1,673 research outputs found

    Prediction of novel interface-driven spintronic effects

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    The recently-proposed coupling between the angular momentum density and magnetic moment [A. Raeliarijaona et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 137205 (2013)] is shown here to result in the prediction of (i) novel spin currents generated by an electrical current and (ii) new electrical currents induced by a spin current in systems possessing specific interfaces between two different materials. Some of these spin (electrical) currents can be reversed near the interface by reversing the applied electrical (spin) current. Similarities and differences between these novel spintronic effects and the well-known spin Hall and inverse spin Hall effects are also discussed.Comment: Accepted in J. Phys.::Condens. Matte

    Comparative Measurements of Inverse Spin Hall and Magnetoresistance in YIG|Pt and YIG|Ta

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    We report on a comparative study of spin Hall related effects and magnetoresistance in YIG|Pt and YIG|Ta bilayers. These combined measurements allow to estimate the characteristic transport parameters of both Pt and Ta layers juxtaposed to YIG: the spin mixing conductance G↑↓G_{\uparrow \downarrow} at the YIG∣|normal metal interface, the spin Hall angle ΘSH\Theta_{SH}, and the spin diffusion length λsd\lambda_{sd} in the normal metal. The inverse spin Hall voltages generated in Pt and Ta by the pure spin current pumped from YIG excited at resonance confirm the opposite signs of spin Hall angles in these two materials. Moreover, from the dependence of the inverse spin Hall voltage on the Ta thickness, we extract the spin diffusion length in Ta, found to be λsdTa=1.8±0.7\lambda_{sd}^\text{Ta}=1.8\pm0.7 nm. Both the YIG|Pt and YIG|Ta systems display a similar variation of resistance upon magnetic field orientation, which can be explained in the recently developed framework of spin Hall magnetoresistance.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Detection of the microwave spin pumping using the inverse spin Hall effect

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    We report electrical detection of the dynamical part of the spin pumping current emitted during ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) using the inverse Spin Hall Effect (ISHE). The experiment is performed on a YIG∣|Pt bilayer. The choice of YIG, a magnetic insulator, ensures that no charge current flows between the two layers and only pure spin current produced by the magnetization dynamics are transferred into the adjacent strong spin-orbit Pt layer via spin pumping. To avoid measuring the parasitic eddy currents induced at the frequency of the microwave source, a resonance at half the frequency is induced using parametric excitation in the parallel geometry. Triggering this nonlinear effect allows to directly detect on a spectrum analyzer the microwave component of the ISHE voltage. Signals as large as 30 μ\muV are measured for precession angles of a couple of degrees. This direct detection provides a novel efficient means to study magnetization dynamics on a very wide frequency range with great sensitivity

    Fabrication and structural characterization of highly ordered sub-100-nm planar magnetic nanodot arrays over 1 cm2 coverage area

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    Porous alumina masks are fabricated by anodization of aluminum films grown on both semiconducting and insulating substrates. For these self-assembled alumina masks, pore diameters and periodicities within the ranges of 10–130 and 20–200nm, respectively, can be controlled by varying anodization conditions. 20nm periodicities correspond to pore densities in excess of 1012 per square inch, close to the holy grail of media with 1Tbit∕in.2 density. With these alumina masks, ordered sub-100-nm planar ferromagnetic nanodot arrays covering over 1cm2 were fabricated by electron beam evaporation and subsequent mask lift-off. Moreover, exchange-biased bilayer nanodots were fabricated using argon-ion milling. The average dot diameter and periodicity are tuned between 25 and 130nm and between 45 and 200nm, respectively. Quantitative analyses of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of pore and dot arrays show a high degree of hexagonal ordering and narrow size distributions. The dot periodicity obtained from grazi..

    Terahertz wave generation via optical rectification from multiferroic BiFeO3

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    We detected broadband coherent terahertz (THz) emission from multiferroic BiFeO3 after illuminating a high-quality bulk single ferroelectric domain crystal with a ~100 fs optical pulse. The dependence of the emitted THz waveform on the energy and polarization of the optical pulse is consistent with the optical rectification mechanism of THz emission. The THz emission provides a sensitive probe of the electric polarization state of BiFeO3, enabling applications in ferroelectric memories and ferroelectric domain imaging. We also report room-temperature THz optical constants of BiFeO3.Comment: accepted for publication in Applied Physics Letter

    Electrical detection of internal dynamical properties of domain walls

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    Bismuth-based perovskites as multiferroics

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    This review devoted to multiferroic properties of Bismuth-based perovskites falls into two parts. The first part focuses on BiFeO3 and summarizes the recent progress made in the studies of its pressure-temperature phase diagram and magnetoelectric coupling phenomena. The second part discusses in a more general way the issue of polar - and multiferroic - phases in BiBO3 perovskites and the competition between ferroelectricity and other structural instabilities, from an inventory of recently synthetized compounds.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, to be published in Comptes Rendus Physiqu

    Ultrafast behavior of induced and intrinsic magnetic moments in CoFeB/Pt bilayers probed by element-specific measurements in the extreme ultraviolet spectral range

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    The ultrafast and element-specific response of magnetic systems containing ferromagnetic 3d transition metals and 4d/5d heavy metals is of interest both from a fundamental as well as an applied research perspective. However, to date no consensus about the main microscopic processes describing the interplay between intrinsic 3d and induced 4d/5d magnetic moments upon femtosecond laser excitation exist. In this work we study the ultrafast response of CoFeB/Pt bilayers by probing element-specific, core-to-valence-band transitions in the extreme ultraviolet spectral range using high harmonic radiation. We show that the combination of magnetic scattering simulations and analysis of the energy- and time-dependent magnetic asymmetries allows us to accurately disentangle the element-specific response in spite of overlapping Co and Fe M2,3 as well as Pt O2,3 and N7 resonances. We find a considerably smaller demagnetization time constant as well as much larger demagnetization amplitudes of the induced moment of Pt compared to the intrinsic moment of CoFeB. Our results are in agreement with enhanced spin-flip probabilities due to the high spin-orbit coupling localized at the heavy metal Pt, as well as with the recently formulated hypothesis that a laser-generated, incoherent magnon population within the ferromagnetic film leads to an overproportional reduction of the induced magnetic moment of Pt
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