46 research outputs found

    Net carbon dioxide emissions from an eroding Atlantic blanket bog

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    The net impact of greenhouse gas emissions from degraded peatland environments on national Inventories and subsequent mitigation of such emissions has only been seriously considered within the last decade. Data on greenhouse gas emissions from special cases of peatland degradation, such as eroding peatlands, are particularly scarce. Here, we report the first eddy covariance-based monitoring of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from an eroding Atlantic blanket bog. The CO2 budget across the period July 2018–November 2019 was 147 (± 9) g C m−2. For an annual budget that contained proportionally more of the extreme 2018 drought and heat wave, cumulative CO2 emissions were nearly double (191 g C m−2) of that of an annual period without drought (106 g C m−2), suggesting that direct CO2 emissions from eroded peatlands are at risk of increasing with projected changes in temperatures and precipitation due to global climate change. The results of this study are consistent with chamber-based and modelling studies that suggest degraded blanket bogs to be a net source of CO2 to the atmosphere, and provide baseline data against which to assess future peatland restoration efforts in this region

    A site-specific analysis of the implications of a changing ozone profile and climate for stomatal ozone fluxes in Europe

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    In this study, we used eight sites from across Europe to investigate the implications of a future climate (2 °C warmer and 20% drier) and a changing ozone profile (increased background concentrations and reduced peaks) on stomatal ozone fluxes of three widely occurring plant species. A changing ozone profile with small increases in background ozone concentrations over the course of a growing season could have significant impacts on the annual accumulated stomatal ozone uptake, even if peak concentrations of ozone are reduced. Predicted increases in stomatal ozone uptake showed a strong relationship with latitude and were larger at sites from northern and mid-Europe than those from southern Europe. At the sites from central and northern regions of Europe, including the UK and Sweden, climatic conditions were highly conducive to stomatal ozone uptake by vegetation during the summer months and therefore an increase in daily mean ozone concentration of 3–16% during this time of year (from increased background concentrations, reduced peaks) would have a large impact on stomatal ozone uptake. In contrast, during spring and autumn, the climatic conditions can limit ozone uptake for many species. Although small increases in ozone concentration during these seasons could cause a modest increase in ozone uptake, for those species that are active at low temperatures, a 2 °C increase in temperature would increase stomatal ozone uptake even in the absence of further increases in ozone concentration. Predicted changes in climate could alter ozone uptake even with no change in ozone profile. For some southern regions of Europe, where temperatures are close to or above optimum for stomatal opening, an increase in temperature of 2 °C could limit stomatal ozone uptake by enhancing stomatal closure during the summer months, whereas during the spring, when many plants are actively growing, a small increase in temperature would increase stomatal ozone uptake

    Sniffer ER26. Model validation using monitored data from Scottish poultry farms

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    The report outlines the bespoke monitoring conducted for the validation of the SCAIL tool in order to better assess that the tool provides realistic yet conservative results. Two farm sites were selected for the validation monitoring. The study collected data for odour, ammonia and airborne particulate data as well as recording on-site meteorological information. In conclusion the SCAIL-Agriculture model was found to broadly meet recognised acceptability criteria for the prediction of ammonia, PM10 and odour concentration arising from farm buildings. There are however a number of areas where further research could clearly improve the assessment of agricultural sources

    Neural Network Analysis to Evaluate Ozone Damage to Vegetation Under Different Climatic Conditions

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    Tropospheric ozone (O-3) is probably the air pollutant most damaging to vegetation. Understanding how plants respond to O(3)pollution under different climate conditions is of central importance for predicting the interactions between climate change, ozone impact and vegetation. This work analyses the effect of O(3)fluxes on net ecosystem productivity (NEP), measured directly at the ecosystem level with the eddy covariance (EC) technique. The relationship was explored with artificial neural networks (ANNs), which were used to model NEP using environmental and phenological variables as inputs in addition to stomatal O(3)uptake in Spring and Summer, when O(3)pollution is expected to be highest. A sensitivity analysis allowed us to isolate the effect of O-3, visualize the shape of the O-3-NEP functional relationship and explore how climatic variables affect NEP response to O-3. This approach has been applied to eleven ecosystems covering a range of climatic areas. The analysis highlighted that O(3)effects over NEP are highly non-linear and site-specific. A significant but small NEP reduction was found during Spring in a Scottish shrubland (-0.67%), in two Italian forests (up to -1.37%) and during Summer in a Californian orange orchard (-1.25%). Although the overall seasonal effect of O(3)on NEP was not found to be negative for the other sites, with episodic O(3)detrimental effect still identified. These episodes were correlated with meteorological variables showing that O(3)damage depends on weather conditions. By identifying O(3)damage under field conditions and the environmental factors influencing to that damage, this work provides an insight into O(3)pollution, climate and weather conditions.Peer reviewe

    Assessing the bias of molybdenum catalytic conversion in the measurement of NO2 in rural air quality networks

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    The measurement method of NO2 with continuous analysers is specified for EU Ambient Air Quality Directive compliance reporting, which provides a consistent methodology and concurrent NO measurements (85/203/EEC-NO2). While the established method of measurement of NO2, following conversion of NO2 to NO using a molybdenum-conversion process, has known interference uncertainties (due to conversion of other oxidised nitrogen (NOy) chemicals, the consistency and traceability of compliance measurement is important. This study compared three continuous NO2 analyser instruments: a Thermo-NOx molybdenum convertor chemiluminescence analyser (Model 42C, ThermoFisher Scientific Inc., MA, USA), a photolytic chemiluminescence analyser (T200UP, Teledyne Technologies Inc., San Diego, USA) and a Cavity Attenuated Phase Shift (CAPS) analyser (T500U, Teledyne Technologies Inc., CA, USA). The instruments were run for over a year at the Auchencorth Moss long-term peatland monitoring site (Southeast Scotland) which is a low NOx atmosphere away from sources. NOy and NHx chemicals were also measured concurrently. This study concludes that there is a strong artefact in molybdenum catalyst chemiluminescent instruments as a result of unselective catalysis of airborne NOy compounds that causes an overestimate of NO2 measured in the atmosphere. The observed artefact in concentration measurements is likely to be observed at the entire UK scale as almost the entirety of the rural air network relies on molybdenum catalyst instruments. We therefore recommend that molybdenum catalyst instruments should be phased out and replaced in air quality monitoring networks with molecule specific (spectroscopy) instrumentation (equivalent in cost, such as those described in this study) that do not suffer from the same measurement artefacts

    The nitrogen, carbon and greenhouse gas budget of a grazed, cut and fertilised temperate grassland

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    Intensively managed grazed grasslands in temperate climates are globally important environments for the exchange of the greenhouse gases (GHGs) carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4). We assessed the N and C budget of a mostly grazed and occasionally cut and fertilised grassland in SE Scotland by measuring or modelling all relevant imports and exports to the field as well as changes in soil C and N stocks over time. The N budget was dominated by import from inorganic and organic fertilisers (21.9 g N m−2 a−1) and losses from leaching (5.3 g N m−2 a−1), N2 emissions (2.9 g N m−2 a−1), and NOx and NH3 volatilisation (3.9 g N m−2 a−1), while N2O emission was only 0.6 g N m−2 a−1. The efficiency of N use by animal products (meat and wool) averaged 9.9 % of total N input over only-grazed years (2004–2010). On average over 9 years (2002–2010), the balance of N fluxes suggested that 6.0 ± 5.9 g N m−2 a−1 (mean ± confidence interval at p > 0.95) were stored in the soil. The largest component of the C budget was the net ecosystem exchange of CO2 (NEE), at an average uptake rate of 218 ± 155 g C m−2 a−1 over the 9 years. This sink strength was offset by carbon export from the field mainly as grass offtake for silage (48.9 g C m−2 a−1) and leaching (16.4 g C m−2 a−1). The other export terms, CH4 emissions from the soil, manure applications and enteric fermentation, were negligible and only contributed to 0.02–4.2 % of the total C losses. Only a small fraction of C was incorporated into the body of the grazing animals. Inclusion of these C losses in the budget resulted in a C sink strength of 163 ± 140 g C m−2 a−1. By contrast, soil stock measurements taken in May 2004 and May 2011 indicated that the grassland sequestered N in the 0–60 cm soil layer at 4.51 ± 2.64 g N m−2 a−1 and lost C at a rate of 29.08 ± 38.19 g C m−2 a−1. Potential reasons for the discrepancy between these estimates are probably an underestimation of C losses, especially from leaching fluxes as well as from animal respiration. The average greenhouse gas (GHG) balance of the grassland was −366 ± 601 g CO2 eq. m−2 yr−1 and was strongly affected by CH4 and N2O emissions. The GHG sink strength of the NEE was reduced by 54 % by CH4 and N2O emissions. Estimated enteric fermentation from ruminating sheep proved to be an important CH4 source, exceeding the contribution of N2O to the GHG budget in some years

    Meteorological measurements at Auchencorth Moss from 1995 to 2016

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    The Auchencorth Moss atmospheric observatory has being measuring meteorological parameters since 1995. The site was originally set‐up to measure the deposition of sulphur dioxide at a site that represented the vegetation and climate typical of NW Europe, in relatively clean background air. It is one of the longest running flux monitoring sites in the region, over semi‐natural vegetation, providing infrastructure and support for many measurement campaigns and continuous monitoring of air pollutants and greenhouse gases. The meteorological sensors that are used, data processing and quality reviewing procedures are described for a set of core measurements up to 2016. These core measurements are essential for the interpretation of the other atmospheric variables