26 research outputs found

    Scalable Video Coding Guidelines and Performance Evaluations for Adaptive Media Delivery of High Definition Content

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    International audienceScalability within media coding allows for content adaptation towards heterogeneous user contexts and enables in-network adaptation. However, there is no straightforward solution how to encode the content in a scalable way while maximizing rate-distortion performance. In this paper we provide encoding guidelines for scalable video coding based on a survey of media streaming industry solutions and a comprehensive performance evaluation using four state of the art scalable video codecs with a focus on high-definition content (1080p)

    Scalable Media Coding Enabling Content-Aware Networking

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    Increasingly popular multimedia services are expected to play a dominant role in the future of the Internet. In this context, it is essential that content-aware networking (CAN) architectures explicitly address the efficient delivery and processing of multimedia content. This article proposes the adoption of a content-aware approach into the network infrastructure, thus making it capable of identifying, processing, and manipulating media streams and objects in real time to maximize quality of service (QoS) and experience (QoE). Our proposal is built on the exploitation of scalable media coding technologies within such a content-aware networking environment. This discussion is based on four representative use cases for media delivery (unicast, multicast, peer-to-peer, and adaptive HTTP streaming) and reviews CAN challenges, specifically flow processing, caching/buffering, and QoS/QoE management

    MPEG-M: A Digital Media Ecosystem for Interoperable Applications

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    MPEG-M is a suite of ISO/IEC standards (ISO/IEC 23006) that has been developed under the auspices of Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG). MPEG-M, also known as Multimedia Service Platform Technologies (MSPT), facilitates a collection of multimedia middleware APIs and elementary services as well as service aggregation so that service providers can offer users a plethora of innovative services by extending current IPTV technology toward the seamless integration of personal content creation and distribution, e-commerce, social networks and Internet distribution of digital media

    Scalable media delivery chain with distributed adaptation

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    On TV screens, PCs, tablets, and mobile phones, video streaming has become a constant companion in our daily lives. For every video, we expect high visual quality, free from distortions, that is adjusted to the device at hand. But how can streaming systems cope with the increasing network traffic, the subsequent network congestions, and the different characteristics of end-user terminals? This thesis covers approaches for distributed adaptation of scalable video resources in media delivery. Scalable video resources consist of several layers that enable various spatial resolutions, frame rates, or qualities of a content. By dropping some of these layers, the video can be adjusted to the available bandwidth or to a specific end-user terminal. The adaptation can be performed on the sender side, on the receiver side, and on one or more network nodes. Scalable media coding can also help to reduce bandwidth requirements in multicast scenarios (e.g., for IPTV). One popular realization of scalable media coding is the Scalable Video Coding (SVC) standard. This thesis consists of three main parts, addressing various challenges towards efficient SVC adaptation. The first part of this thesis focuses on the encoding of SVC. In order to enable efficient adaptation, the configuration of layers has to be carefully chosen at encoding time. Thus, the performances of various encoding configurations and encoder implementations are evaluated. Furthermore, encoding guidelines for SVC are developed, which are aligned with recommendations of industry streaming solutions. The evaluation results of the developed SVC encoding guidelines suggest that quality scalability should be preferred over spatial scalability for adaptive streaming scenarios. Different resolutions for supporting device classes should rather be provided as separate SVC streams. The second part of this thesis deals with the fact that scalable media formats, such as SVC, are still not widely adopted neither on the sender side nor on the end-user terminal. In order to enable the deployment of SVC for network transmission and to improve the support for streaming to heterogeneous devices, the concept of SVC tunneling is introduced in this thesis. The video is transcoded to SVC at the sender side and then transcoded back to another video format at the receiver side at an advanced home-gateway. However, the transcoding between video formats has a negative impact on the video quality. The trade-off between quality loss and bandwidth efficiency of SVC tunneling is evaluated. SVC tunneling with quality layers enables bandwidth savings at moderate quality loss (approx. 2.5 dB) compared to streaming separate non-scalable representations of the same qualities. In the third part of this thesis, adaptation techniques for content-aware networks are investigated. In content-aware networks, some network nodes are capable to dynamically adapt video streams in reaction to varying network loads. With the increasing adoption of HTTP streaming, adaptation at the client side becomes a main factor for the viewing experience. The switch between two representations (e.g., different bitrates) of a video can disrupt that viewing experience. To reduce the effect of an abrupt quality change, the approach of a smooth transition between representations is developed and evaluated. A subjective user study indicates that this approach can indeed improve the overall viewing quality. Finally, the findings of the previous parts are integrated in an adaptive end-to-end SVC streaming system. Evaluations of this streaming system show that the developed adaptation framework significantly improves the video quality under packet loss (by up to 6 dB) compared to non-adaptive streaming.Auf Fernsehern, PCs, Tablets und Mobiltelefonen ist Videostreaming ein stÃndigerBegleiterunserestA~ndiger Begleiter unseres tÃglichen Lebens geworden. FÃr jedes Video erwarten wir hohe visuelle QualitÃt,freivonUnterbrechungenoderVerzerrungen,dieandasjeweiligeGerA~t, frei von Unterbrechungen oder Verzerrungen, die an das jeweilige GerÃt angepasst ist. Aber wie kÃnnen Streaming-Systeme mit steigendem Datenverkehr, daraus resultierenden NetzwerkÃberlastungen, sowie den verschiedenen Charakteristika der AusgabegerÃteumgehen?DieseDissertationbehandeltAnsA~te umgehen? Diese Dissertation behandelt AnsÃtze zur verteilten Adaptierung skalierbarer VideostrÃme fÃr MedienÃbertragungen. Skalierbare VideostrÃme bestehen aus mehreren Schichten, die verschiedene AuflÃsungen, Bildwiederholraten oder QualitÃtsstufendesInhaltsermA~glichen.DurchdasWeglasseneinigerdieserSchichtenkanndasVideoandieverfA~gbareBandbreiteodereinbestimmtesAusgabegerA~tsstufen des Inhalts ermÃglichen. Durch das Weglassen einiger dieser Schichten kann das Video an die verfÃgbare Bandbreite oder ein bestimmtes AusgabegerÃt angepasst werden. Die Adaptierung kann auf der Senderseite, auf der EmpfÃngerseite,sowieaufeinemodermehrerenNetzwerkknotendurchgefA~hrtwerden.SkalierbareVideocodierungkannauchhelfen,BandbreitenanforderungeninMulticast−Szenarios(z.B.fA~rIPTV)zureduzieren.EineberA~hmteRealisierungskalierbarerVideocodierungistderScalableVideoCoding(SVC)Standard.DieseDissertationbestehtausdreiHauptteilen,diesichmitverschiedenstenHerausforderungenfA~reffizienteSVCAdaptierungbefassen.DerersteTeildieserDissertationwidmetsichderCodierungvonSVC.UmeffizienteAdaptierungzuermA~glichen,musszumZeitpunktderCodierungdieKonfigurationderSchichtensorgfA~ngerseite, sowie auf einem oder mehreren Netzwerkknoten durchgefÃhrt werden. Skalierbare Videocodierung kann auch helfen, Bandbreitenanforderungen in Multicast-Szenarios (z.B. fÃr IPTV) zu reduzieren. Eine berÃhmte Realisierung skalierbarer Videocodierung ist der Scalable Video Coding (SVC) Standard. Diese Dissertation besteht aus drei Hauptteilen, die sich mit verschiedensten Herausforderungen fÃr effiziente SVC Adaptierung befassen. Der erste Teil dieser Dissertation widmet sich der Codierung von SVC. Um effiziente Adaptierung zu ermÃglichen, muss zum Zeitpunkt der Codierung die Konfiguration der Schichten sorgfÃltig gewÃhltwerden.DaherwirddiePerformanzverschiedensterCodierungskonfigurationenundEncoder−Implementierungenevaluiert.AuA~erdemwerdenCodierungsrichtlinienfA~rSVCentwickelt,dieimEinklangmitdenEmpfehlungenindustriellerStreaming−LA~sungenstehen.DieEvaluierungsresultatederentwickeltenCodierungsrichtlinienlegennahe,dassQualitA~hlt werden. Daher wird die Performanz verschiedenster Codierungskonfigurationen und Encoder-Implementierungen evaluiert. AuÃerdem werden Codierungsrichtlinien fÃr SVC entwickelt, die im Einklang mit den Empfehlungen industrieller Streaming-LÃsungen stehen. Die Evaluierungsresultate der entwickelten Codierungsrichtlinien legen nahe, dass QualitÃtsskalierung gegenÃber Auf Unterschiedliche AuflÃsungen zur UnterstÃtzung von AusgabegerÃte−KlassensolltenstattdessenalsseparateSVC−StrA~mebereitgestelltwerden.DerzweiteTeildieserDissertationbeschA~te-Klassen sollten stattdessen als separate SVC-StrÃme bereitgestellt werden. Der zweite Teil dieser Dissertation beschÃftigt sich mit der Tatsache, dass skalierbare Medienformate, wie beispielsweise SVC, nach wie vor weder auf der Senderseite noch auf AusgabegerÃtenweitverbreitetsind.UmdieVerwendungvonSVCfA~rdieNetzwerkA~bertragungzuermA~glichenundumdieStreaming−UnterstA~tzungzuverschiedenartigenAusgabegerA~ten weit verbreitet sind. Um die Verwendung von SVC fÃr die NetzwerkÃbertragung zu ermÃglichen und um die Streaming-UnterstÃtzung zu verschiedenartigen AusgabegerÃten zu verbessern, wird in dieser Dissertation das Konzept des SVC Tunneling eingefÃhrt. Das Video wird auf der Senderseite in SVC transcodiert und spÃteraufderEmpfA~ter auf der EmpfÃngerseite auf einem erweiterten Home-Gateway wieder zurÃck in ein anderes Videoformat transcodiert. Das Transcodieren zwischen Videoformaten hat jedoch einen negativen Einfluss auf die VideoqualitÃt.DerTrade−OffzwischendemQualitA~t. Der Trade-Off zwischen dem QualitÃtsverlust und der Bandbreiteneffizienz wird evaluiert. SVC Tunneling mit QualitÃtsschichtenermA~glichtBandbreiteneinsparungenbeimoderatemQualitA~tsschichten ermÃglicht Bandbreiteneinsparungen bei moderatem QualitÃtsverlust (ca. 2,5 dB) im Vergleich zum Streaming separater nicht-skalierbarer ReprÃsentationendergleichenQualitA~sentationen der gleichen QualitÃten. Im dritten Teil dieser Dissertation werden Adaptierungstechniken fÃr sogenannte Content-Aware Networks untersucht. In Content-Aware Networks sind manche Netzwerkknoten fÃhig,VideostrA~meinReaktionaufschwankendeNetzwerklastendynamischzuadaptieren.MitdersteigendenVerbreitungvonHTTPStreamingwirdclient−seitigeAdaptierungzueinemHauptfaktordesBetrachtungserlebnisses.DasUmschaltenzwischenzweiReprA~hig, VideostrÃme in Reaktion auf schwankende Netzwerklasten dynamisch zu adaptieren. Mit der steigenden Verbreitung von HTTP Streaming wird client-seitige Adaptierung zu einem Hauptfaktor des Betrachtungserlebnisses. Das Umschalten zwischen zwei ReprÃsentationen (z.B. unterschiedlichen Bitraten) eines Videos kann dieses Betrachtungserlebnis stÃren. Um den Effekt eines abrupten QualitÃtswechselszureduzieren,wirddasKonzepteinesweichenA~‰bergangszwischendenReprA~tswechsels zu reduzieren, wird das Konzept eines weichen Ébergangs zwischen den ReprÃsentationen entwickelt und evaluiert. Eine subjektive Benutzerstudie deutet darauf hin, dass durch d BetrachtungsqualitÃttatsA~t tatsÃchlich gesteigert werden kann. AbschlieÃend werden die Erkenntnisse der vorherigen Teile in einem adaptiven Ende-zu-Ende-SVC-Streaming-System integriert. Evaluierungen dieses Streaming-Systems zeigen, dass das entwickelte Adaptierungsframework die VideoqualitÃ$t unter Paketverlust im Vergleich zu nicht-adaptivem Streaming maÃgeblich (um bis zu 6 dB) verbessert.Michael GraflZsfassung in dt. SpracheKlagenfurt, Alpen-Adria-Univ., Diss., 2013OeBB(VLID)241564

    MPEG-21 File Format : authoring software and media player

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    Michael GraflZsfassung in dt. SpracheKlagenfurt, Alpen-Adria-Univ., Master.-Arb., 2009(VLID)241441

    High Phenotypic Variation between an In Vitro-Passaged Fowl Adenovirus Serotype 1 (FAdV-1) and Its Virulent Progenitor Strain despite Almost Complete Sequence Identity of the Whole Genomes

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    Adenoviral gizzard erosion is an emerging disease with negative impact on health and production of chickens. In this study, we compared in vitro and in vivo characteristics of a fowl adenovirus serotype 1 (FAdV-1), attenuated by 53 consecutive passages in primary chicken embryo liver (CEL) cell cultures (11/7127-AT), with the virulent strain (11/7127-VT). Whole genome analysis revealed near-complete sequence identity between the strains. However, a length polymorphism in a non-coding adenine repeat sequence (11/7127-AT: 11 instead of 9) immediately downstream of the hexon open reading frame was revealed. One-step growth kinetics showed delayed multiplication of 11/7127-AT together with significantly lower titers in cell culture (up to 4 log10 difference), indicating reduced replication efficiency in vitro. In vivo pathogenicity and immunogenicity were determined in day-old specific pathogen-free layer chicks inoculated orally with the respective viruses. In contrast to birds infected with 11/7127-VT, birds infected with 11/7127-AT did not exhibit body weight loss or severe pathological lesions in the gizzard. Virus detection rates, viral load in organs and virus excretion were significantly lower in birds inoculated with 11/7127-AT. Throughout the experimental period, these birds did not develop measurable neutralizing antibodies, prevalent in birds in response to 11/7127-VT infection. Differences in pathogenicity between the virulent FAdV-1 and the attenuated strain could not be correlated to prominently discriminate genomic features. We conclude that differential in vitro growth profiles indicate that attenuation is linked to modulation of viral replication during interaction of the virus with the host cells. Thus, hosts would be unable to prevent the rapid replication of virulent FAdV leading to severe tissue damage, a phenomenon broadly applicable to further FAdV serotypes, considering the substantial intra-serotype virulence differences of FAdVs and the variation of diseases

    PCR and serology confirm the infection of turkey hens and their resilience to histomonosis in mixed flocks following high mortalities in toms

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    Abstract Background Histomonosis, caused by the protozoan parasite Histomonas meleagridis, is a severe disease especially in turkeys where it can cause high mortalities. Recently, outbreaks were described in which turkey hens showed no clinical signs despite high mortalities in toms, from which they were separated only by a wire fence. The present study investigated three similar outbreaks of histomonosis whereby in two of them only a few hens were being affected and none in the third. Hens from all flocks were kept until end of production and slaughtered as scheduled. However, in all three cases, the disease progressed in toms reaching nearly 100% within two weeks. Methods Following diagnosis of the disease, tissue samples were obtained from toms and hens at necropsy. Environmental dust, cloacal swabs and blood were taken on three successive farm visits within compartments of hens and toms and tested by real-time PCR or ELISA. The DNA from a total of 18 samples positive for H. meleagridis was further subjected to conventional PCR utilizing the 18S rRNA primers and sequenced for phylogenetic analysis. Results All tissue samples and some cloacal swabs were tested positive. Dust samples confirmed the presence of H. meleagridis DNA that spread within entire houses up to 6 weeks after the first clinical signs of histomonosis. Sequence analysis of the 18S rRNA locus demonstrated the presence of the same strain in birds of both sexes within each of the turkey houses. Investigation of serum samples two weeks post-initial diagnosis and prior to euthanasia resulted in antibody detection in 73% of toms and 70% of hens. Until the end of the investigation the number of positive hens per farm increased up to 100% with mean OD-values approaching those noticed in toms prior to euthanasia. Conclusions For the first time it could be demonstrated that turkey hens kept in the same house as toms became infected during fatal outbreaks in toms. This highlights the value of different diagnostics methods in order to trace the parasite in connection with the host response. The strange phenomenon that only single hens succumb to the diseases despite being infected requires further investigations

    Light-Controlled Reversible Modulation of Frontier Molecular Orbital Energy Levels in Trifluoromethylated Diarylethenes

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    Among bistable photochromic molecules, diarylethenes (DAEs) possess the distinct feature that upon photoisomerization they undergo a large modulation of their π-electronic system, accompanied by a marked shift of the HOMO/LUMO energies and hence oxidation/reduction potentials. The electronic modulation can be utilized to remote-control charge- as well as energy-transfer processes and it can be transduced to functional entities adjacent to the DAE core, thereby regulating their properties. In order to exploit such photoswitchable systems it is important to precisely adjust the absolute position of their HOMO and LUMO levels and to maximize the extent of the photoinduced shifts of these energy levels. Here, we present a comprehensive study detailing how variation of the substitution pattern of DAE compounds, in particular using strongly electron-accepting and chemically stable trifluoromethyl groups either in the periphery or at the reactive carbon atoms, allows for the precise tuning of frontier molecular orbital levels over a broad energy range and the generation of photoinduced shifts of more than 1 eV. Furthermore, the effect of different DAE architectures on the transduction of these shifts to an adjacent functional group is discussed. Whereas substitution in the periphery of the DAE motif has only minor implications on the photochemistry, trifluoromethylation at the reactive carbon atoms strongly disturbs the isomerization efficiency. However, this can be overcome by using a nonsymmetrical substitution pattern or by combination with donor groups, rendering the resulting photoswitches attractive candidates for the construction of remote-controlled functional systems.Peer Reviewe