2,140 research outputs found

    Argumentation Deutsch

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    Mit dem Begriff Argumentation werden komplexe Anforderungen an Interaktanten in argumentativen Situationen beschrieben. In diesem Sinne zählt Argumentation auch zu den wesentlichen curricularen Anforderungen des Unterrichtsfaches Deutsch. So fordern die Lehrpläne unter anderem, dass Schüler mit Argumenten überzeugen und situationsadäquat zu einem Konsens kommen sollen. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht die Studie Leistungen im argumentativen Bereich. Das Messmodell ist innerhalb der Argumentationstheorie und der Linguistik theoretisch verortet. Das Konstrukt umfasst sowohl kommunikativ-situative, als auch konzeptionell-reflexive Anforderungen des sprachlichen Handelns, die von je unterschiedlichen Wissenssystemen bestimmt werden. (DIPF/Orig.

    Representation of Semantic Mappings

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    The aim of this breakout session was to chart the landscape of existing approaches for representing mappings between heterogeneous models, identify common ideas and formulate research questions to be addressed in the future. In the session, the discussion mainly concerned three aspects: The nature of mappings, existing proposals for mappings and open research questions

    The spread of presaccadic attention depends on the spatial configuration of the visual scene

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    When preparing a saccade, attentional resources are focused at the saccade target and its immediate vicinity. Here we show that this does not hold true when saccades are prepared toward a recently extinguished target. We obtained detailed maps of orientation sensitivity when participants prepared a saccade toward a target that either remained on the screen or disappeared before the eyes moved. We found that attention was mainly focused on the immediate surround of the visible target and spread to more peripheral locations as a function of the distance from the cue and the delay between the target’s disappearance and the saccade. Interestingly, this spread was not accompanied with a spread of the saccade endpoint. These results suggest that presaccadic attention and saccade programming are two distinct processes that can be dissociated as a function of their interaction with the spatial configuration of the visual scene

    Gambaran Motivasi Kerja Dan Pelayanan Prima Perawat Di Rumah Sakit Umum Bethesda Gmim Tomohon

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    :Motivation of nurses is the important thing because motivation is the one of caused, to lead, and human support for someone to do the best and get the best result. Excellent Service is the first element in the hospital and health sector, that the patients need. The aims of the research to see the picture of work motivation and excellent service of nurses at Bethesda GMIM Tomohon Hospital. Desain research The study was descriptive-qualitative, the population was all of nurses and patients in Bethesda GMIM Tomohon Hospital This research sample 60 respondent (nurse and patient), with the purposive sampling. Data analysis used of this study was data processor software SPSS. The result: The result of the study showed that intrinsic motivation of good category (48,3%), less category (51,7%), extrinsic motivation of good category (50%), less category (50%). Excellent service nurse when first meet the patient of good category (71,7%), less category (28,3%), when will start of good category (53,3%), less category (46,7%), and after they do the excellent service in good category (70%), less category (30%). The conclution more nurses are motivated by extrisic than intrinsic, and patiens feel that is provided nurses already do the excellent service. Advice would be able to add more information to researcher and to the hospital to maintain the excellent service provided to patients

    Us and Them: Distributional Preferences in Small and Large Groups

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    We analyze distributional preferences in games in which a decider chooses the provision of a good that benefits a receiver and creates costs for a group of payers. The average decider takes into account the welfare of all parties and has concerns for efficiency. However, she attaches similar weights to small and large groups so that she neglects large provision costs that are dispersed among many payers. This holds regardless of whether the decider benefits from the provision or not. A CES utility function which rationalizes average behavior implies altruism in bilateral situations and welfare-damaging actions when costs are dispersed

    Industry 4.0

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    Fundamental energy cost of finite-time computing

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    The fundamental energy cost of irreversible computing is given by the Landauer bound of kTln2kT \ln2~/bit. However, this limit is only achievable for infinite-time processes. We here determine the fundamental energy cost of finite-time irreversible computing \er{within the framework of nonequilibrium thermodynamics}. Comparing the lower bounds of energy required by ideal serial and parallel computers to solve a problem of a given size in a given finite time, we find that the energy cost of a serial computer fundamentally diverges with increasing problem size, whereas that of a parallel computer can stay close to the Landauer limit. We discuss the implications of this result in the context of current technology, and for different degrees of parallelization and amounts of overhead. Our findings provide a physical basis for the design of energy efficient computers

    3D Tunnel Inspection with Photogrammetric and Hybrid Systems

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    The trend in tunnel assessment is towards comprehensive 3D measurement, either based on high quality digital imagery (photogrammetric systems) or the combination of laser and photo systems (hybrid systems). With digital 3D data, quantification and categorization of damage to the tunnel surface as well as the determination of thickness or volumes of layers (e.g. shotcrete) can performed in a comprehensive, fast and economic way. The faster such tunnel assessment can be executed on site, the lower are the tunnel block times and environmental impairments related to the building measures. The costs for the operating companies can be significantly reduced as well as the personnel efforts and risks of accidents. Furthermore, tunnel safety is increased due to faster test cycles which result in a more comprehensive overall monitoring. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Protocol TOP-Study (tacrolimus organ perfusion): a prospective randomized multicenter trial to reduce ischemia reperfusion injury in transplantation of marginal liver grafts with an "ex vivo" tacrolimus perfusion

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    Background: Critical organ shortage results in the utilization of extended donor criteria (EDC) liver grafts. These marginal liver grafts are prone to increased ischemia reperfusion injury (IRI) which may contribute to deteriorated graft function and survival. Experimental data have shown that the calcineurin inhibitor tacrolimus exerts protective effects on hepatic IRI when applied intravenously or directly as a hepatic rinse. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to examine the effects of an ex vivo tacrolimus perfusion on IRI in transplantation of EDC liver grafts. Methods/Design: The TOP-Study (tacrolimus organ perfusion) is a randomized multicenter trial comparing the ex vivo tacrolimus perfusion of marginal liver grafts with placebo. We hypothesize that a tacrolimus rinse reduces IRI, potentially improving organ survival following transplantation of EDC livers. The study includes livers with two or more EDC, according to Eurotransplant International Foundation’s definition of EDC livers. Prior to implantation, livers randomized to the treatment group are rinsed with tacrolimus at a concentration of 20 ng/ml in 1000 ml Custodiol solution and in the placebo group with Custodiol alone. The primary endpoint is the maximum serum alanine transamninase (ALT) level within the first 48 hours after surgery; however, the study design also includes a 1-year observation period following transplantation. The TOP-Study is an investigator-initiated trial sponsored by the University of Munich Hospital. Seven other German transplant centers are participating (Berlin, Frankfurt, Heidelberg, Mainz, Münster, Regensburg, Tübingen) and aim to include a total of 86 patients. Discussion: Tacrolimus organ perfusion represents a promising strategy to reduce hepatic IRI following the transplantation of marginal liver grafts. This treatment may help to improve the function of EDC grafts and therefore safely expand the donor pool in light of critical organ shortage. Trial register: EudraCT number: 2010-021333-31, ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT0156409

    Kognitiiv-käitumuslik koolitusprogramm Parkinsoni tõve patsientidele ja tugiisikutele: projekt EduPark

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    Parkinsoni tõbi kroonilise neuroloogilise haigusena põhjustab lisaks füüsilistele vaevustele ka psühholoogilisi probleeme, millega toimetulek mõjutab otseselt patsientide elukvaliteeti. Toimetuleku soodustamiseks kasutatakse mitmesuguseid psühholoogilisi sekkumismeetodeid, sealhulgas kognitiivset käitumisteraapiat. Eesti Arst 2005; 84 (6): 402-40