39 research outputs found

    System of Breeding Cow Calf in the Sarajevo Romanija Region

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    Under the cultivation of the cow-calf system, the cattle breeding is understood as the cows on the pasture opening cows that at the end of the grazing season remain on the breeding or fattening economy or going to the market. In breeding, mixed and meat breeds of cattle are used. Through this work we will bring the basics of the technological process in the cow-calf system with a view to the condition of the same in the Sarajevo Romania region (12 municipalities) from the aspect of the cow-calf system. Areas that are particularly suitable for the cow-calf system are characterized as mountainous mountain areas with a large number of pastures that are the ideal habitat for cattle, and can be used to a large extent in this way. When it comes to registered agricultural holdings in the Sarajevo Romania region, the represented race is in the Simmental type. Given that the shortage of meat of cattle of all categories is also actual in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is a bigger market, this is another additional motive for increasing investments in this sector

    Forenzički aspekti postmortalne analize transferina s nedostatkom ugljenih hidrata kao markera zloupotrebe alkohola

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    Introduction Carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT) has been suggested as one of alcohol abuse indicators having produced good results in forensic medicine for years. Objective The aim of the study was to identify correlation between present methodology of alcohol abuse diagnosis at autopsy (macroscopic and microscopic findings) and CDT examination using the method of isoelectrofocusing (IEF) in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). We also analyzed if the time interval between the moment of death and blood sample collection influences CDT findings. Methods The method used for CDT analysis was IEF-PAGE. Sera of 49 males and 11 females aged 14-87 years, average age 46.85 +/- 18.53, were used in this study. Control group consisted of five patients who died after medical treatment that lasted longer than 15 days, and five patients who started Disulfiram therapy in controlled hospital environment. Results The results obtained in CDT examination in dead bodies' sera showed sensitivity 59% and specificity 71%. A high incidence of falsely positive CDT result was noticed in liver failure and cirrhosis of non-alcoholic origin. CDT analysis is also possible to be done in samples collected postmortem up to 76 hours. Conclusion In forensic medicine, the method of CDT determination is reliable for the diagnosis of alcohol abuse.Uvod. Poslednjih godina transferin s nedostatkom ugljenih hidrata (engl. carbohydrate-deficient transferrin - CDT) jedan je od markera zloupotrebe alkohola koji je pokazao najbolje rezultate u sudskoj medicini. Cilj rada. Cilj studije je bio da se odredi korelacija između aktuelne metodologije dijagnoze zloupotrebe alkohola na postmortalnom materijalu (makroskopski i mikroskopski nalaz) i određivanja CDT korišćenjem metode isoelektrofokusiranja (engl. isoelectric focusing - IEF) u poliakrilamidnom gelu (engl. polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - PAGE). Utvrđivano je da li interval između vremena smrti i uzimanja uzoraka za CDT analizu utiče na nalaz CDT. Metode rada. Za analizu CDT korišćena je metoda IEF-PAGE. Za studiju su analizirani serumi 49 muškaraca i 11 žena prosečne starosti od 46,85±18,53 godina (raspon 14-87 godina). Kontrolnu grupu činilo je pet pacijenata koji su umrli nakon bolničkog lečenja koje je trajalo duže od 15 dana i pet pacijenata kod kojih je u kontrolisanim bolničkim uslovima počelo lečenje disulfiramom. Rezultati. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da ova metoda analize CDT na postmortalnom materijalu ima senzitivnost od 59% i specifičnost od 71%. Visoka učestalost lažno pozitivnih rezultata utvrđena je kod oboljenja jetre i ci- roze nealkoholnog porekla. Analizu CDT je moguće raditi i iz uzoraka uzetih do 76 sati nakon smrti. Zaključak. U sudskomedicinskoj praksi ova metoda analize CDT može se koristiti za dijagnostikovanje hronične zloupotrebe alkohola

    An exceptional case report of disseminated cryptococcosis in a hitherto immunocompetent patient

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    Cryptococcosis is an opportunistic fungal infection causes significant disease predominantly in immunocompromised patients. Here we present an excepcional case of disseminated cryptococcosis with pulmonary and cerebral involvement in an immunocompetent patient with no apparent predisposing factors at the time of hospital admission. We described a case of an apparently immunocompetent 66-years old man admitted to hospital with a one-month history of cough, fever and vertigo. During hospitalization, thorax imaging was suggestive of lung metastasis, therefore, he went through several investigations. During hospitalization, he developed neurological symptoms and subsequently underwent a lumbar puncture. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) culture was positive for Cryptococcus spp. isolated on Sabouraud’s dextrose agar and bird seed agar. In addition, the direct microscopy examination was positive for the India ink test, as well as with the latex agglutination test for cryptococcal polysaccharide antigen (CrAg) in CSF, while serum CrAg was negative. Despite the absence of classic immunocompromising features, he was treated with amphotericin B and fluconazole due to suspected disseminated cryptococcal infection. Later, he was diagnosed with prostatic adenocarcinoma. Upon successful completion of treatment for disseminated cryptococcosis, the patient underwent radical prostate ablation surgery as a treatment forprostatic adenocarcinoma. This exceptional case emphasizes the high degree of suspicion of atypical infections, and in these cases, it is particularly important to consider fungal infections in hitherto healthy patients with no apparent predisposing factors. Although Cryptococcus spp. is predominantly reported in patients with hematological malignancies, cryptococcosis investigation should also be considered as part of the initial workup of patients with a new diagnosis of a solid tumour prior to chemotherapy or radiotherapy.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Predictive Value of Basal Serum Progesterone for Successful IVF in Endometriosis Patients: The Need for a Personalized Approach

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    The data regarding the role of progesterone (P4) in reproductive events of endometriosis patients are limited. This prospective study aimed to examine the predictive value of basal P4 serum levels for successful in vitro fertilization (IVF) in patients with primary infertility and endometriosis. The study included 73 patients divided according to endometriosis treatment (surgery vs. control-no treatment). The general data, basal hormonal status, and pregnancy rates were determined for every patient. Clinical pregnancy was achieved in 40.3% of patients, and more often in patients treated for endometriosis before IVF. The regression analysis showed that higher basal P4 serum levels were associated with achieving pregnancy through IVF. When regression was adjusted for the patient and IVF characteristics, higher basal P4 serum levels were associated with pregnancy achievement in both groups of women, along with the basal serum levels of FSH, LH, and AMH; EFI score; and stimulation protocol. The ROC analysis showed that the basal P4 serum level for successful IVF should be ≥0.7ng/mL. The basal P4 serum level cut-off for IVF success in endometriosis patients was determined for the first time. Constructed models for IVF success prediction emphasize the importance of determining the basal P4 serum levels for the personalized treatment of endometriosis-related infertility

    Reproductive outcomes of IVF after comprehensive endometriosis treatment: a prospective cohort study

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    Objectives: To evaluate the impact of pharmacological and surgical endometriosis treatment on IVF reproductive outcomes in patients with primary infertility.Material and methods: The study, conducted over a five year period, included 73 patients with endometriosis associated primary infertility subjected to 77 cycles. Group I included patients treated for endometriosis before the IVF (subgroups A: surgical and pharmacological treatment and B: only surgical treatment). Group II included patients immediately subjected to IVF. Assessed outcomes were pregnancy rate (PR) per started cycle, fertilization rate (FR), implantation rate (IR) and live birth rate (LBR).Results: Group IA included 25 patients, Group IB 21 and Group II 27 patients. FR and IR showed no significant differences between groups. PR was significantly higher in the Group I than Group II (49% vs 25%, p = 0.030). PR per started cycle was the highest in the Group IA and the lowest in the Group II (p = 0.040). LBR was significantly higher in whole Group I (p = 0.043) and subgroup IA (p = 0.020) than Group II. Group IA and IB did not differ regarding examined outcomes. Regression analysis showed that endometriosis pretreatment method can impact both achieving pregnancy (p = 0.036) and having a live born child (p = 0.008) after IVF. The combined surgical and pharmacological endometriosis treatment, shorter infertility duration, lower EFI score, using long protocol with FSH+HMG gonadotropins increase the probability of successful IVF.Conclusions: A combined surgical and pharmacological endometriosis treatment had a positive impact on IVF reproductive outcomes, both on pregnancy and on live birth rates

    Uticaj starosti na važnije proizvodne osobine krava u tipu Simentalca

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    The aim of this study was to determine the productive traits of cows Simmental breed reared in the breeding area or farm "Planinsko good" Nevesinje, Serbian Republic, Bosnia, or more precisely determine the age of heifers (cows) at first, second and third fertilization (pregnancy), productivity milk in the first three lactations. Special emphasis is given to determining the strength and significance of correlation connection, calculating the correlation coefficients of correlation (rp), between the ages (age) heifers (cows) at first insemination productivity of cows in first three lactations (production - whole and standard lactation), and therefore and make specific findings of research conducted. Based on all the above, it can be said that the farm "Planinsko good" Nevesinje in the analyzed period, achieved satisfactory results in terms of productivity. milk production, namely household, according to the selection plan aimed high milk production, which was achieved in the period analyzed.Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrđivanje produktivnih osobina krava u tipu simentalske rase gajenih na farmi „Planinsko dobro“ Nevesinje, Republika Srpska, BiH, Istraživanje je obuhvatilo utvrđivanje starosti junica (krava) pri prvoj, drugoj i trećoj oplodnji (bremenitosti), kao i produktivnost mlijeka u prve tri laktacije. Poseban naglasak je dat na utvrđivanje jačine i značajnosti korelacione povezanosti, izračunavanjem koeficijenata korelacije (rp) između uzrasta (starosti) junica (krava) pri prvoj oplodnji i produktivnost krava u prve tri laktacije (proizvodna i standardna laktacija). Na osnovu svega izloženog može se reći da je farma „Planinsko dobro“ Nevesinje u analiziranom periodu postigla zadovoljavajuće rezultate u pogledu produktivnosti, tj. proizvodnje mlijeka, tačnije gazdinstvo je prema selekcijskom planu imalo za cilj visoku proizvodnju mlijeka, što je i ostvareno u analiziranom periodu

    Risk factors associated with poor clinical outcome in pyogenic spinal infections : 5-years’ intensive care experience

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    Introduction: Management of pyogenic spinal infections (PSI) after the development of neurological deficit has not been specifically addressed in the literature. We aimed to describe real-life clinical outcomes of PSI in patients admitted to an intensive care unit with neurological deficit and identify factors associated with good prognosis. Methodology: Consecutive patients admitted to ICU with a possible diagnosis of spinal infection over five years’ period were included. Descriptive statistics were performed to examine the demographics and clinical parameters. Results: The majority (71%) of patients were male. The mean age was 57.4 years (27-79), and 71% were > 50 years old. At least one underlying risk factor was identified in 68% of the patients; the most common comorbidity was diabetes mellitus (DM). All patients have presented with fever accompanied by a neurological deficit (86%) and back pain (79%). A complete recovery was achieved in 25% of patients. However, the majority of patients had adverse outcomes with 21.4% mortality, and 43% remaining neurological sequelae. Increased age with a cut-off of 65 years and pre-existing DM were identified as being associated with poor outcome. Conclusion: Mortality among patients admitted to ICU with PSI was significantly higher than reported in the literature. The residual neurological deficit was common, one-third of patients had remaining neurological sequelae, and only one-fourth had complete recovery. Increased age and background DM were the most important determinants of poor clinical outcome. The impact of DM appears to be much more important than currently recognised in this population.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Ricinusovo ulje kao obnovljiva sirovina za dobijanje poliuretanskih materijala

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    Traditionally, polyurethanes (PU) are manufactured by reacting isocyanates with petroleum-based polyols (polyether or polyester). Because oil resources are diminishing and are becoming expensive to produce, engineers and scientist have discovered new technologies to fabricate plastics from renewable resources. The goal of this work was to determine mechanical properties of polyurethanes synthesized from castor oil and different isocyantes: isophorone diisocyanate IPDI, 1,6-diisocyanatohexane (HDI) and aliphatic polycyclotrimer (HDIt). The samples were prepared by a one-step reactive process with stoichiometric balance of reactive groups. The catalysed synthesis was performed at normal pressure. It was estimated that a mechanical properties of prepared samples were strongly influenced by the isocyanate type.Tradicionalno se poliuretani (PU) dobijaju reagovanjem izocijanata sa poliolima (polietarski i poliestarski) koji se uobičajeno dobijaju iz nafte. Pošto se ti resursi smanjuju i postaju sve skuplji inženjeri i naučnici su razvili nove tehnologije za proizvodnju plastike iz obnovljivih sirovina. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se odrede mehanička svojstva poluretanskih materijala dobijenih jednostepenim reaktivnim procesom od ricinusovog ulja i različitih izocijanata: izoforon diizocijanata (IPDI), 1,6-diisocianatoheksana (HDI) i alifatičnog poliizocijanata ciklotrimera (HDIt) sa stehiometrijskim balansom reaktivnih grupa. Katalitička sinteza se odvijala na normalnom pritisku. Ustanovljeno je da su mehanička svojstva dobijenih materijala bila uslovljena tipom izocijanata

    a rare case of pacemaker lead endocarditis successfully treated with open heart surgery

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    Background: Cardiac device-related endocarditis has emerged as a serious complication in the era of advanced medical technology. Pacemaker related infections are rare and life-threatening with incidence from 0.06% to 7% and high mortality rate (30-35%). Diagnosis is hard, frequently delayed and could be even missed due to poor clinical findings. The average delay in diagnosis is 5.5 month. We report a case of the late-onset of pacemaker lead endocarditis caused by S. epidermidis successfully treated with open heart surgery. Case Report: Patient with persistent high fever for 11 month and suspicion for infective endocarditis was admitted in Cardiovascular Institute. No clinical signs of endocarditis were observed. TTE revealed large vegetation 30 × 17 mm attached to the atrial electrodes with high embolic potential. This finding was verified by transesophageal echocardiography (TEE), although CT scan did not reveal vegetation. Blood cultures were negative. A sternotomy with cardiopulmonary bypass was performed and electrodes were extracted with large vegetation. Intraoperative finding revealed large thrombus with vegetation around pacemaker leads. Cultures of the electrodes and vegetation revealed Staphylococcus epidermidis. Surgery was followed up with antibiotic treatment for 6 weeks. He has been followed up for the next 2 years, and without complications. Conclusion: The absence of criteria for endocarditis and negative blood cultures should not keep the physician from ruling out lead endocarditis. This complication carries high risk of mortality if left untreated

    tick borne encephalitis in serbia a case series

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    Introduction: In the Europe, the number of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) has been increased in the last decade, and the number of endemic areas has been also increased and is still growing. In the present case series, we present clinical and socio-epidemiological data of patients with TBE hospitalized in the period of TBE virus epidemic in Serbia. Methodology: A case series was conducted in Serbia in 2017. Patients with confirmed TBE were included in the study. Biochemical and serological analysis of blood and CSF, as well as radiological imaging (CT and MRI) were done. Results: In total, 10 patients with TBE were included in the study. M:F ratio was 1.5:1, while average age was 45.1 years. Half of the patients had severe clinical picture. Endocranial CT scan and MRI did not reveal any abnormality, except in the patient with the most severe CNS infection (meningoencephalomyelitis). Mean value of sedimentation and CRP was slightly elevated (29.6 mm/1hours and 20.1 mg/L, respectively) in 80% of the patients, although elevation was almost negligible. The average number of leucocytes in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was 171×106/L, the mean value of the CSF protein was 1.1g/L. There were no fatal outcomes. Conclusion: Since other CNS infections have similar clinical picture and CSF finding as TBE, serological analysis for TBE should be included in routine diagnostic practice