138 research outputs found

    Comparison of climate time series – Part 5: Multivariate annual cycles

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    This paper develops a method for determining whether two vector time series originate from a common stochastic process. The stochastic process considered incorporates both serial correlations and multivariate annual cycles. Specifically, the process is modeled as a vector autoregressive model with periodic forcing, referred to as a VARX model (where X stands for exogenous variables). The hypothesis that two VARX models share the same parameters is tested using the likelihood ratio method. The resulting test can be further decomposed into a series of tests to assess whether disparities in the VARX models stem from differences in noise parameters, autoregressive parameters, or annual cycle parameters. A comprehensive procedure for compressing discrepancies between VARX models into a minimal number of components is developed based on discriminant analysis. Using this method, the realism of climate model simulations of monthly mean North Atlantic sea surface temperatures is assessed. As expected, different simulations from the same climate model cannot be distinguished stochastically. Similarly, observations from different periods cannot be distinguished. However, every climate model differs stochastically from observations. Furthermore, each climate model differs stochastically from every other model, except when they originate from the same center. In essence, each climate model possesses a distinct fingerprint that sets it apart stochastically from both observations and models developed by other research centers. The primary factor contributing to these differences is the difference in annual cycles. The difference in annual cycles is often dominated by a single component, which can be extracted and illustrated using discriminant analysis.</p

    Adjoints and Low-rank Covariance Representation

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    Quantitative measures of the uncertainty of Earth System estimates can be as important as the estimates themselves. Second moments of estimation errors are described by the covariance matrix, whose direct calculation is impractical when the number of degrees of freedom of the system state is large. Ensemble and reduced-state approaches to prediction and data assimilation replace full estimation error covariance matrices by low-rank approximations. The appropriateness of such approximations depends on the spectrum of the full error covariance matrix, whose calculation is also often impractical. Here we examine the situation where the error covariance is a linear transformation of a forcing error covariance. We use operator norms and adjoints to relate the appropriateness of low-rank representations to the conditioning of this transformation. The analysis is used to investigate low-rank representations of the steady-state response to random forcing of an idealized discrete-time dynamical system

    Multimodel Ensembling of Subseasonal Precipitation Forecasts over North America

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    Probabilistic forecasts of weekly and week 3–4 averages of precipitation are constructed using extended logistic regression (ELR) applied to three models (ECMWF, NCEP, and CMA) from the Subseasonal-to- Seasonal (S2S) project. Individual and multimodel ensemble (MME) forecasts are verified over the common period 1999–2010. The regression parameters are fitted separately at each grid point and lead time for the three ensemble prediction system (EPS) reforecasts with starts during January–March and July–September. The ELR produces tercile category probabilities for each model that are then averaged with equal weighting. The resulting MME forecasts are characterized by good reliability but low sharpness. A clear benefit of multimodel ensembling is to largely remove negative skill scores present in individual forecasts. The forecast skill of weekly averages is higher in winter than summer and decreases with lead time, with steep decreases after one and two weeks. Week 3–4 forecasts have more skill along the U.S. East Coast and the southwestern United States in winter, as well as over west/central U.S. regions and the intra-American sea/east Pacific during summer. Skill is also enhanced when the regression parameters are fit using spatially smoothed ob- servations and forecasts. The skill of week 3–4 precipitation outlooks has a modest, but statistically significant, relation with ENSO and the MJO, particularly in winter over the southwestern United States

    Association of U.S. tornado occurrence with monthly environmental parameters

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    Monthly U.S. tornado numbers are here related to observation-based monthly averaged atmospheric parameters. Poisson regression is used to form an index which captures the climatological spatial distribution and seasonal variation of tornado occurrence, as well as year-to-year variability, and provides a framework for extended range forecasts of tornado activity. Computing the same index with predicted atmospheric parameters from a comprehensive forecast model gives some evidence of the predictability of monthly tornado activity
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