9 research outputs found

    HAE international home therapy consensus document

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    Hereditary angioedema (C1 inhibitor deficiency, HAE) is associated with intermittent swellings which are disabling and may be fatal. Effective treatments are available and these are most useful when given early in the course of the swelling. The requirement to attend a medical facility for parenteral treatment results in delays. Home therapy offers the possibility of earlier treatment and better symptom control, enabling patients to live more healthy, productive lives. This paper examines the evidence for patient-controlled home treatment of acute attacks ('self or assisted administration') and suggests a framework for patients and physicians interested in participating in home or self-administration programmes. It represents the opinion of the authors who have a wide range of expert experience in the management of HAE

    Répétition, répétitions : le même et ses avatars dans la culture anglo-américaine

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    Le foret (ou la sonde, ou le trépan) est toujours le même, mais les gisements découverts, les couches, les strates, les filons sont toujours nouveaux, toujours autres. Au terme de chaque avancée ou creusement, on croit le sujet épuisé et l'auteur condamné à se répéter indéfiniment. Mais plus il creuse, plus il fore, et plus jaillit la nouveauté, à la fois semblable à ce qui précède et tout à fait spécifique. La théorie mimétique repose sur un principe reçu comme simple, mais qui permet paradoxalement de mettre au jour la complexité des choses humaines et surtout le paradoxe fondamental de cette complexité, à savoir que l'Autre est aussi essentiellementmon semblable, que l'homme, sitôt né, est affronté à des sortes de doubles qui sont à la fois pour lui jumeaux et étrangers, modèles et rivaux, rivaux entre eux, rivaux par rapport à lui, rivalisés par lui

    Aleph: a detector for electron-positron annihilations at Lep

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    Process-centred Software Engineering Environments (PSEE) are the most recent generation of environments supporting software development activities. Most of PSEE are based on mechanisms promoting enforcement and automation of process activities. In this kind of mechanisms the process models are prescribed in a detailed and complete way. But the experience shows that supporting processes is more concerned with the flexibility of guidance offered during the process performance than with enforcement of a collection of predefined process models. In this paper, we present a solution to support strategic processes in a PSEE by providing a flexible guidance during process enactment

    ALEPH: A detector for electron-positron annihilations at LEP

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    The design, construction and performace of a large 4pi solid angle detector with soleinoidal magnet is described. The detector serves to study electron-positron annihilation processes at a centre of mass energy between 80 and 200 GeV at the Large electron positron storage ring (LEP) at CERN