119 research outputs found

    Remiksimist, kirjaoskust ja loovust kĂ€sitleva teaduskirjanduse analĂŒĂŒtiline ĂŒlevaade

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    Loovust on hakatud pidama riikide majanduskasvu vĂ”tmeteguriks, mis tagab ĂŒhiskonnas toimetuleku ja mille abil tagatakse isiklik vĂ”i ĂŒhiskondlik heaolu. Seda silmas pidades on mĂ”istlik sĂŒveneda loovuse kĂ€situsse ja praktilisse olemusse ning uurida nende seostamise vĂ”imalusi hariduse kontekstis. Olukord koolides on mahukate uurimistulemuste pĂ”hjal koolivĂ€lise tegelikkusega teravas vastuolus, sest vĂ€he vĂ”etakse arvesse inimeste loomingulisust ja suurt kujutlusvĂ”imet tĂ€henduste loomisel, mille ĂŒks vĂ€ljendusvorme on remiksimine. Artikli eesmĂ€rk on anda ĂŒlevaade olemasolevatest ingliskeelsetest uurimustest, milles kĂ€sitletakse digitaalset remiksimist ja kirjaoskust, ning selgitada vĂ€lja mustrid, mis nĂ€itavad, kuidas tavalised inimesed on ennast loominguliselt vĂ€ljendanud. AnalĂŒĂŒtilise ĂŒlevaate koostamisel uuriti viimase kahe kĂŒmnendi jooksul inglise keeles ilmunud empiirilisi publikatsioone ning koostati ĂŒlevaade avaldatud teadusartiklitest koolivĂ€lise remiksimise ja kirjaoskuse kohta. Uurimise kĂ€igus selgitati vĂ€lja need loominguliste pĂŒĂŒdluste ja tĂ€henduste loomise viisid, millest koolipedagoogika saaks midagi kasulikku Ă”ppida. Ühtlasi vaadeldi, kuidas digitaalset remiksimist ja kirjaoskust on uuritud. KĂ”igis 36 analĂŒĂŒsitud uurimuses rĂ”hutati, et lĂ€henemine loovusele kui sĂŒgavalt sotsiaalsele nĂ€htusele aitab vastu seista kasulikkust taga ajavatele lĂ€henemisviisidele. Uurimustes vaatluse all olnud remiksitud tööd nĂ€itavad teadlikku loovuse arendamise pĂŒĂŒdlust, mis vĂ”ib aidata inimestel loominguliselt hakkama saada vĂ”i reageerida kiiretele muutustele ning ĂŒhiskondlikele, riiklikele ja keskkondlikele probleemidele praegu ja tulevikus, luues ja sĂ€ilitades samal ajal suhteid suurte vahemaade ja erinevuste kiuste.   Full tex

    Nuevas alfabetizaciones: tecnologĂ­as y valores

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    It is too easy to make light of ‘new literacies’ by saying things like: “Well, there are always newer ones coming along”. Such remarks suggest new literacies have a similar kind of life trajectory to an automobile: new in 2009, semi-new in 2010, and old hat by 2011. Against this kind of “that’s so yesterday” perspective, we suggest in this article that ‘new literacies’ are best understood in terms of an historical period of social, cultural, institutional, economic, and intellectual change that is likely to span many decades – some of which are already behind us. We associate new literacies with an historical conjuncture and an ascending social paradigm. From this perspective we suggest that the kinds of practices we currently identify as new literacies will cease to be ‘new’ once the social ways characterizing the ascending paradigm have become sufficiently establised and grounded to be regarded as conventional. Furthermore we suggest that at the heart of the idea of new ethos stuff is the idea of technological change aligning with a range of increasingly popular values.Pensar en las “nuevas alfabetizaciones” con afirmaciones del tipo “seguro que algo mĂĄs nuevo estĂĄ al caer” es un recurso fĂĄcil, que asimila la trayectoria de las nuevas alfabetizaciones a la de un coche: nuevo en 2009, seminuevo en 2010 y un usado en 2011. Frente a esta perspectiva de “eso ya pasĂł de moda”, en este artĂ­culo proponemos abordar las “nuevas alfabetizaciones” como parte de un periodo de cambios sociales, culturales, econĂłmicos e intelectuales cuyo inicio se remonta varias dĂ©cadas en el tiempo. Desde esta perspectiva sugerimos que “las nuevas alfabetizaciones", entendidas como paradigma social emergente, forman parte de una coyuntura histĂłrica. A su vez sostenemos que este conjunto de nuevas prĂĄcticas dejarĂĄn de ser “novedosas” cuando los estilos sociales que caracterizan este paradigma emergente se hayan incorporado al quehacer cotidiano, hasta el punto de que se den por sabidos o se consideren “normales”, pasando a formar parte de las alfabetizaciones convencionales. Por añadidura, consideramos que en el epicentro del nuevo ethos yace la idea de un cambio tecnolĂłgico, identificado con un serie de valores cada vez mĂĄs populares

    ‘New’ literacies: technologies and values

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    It is too easy to make light of ‘new literacies’ by saying things like: “Well, there are always newer ones coming along”. Such remarks suggest new literacies have a similar kind of life trajectory to an automobile: new in 2009, semi-new in 2010, and old hat by 2011. Against this kind of “that’s so yesterday” perspective, we suggest in this article that ‘new literacies’ are best understood in terms of an historical period of social, cultural, institutional, economic, and intellectual change that is likely to span many decades – some of which are already behind us. We associate new literacies with an historical conjuncture and an ascending social paradigm. From this perspective we suggest that the kinds of practices we currently identify as new literacies will cease to be ‘new’ once the social ways characterizing the ascending paradigm have become sufficiently establised and grounded to be regarded as conventional. Furthermore we suggest that at the heart of the idea of new ethos stuff is the idea of technological change aligning with a range of increasingly popular values.It is too easy to make light of ‘new literacies’ by saying things like: “Well, there are always newer ones coming along”. Such remarks suggest new literacies have a similar kind of life trajectory to an automobile: new in 2009, semi-new in 2010, and old hat by 2011. Against this kind of “that’s so yesterday” perspective, we suggest in this article that ‘new literacies’ are best understood in terms of an historical period of social, cultural, institutional, economic, and intellectual change that is likely to span many decades – some of which are already behind us. We associate new literacies with an historical conjuncture and an ascending social paradigm. From this perspective we suggest that the kinds of practices we currently identify as new literacies will cease to be ‘new’ once the social ways characterizing the ascending paradigm have become sufficiently establised and grounded to be regarded as conventional. Furthermore we suggest that at the heart of the idea of new ethos stuff is the idea of technological change aligning with a range of increasingly popular values

    New literacies: everyday practices and social learning, 3rd edition

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    The new edition of this popular book takes a fresh look at what it means to think of literacies as social practices. The book explores what is distinctively 'new' within a range of currently popular everyday ways of generating, communicating and negotiating meanings. Revised, updated and significantly reconceptualised throughout, the book includes: * Closer analysis of new literacies in terms of active collaboration * A timely discussion of using wikis and other collaborative online writing resources * Updated and expanded accounts of digital remix and blogging practices * An explanation of social learning and collaborative platforms for social learning * A fresh focus on online social networking * A new batch of discussion questions and stimulus activities The importance of social learning for becoming proficient in many new literacy practices, and the significance of new media for expanding the reach and potential of social learning are discussed in the final part of the book. New Literacies 3/e concludes by describing empirical cases of social learning approaches mediated by collaborative learning platforms. This book is essential reading for students and academics within literacy studies, cultural or communication studies and education

    Digital literacy and digital literacies: policy, pedagogy and research considerations for education

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    [English abstract] «Digital literacy» is increasingly being identified as a formal educational goal. While mainstream definitions vary in detail, the scope and meaning of digital literacy are rarely seen as problematic. This paper argues that typical mainstream accounts of digital literacy are seriously flawed. Rather than conceiving digital literacy as some unitary phenomenon it is better to think in terms of diverse digital literacies. The paper concludes by identifying some implications of this argument for educational policy, pedagogy and research. [Scandinavian abstract] «Digital literacy» er i stadig stÞrre grad uttrykt som et utdanningspolitisk mÄl. PopulÊre definisjoner varierer i innhold, men mÄlsettingen for begrepet er sjelden problematisert. Denne artikkelen diskuterer «digital literacy» ut fra en forstÄelse om at begrepet ikke er lukket, entydig og selvforklarende. Snarere enn Ä forstÄ «digital literacy» som et enhetlig fenomen, er det bedre Ä tenke seg et spekter av «digital literacies». Artikkelen konkluderer med Ä synliggjÞre dette argumentets mulige implikasjoner for utdanningspolitikk, pedagogikk og forskning

    From the Special Issue Editors

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    What’s to be learned? A Review of Sociocultural Digital Literacies Research within Pre-service Teacher Education

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    This circumscribed review analyzes recent sociocultural, qualitative research in digital literacies within pre-service teacher education. It focuses on what teacher educators are doing with respect to working with pre-service teacher education students and digital literacies conceived more in terms of social practices than as proficiency in using education technology tools. Analysis suggests digital literacies within pre-service teacher education are typically linked to out-of-school practices in order to help facilitate student teachers\u27 take-up of digital literacies in their own classrooms. The studies also suggest that projects that encourage and support collaboration are well received by pre-service teachers and seem to result in fruitful learning

    Technology and Equity in Schooling: Deconstructing the Digital Divide

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    This qualitative study compared the availability of, access to, and use of new technologies in a group of low- and high-socioeconomic status (SES) California high schools. Although student-computer ratios in the schools were similar, the social contexts of computer use differed, with low-SES schools affected by uneven human support networks, irregular home access to computers by students, and pressure to raise school test scores while addressing the needs of large numbers of English learners. These differences were expressed within three main patterns of technology access and use, labeled performativity, workability, and complexity, each of which shaped schools\u27 efforts to deploy new technologies for academic preparation

    SmileAtMe: rating and recommending funny images via smile detection

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    In this paper, we propose an Android-based assistance system called SmileAtMe which uses smile detection as a means of direct interaction in order to rate meme images. A smartphone's front camera captures the user's face while they are interacting with the application on the device. A system evaluation uncovered that users fully understand how the application uses smile detection to rate images. The users attested that the automatic reaction classification works well. However, several of them were uncomfortable with the idea of being observed by their smartphone

    Learning and being as cultural producers in online fan-based remix affinity spaces

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    This chapter will explore some dimensions of participation by young people within new kinds of structures and settings for collaborative endeavour built around shared interests and causes. These new kinds of structures and settings are what James Gee (2007) calls affinity spaces, of which there are many kinds. The kinds of online affinity spaces we will be concerned with here are ones that support and showcase cultural production on the part of fans of popular cultural icons and artifacts. These are fans who enact their “fandom” by remixing original material through acts of writing fanfiction, creating fan art, and producing multimedia artifacts that combine music, images, text, and other media in varying proportions. We will argue that such activity has some interesting and important implications for understanding relationships between learning, identity and power from an educational perspective
