33 research outputs found

    Examination of The Role of The Clamp-loader and ATP Hydrolysis in The Formation of The Bacteriophage T4 Polymerase Holoenzyme

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    Transient kinetic analyses further support the role of the clamp-loader in bacteriophage T4 as a catalyst which loads the clamp onto DNA through the sequential hydrolysis of two molecules of ATP before and after addition of DNA. Additional rapid-quench and pulse-chase experiments have documented this stoichiometry. The events of ATP hydrolysis have been related to the opening/closing of the clamp protein through fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). In the absence of a hydrolysable form of ATP, the distance across the subunit interface of the clamp does not increase as measured by intramolecular FRET, suggesting gp45 cannot be loaded onto DNA. Therefore, ATP hydrolysis by the clamp-loader appears to open the clamp wide enough to encircle DNA easily. Two additional molecules of ATP then are hydrolyzed to close the clamp onto DNA. The presence of an intermolecular FRET signal indicated that the dissociation of the clamp-loader from this complex occurred after guiding the polymerase onto the correct face of the clamp bound to DNA. The final holoenzyme complex consists of the clamp, DNA, and the polymerase. Although this sequential assembly mechanism can be generally applied to most other replication systems studied to date, the specifics of ATP utilization seem to vary across replication systems

    Examination of The Role of The Clamp-loader and ATP Hydrolysis in The Formation of The Bacteriophage T4 Polymerase Holoenzyme

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    Transient kinetic analyses further support the role of the clamp-loader in bacteriophage T4 as a catalyst which loads the clamp onto DNA through the sequential hydrolysis of two molecules of ATP before and after addition of DNA. Additional rapid-quench and pulse-chase experiments have documented this stoichiometry. The events of ATP hydrolysis have been related to the opening/closing of the clamp protein through fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). In the absence of a hydrolysable form of ATP, the distance across the subunit interface of the clamp does not increase as measured by intramolecular FRET, suggesting gp45 cannot be loaded onto DNA. Therefore, ATP hydrolysis by the clamp-loader appears to open the clamp wide enough to encircle DNA easily. Two additional molecules of ATP then are hydrolyzed to close the clamp onto DNA. The presence of an intermolecular FRET signal indicated that the dissociation of the clamp-loader from this complex occurred after guiding the polymerase onto the correct face of the clamp bound to DNA. The final holoenzyme complex consists of the clamp, DNA, and the polymerase. Although this sequential assembly mechanism can be generally applied to most other replication systems studied to date, the specifics of ATP utilization seem to vary across replication systems

    A trimeric DNA polymerase complex increases the native replication processivity

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    DNA polymerases are essential enzymes in all domains of life for both DNA replication and repair. The primary DNA replication polymerase from Sulfolobus solfataricus (SsoDpo1) has been shown previously to provide the necessary polymerization speed and exonuclease activity to replicate the genome accurately. We find that this polymerase is able to physically associate with itself to form a trimer and that this complex is stabilized in the presence of DNA. Analytical gel filtration and electrophoretic mobility shift assays establish that initially a single DNA polymerase binds to DNA followed by the cooperative binding of two additional molecules of the polymerase at higher concentrations of the enzyme. Protein chemical crosslinking experiments show that these are specific polymerase–polymerase interactions and not just separate binding events along DNA. Isothermal titration calorimetry and fluorescence anisotropy experiments corroborate these findings and show a stoichiometry where three polymerases are bound to a single DNA substrate. The trimeric polymerase complex significantly increases both the DNA synthesis rate and the processivity of SsoDpo1. Taken together, these results suggest the presence of a trimeric DNA polymerase complex that is able to synthesize long DNA strands more efficiently than the monomeric form

    Steric exclusion and wrapping of the excluded DNA strand occurs along discrete external binding paths during MCM helicase unwinding

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    The minichromosome maintenance (MCM) helicase complex is essential for the initiation and elongation of DNA replication in both the eukaryotic and archaeal domains. The archaeal homohexameric MCM helicase from Sulfolobus solfataricus serves as a model for understanding mechanisms of DNA unwinding. In this report, the displaced 5′-tail is shown to provide stability to the MCM complex on DNA and contribute to unwinding. Mutations in a positively charged patch on the exterior surface of the MCM hexamer destabilize this interaction, alter the path of the displaced 5′-tail DNA and reduce unwinding. DNA footprinting and single-molecule fluorescence experiments support a previously unrecognized wrapping of the 5′-tail. This mode of hexameric helicase DNA unwinding is termed the steric exclusion and wrapping (SEW) model, where the 3′-tail is encircled by the helicase while the displaced 5′-tail wraps around defined paths on the exterior of the helicase. The novel wrapping mechanism stabilizes the MCM complex in a positive unwinding mode, protects the displaced single-stranded DNA tail and prevents reannealing

    Structure of a highly conserved domain of rock1 required for shroom-mediated regulation of cell morphology

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    Rho-associated coiled coil containing protein kinase (Rho-kinase or Rock) is a well-defined determinant of actin organization and dynamics in most animal cells characterized to date. One of the primary effectors of Rock is non-muscle myosin II. Activation of Rock results in increased contractility of myosin II and subsequent changes in actin architecture and cell morphology. The regulation of Rock is thought to occur via autoinhibition of the kinase domain via intramolecular interactions between the N-terminus and the C-terminus of the kinase. This autoinhibited state can be relieved via proteolytic cleavage, binding of lipids to a Pleckstrin Homology domain near the C-terminus, or binding of GTP-bound RhoA to the central coiled-coil region of Rock. Recent work has identified the Shroom family of proteins as an additional regulator of Rock either at the level of cellular distribution or catalytic activity or both. The Shroom-Rock complex is conserved in most animals and is essential for the formation of the neural tube, eye, and gut in vertebrates. To address the mechanism by which Shroom and Rock interact, we have solved the structure of the coiled-coil region of Rock that binds to Shroom proteins. Consistent with other observations, the Shroom binding domain is a parallel coiled-coil dimer. Using biochemical approaches, we have identified a large patch of residues that contribute to Shrm binding. Their orientation suggests that there may be two independent Shrm binding sites on opposing faces of the coiled-coil region of Rock. Finally, we show that the binding surface is essential for Rock colocalization with Shroom and for Shroom-mediated changes in cell morphology. © 2013 Mohan et al

    Structural Mechanisms of Hexameric Helicase Loading, Assembly, and Unwinding [version 1; referees: 3 approved]

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    Hexameric helicases control both the initiation and the elongation phase of DNA replication. The toroidal structure of these enzymes provides an inherent challenge in the opening and loading onto DNA at origins, as well as the conformational changes required to exclude one strand from the central channel and activate DNA unwinding. Recently, high-resolution structures have not only revealed the architecture of various hexameric helicases but also detailed the interactions of DNA within the central channel, as well as conformational changes that occur during loading. This structural information coupled with advanced biochemical reconstitutions and biophysical methods have transformed our understanding of the dynamics of both the helicase structure and the DNA interactions required for efficient unwinding at the replisome

    Nucleic acid polymerases

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    vi, 342 p. : ill. ; 24 c

    Nucleic Acid Polymerases

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    VIII, 342 p. 76 illus., 53 illus. in color.onlin

    Kinetics and Fidelity of Polymerization by DNA Polymerase III from <i>Sulfolobus solfataricus</i>

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    We have biochemically and kinetically characterized the polymerase and exonuclease activities of the third B-family polymerase (Dpo3) from the hyperthermophilic Crenarchaeon, <i>Sulfolobus solfataricus</i> (<i>Sso</i>). We have established through mutagenesis that despite incomplete sequence conservation, the polymerase and exonuclease active sites are functionally conserved in Dpo3. Using pre-steady-state kinetics, we can measure the fidelity of nucleotide incorporation by Dpo3 from the polymerase active site alone to be 10<sup>3</sup>–10<sup>4</sup> at 37 °C. The functional exonuclease proofreading active site will increase fidelity by at least 10<sup>2</sup>, making Dpo3 comparable to other DNA polymerases in this family. Additionally, Dpo3's exonuclease activity is modulated by temperature, where a loss of promiscuous degradation activity can be attributed to a reorganization of the exonuclease domain when it is bound to primer–template DNA at high temperatures. Unexpectedly, the DNA binding affinity is weak compared with those of other DNA polymerases of this family. A comparison of the fidelity, polymerization kinetics, and associated functional exonuclease domain with those previously reported for other <i>Sso</i> polymerases (Dpo1 and Dpo4) illustrates that Dpo3 is a potential player in the proper maintenance of the archaeal genome