1,161 research outputs found

    Water services in Italy: implementation of the reform and efficiency of providers

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    The paper investigates the organization of the Italian water sector in the light of the reforms of public utilities. The aim is to examine the degree of implementation of the water sector reform (the so-called Galli Law of 1994) and assess the performance of operators through a study of their financial indicators and a non-parametric efficiency analysis. The information sources include two Bank of Italy surveys carried out in 2007 on local public water authorities and local water service providers. Financial indicators point to a low return on equity: for more than half of the firms it is lower than the risk-free interest rate. The non-parametric efficiency analysis does not reveal significant economies of scope and highlights a certain degree of variability of technical efficiency scores. This suggests that there is room for efficiency gains through the introduction of comparative competitive mechanisms such as the yardstick competition.water supply, data envelopment analysis, public utilities, natural monopoly, regulation

    Perché le imprese ricorrono al factoring? Il caso dell'Italia.

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    In this paper we examine the main aspects of Italian factoring market and its evolution during last two decades. Moreover, we analyze the characteristics of firms accessing this kind of financing. In Italy factoring market size is the third in the world in absolute terms (amount of turnover), after U.K. and U.S., and the first one in relative terms (turnover to GDP ratio). This diffusion is related to the widespread use of postponed payment in commercial transaction, giving rise to a large amount of trade credit. At the end of 2002, financial factors market share was about two third. The remaining part was referred to industrial factors, that are specialized in “indirect” factoring, i.e. providing external funding to suppliers of the industrial group companies. This is an Italian market peculiarity owed to the opportunity for the debtor to prevent the trade credit to be transferred without his agreement. Firms accessing factoring show a greater financial pressure: the higher the leverage and the lower the cash flow and liquidity indicators, the higher is the probability to factor accounts receivable. The role of financial hypothesis in explaining the factoring choice is weaker for industrial factors customers, for which commercial reasons seem to be prevalent.Factoring, Fabbisogno finanziario, Credito commerciale

    biomarcatori delle malattie neurodegenerative

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    In questo lavoro verranno trattate le malattie neuro degenerative dal punto di vista generale ed in maniera piu' particolareggiata la malattia di Alzheimer, che rientra nella categoria delle “demenze”, ed il morbo di Parkinson appartenente ai “disordini del movimento”. Di queste due patologie verranno approfonditi gli aspetti etio-patogenetici ed anatomo-patologici con particolare attenzione rivolta allo studio dei biomarcatori specifici utili ai fini diagnostici e prognostici. L' obiettivo della ricerca scientifica è quello di ottenere biomarcatori ad elevato valore predittivo e prognostico in grado cioè di predire una patologia e di seguirne l' evoluzione nel tempo. Ad oggi vi è tuttavia una carenza di tali biomarcatori, il che condiziona il successo degli interventi terapeutici. Infine vi è carenza di biomarcatori clinici utili ad identificare individui a rischio durante la fase prodromica della malattia. Verranno trattati inoltre i metodi identificativi come l' analisi del fluido cerebro-spinale ( CSF ) e del siero, la risonanza magnetica nucleare ( RMN ) e la tomografia ad emissione di positroni ( PET ). Da ultimo verranno presentati due studi recenti ( maggio 2016 ) che riguardano nuove ipotesi patogenetiche e diagnostiche riferite al morbo di Parkinson

    Lending organizational structure and the use of credit scoring: evidence from a survey on Italian banks

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    This paper examines the results of a survey carried out in 2007 by the Bank of Italy concerning different characteristics of the organization of lending activities. Between 2003 and 2006 the physical distance between the headquarters and the branches increased, the limits to the decision-making process of loan officers were eased, their mobility raised and the use of economic incentives to reward their activity expanded. The huge heterogeneity in organizational structures persists even within relatively homogenous size classes. The diffusion of statistical models to assess credit risk (scoring), accelerated recently particularly among large banks, boosted by the new Basel Capital Accord. Scoring is either very important or determinant in decisions on credit extension while it is rarely influential in setting interest rates, the duration of the credit and the amount and type of collateral required. The survey shows that banks have been progressively adapting their organizational structure in order to incorporate the credit scoring tools into their lending processes.banking organization, distance, power delegation, credit scoring, relationship lending, technology diffusion

    2,3-Thienoimide-ended oligothiophenes as ambipolar semiconductors for multifunctional single-layer light-emitting transistors

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    In view of developing multifunctional OLETs, 2,3-thienoimide-ended oligothiophenes are proposed as ideal candidates to effectively ensure good ambipolar field-effect mobility, self-assembly capability and high luminescence in solid state

    An open pilot study of zonisamide augmentation in major depressive patients not responding to a low dose trial with duloxetine: preliminary results on tolerability and clinical effects

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    Background: Despite multiple antidepressant options, major depressive disorder (MDD) still faces high non-response rates, eventually requiring anticonvulsant augmentation strategies too. The aim of this study was to explore such a potential role for zonisamide.Methods: A total of 40 MDD outpatients diagnosed using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders, fourth edition criteria entered a 24 week open trial receiving duloxetine 60 mg/day for the first 12 weeks and subsequently (weeks 12 to 24) augmentation with zonisamide 75 mg/day if they did not respond to the initial monotherapy. Efficacy and tolerability were assessed using the Hamilton Scales for Anxiety and Depression (a 12 week score 6550% vs baseline defined 'non-response'), the Arizona Sexual Experience Scale, the Patient Rated Inventory of Side Effects and the Young Mania Rating Scale.Results: At week 12, 15 patients out of 39 (38.5%) were responders, and 1 had dropped out; remarkably, 14 patients out of 24 (58.3%) had achieved response by week 24. Poor concentration and general malaise were associated with non-response both at week 12 and 24 (P = 0.001), while loss of libido and reduced energy were prominent among final timepoint non-responders. Patients receiving zonisamide also experienced weight reduction (2.09 \ub1 12.14 kg; P = 0.001) independently of the outcome.Conclusions: Although only a preliminary study due to strong methodological limitations, and thus requiring confirmation by further controlled investigations, the current results indicate zonisamide may be a potential augmentation option for some depressed patients receiving low doses of duloxetine. \ua9 2011 Fornaro et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Improved Performance of Organic Light-Emitting Transistors Enabled by Polyurethane Gate Dielectric

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    Organic light-emitting transistors (OLETs) are multifunctional optoelectronic devices that combine in a single structure the advantages of organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) and organic field-effect transistors (OFETs). However, low charge mobility and high threshold voltage are critical hurdles to practical OLETs implementation. This work reports on the improvements obtained by using polyurethane films as dielectric layer material in place of the standard poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) in OLET devices. It was found that polyurethane drastically reduces the number of traps in the device thereby improving electrical and optoelectronic device parameters. In addition, a model was developed to rationalize an anomalous behavior at the pinch-off voltage. Our findings represent a step forward to overcome the limiting factors of OLETs that prevent their use in commercial electronics by providing a simple route for low-bias device operation.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Beyond the 2D Field‐Effect Charge Transport Paradigm in Molecular Thin‐Film Transistors

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    Organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) are considered almost purely interfacial devices with charge current mainly confined in the first two semiconducting layers in contact with the dielectric with no active role of the film thickness exceeding six to eight monolayers (MLs). By a combined electronic, morphological, structural, and theoretical investigation, it is demonstrated that the charge mobility and source–drain current in 2,20-(2,20-bithiophene-5,50-diyl)bis(5-butyl-5H-thieno[2,3-c]pyrrole-4,6)-dione (NT4N) organic transistors directly correlate with the out-of-plane domain size and crystallite orientation in the vertical direction, well beyond the dielectric interfacial layers. Polycrystalline films with thickness as high as 75 nm (≈30 MLs) and 3D molecular architecture provide the best electrical and optoelectronic OFET characteristics, highlighting that the molecular orientational order in the bulk of the film is the key-enabling factor for optimum device performance. X-ray scattering analysis and multiscale simulations reveal the functional correlation between the thickness-dependent molecular packing, electron mobility, and vertical charge distribution. These results call for a broader view of the fundamental mechanisms that govern field-effect charge transport in OFETs beyond the interfacial 2D paradigm and demonstrate the unexpected role of the out-of-plane domain size and crystallite orientation in polycrystalline films to achieve optimum electronic and optoelectronic properties in organic transistors

    Disciplinary problems among high achiever students: the types and the causes

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    This qualitative study has been done to 24 teachers and 72 students from various secondary schools in Penang, Malaysia, in order to investigate the effect of between class ability grouping (BCAG) on high achiever secondary school students. Studies reported that BCAG triggered correspondence bias among teachers, which eventually affect them to show different perception and expectations towards high achiever classes (HAC) and low achiever classes (LAC) students. Symbolic interaction theories explained that individuals tend to be affected by others’ expectation, and therefore behave in a way they were expected to. Therefore, according to the previous studies on BCAG, it was assumed that HAC students would achieve better and would not be significantly involved in disciplinary problems. After semi-structured interview had been conducted in order to collect the data, and two-cycled analyses method, namely In-Vivo and Thematic Analyses had been operated in order to analyze the massive amount of qualitative data, the it was discovered that HAC students were involved with disciplinary problems, such as being disrespectful to teachers, paying less attention in the classroom, neglecting assignments and doing external work during classes. Other findings of this study showed that the disciplinary problems among HAC are related to their self-esteem types due to locus of control difference, as well as bigger issues apart from the competition among themselves. School management system, BCAG itself, reciprocal envy between HAC and LAC students, as well as their inclination towards tuition centers contributed to disciplinary problems among HAC students