43 research outputs found

    Laser induced strong-field ionization gas jet tomography

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    We introduce a novel in-situ strong field ionization tomography approach for characterizing the spatial density distribution of gas jets. We show that for typical intensities in high harmonic generation experiments, the strong field ionization mechanism used in our approach provides an improvement in the resolution close to factor of 2 (resolving about 8 times smaller voxel volume), when compared to linear/single-photon imaging modalities. We find, that while the depth of scan in linear tomography is limited by resolution loss due to the divergence of the driving laser beam, in the proposed approach the depth of focus is localized due to the inherent physical nature of strong-field interaction and discuss implications of these findings. We explore key aspects of the proposed method and compare it with commonly used single- and multi-photon imaging mechanisms. The proposed method will be particularly useful for strong field and attosecond science experiments.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Studying the universality of field induced tunnel ionization times via high-order harmonic spectroscopy

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    High-harmonics generation spectroscopy is a promising tool for resolving electron dynamics and structure in atomic and molecular systems. This scheme, commonly described by the strong field approximation, requires a deep insight into the basic mechanism that leads to the harmonics generation. Recently, we have demonstrated the ability to resolve the first stage of the process -- field induced tunnel ionization -- by adding a weak perturbation to the strong fundamental field. Here we generalize this approach and show that the assumptions behind the strong field approximation are valid over a wide range of tunnel ionization conditions. Performing a systematic study -- modifying the fundamental wavelength, intensity and atomic system -- we observed a good agreement with quantum path analysis over a range of Keldysh parameters. The generality of this scheme opens new perspectives in high harmonics spectroscopy, holding the potential of probing large, complex molecular systems.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Effects of axial torsion on sp carbon atomic nanowires

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    Ab-initio calculations within Density Functional Theory combined with experimental Raman spectra on cluster-beam deposited pure carbon films provide a consistent picture of sp-carbon chains stabilized by sp^3 or sp^2 terminations, the latter being sensitive to torsional strain. This unexplored effect promises many exciting applications since it allows one to modify the conductive states near the Fermi level and to switch on and off the on-chain pi-electron magnetism.Comment: in print in Phys Rev Let

    sp hybridization in free carbon nanoparticles-presence and stability observed by near edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy

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    The presence and stability of sp hybridized atoms in free carbon nanoparticles was investigated by NEXAFS spectroscopy. The experiments show that a predominant fraction of carbon atoms is found in linear sp-chains and that conversion into sp(2) structures proceeds already at low temperature and in the gas phase

    The role of the partner atom and resonant excitation energy in ICD in rare gas dimers

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    We show experimental evidence for Interatomic Coulombic Decay (ICD) in mixed rare gas dimers following resonant Auger decay. A velocity map imaging apparatus together with a cooled supersonic beam containing Ar2, ArNe and ArKr dimers was used to record electron VMI images in coincidence with two mass selected ions following excitation on five resonances converging to the Ar+ 2p−11/2 and 2p−13/2 thresholds using the synchrotron radiation. The results show that the kinetic energy distribution of the ICD electrons observed in coincidence with the ions from Coulomb explosion of the dimers depends on the partner ion and resonant photon energy

    Generation of ultrashort pulses by four wave mixing in a gas-filled hollow core fiber

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    The four wave mixing (FWM) process is widely exploited for the generation of tunable ultrashort light pulses. Usually this process is driven in bulk materials, which are however prone to optical damage at high pump laser intensities. A tunable source of ultrashort 10 mu J level pulses in the visible spectral region is described here. In particular, we report on the implementation of FWM driven by a two-color ultrafast laser pulse inside a gas-filled hollow core fiber (HCF). Due to the high-damage threshold and the long interaction distance, the HCF-based FWM configuration proves to be suitable for high-energy applications. Moreover, this technique can be potentially used for ultrashort pulses generation within a wide range of spectral regions; a discussion on the possibility to extend our scheme to the generation of few-cycle mid-IR pulse is provided

    Carbon and Nitrogen K-Edge NEXAFS Spectra of Indole, 2,3-Dihydro-7-azaindole, and 3-Formylindole

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    The near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectra of indole, 2,3-dihydro-7-azaindole, and 3-formylindole in the gas phase have been measured at the carbon and nitrogen K-edges. The spectral features have been interpreted based on density functional theory (DFT) calculations within the transition potential (TP) scheme, which is accurate enough for a general description of the measured C 1s NEXAFS spectra as well as for the assignment of the most relevant features. For the nitrogen K-edge, the agreement between experimental data and theoretical spectra calculated with TP-DFT was not quite satisfactory. This discrepancy was mainly attributed to the many-body effects associated with the excitation of the core electron, which are better described using the time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) with the range-separated hybrid functional CAM-B3LYP. An assignment of the measured N 1s NEXAFS spectral features has been proposed together with a complete description of the observed resonances. Intense transitions from core levels to unoccupied antibonding π* states as well as several transitions with mixed-valence/Rydberg or pure Rydberg character have been observed in the C and N K-edge spectra of all investigated indoles

    Fast stabilization of a high-energy ultrafast OPA with adaptive lenses

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    The use of fast closed-loop adaptive optics has improved the performance of optical systems since its first application. Here we demonstrate the amplitude and carrier-envelope phase stabilization of a high energy IR optical parametric amplifier devoted to Attosecond Science exploiting two high speed adaptive optical systems for the correction of static and dynamic instabilities. The exploitation of multi actuator adaptive lenses allowed for a minimal impact on the optical setup