110 research outputs found

    The Factors of Growth of Small Family Businesses: A Robust Estimation of the Behavioral Consistency in the Panel Data Models

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    The paper quantifies the role of factors associated with the growth (or decline) of micro and small businesses in European economies. The growth is related to employment and value added in enterprises as well as to ten institutional variables. We test the data for consistency of behavioural patterns in various countries and gradually remove outlying observations, quite a unique a pproach in the panel data analysis, that can lead to erroneous conclusions when using the classical estimators. In the first part of this paper we outline a highly robust method of estimation based on fixed effects and least trimmed squares (LTS). In its second part we apply this method on the panel data of 28 countries in 2002-2008 testing for the hypothesis that micro and small businesses in Europe use different strategies for their growth. We run a series of econometric tests where we regress employment and total net production in micro and small businesses on three economic factors: gross capital returns, labour cost gaps in small relative to large enterprises and the GDP per capita. In addition, we also test the role of 10 institutional factors in the growth of familty businesses.Family business, robust estimator, LTS, fixed effects

    Energetical fly ashes separation and utilization of metallic valuable components

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    In the contribution, methods of separating metals Fe, Al, Ge from energetic wastes fly ashes are presented along with further possibilities of utilization of particular valuable components for industrial purposes.In the contribution, properties of energetic wastes are presented influencing the contents, separability, and utilizability of metal-bearing valuable components. From among physical properties these are grain size distribution and surface area. Chemical properties are characterized by elements contained in combusted coal whose content after combustion is increased 2 to 4 times, depending on the content of ash and combustible matters in original coal. Mineralogical properties of energetic wastes are determined by the combustion process conditions in the course of which mineral novelties are produced in concentrations suitable for separation.In the contribution, methods of separation and utilization of metals such as Fe, Al, Ge are described. From literature information on the processing of Fe component, as well as from results of experiments made at the Department of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection, Technical University of Kosice follows that the highest concentration and mass yield of the component can be obtained from black coal fly ashes produced in smelting boilers. The content of Al in Slovak energetic wastes is lower than the 30 % Al2O3 limit that conditions an economic technological processing. Only in the case of black coal fly ash from TEKO Kosice and EVO Vojany was the Al2O3 content of 32.93 %. Therefore, in an indirect way by separating the residues of uncombusted coal and magnetite Fe the content of Al in fly ash was increased.For Ge, a principle of selective sizing has been utilized.A complex utilization of energetic wastes, that is the separation of metallic components, elimination of particular metals and the subsequent treatment of nonmetallic residue, should be an effective solution in various industrial areas

    Possibilities of utilization of fly ash from the black coal Power Engineering of the U. S. Steel Košice

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    The paper presents modes of a direct utilization of the fly ash by-product of the combustion of black power coal in the slag - bottom boilers of the Division Plant Power Engineering ( DP PE ) of the U. S. Steel Košice ( next USSK ). The properties of fly ash limit its use in metallurgy and foundry industry. The fly ash is directly utilizable in the metallurgical industry as a component of powder cover mixtures and insulation inserts, heat insulation parts and exothermical mixtures. The most important components in the mixtures are light micro spheres – cenospheres and heavy micro spheres – plerospheres. The micro spheres significantly improve properties of the powder cover mixtures

    Accounts Receivable Insurance as a Credit Management Tool

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    Import 05/08/2014Cílem diplomové práce je charakterizovat pojištění pohledávek a ověřit hypotézu, že pojištění pohledávek je vhodný nástroj úvěrového managementu i pro malé a střední společnosti. Mezi dílčí cíle patří posouzení vhodnosti pojištění pohledávek ve společnosti ABC s.r.o. (fiktivní název) a vymezení českého trhu úvěrového pojištění. V rámci diplomové práce jsou využity metody analýzy, dedukce a syntézy. První kapitola se orientuje na problematiku pohledávek, jejich vznik a zánik, možnosti zajištění a jednotlivé způsoby vymáhání pohledávek. Druhá kapitola se zaměřuje na pojištění pohledávek na českém pojistném trhu. Vymezuje právní úpravu pojištění pohledávek, proces uzavření pojištění a jednotlivé pojistitele úvěrového pojištění. V poslední kapitole je pak na základě teoretických poznatků zhodnoceno, zda je pojištění pohledávek vhodným nástrojem zajištění ve společnosti ABC s.r.o.The aim of the thesis is to characterize accounts receivable insurance and verify the hypothesis that accounts receivable insurance is suitable credit management tool for small and medium-sized companies. The partial aims include review of accounts receivable insurance suitability in the ABC Ltd. company (fictitious name) and definition of Czech credit insurance market. In the thesis are used methods of analysis, deduction and synthesis. The first chapter focuses on the issues of accounts receivable, their appearance and disappearance, the possibility of securing and individual methods of enforcement. The second chapter is directed at accounts receivable insurance on the Czech insurance market. If defines the legal regulation of the accounts receivable insurance, the process of formation of insurance and individual insurers of credit insurance. In the last chapter, there is the evaluation of accounts receivable insurance suitability in the ABC Ltd. company based on the theoretical knowledge.119 - Katedra právavýborn

    Bohumil Hrabal's Too Loud a Solitude in the English Translation

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    Tato diplomová práce pojednává o Hrabalově Příliš hlučné samotě v anglickém překladu a její recepci. Nejprve je stručně popsán Hrabal a jeho tvorba v kontextu tzv. normalizace, s důrazem na novelu Příliš hlučná samota a její tři různé variace. Translatologické analýze předchází pojednání o tom, která z variací textu byla předlohou pro anglický překlad, neboť závěr české Příliš hlučné samoty a závěr anglického překladu se výrazně liší. Příčinu pomohl objasnit francouzský překlad a komentář k němu. Analýza srovnává závěr originálu s anglickým a francouzským překladem, řešení při překladu vlastních jmen a tři vybrané úseky originálu a anglického překladu. V závěru práce je popsána česká a anglická odborná recepce a také neodborné čtenářské hodnocení knihy na internetové stránce Goodreads. Analýza a recepce, respektive zjištěné překladatelské posuny a odlišnosti v recepci jsou hodnoceny z hlediska teorie kulturní manipulace. Hlavním přínosem práce je identifikování předlohy anglického překladu, popis překladatelské metody a zaznamenaných posunů a zhodnocení odlišností českého a anglického čtení Příliš hlučné samoty. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)This thesis is deals with Hrabal's novella Too Loud a Solitude in the English translation and its reception. First, it briefly describes Hrabal's life and work in the context of the co called normalization period in Czechoslovakia, focusing on the novella itself and the three variations of the original Czech text. Before the translation analysis, the possible source text for the translation is discussed since the endings of the Czech text and the English translation are considerably different. The source of the difference was determined by consulting the French translation and related commentary. The analysis compares the ending of the original with the endings of the English and the French translation, translation of proper names and three selected sections of the Czech and the English text. Afterwards, the thesis describes the reception of the novella in Czech and English literature and also readers' reviews at the Goodreads website. The analysis and the reception are assessed on the basis of the theory of cultural manipulation. The most important achievements are: identifying the source text for the English translation, description of translation method and shifts and discussion of differences between the Czech and the English attitude to the novella. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)Institute of Translation StudiesÚstav translatologieFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Integration of environmental approaches to strategy of production enterprises - environmentally oriented quality of production

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    In the paper there are presented system approaches, applied in Slovak transformed production enterprises, which solve questions of closing the so called industrial cycle from the side of the wastes' producers. The production quality is connected not only with the technological chain itself and with outputs from it - the utility product, but also with the load of the life environment.The presented possibilities of the liquidation of solid energetic waste fly ashes represent a an overview of forms and methods of its utilization. By combusting one kind of coal in various boilers, fly ashes with different physical, chemical, and mineralogical properties originate, with the combustion temperature as a dominant factor. The fly ashes are directly (without influencing its composition) applied in civil engineering, mining, metallurgy, waste water cleaning, etc. Their utilization after a separation removal of unwanted components is an economically difficult process. Such a unvaluable component is coal combustion residue, evaluated by the annealing loss (carbon-in-ash loss) in fly ashes used for special procedures in civil enginering, e.g. in mortars (maximally 4% of c.a.s. loss) or in the porous concrete (4-7% of c.a.s. loss). The building industry processes about 20% of solid energetic waste

    Vyplácí se podporovat exportní úvěry?

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    The article deals with the export credit promotion in the Czech Republic. The development and structure of Czech trade and export support is presented first and it is followed by the econometric analysis of the gravity model of Czech trade. The econometric results show that the credit support provided by specialized government agency, Czech Export Bank, has a positive but statistically weak influence on export. The other determinants of the Czech export in our model are GDP, distance, gross fixed capital formation, and policy risk.Credit, Export, Government Support

    Sensory quality of selected types of sweets

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá senzorickým hodnocením vybraných druhů nečokoládových cukrovinek. V teoretické části je popsána technologie výroby nečokoládových cukrovinek, včetně surovin potřebných k jejich výrobě. Dále jsou zde zmíněny základy senzorické analýzy spolu s charakteristikou průběhu senzorického hodnocení a vybraných senzorických metod. Experimentální část se zabývá vlastním senzorickým hodnocením, při kterém byly aplikovány vybrané senzorické metody na vzorky želé cukrovinek. K hodnocení byly vybrány čtyři barvy/příchutě (jahoda, pomeranč, citron, jablko) od pěti různých výrobců, celkem 20 vzorků. Cílem bylo posoudit rozdíly v senzorické kvalitě vzorků stejného typu od různých výrobců. Hodnocení se zúčastnili neškolení hodnotitelé z řad studentů FCH VUT. Mezi vzorky byly nalezeny významné rozdíly, k pozitivnímu hodnocení nejvíce přispíval pěkný lesklý vzhled a příjemná charakteristická chuť, k negativnímu naopak tuhá konzistence, nevýrazná chuť a vůně a příp. přítomnost pachuti.This diploma thesis deals with the sensory evaluation of selected types of non-chocolate sweets. In the theoretical part the production technology of non-chocolate sweets is described, including raw materials needed. Furthermore, basics of sensory analysis with characteristics of sensory evaluation and selected sensory methods are mentioned. The experimental part deals with the sensory evaluation itself; the selected sensory methods were applied on samples of gummy sweets. Four colours/flavours (strawberry, orange, lemon, apple) from five producers were chosen for evaluation, together 20 samples. The aim was to assess the differences in sensory quality of samples of the same type from different producers. Untrained assessors, from Faculty of Chemistry BUT, were invited for sensory evaluations. Significant differences were found among the samples, glossy appearance and pleasant characteristic taste contributed to the positive evaluation, on the contrary the rigid texture, bland taste and odour and possible off-flavour contributed to the negative evaluation.

    The Brownfields solutions within the Czech Republic - Tepna Nachod

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá územím v centru Náchoda po bývalé textilní továrně Tepně, které se nachází na přechodu mezi historickou zástavbou centra a sídlištní zástavbou. Návrh vychází z problémové analýzy a využívá potenciálu místa, jeho limity i kvality. Konceptem je nová městská čtvrt s obytnou blokovou zástavbou doplněnou o občanskou vybavenost a kvalitní veřejná prostranství. V návrhu je zachována stávající budova továrny Bílá Tepna, pro kterou je navrženo nové funkční využití. Návrh je řešen s respektem na charakter místa, návaznost na okolní zástavbu a s důrazem na preferenci pěší dopravy před automobilovou.The diploma thesis follows up the area in the center of Náchod along the former textile factory Tepna, which is located at the transition between the historical center and the housing estate. The proposal is based on problem analysis and uses the potential, limits and quailities of the area. The concept is a new urban quarter with a residential block of buildings complemented by civic amenities and high-quality public spaces. The design preserves the existing building of the Bílá Tepna, for which a new functional use is proposed. The proposal is solved with respect to the character of the place, the connection to the surrounding buildings and the emphasis on the preference of pedestrian traffic over the automobile traffic.

    Apartment building in Brno

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    Bakalářská práce vychází z ateliérového projektu obytných staveb. Stavební parcela se nachází na rovinatém terénu v městské zástavbě a je ohraničena ulicemi Táborská a Nezamyslova, kaplí Františka z Assisi, sousedními objekty a soukromými zahradami. V současnosti se zde nachází stavba, která je určena k demolici. Cílem bylo navrhnout objekt, který bude navazovat na okolní zástavbu jak tvarem, tak velikostí. Stavba dodržuje uliční čáru. Její tvar je složen ze tří kubických hmot. Severní část je navržena se čtyřmi nadzemními podlažími, jižní část je navržena se třemi nadzemními podlažími a poslední část, která první dvě spojuje, je se dvěma nadzemními podlažími. Součástí bytového domu je i kavárna a obchodní prostory.Bachelor's thesis is based on the studio project of residential buildings. The building plot is located on flat terrain in urban area and it is bordered by streets Táborská and Nezamyslova. Currently there is a building, which is intended for demolition. The target was to design a building that will cooperate with the surrounding buildings shape and size. The building follows the street line. The building is composed of three cubic masses. Northern part is designed with four overground floors, southern part is designed with three overground floors and the last part which unites other parts is designed with two overground floors. In the building is space for a cafe and shops.