174 research outputs found

    Entwicklung und PrĂĽfung eines akustischen Verfahrens zur objektiven StimmgĂĽtebeurteilung pathologischer Stimmen

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    Das Heiserkeits-Diagramm ist eine grafische Darstellung der Stimmqualität in zwei Dimensionen. In der einen Richtung ist die Irregularität und in der anderen Richtung der Rauschanteil der Stimme aufgetragen. Besonderer Wert wird darauf gelegt, dass sich jede gesunde und pathologische Stimme, auch solche mit schweren Stimmstörungen, in dem Diagramm darstellen lassen. Die Messung des Rauschanteils beruht auf dem neuen akustischen Maß Glottal to Noise Excitation Ratio (GNE), dass in dieser Arbeit entwickelt wird. GNE zeigt gegenüber anderen Maßen, die den Rauschanteil messen, den großen Vorteil, dass er unabhängig gegenüber typischen Irregularitäten des Stimmsignals ist. Die Messung der Irregularität geschieht durch drei akustische Maße: Zwei statistische Maße zur Beschreibung der Periodenlängenschwankung (Jitter) und der Energieschwankung (Shimmer) sowie den mittleren Korrelationswert von je zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Perioden. Die vier akustischen Maße des Heiserkeits-Diagramms wurden aus 22 Maßen nach statistischen Kriterien selektiert. Der Einfluss des Vokaltraktes auf Jitter und Shimmer wird untersucht und das Verfahren zur Messung der Periodenlängen auf die Tauglichkeit für sehr unregelmäßige Stimmen getestet. Eine Theorie für den durch Jitter induzierten Shimmer wird hergeleitet, die sehr gut mit den Messungen übereinstimmt. Vokale bilden ein spezielles Muster im Heiserkeits-Diagramm. Sechs Gruppen mit verschiedenen Phonationsmechanismen, darunter normale Stimmen und Flüsterstimmen, werden im Heiserkeits-Diagramm signifikant voneinander unterscheiden. Im Anhang ist die Stimmgüteentwicklung von 48 Patienten zusammengestellt

    Investigation of the three-dimensional turbulent near-wake structure past a flat plate by tomographic PIV at high Reynolds number

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    This paper reports an experimental investigation of the high-Reynolds number turbulent flow pasta thin flat plate with sharpuntapered edges,by means of tomographic PIV. The experiments,carried out in the S4 wind tunnel of IMFT, have quantified the three-dimensional coherent vortex structures, by means of 3-D Proper Orthogonal Decomposition and reconstruction. The interaction of themostenergetic coherent structures with the random turbulence is discussed. Furthermore, Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD), analysis allowed evaluation of three-dimensional phase-averaged dynamics that quantified the vortex shedding mechanism as well as the influence of higher modes associated with the finer-scale turbulence

    Spectral analysis of organic LED emitters’ orientation in thin layers by resonant emission on dielectric stacks

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    Purposely tailored thin film stacks sustaining surface waves have been utilized to create a unique link between emission angle and wavelength of fluorescent dye molecules. The knowledge of the thin film stack’s properties allows us to derive the intrinsically emitted luminescence spectrum as well as to gain information about the orientation of fluorophores from angularly resolved experiments. This corresponds to replacing all the equipment necessary for polarized spectroscopy with a single smart thin film stack, potentially enabling single shot analyses in the future. The experimental results agree well with those from other established techniques, when analyzing the Rubrene derivative in a 2,4,6-tris(biphenyl-3-yl)-1,3,5-triazine (T2T) host used for the fabrication of optimized organic light-emitting diodes. The findings illustrate how resonant layered stacks can be applied to integrated spectroscopic analyses

    Ongoing outbreaks of hepatitis A among men who have sex with men (MSM), Berlin, November 2016 to January 2017 – linked to other German cities and European countries

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    Since 14 November 2016, 38 cases of hepatitis A have been notified in Berlin; of these, 37 were male and 30 reported to have sex with men (MSM). Median age of MSM cases is 31 years (range: 24–52 years). Phylogenetic analysis revealed three distinct sequences, linking cases in Berlin to those in other German cities and to clusters recognised in other European countries in 2016

    A robust vegetation-based elevation transfer function for reconstructing Arctic polygon mire palaeo-microtopography

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    The reconstruction of past environments by means of macrofossil and pollen analysis is commonly based on the modern ecological preferences of the taxa that may have produced these fossils. Here we present a modelling approach, in which we use modern vegetation–surface height relationships to quantify past surface heights in an Arctic ice-wedge polygon mire. Vegetation composition and ground surface height (GSH) were assessed in a polygon mire near Kytalyk (Northeastern Siberia). Cluster analysis revealed five plant communities, which are clearly separated with respect to ground surface height, frost surface height and coverages of open water and vegetation. Based on the composition of modern vegetation we constructed two sets of potential fossil types (plant macrofossils and pollen), an extensive one and a more restricted one to reflect different conditions of preservation and recognisability. We applied Canonical Correspondence Analysis to model the relationships between potential fossil types and measured GSH. Both models show a strong relationship between modelled and measured GSH values and a high accuracy in prediction. Finally, we used the models to predict GSH values for Holocene peat samples and found a fair correspondence with expert-based multi-proxy reconstruction of wetness conditions, even though only a minor part of the encountered fossils were represented in the GSH models, illustrating the robustness of the approach. Our approach can be used to reconstruct palaeoenvironmental conditions in a more objective way and can serve as a template for further palaeoecological studies

    Surface relief gratings manufactured by lithographic means being a candidate for VLT MOONS instrument's main dispersers

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    Surface relief gratings are well-established elements for high power laser applications, e.g. ultra-short pulse compression. A binary submicron period profile, realized by e-beam lithography and reactive ion beam etching in a dielectric material, is utilized for nearly one-hundred percent diffraction efficiency. Because these gratings are manufactured without any replication techniques, a high wave front accuracy and a low stray light background can be achieved. Spectroscopic applications require additional properties, i.e. a larger spectral bandwidth and Off-Littrow operation. We present new approaches for surface relief gratings realized either via multi-level staircase profiles or exploiting sub-wavelength features. The RVS spectrometer grating in ESA's GAIA mission is a prominent example where these techniques are already in use. The current contribution focuses on the results achieved during a pre-development performed for the MOONS instrument intended to operate at VLT

    Resurgence of an international hepatitis A outbreak linked to imported frozen strawberries, Germany, 2018 to 2020

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    Following outbreaks linked to frozen strawberries in Sweden and Austria in 2018, 65 cases linked to the same hepatitis A virus strain were detected in Germany between October 2018 and January 2020, presenting in two waves. Two case-control studies and a comparison of cases' consumption frequencies with purchase data from a large consumer panel provided strong evidence for frozen strawberry cake as the main vehicle of transmission. Of 46 cases interviewed, 27 reported consuming frozen strawberry cake and 25 of these identified cake(s) from brand A spontaneously or in product picture-assisted recall. Trace back investigations revealed that the Polish producer involved in the previous outbreaks in Sweden and Austria had received frozen strawberries from Egypt via a wholesaler that also delivered frozen strawberries to manufacturer of brand A. Phylogenetic analyses linked the outbreak strain to similar strains formerly isolated from sewage, stool and strawberries in Egypt. Complete trace back and timely recall of products with strong evidence of contamination is important to control an outbreak and prevent later resurgence, particularly for food items with a long shelf life. Continued molecular surveillance of hepatitis A is needed to identify outbreaks and monitor the success of food safety interventions

    Sistem Informasi Rekam Medis Persalinan Menggunakan Chips Rfid sebagai Kartu Pasien

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan merancang sebuah sistem informasi rekam medis yang dapat mengintregrasi data pasien dan data rekam medis pasien kedalam sebuah database, sehingga dapat memudahkan petugas medis dalam pembuatan laporan, dan mampu membatasi hak akses setiap user. Puskesmas Banjarejo Blora yang beralamatkan di Jl.Gunawangsa No.48 Banjarejo, Blora dan Kinik bersalin Novita Cipto yang beralamatkan di Ds. Buluroto RT. 5 RW. 1 kec. Banjarejo, kab. Blora dalam pencatatan dan pencarian hasil rekam medis persalinan pasien, petugas medis masih menggunakan cara yang manual yaitu dengan menuliskanya kedalam media kertas atau buku dan saat pencarian data pasien petugas kesehatan mencarinya secara manual di dalam buku pasien sehingga kurang efisien, dan juga Pada saat proses pembayaran petugas administrasi harus menghitung secara manual untuk biaya obat dan biaya pelayanan sehingga membutuhkan waktu yang lama. selain itu pencatatan kedalam media kertas atau buku juga rentan kesakan kerusakan dan kehilangan data. Untuk itu dalam penyusunan skripsi ini penulis membuat aplikasi Sistem Informasi Rekam Medis Persalinan Pasien Menggunakan Chips RFID Sebagai Kartu Pasien. Dimana sistem ini menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan berbasis WEB yang dilengkapi dengan pengaturan hak akses untuk masing-masing pengguna serta user login yang terenkripsi. Penyusunan skripsi ini menggunakan metode penelitian Research & Development. Hasil peneliatian ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan semangat dan kinerja, menekan kesalahan sekecil mungkin, memudahkan dalam pemeriksaan serta pelaporan sehingga dapat menghemat waktu, tenaga dan biaya yang dikeluarkan dengan output/ hasil yang lebih memuaskan.  Kata Kunci = PHP, WEB, Rekam Medis, RFI
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