2,136 research outputs found

    Structuring Wikipedia Articles with Section Recommendations

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    Sections are the building blocks of Wikipedia articles. They enhance readability and can be used as a structured entry point for creating and expanding articles. Structuring a new or already existing Wikipedia article with sections is a hard task for humans, especially for newcomers or less experienced editors, as it requires significant knowledge about how a well-written article looks for each possible topic. Inspired by this need, the present paper defines the problem of section recommendation for Wikipedia articles and proposes several approaches for tackling it. Our systems can help editors by recommending what sections to add to already existing or newly created Wikipedia articles. Our basic paradigm is to generate recommendations by sourcing sections from articles that are similar to the input article. We explore several ways of defining similarity for this purpose (based on topic modeling, collaborative filtering, and Wikipedia's category system). We use both automatic and human evaluation approaches for assessing the performance of our recommendation system, concluding that the category-based approach works best, achieving precision@10 of about 80% in the human evaluation.Comment: SIGIR '18 camera-read

    Can Cosmic Parallax Distinguish Between Anisotrophic Cosmologies?

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    In an anisotropic universe, observers not positioned at a point of special symmetry should observe cosmic parallax—the relative angular motion of test galaxies over cosmic time. It was recently argued that the nonobservance of this effect in upcoming precision astrometry missions such as GAIA may be used to place strong bounds on the position of off-center observers in a void-model universe described by the Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi metric. We consider the analogous effect in anisotropic cosmological models described by an axisymmetric homogeneous Bianchi type I metric and discuss whether any observation of cosmic parallax would distinguish between different anisotropic evolutions

    TLR ligand-induced podosome disassembly in dendritic cells is ADAM17 dependent

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    Toll-like receptor (TLR) signaling induces a rapid reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton in cultured mouse dendritic cells (DC), leading to enhanced antigen endocytosis and a concomitant loss of filamentous actin–rich podosomes. We show that as podosomes are lost, TLR signaling induces prominent focal contacts and a transient reduction in DC migratory capacity in vitro. We further show that podosomes in mouse DC are foci of pronounced gelatinase activity, dependent on the enzyme membrane type I matrix metalloprotease (MT1-MMP), and that DC transiently lose the ability to degrade the extracellular matrix after TLR signaling. Surprisingly, MMP inhibitors block TLR signaling–induced podosome disassembly, although stimulated endocytosis is unaffected, which demonstrates that the two phenomena are not obligatorily coupled. Podosome disassembly caused by TLR signaling occurs normally in DC lacking MT1-MMP, and instead requires the tumor necrosis factor α–converting enzyme ADAM17 (a disintegrin and metalloprotease 17), which demonstrates a novel role for this “sheddase” in regulating an actin-based structure

    Latent Structure in Collaboration: the Case of Reddit r/place

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    Many Web platforms rely on user collaboration to generate high-quality content: Wiki, Q&A communities, etc. Understanding and modeling the different collaborative behaviors is therefore critical. However, collaboration patterns are difficult to capture when the relationships between users are not directly observable, since they need to be inferred from the user actions. In this work, we propose a solution to this problem by adopting a systemic view of collaboration. Rather than modeling the users as independent actors in the system, we capture their coordinated actions with embedding methods which can, in turn, identify shared objectives and predict future user actions. To validate our approach, we perform a study on a dataset comprising more than 16M user actions, recorded on the online collaborative sandbox Reddit r/place. Participants had access to a drawing canvas where they could change the color of one pixel at every fixed time interval. Users were not grouped in teams nor were given any specific goals, yet they organized themselves into a cohesive social fabric and collaborated to the creation of a multitude of artworks. Our contribution in this paper is multi-fold: i) we perform an in-depth analysis of the Reddit r/place collaborative sandbox, extracting insights about its evolution over time; ii) we propose a predictive method that captures the latent structure of the emergent collaborative efforts; and iii) we show that our method provides an interpretable representation of the social structure

    Takin' it to the streets: the politics of Wilmington's black working class women

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    From 1880 to 1898 the working class black women of Wilmington, North Carolina forged a politics of recognition in the city streets by asserting their own terms of womanhood and demanding protection. However, during this period these women were labeled “disorderly” in The Wilmington Morning Star. Assessing the politics of the city’s working class black women required evaluating the hidden transcript of the “disorderly” reports. Additionally, also exploring the public transcript of the reports revealed the advantages a white press gained in portraying such an unruly image of the women. While these accounts lacked a direct perspective from the working class black women themselves, interpreting the hidden transcript offered the opportunity to find their political voice

    Identifying Fecal Pollution Sources through Antibiotic Resistance Analysis (ARA): Sand River, Aiken County, SC

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    2012 S.C. Water Resources Conference - Exploring Opportunities for Collaborative Water Research, Policy and Managemen

    Dynamic versus thermodynamic approach to non-canonical equilibrium

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    We study the dynamic and thermodynamic origin of non-canonical equilibria, and we discuss their connection with the generalized central limit theorem and the micro-canonical Boltzmann principle. We reach the conclusion that the zeroth law of thermodynamics and the Boltzmann principle are fulfilled thanks to an apparent fault turned into a benefit: the dynamic approach can only produce a truncated form of inverse power law equilibrium.Comment: submit to Physica

    The practices and beliefs of dental professionals regarding the management of patients taking anticoagulant and antiplatelet drugs

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    AIM: This study aimed to inform the implementation of the updated Scottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Programme (SDCEP) guidance, ‘Management of Dental Patients taking Anticoagulant or Antiplatelet Drugs’, and to determine training needs by investigating dental professionals’ current practice and beliefs regarding management of patients taking these medications. METHODS: Dental professionals were recruited via the NHS Education for Scotland Portal. The online questionnaire collected demographic information, data on current practice and information about beliefs regarding behaviours related to the management of patients on anticoagulant or antiplatelet medication. Quantitative data were analysed using SPSS and subjected to frequency calculations, t-tests, one-way ANOVA and linear regression. Qualitative data were collected via free text boxes and analysed using thematic analysis. RESULTS: One hundred and fifty-seven participants responded to the questionnaire. The majority of respondents stated they were aware of the guidance and always based their practice on it. The majority of respondents always assessed the patient’s individual bleeding risk prior to dental procedures. Most respondents felt that they did not know how to appropriately manage patients taking low doses of low molecular weight heparins (LMWH), and only 38% of respondents always followed SDCEP guidance about direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC) medication and procedures with a low associated risk of bleeding. DISCUSSION: This study demonstrates a need for further educational support surrounding LMWHs and management of patients on DOAC medication. Time and remuneration represent barriers to guidance implementation in primary care. CONCLUSION: There is good awareness and adherence to the guidance in primary care settings, however training needs were identified to support implementation

    Spanning Trees and bootstrap reliability estimation in correlation based networks

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    We introduce a new technique to associate a spanning tree to the average linkage cluster analysis. We term this tree as the Average Linkage Minimum Spanning Tree. We also introduce a technique to associate a value of reliability to links of correlation based graphs by using bootstrap replicas of data. Both techniques are applied to the portfolio of the 300 most capitalized stocks traded at New York Stock Exchange during the time period 2001-2003. We show that the Average Linkage Minimum Spanning Tree recognizes economic sectors and sub-sectors as communities in the network slightly better than the Minimum Spanning Tree does. We also show that the average reliability of links in the Minimum Spanning Tree is slightly greater than the average reliability of links in the Average Linkage Minimum Spanning Tree.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure
