31 research outputs found

    Subsidiarity, judicial review and national parliaments after Lisbon : theory and practice

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    Subsidiarity: Theory and Practice before the CJEUPeer reviewe

    Impact of major life events on breast-cancer-specific mortality : A case fatality study on 8000 breast cancer patients

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    Background: It has been suggested that long-term activation of the body's stress-response system and subsequent overexposure to stress hormones may be associated with increased morbidity. However, evidence on the impact of major life events on mortality from breast cancer (BC) remains inconclusive. The main aim of this study is to investigate whether major negatively or positively experienced life events before or after diagnosis have an effect on BC-specific mortality in women who have survived with BC for at least 2 years. Methods: We conducted a case fatality study with data on life events from a self-administered survey and data on BC from the Finnish Cancer Registry. Cox models were fitted to estimate BC mortality hazard ratios (MRs) between those who have undergone major life events and those who haven't. Results: None of the pre-diagnostic negative life events had any effect on BC-specific mortality. Regarding post-diagnostic events, the effect was greatest in women with moderate scores of events. As for event-specific scores, increased BC mortality was observed with spouse unemployment, relationship problems, and death of a close friend. By contrast, falling in love and positive developments in hobbies were shown to be associated with lower BC mortality (MRs 0.67, 95% CI: 0.49-0.92 and 0.74, 95% CI: 0.57-0.96, respectively). In an analysis restricted to recently diagnosed cases (2007), also death of a child and of a mother was associated with increased BC mortality. Conclusions: Some major life events regarding close personal relationships may play a role in BC-specific mortality, with certain negative life events increasing BC mortality and positive events decreasing it. The observed favorable associations between positive developments in romantic relationships and hobbies and BC mortality are likely to reflect the importance of social interaction and support. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Asystole episodes and bradycardia in patients with end-stage renal disease

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    Background Knowledge of arrhythmias in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) is mainly based on ambulatory electrocardiography (ECG) studies and observations during haemodialysis (HD). We used insertable cardiac monitors (ICMs) to define the prevalence of arrhythmias, focusing on bradyarrhythmias, in ESRD patients treated with several dialysis modes including home therapies. Moreover, we assessed whether these arrhythmias were detected in baseline or ambulatory ECG recordings. Methods Seventy-one patients with a subcutaneous ICM were followed for up to 3 years. Asystole (>= 4.0 s) and bradycardia (heart rate = 4 beats) episodes, ventricular tachyarrhythmias and atrial fibrillation (AF) were collected and verified visually. A baseline ECG and a 24- to 48-h ambulatory ECG were recorded at recruitment and once a year thereafter. Results At recruitment, 44 patients were treated in in-centre HD, 12 in home HD and 15 in peritoneal dialysis. During a median follow-up of 34.4 months, 18 (25.4%) patients had either an asystolic or a bradycardic episode. The median length of each patient's longest asystole was 6.6 s and that of a bradycardia 13.5 s. Ventricular tachyarrhythmias were detected in 16 (23%) patients, and AF in 34 (51%) patients. In-centre HD and Type II diabetes were significantly more frequent among those with bradyarrhythmias, whereas no bradyarrhythmias were found in home HD. No bradyarrhythmias were evident in baseline or ambulatory ECG recordings. Conclusions Remarkably many patients with ESRD had bradycardia or asystolic episodes, but these arrhythmias were not detected by baseline or ambulatory ECG.Peer reviewe

    The standard operating procedure for Airmodus Particle Size Magnifier and nano-Condensation Nucleus Counter

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    Measurements of aerosol particles and clusters smaller than 3 nm in diameter are performed by many groups in order to detect recently formed or emitted nanoparticles and for studying the formation and early growth processes of aerosol particles. The Airmodus nano-Condensation Nucleus Counter (nCNC), consisting of a Particle Size Magnifier (PSM) and a Condensation Particle Counter (CPC) is a versatile tool to detect aerosol particles and clusters as small as ca. 1 nm in mobility diameter. It offers several different operation modes: fixed mode to measure the total particle number concentration with a fixed, but adjustable lower cut-off size and stepping and scanning modes for retrieving size-resolved information of ca. 1–4 nm particles. The size analysis is based on changing the supersaturation of the working fluid (diethylene glycol) inside the instrument, which changes the lowest detectable size. Here we present a standard operating procedure (SOP) for setting up, calibrating and operating the instrument for atmospheric field measurements. We will also present recommendations for data monitoring and analysis, and discuss some of the uncertainties related to the measurements. This procedure is the first step in harmonizing the use of the PSM/nCNC for atmospheric field measurements of sub-3 nm clusters and particles.Measurements of aerosol particles and clusters smaller than 3 nm in diameter are performed by many groups in order to detect recently formed or emitted nanoparticles and for studying the formation and early growth processes of aerosol particles. The Airmodus nano-Condensation Nucleus Counter (nCNC), consisting of a Particle Size Magnifier (PSM) and a Condensation Particle Counter (CPC) is a versatile tool to detect aerosol particles and clusters as small as ca. 1 nm in mobility diameter. It offers several different operation modes: fixed mode to measure the total particle number concentration with a fixed, but adjustable lower cut-off size and stepping and scanning modes for retrieving size-resolved information of ca. 1–4 nm particles. The size analysis is based on changing the supersaturation of the working fluid (diethylene glycol) inside the instrument, which changes the lowest detectable size. Here we present a standard operating procedure (SOP) for setting up, calibrating and operating the instrument for atmospheric field measurements. We will also present recommendations for data monitoring and analysis, and discuss some of the uncertainties related to the measurements. This procedure is the first step in harmonizing the use of the PSM/nCNC for atmospheric field measurements of sub-3 nm clusters and particles.Peer reviewe

    Liikenne- ja viestintäministeriön hallinnonalan tietokartta

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    Liikenne- ja viestintäministeriön hallinnonalan avoimen datan ryhmä kokosi tietokartan osana pääministeri Juha Sipilän hallituksen ”Rakennetaan digitaalisen liiketoiminnan kasvuympäristö” –kärkihankkeen datatalous liikenteen voimavarana -toimenpiteen toteutusta. Tavoitteena on että liikenne- ja viestintäministeriön hallinnonalan dataa hyödynnetään tehokkaasti liiketoiminnassa ja palveluissa yhteiskunnan eri sektoreilla. Tietokartta koostuu hallinnonalalla tuotetuista tietoaineistoista kuvauksineen, niiden tarkemmista tietolajeista ja luovutustavoista sekä tiedossa olevista haasteista ja mahdollisuuksista koskien tiedon hyödynnettävyyttä. Tietokartan rakenne koostuu strategioista, toiminnan ohjauksesta, hankkeiden hallinnasta, liikenteen ja viestinnän infrastruktuurista, liikennevälineistä, henkilöluvista, kelpoisuuksista ja tunnuksista, toiminnanharjoittajista, olosuhdetiedoista sekä pääosin reaaliaikaisesta liikenne- ja viestintätiedosta. Tietokarttaa hyödynnetään kärkihankkeen toimeenpanoa tukevissa selvityksissä. Tietokartan valmistuttua yritysten ja julkisen sektorin toivotaan tarttuvan tietokarttaan siten että tiedoille löytyisi uusia, innovatiivisia yhdistämis- ja käyttömahdollisuuksia esimerkiksi liiketoiminnassa ja palvelukehityksessä sekä päätöksenteon tukena. Tietokarttaa voidaan vapaasti hyödyntää esimerkiksi kehittämistyössä ja hackathoneiss

    Määräaikaisten kouluttajien käytettävyys Rajavartiolaitoksen perusyksikössä

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    Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan sopimussotilaiden käytettävyyttä Rajavartiolaitoksen perusyksikössä yksikön johtamisen näkökulmasta. Sopimussotilaiden ammattitaidon kehittymiselle luodaan pohja varusmiespalveluksen aikana. Tehokas ja optimaalinen kasvu uuteen asemaan ja sen mukanaan tuomien tehtävien sisäistäminen ovat tärkeää työn jouhevuuden kannalta. Tutkielmassa selvitetään, ovatko sopimussotilaat yksikössä käytettävyydeltään positiivinen voimavara ja resurssi, ja mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat tämän resurssin kasvamiseen työsuhteen aikana. Tutkimus on laadullinen johtamisen tutkimus, ja tutkimusmenetelmänä toimii laadullinen sisällönanalyysi. Tutkimus nojautuu henkilöstöjohtamisen teoriaan, jossa osaamisen kehittämistä pidetään yhtenä tärkeimmistä työkaluista. Tutkimuksen aineiston muodostavat henkilöstöjohtamisen teoriaa käsittelevä kirjallisuus, Puolustusvoimien sekä Rajavartiolaitoksen pysyväisasiakirjat ja oppaat sekä Rajavartiolaitoksen varusmiesyksiköiden johto-osille ja Raja- ja merivartiokoulun valitulle henkilöstölle suoritetut haastattelut. Tutkimuksessa käy ilmi, että sopimussotilaiden käytettävyyteen vaikuttaa kaikista eniten oikeuksien puuttuminen. Muuten käytettävyys vastaa hyvin pitkälti peruskoulutettua upseeria. Sopimussotilaan kehittäminen vaatii perehdyttämistä, perehtymistä, työn ohjausta ja työssä oppimista. Oikein koulutettu ja hyvin perehdytetty sopimussotilas pystyy toimimaan tehokkaasti kouluttajana oikeudelliset rajoitteet huomioon ottaen. Sopimussotilaiden asema henkilökunnan ja varusmiesten välisellä harmaalla alueella helpottaa tiedon ja epäkohtien kulkemista muiden kouluttajien ja päällikön tietoisuuteen. Kouluttajan tehtävissä palvelevat sopimussotilaat ovat myös rekrytoinnin kannalta erittäin tärkeä kohderyhmä. Tutkimuksessa käytettävän henkilöstöjohtamisen nelikentän avulla saadaan selville, että sopimussotilaiden käytettävyys on yksikön johtamisen kannalta enemmän positiivinen kuin negatiivinen asia

    OPPORTUNITIES AND THREATS OF CHINESE FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN FINLAND Case study of investments in the forest industry, technology industry, and transportation infrastructure

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    The main objective of this study was to explore opportunities and threats that raise from the Chinese outward foreign direct investment to Finland. There are three categories that are examined in the study: the forest in-dustry, technology industry, and transportation infrastructure. China will be studied as an investor and Finland as an investment destination. As a result of internationalization, FDI flows are increasing globally. China has risen to one of the biggest players in international business and its presence is not avoidable, the country currently being the second-largest economy in the world. Today, it is among the largest investors abroad. For a long time, China was not interested in investing in Europe, especially in northern Europe. That trend took a complete turn-around during the past decade. In 2019, Finland was China’s favorite FDI destination in Europe. Because China is rather new and unknown to the general public in Finland, it is important to understand the possibilities and threats that come from partnership with China. The research methodology is mixed research. Secondary data sources include articles from Finnish, Chinese, and international media outlets, official statistics from the government, and previous researches, among others. The outcome of the research was that Finland should embrace Chinese investments. Chinese FDI has the ability to stimulate Finland’s economic development by bringing money to Finland that helps with the development of companies. That escalates the internationalization process of the Finnish companies, and opens doors to the Chinese and Asian markets, which are commonly hard to enter for Western companies. Chinese funding also decreases unemployment and can possibly increase the wealth of the Finnish people. In the forest industry, opportunities come from boosting the Finnish forest industry because of growing demand in China for wooden products, especially pulp. A threat of that is deforestation, but because the investment would increase environ-mentally friendly products, possibilities are greater than threats. In the technology industry, threats arise from intellectual property rights. Coopera<ting with the Chinese might jeopardize a Finnish company’s patents and trademarks since the Chinese business environment is not particularly protective of those. However, with a good strategy, intellectual property can be protected and operating with the Chinese could be made profitable. The Chinese FDI in transportation infrastructure has the ability to make better connections from Finland to Europe and to the Arctic Ocean, therefore, it should be welcomed