31 research outputs found

    Global data set of long-term summertime vertical temperature profiles in 153 lakes

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    Climate change and other anthropogenic stressors have led to long-term changes in the thermal structure, including surface temperatures, deepwater temperatures, and vertical thermal gradients, in many lakes around the world. Though many studies highlight warming of surface water temperatures in lakes worldwide, less is known about long-term trends in full vertical thermal structure and deepwater temperatures, which have been changing less consistently in both direction and magnitude. Here, we present a globally-expansive data set of summertime in-situ vertical temperature profiles from 153 lakes, with one time series beginning as early as 1894. We also compiled lake geographic, morphometric, and water quality variables that can influence vertical thermal structure through a variety of potential mechanisms in these lakes. These long-term time series of vertical temperature profiles and corresponding lake characteristics serve as valuable data to help understand changes and drivers of lake thermal structure in a time of rapid global and ecological change

    Global data set of long-term summertime vertical temperature profiles in 153 lakes

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    Measurement(s) : temperature of water, temperature profile Technology Type(s) : digital curation Factor Type(s) : lake location, temporal interval Sample Characteristic - Environment : lake, reservoir Sample Characteristic - Location : global Machine-accessible metadata file describing the reported data: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.14619009Climate change and other anthropogenic stressors have led to long-term changes in the thermal structure, including surface temperatures, deepwater temperatures, and vertical thermal gradients, in many lakes around the world. Though many studies highlight warming of surface water temperatures in lakes worldwide, less is known about long-term trends in full vertical thermal structure and deepwater temperatures, which have been changing less consistently in both direction and magnitude. Here, we present a globally-expansive data set of summertime in-situ vertical temperature profiles from 153 lakes, with one time series beginning as early as 1894. We also compiled lake geographic, morphometric, and water quality variables that can influence vertical thermal structure through a variety of potential mechanisms in these lakes. These long-term time series of vertical temperature profiles and corresponding lake characteristics serve as valuable data to help understand changes and drivers of lake thermal structure in a time of rapid global and ecological change

    Fundamentals of Investing

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    681 hal.;25c

    Fundamentals of investing

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    xxxii, 718 (14) p. : il.; 25 c

    Deep Discount Bonds

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    Riding the Yield Curve

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    Competitive versus Negotiated Underwriting of Public Utility Debt

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    The question as to whether competitive bidding or negotiated underwriting is the least-cost method for distributing new issues of public utility bonds remains largely unresolved. This study analyzes the costs on such new issues during the period from January, 1972, through August, 1974. The results indicate that, in general, competitive bidding was the least-cost method of distributing public utility obligations during this period. An analysis of the relationship between issue size, underwriting arrangement (i.e., competitive versus negotiated), and underwriters' charges does, however, suggest that negotiated underwriting may be the preferable alternative in certain circumstances.