falta de efectividad en dos realidades constitucionales singulares. Teniendo en consideración el caso de desalojo de Pinheirinho, en la ciudad brasileña de São José dos Campos; y el caso español en Tarragona, Cataluña, sobre las cláusulas abusivas en los contratos de propiedad, materias de derechos humanos parecen delimitar cada vez más el escenario legal en defensa de garantías y principios sociales constitucionales. Distintas constituciones revisadas a lo largo del presente trabajo revelan la idea de función social de la propiedad como una experiencia histórica que no se circunscribe solamente a Brasil y España. Para la superación de la inefectiva aplicabilidad de la categoría jurídica debatida sobre propietarios irresponsables, movimientos sociales y acciones afirmativas populares han hecho un esfuerzo para evitar violaciones de derechos humanos en materia de vivienda, aun cuando sus demandas evocan preguntas del debido procedimiento y derecho del consumidor