716 research outputs found

    Brane solution with an increasing warp factor

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    We present a new brane solution in the (1+5)-dimensional space-time with an increasing warp factor, which localizes the zero modes of all kinds of matter fields and Newtonian gravity. The interesting features of this solution are: 1) In contrast to the Gogberashvili-Singleton case the effective wave function of the zero mode spinor field confined on the brane is finite at a position of brane; 2) There is exactly one zero mode for each matter field and the gravitational field confined on the brane with a finite probability and infinitely many zero modes (labelled by the angular momentum corresponding to extra space) are located in the bulk at different localization radii.Comment: 5 page

    The secondary structure of apolipoprotein A-I on 9.6-nm reconstituted high-density lipoprotein determined by EPR spectroscopy.

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    Apolipoprotein A-I (ApoA-I) is the major protein component of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), and is critical for maintenance of cholesterol homeostasis. During reverse cholesterol transport, HDL transitions between an array of subclasses, differing in size and composition. This process requires ApoA-I to adapt to changes in the shape of the HDL particle, transiting from an apolipoprotein to a myriad of HDL subclass-specific conformations. Changes in ApoA-I structure cause alterations in HDL-specific enzyme and receptor-binding properties, and thereby direct the HDL particle through the reverse cholesterol transport pathway. In this study, we used site-directed spin label spectroscopy to examine the conformational details of the ApoA-I central domain on HDL. The motional dynamics and accessibility to hydrophobic/hydrophilic relaxation agents of ApoA-I residues 99-163 on 9.6-nm reconstituted HDL was analyzed by EPR. In previous analyses, we examined residues 6-98 and 164-238 (of ApoA-I's 243 residues), and combining these findings with the current results, we have generated a full-length map of the backbone structure of reconstituted HDL-associated ApoA-I. Remarkably, given that the majority of ApoA-I's length is composed of amphipathic helices, we have identified nonhelical residues, specifically the presence of a ÎČ-strand (residues 149-157). The significance of these nonhelical residues is discussed, along with the other features, in the context of ApoA-I function in contrast to recent models derived by other methods

    Effects of lovastatin on expression of cell cycle regulatory proteins in vascular smooth muscle cells

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    Effects of lovastatin on expression of cell cycle regulatory proteins in vascular smooth muscle cells.BackgroundThe sequential appearance of cyclins D and E is thought to initiate subsequent DNA synthesis in proliferating cells. Previous studies have reported that DNA synthesis in cultured rat vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) was suppressed by the HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor lovastatin. The effects of lovastatin on cell cycle regulatory proteins in proliferating VSMCs, however, are largely unknown. Thus, we investigated the sequential expression of cyclin D1, cyclin E, cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) 4, CDK2, and p27Kip1 in cultured rat VSMCs stimulated by platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-BB in the presence or absence of lovastatin.MethodsQuiescent VSMCs, with and without lovastatin (20 Ό M) pretreatment for nine hours, were stimulated by PDGF-BB (25 ng/ml). The incorporation of tritiated thymidine was done to assess DNA synthesis. VSMC lysates were obtained every 6 hours for up to 36 hours after stimulation and were subjected to sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blot analysis using relevant polyclonal antibodies. Autoradiograms were analyzed using a densitometer.ResultsThe peak expression of cyclins D1 and E occurred at 18 and 30 hours of PDGF stimulation, respectively. Concomitant expression of CDK4 and CDK2 was also observed. The expression of p27Kip1, by contrast, was reduced in association with DNA synthesis. Lovastatin suppressed DNA synthesis and reduced the expression of cyclin D1 and cyclin E, whereas p27Kip1 expression was strongly induced by lovastatin pretreatment. CDK4 and CDK2 expression was unaffected by lovastatin treatment.ConclusionsPDGF-BB induces cyclins D1 and E prior to the onset of DNA synthesis in VSMCs. Lovastatin may suppress DNA synthesis in VSMCs by inducing p27Kip1 and reducing expression of cyclins D1 and E

    Orbifold Resolution by D-Branes

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    We study topological properties of the D-brane resolution of three-dimensional orbifold singularities, C^3/Gamma, for finite abelian groups Gamma. The D-brane vacuum moduli space is shown to fill out the background spacetime with Fayet--Iliopoulos parameters controlling the size of the blow-ups. This D-brane vacuum moduli space can be classically described by a gauged linear sigma model, which is shown to be non-generic in a manner that projects out non-geometric regions in its phase diagram, as anticipated from a number of perspectives.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figures (TeX, harvmac big, epsf

    Increased high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in mice with XX versus XY sex chromosomes

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    Objective— The molecular mechanisms underlying sex differences in dyslipidemia are poorly understood. We aimed to distinguish genetic and hormonal regulators of sex differences in plasma lipid levels. Approach and Results— We assessed the role of gonadal hormones and sex chromosome complement on lipid levels using the four core genotypes mouse model (XX females, XX males, XY females, and XY males). In gonadally intact mice fed a chow diet, lipid levels were influenced by both male–female gonadal sex and XX–XY chromosome complement. Gonadectomy of adult mice revealed that the male–female differences are dependent on acute effects of gonadal hormones. In both intact and gonadectomized animals, XX mice had higher HDL cholesterol (HDL-C) levels than XY mice, regardless of male–female sex. Feeding a cholesterol-enriched diet produced distinct patterns of sex differences in lipid levels compared with a chow diet, revealing the interaction of gonadal and chromosomal sex with diet. Notably, under all dietary and gonadal conditions, HDL-C levels were higher in mice with 2 X chromosomes compared with mice with an X and Y chromosome. By generating mice with XX, XY, and XXY chromosome complements, we determined that the presence of 2 X chromosomes, and not the absence of the Y chromosome, influences HDL-C concentration. Conclusions— We demonstrate that having 2 X chromosomes versus an X and Y chromosome complement drives sex differences in HDL-C. It is conceivable that increased expression of genes escaping X-inactivation in XX mice regulates downstream processes to establish sexual dimorphism in plasma lipid levels

    Cosmology of Brane Models with Radion Stabilization

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    We analyze the cosmology of the Randall-Sundrum model and that of compact brane models in general in the presence of a radius stabilization mechanism. We find that the expansion of our universe is generically in agreement with the expected effective four dimensional description. The constraint (which is responsible for the appearance of non-conventional cosmologies in these models) that must be imposed on the matter densities on the two branes in the theory without a stabilized radius is a consequence of requiring a static solution even in the absence of stabilization. Such constraints disappear in the presence of a stablizing potential, and the ordinary FRW (Friedmann-Robertson-Walker) equations are reproduced, with the expansion driven by the sum of the physical values of the energy densities on the two branes and in the bulk. For the case of the Randall-Sundrum model we examine the kinematics of the radion field, and find that corrections to the standard FRW equations are small for temperatures below the weak scale. We find that the radion field has renormalizable and unsuppressed couplings to Standard Model particles after electroweak symmetry breaking. These couplings may have important implications for collider searches. We comment on the possibility that matter off the TeV brane could serve as a dark matter candidate.Comment: 35 pages, Late

    Children with familial hypercholesterolemia display changes in LDL and HDL function : A cross-sectional study

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 The Association for the Publication of the Journal of Internal Medicine.Background: The functional status of lipoprotein particles contributes to atherogenesis. The tendency of plasma low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles to aggregate and the ability of igh-density lipoprotein (HDL) particles to induce and mediate reverse cholesterol transport associate with high and low risk for cardiovascular disease in adult patients, respectively. However, it is unknown whether children with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) display lipoprotein function alterations. Hypothesis: We hypothesized that FH children had disrupted lipoprotein functions. Methods: We analyzed LDL aggregation susceptibility and HDL-apoA-I exchange (HAE), and activity of four proteins that regulate lipoprotein metabolism (cholesteryl ester transfer protein, lecithin–cholesterol acyltransferase, phospholipid transfer protein, and paraoxonase-1) in plasma samples derived from children with FH (n = 47) and from normocholesterolemic children (n = 56). Variation in lipoprotein functions was further explored using an nuclear magnetic resonance-based metabolomics profiling approach. Results: LDL aggregation was higher, and HAE was lower in FH children than in normocholesterolemic children. LDL aggregation associated positively with LDL cholesterol (LDL-C) and negatively with triglycerides, and HAE/apoA-I associated negatively with LDL-C. Generally, the metabolomic profile for LDL aggregation was opposite of that of HAE/apoA-I. Conclusions: FH children displayed increased atherogenicity of LDL and disrupted HDL function. These newly observed functional alterations in LDL and HDL add further understanding of the risk for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in FH children.Peer reviewe
