686 research outputs found

    Tors in Central European Mountains – are they indicators of past environments?

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    Tors represent one of the most characteristic landforms in the uplands and mountains of Central Europe, including the Sudetes, Czech-Moravian Highlands, Šumava/Bayerischer Wald, Fichtelgebirge or Harz. These features occur in a range of lithologies, although granites and gneisses are particularly prone to tor formation. Various models of tor formation and development have been presented, and for each model the tors were thought to have evolved under specific environmental conditions. The two most common theories emphasised their progressive emergence from pre-Quaternary weathering mantles in a two-stage scenario, and their development across slopes under periglacial conditions in a one-stage scenario. More recently, tors have been analysed in relation to ice sheet extent, the selectivity of glacial erosion, and the preservation of landforms under ice. In this paper we describe tor distribution across Central Europe along with hypotheses relating to their formation and development, arguing that specific evolutionary histories are not supported by unequivocal evidence and that the scenarios presented were invariably model-driven. Several examples from the Sudetes are presented to demonstrate that tor morphology is strongly controlled by lithology and structure. The juxtaposition of tors of different types is not necessarily evidence that they differ in their mode of origin or age. Pathways of tor remodelling and degradation under subaerial conditions are identified and it is argued that processes of tor formation and development are ongoing. Thus, tors are not reliable indicators of past environments, because they are considerably influenced by both geological factors, such as lithology and structure, and geomorphological factors such as hillslope setting

    Trauma Exposure Relates to Cortisol Levels for Children Attending Head Start Preschool

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    Few studies have examined the impact of trauma for young children facing more generalized circumstances of economic hardship (Zimmerman & Messner, 2013) and an even smaller number have examined how experiences of trauma might influence children’s physiological stress response functioning in preschool context (Lee & Markey, 2022). The present study investigated the relation between trauma exposure and levels of the stress hormone cortisol in Head Start preschool for children facing economic hardship. The hypothesis was that trauma exposure would relate to elevations in baseline cortisol or stress levels. Participants were 50 children, ages 3 to 5, who attended a Head Start preschool. Nearly all children lived in households classified as poor or low-income, defined as less than two times the federal poverty threshold. Caregivers completed a family demographic interview which included The Life Events Checklist for DSM-5 (LEC-5), which was used to measure children’s exposure to trauma. Children provided saliva samples at five different times across the day during the fall and immunoassays tested levels of the stress hormone cortisol. A zero-order correlation revealed a statistical relation between child experience of traumatic events and log cortisol at the start of the preschool day and overall cortisol output. Results of linear regression modeling indicated that trauma exposure statistically predicted variance in child morning cortisol levels after accounting for potential demographic covariates. Implications concern understanding the impact of child trauma exposure on stress levels for children attending Head Start preschool and promoting trauma-informed interventions in early childhood

    Petrographic Variability of the Fabrics of Wine Jars from Sha‘ar-Ha Ἁmakim as a Reflection of Differences in Their Provenance and Chronology

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    The aim of the present study is to investigate the relationship between the shape of the Levantine wine jars discovered at Sha‘ar-Ha Ἁmakim and the petrography of their respective fabrics. The majority of sampled ceramic material originates in well-defined chronological phases of the settlement at the site, spanning the Persian through to the Middle Roman periods. The obtained results clearly demonstrate a connection between the historical period and the raw materials used in jar production. Specifically, the jars of the Phoenician type used in the Persian and Hellenistic periods were made from a fairly homogeneous raw material, the features of which such as the content of the fragmentsof the coralline alga Amphiroa confirm the previous results of the investigations of jars whose fabric has been considered as Phoenician. On the other hand the bag-shaped jars, especially those of the Hellenistic period, are characterized by the more diversified petrography of their fabrics, suggesting that they were produced by a number of local workshops to supply the needs of local wineries. Finally, the Roman period brings an abrupt change in the production of wine containers, with the introduction of the common use of the fine ferruginous soil rich in quartz silt

    Green and blue spaces as the area for residential investments in a modern city – example of Bydgoszcz (Poland)

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    Urban space subject to constant transformation as a result of socio-economic and functional development becomes an arena for interaction and interpenetration of different elements of the urban area. In consequence, a public space with specific physiognomic features is created, reflecting the history, activities of the inhabitants, the policy of the city authorities, as well as the values of the existing natural environment. This study aims to characterize the topology of space in selected urban areas (greenspaces, bluespaces and multifamily residential areas). The subject matter is illustrated with the example of the city of Bydgoszcz, where both green and blue spaces are very visible in the landscape of the city and play an important role in its shaping. Based on their analyses of statistical and cartographic data paired with examination of planning documents, the authors propose a typology of selected elements pertaining to the city’s landscape

    Procjena učinkovitosti različitih načina spašavanja od utapljanja

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    Water rescue is an area in which, unfortunately, many myths persist and intuitive actions are allowed. The aim of the study was to verify the empirically selected ways of carrying out rescues, in particular: a) to determine the effectiveness of direct rescue with or without the use of rescue equipment, b) to demonstrate the danger for the lifeguard, and thus for the victim, during a rescue without equipment, c) to determine the algorithms of automatic reactions of a lifeguard in rescue conditions. The study involved performing simulated rescues of an active victim by three lifeguards, one by one, directly in the water. The study was carried out in an indoor swimming pool and the material was filmed by cameras (under and over water) Band photographs were taken. Additionally, fourteen lifeguards attempted to tow a victim using four techniques, with the towing times measured. The most important results indicate clearly that a rescue of an active victim without equipment is a great hazard for the lives of the lifeguards and the victim. The best technique of using a rescue canister and the best technique of towing were determined, as well as the algorithm of proceeding with an active victim during the rescue. The timing of the rescue with the use of equipment showed that reaching a victim with a rescue canister takes slightly longer, but significantly increases the effectiveness of the rescue and the lifeguard’s safety.Uz spašavanje od utapljanja, nažalost, vezuju se mnogi mitovi. Vrlo se malo spasilačke opreme koristi pri spašavanju, a ona koja se koristi rijetko ima unaprijed određene i testirane algoritme spašavanja. Stavovi spasilaca o ovom problemu su podijeljeni. Oni, često bez dubljeg razmišljanja, koriste tehnike spašavanja koje su naučili tijekom spasilačke obuke ili uvježbavanja, a koje nisu uvijek učinkovite i sigurne ni spasioca ni za žrtvu. Spasioci koriste spasilačke bove koje su postale popularne nakon emitiranja TV serije Spasilačka služba. Tehnike koje se koriste za manipuliranje tim bovama utemeljene su na promatranju spašavanja, a ne na znanstveno dokazanim principima. Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio empirijski utvrditi učinkovitost izabranih načina spašavanja utopljenika. Konkretno, autori su nastojali odrediti učinkovitost spašavanja primjenom spasilačke opreme i bez nje. Studija je uključivala pokušaje prilaženja žrtvi različitim načinima plivanja, simulirane različite načine spašavanja i pokušaje da se utopljenik izvuče na suho. Provedena je u zatvorenom bazenu zbog sigurnosnih razloga te zbog lakšeg podvodnog i nadvodnog snimanja spašavanja. Ipak, cjelokupna studija odnosi se na spašavanje od utapljanja na otvorenom moru ili jezeru. Prvih trinaest testova (T1-T13) provela su trojica spasilaca koji su kvalificirani za samostalnu spasilačku službu (LG11, LG2 i LG3). Instruktor spasilačke službe, snažan i visok muškarac, bio je angažiran kao aktivna žrtva (AV2). Istraživanje je započelo mjerenjem vremena potrebnoga za preplivavanje 50 metara trima različitim plivačkim tehnikama. Prvi je test uključivao plivanje zadane dionice bez spasilačke opreme. Drugi i treći test uključivali su plivanje dionice sa spasilačkom bovom – u 2. testu vrpca bove bila je prebačena preko jednog ramena, a u 3. testu bovu je spasilac nosio na leđima poput naprtnjače (vrpce preko oba ramena) (tablica 2). Postavljenje trake bove za spašavanje na rame trajalo je 3,5 do 5,1 sekundu. Postavljenje trake bove na oba ramena trajalo je još i više – od 5,7 do 6,8 sekunda. Razlike u ukupnim vremenima tri testa iznosile su i do 10,8 sekunda (tablica 3). Ovakva razlika u vremenima može se tolerirati u slučaju da je žrtva pri svijesti za koju nekoliko sekunda nije ključno u spašavanju. Gubljenje svijesti događa se od 70 do 165 sekunda od trenutka prvih znakova panike kod žrtve, gušenja ili kratkotrajnog gutanja vode (WOPR 1993; On the Guard II 2001). Zbog toga, nekoliko sekunda koje se izgube na stavljanje spasilačke opreme nesrazmjerno je mali gubitak u odnosu na povećanje sigurnosti i žrtve i spasioca, odnosno na povećanje učinkovitosti samog spašavanja. Drugi dio istraživanja uključivao je 10 simuliranih načina spašavanja na dužini od 48 metara (tablica 4). U sklopu individualnih testova, nakon uspostavljanja kontrole nad žrtvom, koristile su se različite tehnike vučenja do ruba bazena (crteži 3, 4, 5 i 6). Kod spasilaca uključenih u ovo istraživanje je frekvencija srca u mirovanju, ali nakon plivačkog zagrijavanja, iznosila 72 do 96 otkucaja u minuti. Najviša izmjerena vrijednost FS otk/min nakon vučenja žrtve do ruba bazena iznosila je 180. Vučenje se smatra fazom najvećeg napora za vrijeme spašavanja. Korelacije između vremena vučenja i frekvencije srca nakon odrađene vježbe spašavanja bile su statistički značajne (Spearman’s R = 0,31, P=,0262). Niska statistička značajnost navedenih korelacija pokazuje da postoje i drugi faktori koji utječu na vrijeme vučenja žrtve do ruba bazena, a ne samo djelotvornost krvožilnog sustava. Vjerojatno je jedan od važnijih faktora i tehnika kretanja pri vučenju. Vrijeme vučenja tehnikom koja predviđa da je žrtva pod pazuhom spasioca značajno se statistički razlikovala od vremena koje je bilo potrebno za spašavanje tehnikom okrenutog prsnog povlačenja ili tehnikom povlačenja dugim užetima (z = 1,97, p = 0,048). Najkorisnija metoda vučenja, kod koje su bile zabilježene najniže frekvencije srca, bila je vučenje žrtve pod pazuhom (slika 6). Rezultati ovog istraživanja jasno pokazuju da je vjerojatnost bržeg i učinkovitog spašavanja bez uporabe spasilačke opreme zanemarivo veća, ali je u takvim uvjetima sigurnost spasioca ugrožena zbog direktnog kontakta s žrtvom. Ključ uspješnog spašavanja jest uspostavljanje kontrole nad utopljenikom. Nakon toga najveća je opasnost i za žrtvu i za spasioca otklonjena. Uspješno kontroliranje utopljenika osigurava da neće doći do gubljenja svijesti žrtve ni do oštećenja mozga. Kontrolu nad žrtvom definiramo kao takvo prihvaćanje žrtve u kojemu ona ne može povući spasioca pod vodu ili kao situaciju u kojoj se žrtvi uspješno doda spasilačka oprema. Preporučena tehnika spašavanja, najučinkovitija u ovom istraživanju, uključuje sljedeće elemente: stavljanje trake spasilačke bove preko jednog ramena, skok dugim korakom na noge i plivanje prema žrtvi spasilačkom plivačkom tehnikom s glavom iznad vode, pružanje bove u ruke utopljenika te, nakon što je utopljenik kvalitetno primio bovu, odvlačenje na obalu tehnikom ispod pazuha. Ronjenje ispod utopljenika trebalo bi napustiti

    Ratownictwo wodne w Polsce - wstep do analizy krytycznej

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    Ratownictwo wodne w Polsce jest jednym z obowiązków państwa, który nie ma zapewnionego czytelnego schematu finansowania. Organizowanie i finansowanie działań ratowniczych scedowane zostało na zarządzających i podmioty uprawnione do wykonywania ratownictwa. Jednakże mnogość zadań w połączeniu z ich kosztami, powodują sytuację, w której każda ze stron odgrywa swoisty spektakl – pozorne wypełnianie ról. Państwo imituje zapewnianie bezpieczeństwa obywatelom, podmioty uprawnione i zarządzający symulują realizację wskazanych zobowiązań, a ratownicy markują prowadzenie działań. Dzieje się tak dlatego, że obowiązujące przepisy są dalekie od doskonałości, a brak kompleksowego nadzoru nad tą dziedziną życia oraz należytego (adekwatnego do nakładanych zadań) finansowania, z każdym dniem pogłębia niewydolność całego systemu.Water rescue in Poland is one of our country’s obligations without a clear financing scheme. The organization and financing of rescue operations have been assigned to managers and entities authorized to perform rescue operations. However the range of tasks combined with the cost associated with these tasks result in a situation in which each party plays its own show –- the illusorily fulfillment of roles. The state imitates providing security to citizens, the authorized entities and managers simulate that they fulfill all obligations, and the rescuers pretend to act. This is because the current regulations are far from perfect and the lack of comprehensive supervision over this area of life as well as due funding (adequate to the imposed tasks) deepens the inefficiency of the entire system every day

    Die Quetschung als chirurgische Operation in ihrer neuesten Form

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