17 research outputs found

    La contamination du bĂ©luga de l’estuaire du Saint-Laurent par les polluants organiques persistants en revue

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    Le bĂ©luga de l’estuaire du Saint-Laurent (ESL) est une espĂšce menacĂ©e de disparition. L’une des causes contribuant Ă  la prĂ©caritĂ© de cette population serait liĂ©e Ă  son exposition Ă  des composĂ©s chimiques toxiques. Cet article de revue collige l’information publiĂ©e dans la littĂ©rature scientifique sur la contamination des bĂ©lugas de l’estuaire du Saint-Laurent par les polluants organiques persistants (POP). Il discute des paramĂštres et processus qui influencent les concentrations et des tendances temporelles de la contamination observĂ©es chez cette population. Enfin, cet article Ă©value les forces et les limites d’un suivi de la contamination chez le bĂ©luga du SL en tant qu’espĂšce sentinelle de la contamination de son habitat. Entre 1980 et 2007, plus de 20 articles scientifiques ont rapportĂ© la prĂ©sence de divers POP chez le bĂ©luga de l’ESL. Les biphĂ©nyles polychlorĂ©s (BPC) ainsi que le dichlorodiphĂ©nyltrichloroĂ©thane (DDT) et ses produits de transformation ont Ă©tĂ© les composĂ©s les plus frĂ©quemment rapportĂ©s dans les tissus du bĂ©luga de l’ESL. La trĂšs grande majoritĂ© des analyses de contaminants organiques persistants a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e sur des tissus provenant de carcasses de bĂ©lugas Ă©chouĂ©es sur les rives de l’estuaire du Saint-Laurent. Pour les POP dont l’usage est rĂ©glementĂ© au Canada, incluant les BPC et le DDT, la contamination du bĂ©luga de l’ESL est soit dĂ©croissante ou stagnante. Cependant, pour certains composĂ©s Ă©mergents, notamment les polybromodiphĂ©nyles Ă©thers, les concentrations doublent Ă  tous les 2-3 ans dans le gras du bĂ©luga de l’ESL. Les concentrations et des tendances temporelles de la contamination observĂ©es chez cette population sont cependant influencĂ©es par plusieurs facteurs dont le sexe et l’ñge des animaux ainsi que la pĂ©riode durant laquelle ils ont Ă©tĂ© exposĂ©s aux POP. La qualitĂ© et la reprĂ©sentativitĂ© des tissus analysĂ©s ainsi que certains changements dans les mĂ©thodes d’analyses chimiques peuvent affecter les concentrations de POP mesurĂ©es chez le bĂ©luga. Le programme des carcasses de bĂ©lugas de l’ESL constitue un outil prĂ©cieux pour caractĂ©riser la contamination des bĂ©lugas par les POP et en Ă©valuer les tendances temporelles. Le bĂ©luga de l’ESL ne peut ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ© comme un bon indicateur de la dĂ©contamination des POP qui prĂ©valent dans son habitat mais il doit ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ© comme une espĂšce sentinelle de la prĂ©sence de POP bioaccumulables en Ă©mergence dans son habitat.The population of beluga from the St. Lawrence Estuary (SLE) is a wildlife species threatened with extinction. One of the possible causes explaining the current status of the population is its exposure to toxic chemicals. This review paper gathers the published data on the contamination of the SLE belugas by persistent organic pollutants (POP). Parameters and processes influencing the concentrations and the temporal trends of POPs in SLE belugas are discussed. The paper also presents the strengths and limits of monitoring contaminants in the SLE belugas for the population itself and as a sentinel species of its habitat. Between 1980 and 2007, more than 20 scientific papers have reported the presence of a variety of POP in the SLE belugas. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and its metabolites have been the most frequently reported POP in SLE belugas. Most chemical analyses have been done on beluga tissues collected from stranded carcasses. Concentrations of POP that have been regulated in Canada, including PCB and DDT, are decreasing or stable in SLE belugas. However, concentrations of polybrominated diphenyls ethers, an emerging chemical used as flame retardant, are doubling every 2-3 years in beluga blubber. Concentrations and temporal trends of POP in SLE beluga are influenced by several factors such as the age and sex of animals as well as the time period of their exposure. The quality and the representativeness of samples analyzed or changes in analytical methods can also affect concentrations of POP measured in beluga. In addition, regulations on the use of POP but also changes in beluga diet have affected the exposure of beluga to POP in time. The SLE carcass program has been essential in collecting samples and complementary information on beluga in order to characterize POP contamination and temporal trends in this population. Belugas should not be considered as a good bioindicator species of the decrease of POP in its habitat, but they should be considered as a sentinel species of the presence of bioaccumulative emerging POP entering its habitat

    From Sea to Sea: Canada's Three Oceans of Biodiversity

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    Evaluating and understanding biodiversity in marine ecosystems are both necessary and challenging for conservation. This paper compiles and summarizes current knowledge of the diversity of marine taxa in Canada's three oceans while recognizing that this compilation is incomplete and will change in the future. That Canada has the longest coastline in the world and incorporates distinctly different biogeographic provinces and ecoregions (e.g., temperate through ice-covered areas) constrains this analysis. The taxonomic groups presented here include microbes, phytoplankton, macroalgae, zooplankton, benthic infauna, fishes, and marine mammals. The minimum number of species or taxa compiled here is 15,988 for the three Canadian oceans. However, this number clearly underestimates in several ways the total number of taxa present. First, there are significant gaps in the published literature. Second, the diversity of many habitats has not been compiled for all taxonomic groups (e.g., intertidal rocky shores, deep sea), and data compilations are based on short-term, directed research programs or longer-term monitoring activities with limited spatial resolution. Third, the biodiversity of large organisms is well known, but this is not true of smaller organisms. Finally, the greatest constraint on this summary is the willingness and capacity of those who collected the data to make it available to those interested in biodiversity meta-analyses. Confirmation of identities and intercomparison of studies are also constrained by the disturbing rate of decline in the number of taxonomists and systematists specializing on marine taxa in Canada. This decline is mostly the result of retirements of current specialists and to a lack of training and employment opportunities for new ones. Considering the difficulties encountered in compiling an overview of biogeographic data and the diversity of species or taxa in Canada's three oceans, this synthesis is intended to serve as a biodiversity baseline for a new program on marine biodiversity, the Canadian Healthy Ocean Network. A major effort needs to be undertaken to establish a complete baseline of Canadian marine biodiversity of all taxonomic groups, especially if we are to understand and conserve this part of Canada's natural heritage

    Bronzes camerounais anciens

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    Lebeuf Jean-Paul, Hurtel Loïc-Pierre, Menu Michel. Bronzes camerounais anciens. In: Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, tome 82, n°8, 1985. pp. 251-256

    Le concept d’approche Ă©cosystĂ©mique appliquĂ© Ă  l’estuaire du Saint-Laurent (Canada)

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    Depuis plusieurs annĂ©es, le concept d’approche Ă©cosystĂ©mique est avancĂ© mondialement comme une solution possible aux problĂ©matiques de gestion liĂ©es Ă  la dĂ©tĂ©rioration des Ă©cosystĂšmes marins et de leurs ressources dĂ©coulant de l’activitĂ© humaine, incluant les pĂȘches, le dĂ©veloppement industriel, l’aquaculture, etc. Au Canada, le ministĂšre des PĂȘches et des OcĂ©ans a dĂ©veloppĂ© en 2007 plusieurs initiatives scientifiques rĂ©gionales afin de tester diffĂ©rents modĂšles pour l’application d’une telle approche au soutien de la gestion intĂ©grĂ©e de diverses activitĂ©s humaines qui menacent l’intĂ©gritĂ© d’un Ă©cosystĂšme. L’estuaire maritime du Saint-Laurent, dans l’est canadien, a constituĂ© le cadre d’une de ces initiatives de recherche Ă©cosystĂ©mique (IRÉ) qui s’est dĂ©roulĂ©e de 2007 Ă  2012. L’estuaire est une rĂ©gion de forte production biologique exposĂ©e Ă  une vaste gamme de pressions et d’activitĂ©s humaines pouvant avoir un impact dommageable sur son intĂ©gritĂ© et son utilisation durable. Lors d’ateliers de consultations incluant la participation Ă  la fois de scientifiques et des principaux gestionnaires de cette rĂ©gion, deux prioritĂ©s communes ont Ă©tĂ© retenues pour la mise en oeuvre de cette IRÉ, soit : (1) espĂšces fourragĂšres responsables de la prĂ©sence du rorqual bleu dans l’estuaire maritime du Saint-Laurent et (2) caractĂ©risation des habitats frĂ©quentĂ©s par le bĂ©luga du Saint-Laurent. L’objectif gĂ©nĂ©ral de l’IRÉ de l’estuaire du Saint-Laurent Ă©tait de dĂ©velopper un cadre opĂ©rationnel pour la coordination et l’intĂ©gration de projets existants ou des suivis en cours avec des nouveaux projets afin de fournir des informations et des avis scientifiques intĂ©grĂ©s (application de l’approche Ă©cosystĂ©mique) reliĂ©s aux deux prioritĂ©s choisies. Les deux thĂšmes ont abouti Ă  une Ă©valuation scientifique intĂ©grĂ©e documentĂ©e dans des avis Ă  caractĂšre Ă©cosystĂ©mique sur plusieurs enjeux de gestion et objectifs de conservation Ă  l’échelle de l’écosystĂšme. Les rĂ©sultats ont gĂ©nĂ©rĂ© de l’information trĂšs pertinente Ă  la gestion du parc marin Saguenay–Saint-Laurent, la mise en oeuvre de plans de rĂ©tablissement d’espĂšces en pĂ©ril (bĂ©luga, rorqual bleu) et l’établissement attendu d’une zone de protection marine dans la rĂ©gion. L’objectif du manuscrit est de dĂ©crire les Ă©lĂ©ments qui ont justifiĂ© le choix de l’estuaire maritime du Saint-Laurent comme aire d’étude et de prĂ©senter la mise en Ɠuvre et certains rĂ©sultats intĂ©grateurs de l’initiative de recherche Ă©cosystĂ©mique dans cette rĂ©gion.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author