32 research outputs found
Análisis Comparativo del Manejo Técnico en Tres Criaderos Industriales Porcinos
El trabajo consiste en la comparación de tres criaderos porcinos en sistemas de confinamiento total, ubicados en la provincia de Santa Fe. Los criaderos tienen instalaciones con excelentes prestaciones, buenos niveles de tecnología aplicada, planteles reproductivos con genética de primera línea y planes alimenticios similares. Es por este motivo que pueden ser comparables.Se realizó un análisis de los datos en las etapas críticas del proceso para conocer en profundidad las características de las granjas y de esta forma comprender las diferencias más significativas en cada uno de los sistemas productivos. Así, se busca detectar lo mejor de cada uno, a efectos de estandarizar las condiciones de producción ideal para criaderos con características equivalentes a las de los que se analizan en este trabajo. Una de las acciones de mejora propuestas se evalúa en dos de las granjas
O olho tem a capacidade de constatar diferentes frequências luminosas, ou seja, a sensibilidade pode ser medida por meio da determinação de um limiar de intensidade de luz. Dessa forma, é possível definir os mecanismos de adaptação – claro e escuro – dos fotorreceptores da retina aos diferentes níveis de luminância. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar e explicar os mecanismos fisiológicos da adaptação visual dos diferentes níveis de luminosidade. Utilizou-se como metodologia a revisão da literatura corrente sobre o tema adaptação visual à luz, realizada a partir de busca em bases de dados no período de 2009 a 2014. O mecanismo de adaptação ao escuro no qual está envolvido os cones e os bastonetes se caracteriza por uma complexidade e integração de fatores. Quando uma pessoa é exposta por muito tempo à luz intensa e, em seguida, transferida a um ambiente com escuridão total, ocorre incialmente uma pré-adaptação ao escuro, cuja duração é de aproximadamente cinco minutos. Nesse período, a sensibilidade da retina é maximizada, em um processo em que os responsáveis são os cones. Após os cinco minutos iniciais, os bastonestes são ativados e agem simultaneamente com os cones por, aproximadamente, três minutos. Passados esses oito minutos, ocorre a adaptação ao escuro propriamente dita, coordenada pelos bastonetes, de forma lenta, embora mais eficaz que o mecanismo dos cones. Segue-se, então, um grande aumento da sensibilidade luminosa no escuro que perdura minutos e até horas. Ainda, é preciso salientar que aos diferentes níveis de intensidades, o tempo de duração da luz, o tamanho e a posição dos cones e bastonetes na retina, o comprimento de onda da luz incidido na retina e a regeneração da rodopsina durante o período de pré-adaptação, irão influenciar, diretamente, na curva de ataptação ao escuro. Também é possível perceber que os mecanismos visuais no processo de adaptação à luz são influenciados por outros fatores além do sistema fotoquímico, como alteração do diâmetro pupilar e adaptação neural. O primeiro consiste na regulação da quantidade de luz que entra no olho mediante a abertura pupilar. Já o segundo, é dependente do circuito neural que envolve células da própria retina e do cérebro. À medida que transitamos de um ambiente a outro há a variação da luminosidade. Esse processo fisiológico complexo, responsável pelos ajustes necessários à adaptação da luz, torna a visão mais nítida e efetiva.Palavras-chave: Adaptação ocular. Fotoquímica. Fenômenos fisiológicos oculares
Cloning, purification, and biochemical characterization of an esterase from Aspergillus nidulans
A large accumulation of agro-industrial waste from different segments is generated daily and is often not properly
managed. There are now other fronts in research to give a destination to these residues; these studies are generally aimed at obtaining new and better enzymes and the formulation of enzymatic cocktails that contain (for example, cellulases and hemicellulases) responsible for the degradation of lignocellulosic material. The plant cell wall is mainly composed of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin, forming a complex structure. Xylan is one of the main constituents of hemicellulose.
To degrade this structure, enzymatic hydrolysis must occur synergistically with xylanolytic enzymes, such as endo-beta-1,4-xylanases, -xylosidases, and acetyl xylan esterase (AXE). In the current work, we reported the purification and biochemical characterization of an acetyl xylan esterase (AxeCE3) from Aspergillus nidulans. The axeCE3 gene was cloned into the pEXPYR vector and transformed into A. nidulans A773 for protein expression. The enzyme AxeCE3 was purified and characterized for its biochemical properties. AxeCE3 showed activity over a wide range of pH (3.0-9.0) and temperature (30-70 °C), with maximum activity at 55 °C, pH 7.0. Regarding the stability at temperature, AxeCE3 showed values above 90% of residual activity after 24 h of incubation at 45 and 50 °C. In relation to stability at pH, AxeCE3 maintained more than 90% of its residual activity after being incubated at 25 °C for 24 h between the pH range 3.0 to 9.0.
It was also verified the effect of possible inhibitors (ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA), Furfural, and 5-
Hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF)) on the enzyme activity. AxeCE3 maintained 88% of relative activity at 5 mM EDTA, 43% and 82% at 50 mM furfural and 5-HMF, respectively. The results showed that AxeCE3 has interesting properties to use in the development in the formulation of enzymatic cocktails for the hydrolysis of lignocellulosic residues.The work was supported by the following: FAPESP (São Paulo Research Foundation, grants: 2014/50884 and 2018/07522-6) and National Institute of Science and Technology of Bioethanol, INCT, CNPq (grant: 465319/2014-9) and process 301963/2017-7. Research scholarships were granted to RCA and DA by FAPESP (Grant No: 2020/00081-4 and No: 2020/15510-8), to GSA by CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, Finance Code 001).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Immobilization and stabilization of acetyl xylan esteraseof Aspergillus nidulans
[Excerpt] Acetyl xylan esterase (EC are enzymes that cleave the ester bonds of the O-acetyl groups
of the xylan backbone to create new sites for subsequent hydrolysis of other enzymes, such as
endoxylanases (BIELY et al., 2014). D-xylose is one of the main constituents of xylan, the main class
of hemicellulose. To degrade this structure, it is necessary that enzymatic hydrolysis occurs
synergistically with xylanolytic enzymes, such as endo-beta-1,4-xylanases, β-xylosidases, α-Larabinofuranosidases, α-glucuronidases, feruloyl esterase and acetyl xylan esterase (AXE)
(POLIZELI et al., 2016). The use of enzymes in their free form is expensive and expensive, in addition
to some problems such as low stability, sensitivity to process conditions, and difficulties in
recovering the products and recycling the enzyme from the reaction medium (MATEO et al., 2007). To
assist in these difficulties, the immobilization process becomes essential for applying enzymes in
industrial processes, as it contributes to stabilization reuse of the enzyme in several cycles,
reducing the cost of the biocatalyst (SANTOS et al., 2015). In the present work, we purify,
characterize an acetyl xylan esterase (AxeCE3) from Aspergillus nidulans and successfully
immobilized in an activated agarose matrix with different reactive groups: monoaminoethyl-N-ethyl
(MANAE), Glyoxyl and Glyoxyl-Iminodiacetic acid (IDA).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Algumas características morfológicas segmentares da parede da aorta de galo doméstico (Gallus domesticus)
The segmental structure of the aortic wall at the thoracic and abdominal levels were studied in domestic chicken by light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Selected histological sections were submitted to histomorphometric studies using image analysis methods. The variables studied were the thickness of the aortic layers in the three segments investigated: ascendant thoracic, descendant thoracic and abdominal parts as well as the tubular diameters and the mean number of elastic lamellae in the medial layer of each analyzed segment. The aortic wall of the chicken had a predominately elastic structure in the thoracic portions, that decrease gradually in relative number of elastic lamellae towards the abdominal aorta in which smooth muscle cells predominated. Vascular diameters decreased gradually to the ascendant aorta from the descendant thoracic portion and to the last from the abdominal aorta.A estrutura segmentar da parede aórtica foi estudada em galo doméstico, em níveis torácico e abdominal, nas dimensões de microscopias óptica e eletrônica de varredura. Secções histológicas selecionadas foram submetidas a estudos histomorfométricos usando métodos de análises de imagens. As variáveis analisadas foram as espessuras das túnicas da parede aórtica em três segmentos investigados, compreendendo as porções ascendente torácica; descendente torácica e abdominal, bem como os diâmetros tubulares, em cada porção, e o número médio de lamelas elásticas na túnica média de cada segmento analisado. A parede aórtica do galo doméstico apresenta estrutura predominantemente elástica nas porções torácicas, cujo número relativo de lamelas elásticas decresce gradualmente para a parte abdominal da aorta, onde células musculares lisas predominam. Os diâmetros aórticos decrescem também gradualmente, e progressivamente, da porção torácica ascendente para a porção torácica descendente, e desta para a porção abdominal da aorta
Development of new eco-friendly supports for immobilization of enzymes based on cellulose residues
The pulp and paper industry generates a high volume of solid wastes that are usually burned to obtain energy, directed to
landfills, or incinerated. Among the wastes generated in this process is the paper sludge, a residue rich in cellulose with
low lignin content making it a useful raw material to produce high-value products such as cheap immobilization supports.
In the current work, paper sludge was activated using different functional groups (amino, epoxy, and aldehyde). The
xylanase GH10 from Malbranchea pulchella was used as a model enzyme for the immobilization assays. The enzyme was
efficiently immobilized through reversible immobilization on aminated support monoaminoethyl-N-ethyl (MANAE) and
polyethyleneimine (PEI), achieving yields of more than 90 %. Furthermore, the yield and activity of the biocatalyst
immobilized with paper sludge using groups glyoxyl and epoxy (irreversible immobilization) were higher than the enzyme
immobilized on agarose supports. The biocatalyst immobilized on paper sludge-epoxy presented the best results,
reaching 12.54 U.g-1 of support. Therefore, the use of paper sludge, such as backbone of different immobilization
supports, was an efficient method and promising approach for the immobilization of enzymes such as xylanase. More
studies are necessary to optimize the displayed potential for future applications as tests in other enzymes of different
characteristics and their behavior with bifunctional reagents as the glutaraldehyde. Furthermore, the valorization of these
residues in a biorefinery context holds great socio-economical relevance for Portugal and Brazil. Thus, our perspectives
are the development of a hybrid biocatalyst using magnetics nanoparticles and paper sludge.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Immobilization and application of the recombinant xylanase GH10 of Malbranchea pulchella in the production of xylooligosaccharides from hydrothermal liquor of the eucalyptus (Eucalyptus grandis) wood chips
Xylooligosaccharides (XOS) are widely used in the food industry as prebiotic components. XOS with high purity are required for practical prebiotic function and other biological benefits, such as antioxidant and inflammatory properties. In this work, we immobilized the recombinant endo-1,4-β-xylanase of Malbranchea pulchella (MpXyn10) in various chemical supports and evaluated its potential to produce xylooligosaccharides (XOS) from hydrothermal liquor of eucalyptus wood chips. Values >90% of immobilization yields were achieved from amino-activated supports for 120 min. The highest recovery values were found on Purolite (142%) and MANAE-MpXyn10 (137%) derivatives, which maintained more than 90% residual activity for 24 h at 70 °C, while the free-MpXyn10 maintained only 11%. In addition, active MpXyn10 derivatives were stable in the range of pH 4.0–6.0 and the presence of the furfural and HMF compounds. MpXyn10 derivatives were tested to produce XOS from xylan of various sources. Maximum values were observed for birchwood xylan at 8.6 mg mL−1 and wheat arabinoxylan at 8.9 mg mL−1, using Purolite-MpXyn10. Its derivative was also successfully applied in the hydrolysis of soluble xylan present in hydrothermal liquor, with 0.9 mg mL−1 of XOS after 3 h at 50 °C. This derivative maintained more than 80% XOS yield after six cycles of the assay. The results obtained provide a basis for the application of immobilized MpXyn10 to produce XOS with high purity and other high-value-added products in the lignocellulosic biorefinery field.The authors gratefully acknowledge FAPESP (São Paulo Research Foundation, grants No: 2018/07522-6) and FCT (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-032206)—transnational cooperation project EcoTech, and National Institute of Science and Technology of Bioethanol, INCT, CNPq 465319/2014-9/FAPESP n ◦ 2014/50884- 5) for financial support. Research scholarships were granted to RCA, DA, and JCSS by FAPESP (Grant No: 2020/00081-4, 2020/15510-8, and 2019/21989-7, respectively), to CCVD and VEP by CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, Finance Code 001).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Brazilian recommendations on the safety and effectiveness of the yellow fever vaccination in patients with chronic immune-mediated inflammatory diseases
Background: In Brazil, we are facing an alarming epidemic scenario of Yellow fever (YF), which is reaching the most populous areas of the country in unvaccinated people. Vaccination is the only effective tool to prevent YF. In special situations, such as patients with chronic immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (CIMID), undergoing immunosuppressive therapy, as a higher risk of severe adverse events may occur, assessment of the risk-benefit ratio of the yellow fever vaccine (YFV) should be performed on an individual level. Main body of the abstract: Faced with the scarcity of specific orientation on YFV for this special group of patients, the Brazilian Rheumatology Society (BRS) endorsed a project aiming the development of individualized YFV recommendations for patients with CIMID, guided by questions addressed by both medical professionals and patients, followed an internationally validated methodology (GIN-McMaster Guideline Development). Firstly, a systematic review was carried out and an expert panel formed to take part of the decision process, comprising BRS clinical practitioners, as well as individuals from the Brazilian Dermatology Society (BDS), Brazilian Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Study Group (GEDIIB), and specialists on infectious diseases and vaccination (from Tropical Medicine, Infectious Diseases and Immunizations National Societies); in addition, two representatives of patient groups were included as members of the panel. When the quality of the evidence was low or there was a lack of evidence to determine the recommendations, the decisions were based on the expert opinion panel and a Delphi approach was performed. A recommendation was accepted upon achieving ≥80% agreement among the panel, including the patient representatives. As a result, eight recommendations were developed regarding the safety of YFV in patients with CIMID, considering the immunosuppression degree conferred by the treatment used. It was not possible to establish recommendations on the effectiveness of YFV in these patients as there is no consistent evidence to support these recommendations. Conclusion: This paper approaches a real need, assessed by clinicians and patient care groups, to address specific questions on the management of YFV in patients with CIMID living or traveling to YF endemic areas, involving specialists from many areas together with patients, and might have global applicability, contributing to and supporting vaccination practices. We recommended a shared decision-making approach on taking or not the YFV