450 research outputs found

    Measurement of Double-Polarization Asymmetries in the Quasielastic (3)(He)over-right-arrow((e)over-right-arrow,e \u27 d) Process

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    We present a precise measurement of double-polarization asymmetries in the (3)(He) over right arrow((e) over right arrow ,e\u27d) reaction. This particular process is a uniquely sensitive probe of hadron dynamics in He-3 and the structure of the underlying electromagnetic currents. The measurements have been performed in and around quasielastic kinematics at Q(2) = 0.25(GeV/c)(2) for missing momenta up to 270 MeV/c. The asymmetries are in fair agreement with the state-of-the-art calculations in terms of their functional dependencies on p(m) and omega, but are systematically offset. Beyond the region of the quasielastic peak, the discrepancies become even more pronounced. Thus, our measurements have been able to reveal deficiencies in the most sophisticated calculations of the three-body nuclear system, and indicate that further refinement in the treatment of their two-and/or three-body dynamics is required

    Statistics of counter-streaming solar wind suprathermal electrons at solar minimum : STEREO observations

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    Previous work has shown that solar wind suprathermal electrons can display a number of features in terms of their anisotropy. Of importance is the occurrence of counter-streaming electron patterns, i.e., with "beams" both parallel and anti-parallel to the local magnetic field, which is believed to shed light on the heliospheric magnetic field topology. In the present study, we use STEREO data to obtain the statistical properties of counter-streaming suprathermal electrons (CSEs) in the vicinity of corotating interaction regions (CIRs) during the period March–December 2007. Because this period corresponds to a minimum of solar activity, the results are unrelated to the sampling of large-scale coronal mass ejections, which can lead to CSE owing to their closed magnetic field topology. The present study statistically confirms that CSEs are primarily the result of suprathermal electron leakage from the compressed CIR into the upstream regions with the combined occurrence of halo depletion at 90° pitch angle. The occurrence rate of CSE is found to be about 15–20% on average during the period analyzed (depending on the criteria used), but superposed epoch analysis demonstrates that CSEs are preferentially observed both before and after the passage of the stream interface (with peak occurrence rate >35% in the trailing high speed stream), as well as both inside and outside CIRs. The results quantitatively show that CSEs are common in the solar wind during solar minimum, but yet they suggest that such distributions would be much more common if pitch angle scattering were absent. We further argue that (1) the formation of shocks contributes to the occurrence of enhanced counter-streaming sunward-directed fluxes, but does not appear to be a necessary condition, and (2) that the presence of small-scale transients with closed-field topologies likely also contributes to the occurrence of counter-streaming patterns, but only in the slow solar wind prior to CIRs

    Highly dynamic cellular-level response of symbiotic coral to a sudden increase in environmental nitrogen

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    Metabolic interactions with endosymbiotic photosynthetic dinoflagellate Symbiodinium spp. are fundamental to reefbuilding corals (Scleractinia) thriving in nutrient-poor tropical seas. Yet, detailed understanding at the single-cell level of nutrient assimilation, translocation, and utilization within this fundamental symbiosis is lacking. Using pulse-chase 15N labeling and quantitative ion microprobe isotopic imaging (NanoSIMS; nanoscale secondary-ion mass spectrometry), we visualized these dynamic processes in tissues of the symbiotic coral Pocillopora damicornis at the subcellular level. Assimilation of ammonium, nitrate, and aspartic acid resulted in rapid incorporation of nitrogen into uric acid crystals (after ~45 min), forming temporary N storage sites within the dinoflagellate endosymbionts. Subsequent intracellular remobilization of this metabolite was accompanied by translocation of nitrogenous compounds to the coral host, starting at ~6 h. Within the coral tissue, nitrogen is utilized in specific cellular compartments in all four epithelia, including mucus chambers, Golgi bodies, and vesicles in calicoblastic cells. Our study shows how nitrogen-limited symbiotic corals take advantage of sudden changes in nitrogen availability; this opens new perspectives for functional studies of nutrient storage and remobilization in microbial symbioses in changing reef environments. IMPORTANCE The methodology applied, combining transmission electron microscopy with nanoscale secondary-ion mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS) imaging of coral tissue labeled with stable isotope tracers, allows quantification and submicrometric localization of metabolic fluxes in an intact symbiosis. This study opens the way for investigations of physiological adaptations of symbiotic systems to nutrient availability and for increasing knowledge of global nitrogen and carbon biogeochemical cycling. © 2013 Kopp et al

    Spatial and seasonal contrasts of sedimentary organic matter in floodplain lakes of the central Amazon basin

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    In this study, we investigated the seasonal andspatial pattern of sedimentary organic matter (SOM) in fivefloodplain lakes of the central Amazon basin (Cabaliana,Janauaca, Canaçari, Mirituba and Curuai) which have differentmorphologies, hydrodynamics and vegetation coverages.Surface sediments were collected in four hydrologicalseasons: low water (LW), rising water (RW), high water(HW) and falling water (FW) in 2009 and 2010.We investigatedcommonly used bulk geochemical tracers such as theC V N ratio and the stable isotopic composition of organic carbon(?13Corg/. These results were compared with lignin phenolparameters as an indicator of vascular plant detritus andbranched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (brGDGTs) totrace the input of soil organic matter (OM) from land to theaquatic settings. We also applied the crenarchaeol as an indicatorof aquatic (rivers and lakes) OM. Our data showed thatduring the RW and FW seasons, the surface sediments wereenriched in lignin and brGDGTs in comparison to other seasons.Our study also indicated that floodplain lake sedimentsprimarily consisted of allochthonous, C3 plant-derived OM.However, a downstream increase in C4 macrophyte-derivedOM contribution was observed along the gradient of increasingopen waters – i.e., from upstream to downstream. Accordingly,we attribute the temporal and spatial difference inSOM composition to the hydrological dynamics between thefloodplain lakes and the surrounding flooded forests

    Measurement of the Target-Normal Single-Spin Asymmetry in Quasielastic Scattering from the Reaction He-3(up arrow) (e,e \u27)

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    We report the first measurement of the target single-spin asymmetry, A(y), in quasielastic scattering from the inclusive reaction He-3(up arrow)(e,e\u27) on a He-3 gas target polarized normal to the lepton scattering plane. Assuming time-reversal invariance, this asymmetry is strictly zero for one-photon exchange. A nonzero A(y) can arise from the interference between the one-and two-photon exchange processes which is sensitive to the details of the substructure of the nucleon. An experiment recently completed at Jefferson Lab yielded asymmetries with high statistical precision at Q(2) = 0.13, 0.46, and 0.97 GeV2. These measurements demonstrate, for the first time, that the He-3 asymmetry is clearly nonzero and negative at the 4 sigma-9 sigma level. Using measured proton-to-He-3 cross-section ratios and the effective polarization approximation, neutron asymmetries of -(1-3)% were obtained. The neutron asymmetry at high Q(2) is related to moments of the generalized parton distributions (GPDs). Our measured neutron asymmetry at Q(2) = 0.97 GeV2 agrees well with a prediction based on two-photon exchange using a GPD model and thus provides a new, independent constraint on these distributions

    On the Stability of Quasi-Equilibrium Self-Gravitating Configurations in a Tidal Field

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    The possibility that quasi-equilibrium self-gravitating galaxy-like configurations exist in a tidal field is analyzed in this paper. More specifically, we address the question of how to predict initial configurations modeling galaxies that are able to survive environmental effects in a dense environment for a Hubble time or so, provided thay dynamical friction is neglected. The initial quasi-equilibrium configurations have been built up taking into account the external tidal field produced by the halo. It modifies the escape velocity field of the configuration, compared with isolated configurations. The survival of the configurations as they orbit inside the halos has been studied through N-body simulations. As a general result, it has been found out that the bulk of the models is conserved along 12.5 Gyears of evolution, and that the low rates of mass losses they experience are consistent with those expected when the adiabatic protection hypothesis is at work. So, solutions for galaxy configurations in tidal quasi-equilibrium have been found, showing that tidal stripping in quiescent phases does not seem to be very important, unless that the density of the galaxy environment at its formation had been much lower than that of the galaxy environment at the point of its orbit where the tidal perturbation is maximum. (Abridged)Comment: 36 pages, 7 postscript figures, to be published in Ap

    High-Latitude GPS TEC Changes Associated With a Sudden Magnetospheric Compression

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    第2回極域科学シンポジウム/第35回極域宙空圏シンポジウム 11月15日(火) 国立極地研究所 2階大会議

    Polarization transfer in wide-angle Compton scattering and single-pion photoproduction from the proton

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    Wide-angle exclusive Compton scattering and single-pion photoproduction from the proton have been investigated via measurement of the polarization transfer from a circularly polarized photon beam to the recoil proton. The wide-angle Compton scattering polarization transfer was analyzed at an incident photon energy of 3.7 GeV at a proton scattering angle of θpcm=70°. The longitudinal transfer KLL, measured to be 0.645±0.059±0.048, where the first error is statistical and the second is systematic, has the same sign as predicted for the reaction mechanism in which the photon interacts with a single quark carrying the spin of the proton. However, the observed value is ∼3 times larger than predicted by the generalized-parton-distribution-based calculations, which indicates a significant unknown contribution to the scattering amplitude

    Measurement of the Target-Normal Single-Spin Asymmetry in Quasi-Elastic Scattering from the Reaction 3^3He(e,e)^\uparrow(e,e^\prime)

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    We report the first measurement of the target single-spin asymmetry, AyA_y, in quasi-elastic scattering from the inclusive reaction 3^3He(e,e)^{\uparrow}(e,e^\prime) on a 3^3He gas target polarized normal to the lepton scattering plane. Assuming time-reversal invariance, this asymmetry is strictly zero for one-photon exchange. A non-zero AyA_y can arise from the interference between the one- and two-photon exchange processes which is sensitive to the details of the sub-structure of the nucleon. An experiment recently completed at Jefferson Lab yielded asymmetries with high statistical precision at Q2=Q^{2}= 0.13, 0.46 and 0.97 GeV2^{2}. These measurements demonstrate, for the first time, that the 3^3He asymmetry is clearly non-zero and negative with a statistical significance of (8-10)σ\sigma. Using measured proton-to-3^{3}He cross-section ratios and the effective polarization approximation, neutron asymmetries of -(1-3)% were obtained. The neutron asymmetry at high Q2Q^2 is related to moments of the Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs). Our measured neutron asymmetry at Q2=0.97Q^2=0.97 GeV2^2 agrees well with a prediction based on two-photon exchange using a GPD model and thus provides a new, independent constraint on these distributions