107 research outputs found

    Kasta kaip antropologijos paradigma: Louiso Dumonto vaidmuo

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    The article deals with the problems of the study of caste in social anthropology. Caste, which has continuously been the essential feature of the Indian society, is also the main issue of discussion between the two groups of social anthropologists: those who traditionally (from the birth of sociology) believe that the caste is a special case of a very strict social stratification and can exist in different societies (of which India is a case par exellence) and the revolutionary view of Louis Dumont who contended that it is a uniquely Indian phenomenon. After a careful analysis of both the results of field studies and the main Hindu sacred literature, Louis Dumont stated that the term of caste could be used only for studies of Indian society since no other so called caste case structure outside India (to be precise, outside Hinduism as the ideological source) has the essential features of Indian caste system: perfect hierarchy which is based on the opposition of purity and pollution and on the separation between status and power. For these conclusions L. Dumont was and continues to be quite fiercely criticized, called Indologist, Indophile and the supporter of caste oppression. The arguments against the view of Dumont by Gerald Berreman, one of the constructive critics, show that Dumont has in reality overlooked some of the dynamic features of the caste system - the eternal struggle for a change by the oppressed castes, and that he ignored the disagreement of the lower castes with the brahmanic view of the caste. By emphasizing the variety of caste systems in India itself, Berreman proposes not to limit the use of the term of caste to India, but to rather expand the universal notion of caste as that of a case of strict social stratification plus the sociocultural interrelation. The two opposing views can be seen both as representing the static and dynamic aspects of the caste system, as well as the views ’from above’ (the idealized point of view of religio-cultural authority) and ’from below’ (the point of view of the oppressed castes which are not allowed to disagree by their religio-cultural authority).lt is suggested that the prospects of the study of a caste lie somewhere in between the two paths and that social anthropology, being the best equiped method to research caste, is still very much a domain of Dumont whose revolutionary ideas provoked the most fertile critiqueStraipsnio tikslas - apžvelgiant pagrindinius oponuojančių požiūrių argumentus, įvertinti Louiso Dumonto išvadą: kiek kastų sistema gali būti laikoma unikalia antropologine paradigma ir ar tai yra vis dėlto tiesiog ypatingai grietos socialinės stratifikacijos kraštutinumas, kaip teigia sociologai ir dauguma antropologų. Kitaip tariant, ar Indijos kastų sistema - unikalus reikinys, būdingas tik Indijos subkontinentui, ar paradigminis stratifikacijos atvejis, kitose kultūrose aptinkant paprastesnių ir blankesnių kastų sistemos išraiškų. Iekant atsakymo atsiranda ir šalutinis, tačiau įkyriai besiperantis klausimas: ar ši problema negali būti paaiškinta sudėtingais skirtingų, tačiau gretimų mokslų - sociologijos ir antropologijos, taip pat ir indologijos, tarpusavio santykiais

    Indoeuropiečių protėvynės idėjų sklaida

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    The issue of the Indoeuropean homeland was always relevant in different cultures. The ideas of Indoeuropean homeland have developed in severai directions – academic theories, popular ideas of intellectuals and “folksmen”. But they were interconnected and influencing each other. The purpose of this article is to review the development of the ideas of Indoeuropean homeland in three different but related to the issue cultural backgrounds: Western Europe, Lithuania and India, and to reveal the impact of the epochs and regions on the public and scholarly ideas.The very definition of Indoeuropeans is a problem which is characteristic of whole course of development of Indo–European studies which is reviewed here with regard to researches of the homeland. Apart from many scientific theories of homeland and attempts to locate it (ranging from as far south as Indus valley to the North Pole), there existed and exist a wide range of opinions on homeland in each society discussed. After analysing the three societies some generalisation can be done: while Europeans in the past tended to relate themselves to homeland through their “Indoeuropean” versus “non–Indoeuropean” (that can mean non–European) identity, but are not preoccupied with the issue now, Lithuanians are still concerned with the issue of homeland, but from the angle of the antiquity of the homeland and special role of Lithuanians there. And Indians are now especially concerned with both the issue of Aryan identity, its relation to “Indoeuropean”, “European” identity and the antiquity of the homeland with the special role of the Aryans in it.Daugiau nei du šimtus metų vyko ir tebevyksta diskusijos apie indoeuropiečių protėvynę. Kitaip negu kitos, tik siauram mokslininkų ratui įdomios problemos, indoeuropiečių protėvynė domino ir tebedomina ne tik intelektualus, bet ir plačiąją visuomenę, o emocingos protėvynės interpretacijos ne kartą turėjo ir praktinių implikacijų. Ypatinga tai, jog toks susidomėjimas indoeuropiečių protėvyne savotiškai suvienijo tris kultūrinius kontekstus – Europą, Lietuvą ir Indiją, nors kiekviename iš šių kontekstų protėvynės idėjos skleidėsi labai savitai

    Konkurencingumas kaip regiono plėtros siekinys.

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    Possibilities to use competitiveness concept as the aim of regional development are revealed in the article and main competitiveness (as the ability of region to create more favourable conditions of economic activity and people‘s life in comparison with oter regions) features which have to be taken into consideration by administration of the region while creating strategic development plans are indicated. Main differences between competitiveness concepts of enterprises, countries and territorial units (regions) are indicated and complexity of competitiveness as particular feature of the region is revealed. It is noticed that wide enough spectrum of opinions according competitiveness of region exists and such situation indicates attempts to know the phenomenon of competitiveness and use this knowledge diverting development of region in desirable direction, i.e. declareing competitiveness as the aim (goal) of regional development. It is stated that this idea recently becomes increasingly popular and due to transformation of regional cohesion paradigm which dominated in management of regional development process for a long time and application of primal version of which raises the classic dilemma of regional development aims – equality or competitiveness.Straipsnyje yra atskleidžiamos galimybės naudoti konkurencingumo koncepciją kaip regiono plėtros siekinį. Nurodomi pagrindiniai konkurencingumo, kaip regiono gebos sukurti palankesnes negu kiti regionai ekonominės veiklos ir žmonių gyvenimo sąlygas, ypatumai, į kuriuos, kurdama strateginius plėtros planus, regiono administracija turi atkreipti dėmesį. Aptariami pagrindiniai įmonių, valstybių ir teritorinių vienetų (regionų) konkurencingumo koncepcijų skirtumai, atskleidžiamas konkurencingumo kaip tam tikros regiono savybės kompleksiškumas. Atkreipiamas dėmesys į tai, kad yra gana įvairių požiūrių į regiono konkurencingumą ir dėl šiuo metu strateginiame plėtros planavime dominuojančios regiono sanglaudos paradigmos transformacijos konkurencingumas tampa svarbiu regiono plėtros siekiniu

    Mathematical Modelling of Diesel Engine Operational Performance Parameters in Transient Modes

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    This study presents innovative methods for solving practical challenges that occur during the operation of heavy diesel engines (DEs). The novelty of the method arises from the combined use of an artificial neural network, a single-zone DE combustion mathematical model, and data from real operation conditions. Using the proposed method, DE transient mode energy efficiency has been analysed, and the primary influencing factors have been identified: qcycl and dqcycl/dt. The adequacy of the method has been tested for CAT3512B-HD series engines installed on freight locomotives. The difference between the model results and experimental data has been 3–4%. CAT3512B-HD series DE transient operation studies have shown that at the low-load range of qcycl (up to 36% of nominal), the fuel consumption during transient operation increases by 10% compared to steady state operation. Transient operation efficiency is not influenced by the operation rate (dqcycl/dt) in the analysed -0.016 to 0.016 g/s range. Near the nominal power (qcycl increases up to 0.5 g/cycle), it is necessary to limit the dqcycl/dt range to 0.006 g/s to avoid overexploitation of the fuel by more than 100%. The proposed method has been recommended for practical use in optimizing vehicle operation load cycle structure by adapting the engine control to the concrete operation conditions, as well as for overall efficiency improvement

    Vaikų, turinčių autizmo sindromą, tėvų ir motinų depresyvumas

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    Parenting a child with autism spectrum disorder is stressful for many reasons: difficulty with diagnosis, lack of information about autism and its treatment, deficit of social support, etc. It is impossible to review all the problems experienced by parents, so our study focused on depression in both parents of an autistic child.The purpose of this work was to compare depression in fathers and mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder and to compare our findings with results of the control group, i.e. parents of a normally developing child. Depression in our study indicates the intensity of the preclinical state of mind, manifested by sadness, pessimism and a decrease of activity. 120 persons participated in the study, 72 (60%) of them being mothers and 48 (40%) fathers of autistic children raging from 3 to 18 years of age. Control group consisted of 69 mothers (57.5%) and 51 fathers (42.5%) of normally developing children of the same age, selected in accordance with the gender and age of autistic children as well as the gender and age of their parents. The age of the participants ranged from 25 to 60 years (mean 39, SD 6.55). For evaluation of depression, we employed Cung’s depression scale. Additional questions on social-demographic factors were also included: age, education and employment status of participants; family composition; age and gender of child with diagnosed autism and occupation. The results showed that depression in mothers and fathers with autistic children did not differ. Both parents of an autistic child had a higher depression than both parents of normally developing children (p = 0,001). The age and education of parents with autistic children did not correlate with depression. The age of the autistic child correlated with depression of both parents differently: when an autistic child was 3–7 years old, depression in fathers and mothers did not differ; when an autistic child was 8–11 years old, depression in fathers was higher than in mothers; during adolescence of an autistic child, the difference of depression persisted, but its direction was opposite, mothers showing a higher depression than fathers. There are several limitations to this study. We should note that the sample does not represent the population of families with autistic children. Also, Cung’s depression scale might not be the best scale to evaluate depression in these families. Another limitation is that we did not consider all circumstances, such as marital status, the gender of children, occupation of parents and children, individual characteristics, social support, and the degree of severity of autism. The findings of this study require further research. However, the results indicate that parents of an autistic child need special understanding and support.Straipsnyje pateikiami abiejų tėvų, kurie augina vaiką, turintį autizmo sindromą, ir kontrolinės grupės tėvų, auginančių normalios raidos vaiką, depresyvumo ypatumai. Analizuodami depresyvumą, kalbame apie tam tikrą ikiklinikinių nuotaikos būsenų intensyvumą, pasireiškiantį liūdesiu, pesimizmu ir aktyvumo sumažėjimu.Tyrimo tikslas – palyginti tėvų ir motinų, auginančių vaikus, kuriems diagnozuotas autizmas, depresyvumo raiškos skirtumus atsižvelgiant į socialinius demografinius veiksnius. Tyrime dalyvavo motinos ir tėvai, auginantys vaikus, turinčius autizmo sindromą. Kontrolinė grupė atrinkta atitinkamai pagal autizmo sindromą turinčio vaiko ir jo tėvų lytį bei amžių – tai motinos ir tėvai, auginantys normalios raidos vaikus. Tyrime depresyvumo lygiui įvertinti buvo naudojama Zungo depresijos (Zung-SRD) skalė. Papildomai buvo pateikiami klausimai apie socialinius demografinius veiksnius: tiriamojo amžių, išsilavinimą, užimtumą, šeimos sudėtį bei vaiko, kuriam diagnozuotas autizmas, amžių, lytį, užimtumą, autizmo sutrikimo sunkumo laipsnį. Buvo nustatyta, kad šeimoje, auginančioje vaiką, kuriam būdingas autizmo sindromas, motinų ir tėvų depresyvumas pasireiškia vienodai. Tėvų ir motinų, auginančių autizmo sindromą turintį vaiką, depresyvumas yra didesnis nei normalios raidos vaiko tėvų ir motinų. Abiejų tėvų, auginančių vaiką, kuriam būdingas autizmo sindromas, depresyvumas nėra susijęs su amžiumi ir išsilavinimu. Autizmo sindromą turinčio vaiko amžius skirtingai siejasi su abiejų tėvų depresyvumo lygiu: tėvų depresyvumas didesnis, kai autizmo sindromą turintis vaikas yra 8–11 metų, o motinų depresyvumas didesnis šį sutrikimą turinčio vaiko paauglystės laikotarpiu (12–18 m.)

    Analysis into the selection of a ballast water treatment system

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    Today, it is very important to select and install the optimal equipment for the treatment of ballast water in existing ships. Increasing cargo volumes demand for a greater number of ships for transportation and expanded navigation geography as well as result in increased amount of discharged ballast water. Consequently, sea water pollution is increasing and invasive microorganisms appear that the existing flora and fauna are unaccustomed to. In order to protect territorial waters from these invasive species, International Maritime Organization (IMO) requirements have been implemented that regulate the quality parameters of discharged ballast water from ships. This problem has become particularly relevant for operational ships, in which ballast water treatment equipment and technical solutions had not been anticipated in the design stage. This article provides a comparative analysis of the treatment equipment of ballast water and the related technical parameters, in order to distinguish the most important equipment criteria. A Carrier, according to its technical characteristics, was analysed together with the water treatment method for operated bulk. An expert evaluation for the characteristics of the technical equipment was established

    Analysis of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Monitoring System for Resurveying of Shipping Routes

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    ksandrs Urbahs / Rima Mickevičienė / Vasilij Djačkov / Kristīne Carjova / Valdas Jankūnas / Mindaugas Zakarauskas / Natalia Panova / Dita Lasmane Published Online: 2017-03-14 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/tae-2016-0012 Abstract The paper gives brief description of the conventional and innovative hydrography survey methods and constraints connected with the realization. Proposed hydrographic survey system based on the use of Unmanned Aerial and Maritime systems provides functionality to conduct hydrographic measurements and environment monitoring. System can be easily adapted to fulfil marine safety and security operations, e.g. intrusion threat monitoring, hazardous pollutions monitoring and prevention operations, icing conditions monitoring. Document type: Articl

    Numerical simulation of a research vessel's aftpart hull form

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    This paper presents results of numerical simulation of the aftpart hull form of a research vessel. The wake rolls onto the transom platform, therefore creating additional resistance to the movement of the vessel. To solve the problem and to propose the optimal transom form, the study was carried out using the method of successive approximations and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) algorithms. The flow lines around the hull of the vessel and the wave pattern behind the hull were analysed, and the optimal transom form was chosen. Water resistance analysis was carried out to prove the efficiency of the chosen solution

    Clinical intervals and diagnostic characteristics in a cohort of prostate cancer patients in Spain: a multicentre observational study

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    Background: Little is known about the healthcare process for patients with prostate cancer, mainly because hospital-based data are not routinely published. The main objective of this study was to determine the clinical characteristics of prostate cancer patients, the diagnostic process and the factors that might influence intervals from consultation to diagnosis and from diagnosis to treatment. Methods: We conducted a multicentre, cohort study in seven hospitals in Spain. Patients' characteristics and diagnostic and therapeutic variables were obtained from hospital records and patients' structured interviews from October 2010 to September 2011. We used a multilevel logistic regression model to examine the association between patient care intervals and various variables influencing these intervals (age, BMI, educational level, ECOG, first specialist consultation, tumour stage, PSA, Gleason score, and presence of symptoms) and calculated the odds ratio (OR) and the interquartile range (IQR). To estimate the random inter-hospital variability, we used the median odds ratio (MOR). Results: 470 patients with prostate cancer were included. Mean age was 67.8 (SD: 7.6) years and 75.4 % were physically active. Tumour size was classified as T1 in 41.0 % and as T2 in 40 % of patients, their median Gleason score was 6.0 (IQR:1.0), and 36.1 % had low risk cancer according to the D'Amico classification. The median interval between first consultation and diagnosis was 89 days (IQR:123.5) with no statistically significant variability between centres. Presence of symptoms was associated with a significantly longer interval between first consultation and diagnosis than no symptoms (OR:1.93, 95%CI 1.29-2.89). The median time between diagnosis and first treatment (therapeutic interval) was 75.0 days (IQR:78.0) and significant variability between centres was found (MOR:2.16, 95%CI 1.45-4.87). This interval was shorter in patients with a high PSA value (p = 0.012) and a high Gleason score (p = 0.026). Conclusions: Most incident prostate cancer patients in Spain are diagnosed at an early stage of an adenocarcinoma. The period to complete the diagnostic process is approximately three months whereas the therapeutic intervals vary among centres and are shorter for patients with a worse prognosis. The presence of prostatic symptoms, PSA level, and Gleason score influence all the clinical intervals differently