10 research outputs found

    Biological invasions in the aquatic ecosystems of Europe as a threat to biodiversity

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    In recent years biological invasions have become a serious ecological and socio-economic problem for many countries. Invasions are promoted by anthropogenic activity which is broadly understood as well as the instability of ecosystems. It carries a number of threats, often difficult to predict. The effects of invasion are long-term and occur on many levels of life. They can very often contribute to the extinction of native species, thus reducing biodiversity. According to the concept of sustainable development, the protection of biodiversity, and thus the prevention of biological invasions, is a necessary condition both to maintain the variety of nature, and to further the economic development of each country

    Biological invasions in the aquatic ecosystems of Europe as a threat to biodiversity

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    In recent years biological invasions have become a serious ecological and socio-economic problem for many countries. Invasions are promoted by anthropogenic activity which is broadly understood as well as the instability of ecosystems. It carries a number of threats, often difficult to predict. The effects of invasion are long-term and occur on many levels of life. They can very often contribute to the extinction of native species, thus reducing biodiversity. According to the concept of sustainable development, the protection of biodiversity, and thus the prevention of biological invasions, is a necessary condition both to maintain the variety of nature, and to further the economic development of each country

    Some method of determining the characteristic frequencies of ship's yawing and errors of ship's compasses during the sea-trials

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    The paper presents some method of determining the characteristic frequencies of ship's yawing and own oscillations of ship's compasses. Such information offers the possibilities of studying marine compass errors in dynamic conditions with Fourier transforms

    Europejska Sieć Obserwacji Morskich. Ogólna koncepcja

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    This paper presents the general outline of European Network for Maritime Surveillance (ENMS). Establishing such a network constitutes one of the main tasks of the Integrated Maritime Policy of the European Union, which is now being developed. The relations of that future network with the already existing Vessel Traffic Monitoring and Information System (VTMIS) of the European Union, as well as with the already developing Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) system and with the Global Earth Observing System of Systems (GEOSS) have also been shown.W referacie przedstawiono ogólną koncepcję Europejskiej Sieci Obserwacji Morskich (ENMS). Utworzenie takiego systemu stanowi jedno z podstawowych zadań opracowywanej obecnie Zintegrowanej Polityki Morskiej Unii Europejskiej. Przedstawiono również relacje tworzonego systemu z istniejącym już Systemem Monitoringu Ruchu Statków i Informacji (VTMIS) Unii Europejskiej oraz z powstającym europejskim systemem Globalnego Monitoringu Środowiska i Bezpieczeństwa (GMES) oraz z Globalnym Systemem Systemów Obserwacji Ziemi (GEOSS)

    Influence of present marine navigation conditions on developments in navigation

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    W artykule podjęto próbę przedstawienia i przedyskutowania współczesnych warunków rozwoju nawigacji morskiej. Na podstawie analizy czynników operacyjnych towarzyszących współczesnemu rozwojowi nawigacji morskiej autorzy doszli do wniosku, że trzy spośród wielu czynników środowiska nawigacji morskiej są najbardziej istotnymi i najbardziej charakterystycznymi: ochrona środowiska morskiego, globalizacja oraz zagrożenie ze strony terroryzmu morskiego.The paper makes an attempt to present and discuss today's conditions of developments in marine navigation. It is assumed that these present conditions of developments in maritime Józef Urbański, Wacław Morgaś, Mariusz Mięsikowski 116 Zeszyty Naukowe AMW navigation are as follows: protection of marine environment, globalization, especially the economic one, and maritime terrorism

    Nesting biology of Mimumesa littoralis (Bondroit, 1934) (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae) in Poland

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    The biology of Mimumesa littoralis was studied on sandy soil (Sierakowo) and wasteland with hard substrate (Kowalewo Pomorskie) in northern Poland. The study presents information on the bionomics of the rare digger wasp Mimumesa littoralis (Bondroit,1934). Females of Mimumesa littoralis nested both on sandy soil and wasteland with hard substrate. Their nests consisted of 2-3 cells. One cell contained up to 11 prey items belonging to species from five genera: Megadelphax spp., Dicranotropis hamata, Javesella spp., Laodelphax striatella, Javesella pellucida (Hemiptera: Delphacidae), and Streptanus sp. (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), which had not been previously reported in the literature. The frequency with which the female brought prey to the nest varied from 12 to 21 min. In addition, the kleptoparasite Senotainia conica (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) was found in the nest. Adult individuals were observed feeding on the flowers of Pimpinella sp

    EGNOS - accuracy performance in Poland

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    EGNOS - the first European satellite navigation system is a join project of the European Space Agency, Eurocontrol, European Commission and represents the fist step to towards Galileo - autonomous navigation satellite system of the 2nd generation (GNSS-2). The system Operational Readiness Review (ORR), took place in June 2005 and resumed of more than eight years of studies, works, leaded by ESA and an industrial consortium with Alcatel Space as the Prime Contractor. The Initial Operations Phase has therefore started in July 2005 as an effect of successful negotiations between ESA and European Satellite Services Provider. During the last years many different test, trials and measurement campaigns have been done in positioning, navigation, time services and other application for improving different characteristics of EGNOS [4, 5]. Some of them were also realised in Poland [1, 2] and observed accuracy confirm high system performances. Poland is at the edge of the system coverage then the system disturbances could be more probable than in the central part of the Europe. Presented paper reports final results of the, long-term static measuring campaigns, which were done before the EGNOS System Test Bed (ESTB) ending. Two-week accuracy analyses were done and the position error statistic distributions of system were also compared with the classical DGPS based on LF/MF reference station

    Behavioural and ecological data on Dryudella stigma (Panzer, 1809) (Hymenoptera, Astatidae) with the first description of the mature larva

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    Data on the bionomics of Dryudella stigma (Panzer, 1809) in Poland are presented. The larva is described for the first time for a European Dryudella, and second in the world with only larva of D. immigrans described before. The egg stage lasts 2–3 days, and the larval stage 11–14 days. The praepupal stage lasts the longest time and overwinters in a cocoon from mid-July to the end of May. The female provisions with an average of seven bug nymphs per cell, mainly of Aelia acuminata (Linnaeus, 1758) (Pentatomidae), less often Ceraleptus lividus Stein, 1858 (Coreidae) and Corizus hyoscyami (Linnaeus, 1758) (Rhopalidae). Nests are built in sandy, shaded areas and consist of the main burrow, 10–12 cm long, and one terminal cell. Males are most often found in sunny areas. Adults visit Achillea millefolium L., Asteraceae, as the main source of nectar